Sun Myung Moon's Speeches from 2003 |
Happy Day of the Declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath
Sun Myung Moon
August 4, 2003
North Garden
Kodiak, Alaska
Michael Jenkins
In Alaska the sun goes down at 11 pm at this time of the year therefore Father can go out much longer or at anytime. Suddenly he went for fishing at 5 pm on Sunday night the night before pledge service. Father and Mother came back at around 7:30 pm and the leaders from around the world had dinner and closed the evening.
7 am Pledge Service
We gathered for the main pledge service at 6:30 in preparation for the 7 am pledge service. Rev. Sun Jo Hwang International President of the FFWPUI and Dr. Yang, North American Continental director worked to make sure everything was prepared for our True Parents. Rev. Hwang went over the procedures for this holy day pledge service. Representatives from the three primary nations of Korea, Japan and America as well as all the major religions of the world are all represented by Blessed Couples. One unique aspect of pledge that began on May 31 with the True Day of All Things is that Dae Mo Nim (Represented by Hoon Mo Nim) now bows together with True Children. Today, Mrs. Chang (the bride of Jesus) also was asked to bow with True Children. This means that they are representatives of the True Family before heaven. Also representatives are chosen from the Cain world and the Abel world as well as the spirit world.
The offering table was a beautiful and rich offering before the Lord. All the fruits of creation are perfectly stacked in circular towers. In addition, candy, cookies and every imaginable representation of the creation is there as well as prepared dishes for God.
Father and Mother entered and the room was silent and holy. We wore Sunday dress for pledge with no holy robes. Father began with lighting the candles. First the one on the far right, then the left then back and forth toward the center. Some of the candles were not so easy to light so Father asked Dr. Yang to bring the far right candle that was burning. Then True Mother took that candle with Dr. Yang's help and continued to light the candles. True Parents stood side by side facing the altar and offered prayer before heaven. Then True Parents bowed. One interesting thing at this service was that Father and Mother together went to their places behind the altar. Then the True Family members came to bow with Dae Mo Nim and Jesus' bride. Then all blessed couples bowed. Then the three primary nations and then the representatives from each continent. Dr. Yang (North America) and many more. Rev. Eugene Harnet represented Europe and Rev. Ernie Ho represented Africa. Then the various representatives came and bowed.
Father is at 100% full power. Father wore a dark blue suit with light blue shirt and maroon tie, Mother wore a green knit suit with stripes of black and white trim on the cuffs and the front. Mother and Father are the Parents of Heaven and Earth and they are standing with such an air of dignity and heart. After the prayers True Parents cut the holiday cake and then Dr. Yang led three cheers of Ok Monsei. True Parents distributed the offering table to True Family, including Dae Mo Nim and Jesus' bride. Then to everyone through Rev. Hwang and Dr. Yang.
True Parents chairs were brought out to the right of the altar and we began our Hoon Dok Hae.
Mrs. Won Ju McDevitt read Hoon Dok Hae from the address of True Father at the 1997 ceremony for the Chil Pal Jeol. She read:
Father's prayer from 1997. "Today, it is the year 1997, July 7th, 7 o'clock, 7 minutes, 7 seconds. Your son, Moon Sun Myung, is age 77. These eight [recurrences] of the number seven signify that the number seven can connect to the number eight so that it becomes the time of the Sabbath and a new beginning day. ... Now all Unification members, centering on a family which inherits the tradition, heart and authority of Heaven, can attend God, can have God rest in a nation, the world and the cosmos, so that they can face the victorious time when Kingship in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in Heaven are established at the same time. The Foundation of the Sabbath where God and True Parents can travel freely expands from a family level to a cosmic level."True Parents Declaration Day of The Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath of the Parents of Heaven and Earth
If God would be the mind of Adam the spirit world and physical world would be one. Due to the fall all was lost. God's body has to be restored. Therefore through True Parents God's individual body, family and children were reclaimed by God. The son and the Father must become one. Sons and daughters must unite.
Won Ju:
The history of restoration is the path of tears and difficulty for God. That's why this day of the Cosmic Sabbath came with great indemnity. Upon the foundation established by True Parents through the blessing could the Sabbath of God be declared.
There is no Father and Mother realm in the spirit world. That's why I've been indemnifying that role. You have to go to the spirit world centering on the True Love of True Parents. On the foundation of the Cheon Il Guk blessing that you received on February 6th you could then register your blessed couple in the heavenly kingdom. If you don't have a child, its not a family. It is very sad if someone doesn't have a child. The children receive milk from their mother's breast. If you don't have children you cannot complete the purpose of creation.
True Parents are the King and Queen of this world and Heavenly Father is the King of the Spirit world. You must become in a harmonious object position to True Parents. Then God will directly guide you. God is the center of the spirit world. God is meant to be the very center of Husband and Wife. If the substantial True Family cannot come then God cannot dwell upon this earth.
Without going through the liberation and blessing of your ancestors your family cannot stand. This is absolutely essential. True Love, True Life and True Lineage must be achieved on the foundation of Absolute Faith, Absolute Love and Absolute Obedience. Dr. Yang, do you understand? That's why I'm saying that the ancestors must be blessed. Without knowing this content you cannot establish your family as the dwelling of God. The key is True Love, True Life and True Lineage. These three are the essential foundations for the blessed family. True Mother had to overcome every imaginable trial to achieve this Cosmic Sabbath for God and True Parents. Every detail of history, every trial had to be overcome. You must seek to understand this course so that you can guide your family accordingly. You cannot be connected to the false lineage. You must cut it off. Because your mind and body is not united you have trouble. The sexual organs must become one between husband and wife so that there is no possibility of separation. Husband and wife must become one centering on God and the vertical line. When husband and wife become completely one in heart and body then God can descend and become one with this union. In the mothers womb through the child the man and woman become one. This centers on the Mother and Father. Absolute Faith, Absolute Love, Absolute Obedience and Absolute Investment will become the True Owner. Through this course we must inherit the realm of heart of God.
In the spirit world, if our mind and body are separated we cannot stand with God. Jesus prayed to God, "Please Father let this cup pass from me". Because if Jesus could not complete the blessing with his spouse there would be no base for God to dwell. That's why husbands and wives were brought here. Without your spouse you cannot stand as the dwelling place of God. I have to give out everything, and in the substantial realm is one in which everything is given for others. That's why we must educate everyone concerning the value of couples.
Dr. Yang, Mr. Joo, do you understand. Couples should pray together holding hands before heaven. (Shil Tak Kwon). Father spoke to Mrs. Chang (bride of Jesus), you must bless your relatives. Never think that others are the problem, only think that I am the problem. We find that Jesus came to bless humanity but he could not because he could not find his bride. Everyone without exception must be grafted into the True Olive Tree. You have to love each other and become one. Dr. Yang do you understand? Mrs. Yang are you becoming one with your husband? Is Neil Salonen here? (Dr. Yang - he could not come). Dr. Hendricks - Yes! The couples must become one.
You are resembling the substantial body of God. Therefore your couple must be one. This is the most important thing. This is the essence of why Mother and I could establish the Cosmic Sabbath. How must the Unification church go. It must go through formation, growth and perfection stage.
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