Sun Myung Moon's Speeches from 2003 |
Hoon Dok Hae in Kodiak
Sun Myung Moon
August 5, 2003
North Garden
Kodiak, Alaska
True Parents entered at 4:58 am. At 5 am we did full Kyung Beh. Then Mrs. Won Ju McDevitt read from Father's speech:
Moslem, Christian and Judaism, this is where they have to come together in this age. We have to understand that Jesus is the True Parent. Can the sin of killing the True Parent be forgiven. How can God forgive such an act. That is the work we are doing now. To untangle this problem. We are to bring healing and forgiveness for this sin and then unite the Moslem, Christian and Jewish leaders.
Our Unification tradition is not an association or simple organization but is the movement of God that can restore and bless you, your family, your relatives and create the conditions to save mankind.
Prayer from The May 4th Declaration Prayer:
Declaratory Prayer for the Day of the Great Transition to the Realm of Dominion of the Ideal of Creation
Beloved Father! Today is May 4th in Cheon Il Guk Year Three, the first Sabbath of this month. Up to now, April has been a month in which there was continuous historical struggle and confrontation between the satanic world and Heaven centering on the Unification Church.
From this month and hour, now Heaven and Earth can grandly welcome "one heart, one body and one mindset" with God, which is centered on absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal love, and upon God's true love, true life and true lineage. God is establishing the original standard in which Heaven can be the subject and the Archangel the substantial expression of the object. Centering on the God of the mind, the God of the flesh, centering on the Kingdom of Heaven of thought and of the surroundings, we in the Unification Church have worked to create oneness centering on absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, in order that this Kingdom may be established.
Due to the faithlessness of our first ancestors, everything that was planned in the original ideal of creation was lost. While devoting Himself to re-creating history, God Himself lost His place to stand, the foundations upon which God's own mind and body and unified idea could land on the earth, and all He had accomplished centering on Adam and Eve's family. We know that You have been shedding Your blood throughout the course of history, throughout the course of re-creation--namely of indemnity--for our sake.
Heavenly Father, although You took responsibility for history. Despite the fact of originally being in the position of the Owner who could do whatever You want, and in the position of the Central Being with dominion over all things, You were placed in the position where You could not touch or control the universe, and You had no choice but to hand it over to the satanic world. To restore this, to establish the sphere of religion, You established Israel and Judaism. This work was prolonged and expanded from the first Israel to the second Israel and third Israel, as we learned from the Principle.
All things that were supposed to be united into one shattered into pieces and were turned upside down throughout our fragmented history because all the indemnity courses blocked heaven and earth, and passed each other in all directions. Therefore True Parents came to the earth to walk the course of re-creation, which God is carrying out.
We know how hard You have striven to reconnect all the divisions in the world of microscopic organisms, minerals, plants, animals, humans and even in the heavenly world in the providence of re-creation through our ancestors in history centering on religious realm and the nation of Israel.
Therefore, we should restore back what was lost centering on love of God's ideal of creation; in the world of minerals, world of plants, world of animals, world of humanity, and the heavenly world. You, Heavenly Father, and we, True Parents, should create the realm of oneness for the Parents of Heaven and Earth to have independent authority over heaven and earth. The Parents of Heaven and Earth being united with the ideal of creation of original liberation, and with the family ideal of creation, I sincerely hope and ask You to guide us to create one unified world between the heavenly world and physical world.
Knowing this, I truly hope the entire content of the prayer at this time to be united with You. Through our prayer, all beings in the heavenly world and in the physical world can be embraced in the bosom of God's love, and be free from the bond of the fall. Now we can have the origin of liberation, and only the free new world will be ahead of our Unification Movement. Now, I truly hope all of us, based on a heart of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and having one heart, one body and one mind-set with You. I sincerely ask You to allow this time to be the moment when the blessed families in the heavenly world and the physical world can inherit the origin of God and the fundamental root of true love in the place of owners of all things. This world is full of suffering, misfortune, and ordeals. However, as You, Heavenly Father, wish and as You are in control, the angelic world is being pushed into the middle realm spirit world. Now the heavenly kingdom, paradise and hell are growing from a flat plane through the course of the formation age, growth age, and perfection age to the age of equalization. Likewise, the entire heaven and earth being in God's bosom, standing on the standard of equality, go through the stages of perfected formation, perfected growth and perfected perfection. Through that, we allow this age where people hold the heavenly ownership and heavenly family according to the stages they belong.
Please, Father, accept this with joy, as we sincerely and sincerely report and hereby proclaim in the name of True Parents for all nations and all things to go straight into the age of liberation. Amen! Amen! Amen! May 10th Speech (Please see attachment) Father spoke: No one else could go this way. Only the True Parents could walk this way of restoration. Without the establishment of Kingship none of this could be done. We have to know this and develop this principle. All of these accomplishments of suffering for tens of thousands of years. This was encapsulated in the 7 year course. What is the blessing. Adam and Eve lost their family. Because of the Authority of True Parents the first Adam, second Adam and third Adam could all be completed by True Parents restoring all the situations of Adam. You have to know all of this to understand the course. This was all accomplished through the law of indemnity. This is why Adam's responsibility has to be fulfilled. My mother and father, the registration of their marriage and birth occurred with the Coronation and Cheon Il Guk Blessing as well as my brothers and sisters. That's why through this the realm of object could be established. This could all be connected with True Adam and True Parents. All the things on the top go to the bottom and all things on the bottom go to the top. This is restoration. By receiving the blessing he could have such authority. What is the biggest enemy. The attack on the purity of men and women. That's why Adam and Eve without the connection to heaven cannot be established. Without the Cheon Il Guk blessing the registration and birth of your family could not be established. Only True Parents can do this. This is a most incredible truth. This is like a dream but it is real. From a position that no one could believe, I now have all authority on heaven and earth. You are listening to this.
May was very important. This made a path from the world back to heaven and back. Everything was restored through this course from March to May. In America homosexual marriage is being allowed. This kind of thing can destroy everything in one generation. We are seeing a very positive and negative world. Finally through the blessing and registration and rebirth we can go to heaven. All the fallen process in the Satanic world must be overturned and reversed. Everyone say Pit Jool. (Blood lineage). What kind of lineage are we talking about? The lineage of True Love. The false lineage must be reversed through True Parents. The dirty blood must be cleansed. God centered on the first second and third generation. If you do not have a third generation (grandchildren) it cannot be a True Family. You must have three generation.
Because Adam and Eve fell they lost all three generations (God, A & E and the grandchildren). This is what is recovered through the blessing of marriage and the establishment of three generations. You must understand the value of the change of blood lineage. You must go through the bone marrow. You must go back to the original womb and be born again. Unification church members, if you do whatever you want, you just eat delicious food without even thinking about it. You should be always thinking of the course of restoration. Father and Mother walked this way. The mind, body and heart must come together as one. The family within God's tradition has a completed lineage connected through True Love through three generations. The fall is due to receiving the false lineage. They could not simply receive the new lineage. They had to go through the 8 stages of restoration and restoration. You have no idea how serious this situation is. You cannot think that you will do all these things instead of True Father. What is the fall - the satanic lineage. You have to return to the original lineage. From the position of the original position we must receive God's True Love. You must go through indemnity as an individual. (Through the confession of Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Moses and Jesus).
You cannot run from this path of restoration. Because Father had the heart to restore everything this could occur. Through the true lineage we could be in the position of inheritance before God. Only through this path can you inherit. Therefore you must REPENT. Jesus said Repent. John the Baptist was calling for repentance on an individual level. True Father's call of repentance is on a far different level. This is connected with the restoration of the True Family and the Cosmos all within your own lineage. For this to occur you must repent for all of your failures and the failures of you lineage and that of the religious leaders. Then with this foundation of repentance we can receive our inheritance from True Parents. In front of the providence everything has to become clear and strong. Everything must be resolved. How important it is that you have a grandson. The third generation is crucial. Those who go into he world of free sex have to be burnt. Because Eve fell, how much suffering God went through. True Parents had to begin from the very bottom of hell. The whole history of the fall and history, everything of the Satanic world must be burnt.
When I look I feel sorry for the people. They are trapped in this satanic world. All their ways of the fall and free sex must be burnt by the fire.
Then Won Ju read the May 12th Speech: When Jesus was on the cross there was the thief on the right and on the left. This is the restoration course. Abel and Cain repeats all through history. We are seeking the time when all restoration can occur. Between black and white and all divisions.
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