Sun Myung Moon's Speeches from 2004 |
21st Day of The Victory of Love
Sun Myung Moon
January 2, 2003
Chung Pyung Training Center
Notes by Michael Jenkins
True Father and Mother entered. Then Hoon Sook Nim (the wife of Heung Jin Nim) and her son came a lit the candles. Then we did Kyung Beh to True Parents. Then Hoon Sook Nim and her son bowed toward the altar in respect for Heung Jin Nim and all True Children in the spirit world. Then True Children bowed. Then we all bowed.
True Father - You must understand the testimony of Heung Jin Nim and through this understand clearly the principle behind the spirit world.
Rev. Kwak read Hyung Jin Nim's Testimony from January 1, 2002. (on internet)
True Father - This reading is absolutely necessary. To enter the Kingdom of Heaven is not a simple matter. You will not enter without restoring your tribe and you cannot restore your tribe without understanding the spirit world.
Rev. Peter Kim read the testimony of Heung Jin Nim from September, 2003 Message from Heung Jin Nim September 3, 2003
I am offering this to the Parent of Heaven and Earth.
Beloved Parents of Heaven and Earth,
I am truly grateful to you for opening the era of Cheon Il Guk where we can live in joy and happiness, and for proclaiming the 4th Israel. We have now received an era of Heavenly kingship, authority and fortune, when God can directly work and lead us with the Parents of Heaven and Earth. Especially, the "Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, Opening the Gate to the Cheon Il Guk" is not only the joy of spirit world and physical world but also that of the Parents of Heaven and Earth as Their victory and liberation.
The Parents of Heaven and Earth, by following the way of Heaven, broke down the barriers created by the fall and restored the original relationships [with Heaven and earth]. For this, They were not able to rest even one day, making a knot for each moment of the dispensation so that humankind can be led to the path of peace and happiness. Whenever there was a providential proclamation, They emphasized the role of the spirit world. Even when They proclaimed the embarkation of the 4th Israel, They granted me a calligraphy: "Absolute victory of Heung Jin Moon, the Commander-in-Chief in Heaven" This was to encourage me who is still not good enough. Your son is deeply grateful for this.
So far, the spirit world continued to progress, based on the victorious foundation of our Parents of Heaven and Earth. And I would like to offer you a report, focusing on the activities of the spirit world and the founders of the 5 major religions.
The Activities of the Spirit World According to the Providential Development
First, I would like to express my gratitude to the Parents of Heaven and Earth who have been holding events and making proclamations in order to open a path to salvation for all humankind.
After entering the year of 2002, the Parents of Heaven and Earth proclaimed the era of the "Realm of Victory for an Independent Nation" and blessed us by saying that the spirit world and the physical world should be united as one and cooperate with each other centered on the settlement of Cheon Il Guk. And through the "Proclamation Ceremony of Total Unification of the Spirit World and Physical World," They opened a way for our ancestors who became the spirits of absolute goodness to build the Cheon Il Guk, God's Nation.
Further, the Parents of Heaven and Earth proclaimed the "Living-Realm Settlement of Unity and Peace for the Parents of Heaven and Earth" and thus again blessed us so that we can build the original realm of life in which the ancestors of spirit world and the Blessed families on earth can live together in the attendance of the Parents of Heaven and Earth. The Parents of Heaven and Earth strengthened the sovereignty of goodness and power through the Coronation of God's Kingship, the Ceremony of Dissolving 6000-year Grievances, and the Proclamation of the Living-Realm Settlement of Unity and Peace for the Parents of Heaven and Earth. Through this, we entered an age when absolute good is more powerful than evil. We are now in the age when to see that good will prosper more and more, and evil will decline more and more.
Since the "Proclamation of the Living-Realm Settlement of Unity and Peace for the Parents of Heaven and Earth," God no longer appears as the light to the Blessed family members, but personally appears and speaks to them. In such a gracious time like this, when we are called, we should be able to answer Him, "Yes," with confidence. We should be able to do so only when we are in the position of "absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Only then, could we live in joy and happiness as desired by the Heavenly Parent and the Parents of Heaven and Earth.
As the result of the proclamation of the "Era of Peace, Unity and Balance," God now restored the Blessed families and entered the realm of life in which to have a direct dominion over them. Now, spirit world and physical world, centering on the equal standard, can be grateful for the attendance of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and thus, the ancestors who have become the spirits of absolute goodness could return to their descendants and cooperate with them more than ever before.
Especially, February 6th, 2003, which was 3rd year of the Cheon Il Guk, was 60th birthday of our True Mother as well as the birthday of our True Father. Through the occasion, there were the "Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, Opening the Gate to the Cheon Il Guk" and the "Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families for the Peace and Unity of the Heavenly Parent and the Parents of Heaven and Earth."
The Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony of the Parents of Heaven and Earth for the Opening of the Cheon Il Guk was a ceremony of notifying the original marriage through which they were secured as the Ancestors of goodness. In this sense, it was a brand new day ever since opening a new era, securing on earth the Cheon Il Guk centered on God's Kingship. Through this, finally, the Heavenly Parent and the Parents of Heaven and Earth Their marriage official, and we, the Blessed families could be registered, filing birth certificates through the benediction of the Parents of Heaven and Earth. We all are grateful for this. Accordingly, all of the Blessed families would have to make even more efforts so that they could grow as the children of God and the Parents of Heaven and Earth. It was, indeed, a moving ceremony of great change through which God's Kingship could launch as the substantial Kingship through the Parents of Heaven and Earth. And it was a significant event through which God, the Heavenly Parent and the Parents of Heaven and Earth, totally being united as one, could be crowned as the King of the Blessed families.
The Holy Marriage Ceremony and the Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families laid the foundation for the embarkation of a new cultural world for the Kingdom of Heaven.
On such a foundation, 8 club teams, representing each continent, participated in the 2003 Sun Moon Peace Cup which turned out to be a great success. That Peace Cup event promoted the harmony and unity of humankind, and became a great festival to establish God's authority and His nation in the era of the Cheon Il Guk.
In the original world, art, culture, sports, etc. are to be mediators to build an ideal environment of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, as the expressions corresponding to the environment of the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world. Peace Cup Tournament was, through sports, to let human beings see and feel with their own mind and body dynamic harmony and the world of unity that could be shown in the beautiful environment of the Kingdom of Heaven. It was also to connect the world of unity and harmony in the Kingdom of Heaven to the physical world, in order to create a ground of the unity and harmony of humankind. Thus, this event became a great turning point to demonstrate the original value of sports.
In the Summit Meeting for World Peace which was held in August, our Father emphasized the importance of changing the character, mind, heart of human beings, and especially the ideology of human beings in order to bring eternal peace in the true world. For harmony and peace, all nations and religious bodies should repent their wrong doings in the past, and resolve themselves anew for world peace. For this, spirit world will work hard.
Further, in order for the world to launch a new history of peace and be resolved to extinguish the sufferings from wars, diseases, and poverty, our Father established an inter-religious committee at the United Nations.
In order to be in line with the providence of the Parents of Heaven and Earth from the Summit Meeting to the Seoul Declaration for world peace, spirit world is also resolved to march forward for the building of God's Nation and world peace through harmony and peace in the spirit world. For this, it is striving to bring unity and harmony among religions, through spirits of absolute goodness who are now being educated.
Activities of the representatives of the 5 major religions in the spirit world
Currently in the spirit world, representatives of the 5 major religions, who had been already Blessed are actively working with the spirits of absolute goodness, visiting and persuading the spirits of the same religion, but who are not Blessed yet. It is to have them be engrafted to the Parents of Heaven and Earth. The representative of each religion explains the Principle to them, focusing on the same teachings of their own religion. In the meantime, they continued educating on the Principle, how to remove the original sin and how to inherit true love from the Parents of Heaven and Earth. During the education, they are taught that the Creator is only one God, and therefore, in order to create the world of the original creation centering on God, everyone must be engrafted to the Parents of Heaven and Earth.
However, it is not easy for the representatives of the 5 major religions to witness to spirits and educate them. This is as if earthly people with barriers should first break down their own barriers and be open in order to have a heart to heart communication. Likewise, even spirits, although invisible to our own physical eyes, also have barriers towards other religions.
Nevertheless, the work of the Parents of Heaven and Earth who broke down many barriers and liberated the spirit world are actually breaking down the barriers of hearts. Thus, compared to before, it is easier to work in the spirit world. Even on earth, when we witness to people, it is not sufficient to talk to an individual only once or twice. We should continue investing ourselves and paying attention to that person. That is how that individual could open his or her heart, breaking down barriers, and eventually even committing oneself to the life of faith. Likewise, in the spirit world as well, having spirit selves open their hearts requires tremendous endeavor, which is more difficult than witnessing to earthly persons. That is why the Parents of Heaven and Earth made proclamations of breaking down barriers in the spirit world on the number of occasions, including the one in the United Nations. Especially, on a Korean traditional thanksgiving day, Choosuk in 2000, the Parents of Heaven and Earth led the "Ceremony of Dissolving Total Grievances" and the "Ceremony of Liberating the Spirit World" through which the barriers in the spirit world were broken down, and spirit selves could travel to visit one other. This enabled us to witness to other spirit selves. In the future as well, if you continue making proclamations to break down the barriers in the middle realm of the spirit world, we should be able to expediting the process of witnessing to spirit persons.
In addition, in order for the representatives of the 5 major religions to make a greater impact to religious believers both in the spirit world and on earth, it is imperative for the ambassadors for peace and religious believers who participated in the Blessing to be educated on a regular basis on the topic of the spirit world. At the same time, inter-religious activities for dialogues and harmony among religions should continue as well.
No matter how hard the representatives of the 5 major religions strive to working through earthly people, earthly people often do not recognize it. It is because their 5 spiritual senses are closed. Further, since they have too many evil spirits in their bodies, even if those religious representatives are trying to let them see and feel their efforts to relate to them, it is not easy for earthly people to see it. So, in order to open their spiritual senses, education should continue, along with the Chung Pyung providence.
The representatives of the 5 major religions are diligently working so that each religion can be united with the Parents of Heaven and Earth. They deeply respect the Parents of Heaven and Earth who are so loving to all humankind, transcending religions. They are also grateful for their profound grace and great love, solving the problems that they themselves cannot, such as removing the original sin and/or establishing the four position foundation, etc.
Your son is well aware that you Blessed 120 billions of spirits among many hundreds of billions of them, not to mention earthly people. It is to have them live a life of one mind, one body and one heart, by restoring the fallen lineage stained by Satan from the fall of Adam and Eve to the lineage of God that is good. You also cleansed with your own sweat and tear their defiled bodies with fallen nature.
Many families have liberated and Blessed their ancestors up to 70 generations, making them the spirits of absolute goodness. Thus, they are now able to exercise great power collectively like the 70 disciples of Jesus during his lifetime. Unless ancestors are liberated and Blessed, the Blessed families cannot stand straight, and unless they make their own ancestors the spirit of absolute goodness, they cannot build families who can attend the Heavenly Parent and the Parents of Heaven and Earth.
The Blessed families on earth should know that their good ancestors in the spirit world are always cooperating with them. So, you should discuss with your ancestors and report to them so that they can continue cooperating with you. You, along with the Parents of Heaven and Earth, should also do your very best in order to expand the territory and sovereignty of the Cheon Il Guk. You should deeply realize how great the power of the spirits of absolute goodness is, and participate in ancestral liberations and their Blessing sooner than others. You should also attend the workshops provided by Chung Pyung Training Center as soon as possible and cleanse numerous sins and crimes committed by your own ancestors in the past, and strive to separate your fallen nature and evil spirits within you.
The importance of Tong-Bahn Kyuk-pa activities
Through the Chung Pyung providence opened by the Parents of Heaven and Earth, the number of spirits that became the spirits of absolute goodness through the Blessing is 120 billion. And the world is now changing as the world of goodness. In the past, there were no spirits of absolute goodness. Since there was no one who could open a door to that way through proclamations, evil grew more and more.
However, we are now living in an era of hope when our dreams are coming true. We can now reap if working hard. The harder we work, the more we can harvest. We are living in such a time. I know that the Blessed families have been toiling for God's Will, but hereafter, if you are certain of the time that we are living in, and focus on witnessing, along with the spirits of absolute goodness with one mind, one body, and one heart, you will experience something amazing. With an infinite love for humankind, the Parents of Heaven and Earth laid the foundation through which the Blessed families both in the spirit world and on earth can work.
On such an amazing time when the Parents of Heaven and Earth proclaimed the embarkation of the 4th Israel, which is the wish and hope of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Israels, the Blessed families, as the owners of the Cheon Il Guk, should dash forward for Tong-Bahn kyukpa. The 4th Israel nation should be actively involved on earth with Tong Bahn kyukpa and witness with the help of the spirit world in order to fulfill the responsibilities that were not accomplished by the first, second and third Israel.
Through the proclamation of the fourth Israel, you must do Tong- Bhan kyukpa activities in order for the spirit world and the earth to be united with one mind, one body and one heart to create the fourth Israel, and fully fulfill its responsibility. For this, you should have a consciousness that you are an owner, feeling the urgency, and being resolved to bring victories with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience.
You should deeply understand that the Parents of Heaven and Earth have been striving to remove the world of diseases, suffering, pain and unhappiness, and build the world of love, order, peace and freedom. The Blessed families should have a sense of responsibility for the providence of restoration. So when watching the people in suffering from ordeals such as diseases, pain, agony, etc., you should feel responsible to save them, experiencing those feelings as your own. Tong-Bahn kyukpa can be achieved only when you feel others' suffering as your own, and urgency to resolve those problems as your own.
Tong-Bhan kyukpa can take place only when you feel a sense of responsibility for the Tong and Bahn where you belong to. There is nothing more precious than restoring the blood lineage, by witnessing to your neighbors. From now on, if the Blessed families are serious about witnessing for Tong-Bahn kyukpa, spirit world will work hard for you. For example, suppose that there are religious believers from Christianity, Confucianism, Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism. Then, representatives from those religions and the ancestors who became the spirits of absolute goodness will strongly support you.
The Blessed families should be tithing not only in money but also in activities. So, you should be involved with delivering the messages of the Principle at least three hours a day in your mission area, study the Word through a HDH, and educate people on true love. God desires that you would educate, witness, and Bless laymen so that you can build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven, experiencing peace, joy and happiness overflowing in your heart. That is to build a true family. Only when a family stands straight in order, the Kingdom of Heaven can be established on that foundation.
Our life should be examplary. The spirit world will, then, cooperate and we should be able to build the Kingdom of Heaven through the HD family church movement. This is how we can build the 4th Israel Nation.
In line with such a providential flow, I would like to, once again, express my gratitude to the Parents of Heaven and Earth for opening the Cheon Joo Cheong Pyung Training Center and the Chung Shim Hospital. You can now save human beings mourning from spiritual and physical diseases from the fall and lead them to joy and happiness by being healed both spiritually and physically.
90 percent of human diseases are based on spiritual ones. The work of the spirits of evil and grievances dwelling within the physical bodies of human beings gets more powerful as time goes by, and eventually causes spiritual and physical diseases, which eventually lead them to death. During the dedication ceremony of the Cheong Shim Hospital, the Parents of Heaven and Earth rejoiced, saying: "Finally, human beings can now be saved from sufferings and diseases."
As was spoken by the Parents of Heaven and Earth, we will push ourselves to help all humanity live in joy and happiness centered on the Cheon Joo Chung Phyung Training Center and the Chung Shim Hospital, separating evil spirits through the work of the spirits of absolute goodness and angels, and treating human beings in sufferings and diseases by medical angels and nurses. The Blessed families must not forget that only when they can stand in the position of receiving the heavenly fortune, by living with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and thus always must live a life of filial piety to the Parents of Heaven and Earth. They should understand that they themselves have keys to all problems, and therefore should work diligently.
Beloved Parents of Heaven and Earth!
Lately, the spirit world now entered an age when to immediately respond to the words and declarations of the Parents of Heaven and Earth. Therefore, the Blessed families should clearly understand that we are now living in an incredible time when God's providence is being clearly exposed simultaneously both on earth and in the spirit world. Hence, you should do your very best to testify about the Parents of Heaven and Earth to all humankind and live while attending them.
This son and other siblings are always wondering how to fulfill our duties and responsibilities and make God and the Parents of Heaven and Earth happy as your sons and daughters. We shall make more efforts to always bring you joy and happiness. At the same time, we shall be totally committed to supporting you so that you can realize whatever you desire while you are on earth.
I wish and hope that the Blessed families could fulfill their responsibilities as tribal messiahs, encouraging and leading the spirits of absolute goodness and angels. I know that that is possible only through a life of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience that was set as a tradition and lived by our Parents of Heaven and Earth.
After the "Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families for the Peace and Unity of the Heavenly Parent and the Parents of Heaven and Earth," the Parents of Heaven and Earth used the seal of the Cheon Il Guk and bequeathed everything to us. So, I will make even more efforts to fully inherit the name, words, results of the Parents of Heaven and Earth and bring unity among the Blessed families on earth and in heaven centering on the spirits of absolute goodness so that all can be liberated and perfected. Therefore, I will encourage the entire world, especially the three providential nations, Korea, Japan and America for their Hoondok family church activities in line with a new providence centered on the Family Party. It is to establish absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal sovereignty to the Cheon Il Guk in the internal position and the 4th Israel in the external position.
Your humble son and siblings, representatives of the 5 major religions, saints and sages, Blessed families as the spirits of absolute goodness, and angelic world in the spirit world will gather all that we have and do our best and hasten to attend the Parents of Heaven and Earth in comfort, by completing the Heavenly Palace, the original holy ground in Chung Pyung, as soon as possible.
The Parents of Heaven and Earth, please trust us, and from now on, receive only glory and honor. May you live a long, long life in good health.
Sincerely from Heung Jin Moon on September 3, 2003
Father - You have to know how much Hyung Jin Nim longed for this time. To be with True Parents and all people on this day and to listen to God's words. Every word Hyung Jin Nim speaks must be correct and exactly true. If one word was not True - Hyung Jin Nim would pay a heaven price and so would True Parents. Hyung Jin Nim needs to report accurately as the commander and chief in the spirit world. This process is done not only to change your consciousness but more importantly to bring you to a change of heart. Though it is tedious it is absolutely essential. Then the spirit world and your ancestors will be united to work through you. You will actually become Princes and Princesses of heaven. This is truly a privilege to listen to the messages from the spirit world. Hyung Jin Nim is "reporting" the reality of the advancements of the spirit world so that Father can through his prayer plan his path to go forward.
We have entered into a time of law. So you must be serious and careful. Adam and Eve were in a time of law when they fell. God had to go through so much suffering because of the fall. God's son Jesus went the way of death because of this failure.
Don't be surprised if you suddenly end up in the middle of the spirit world. You may be taken there if you do not dedicate your life and heart for the will of heaven. Why, because this is a time of law. It is very exact. You cannot just do as you please. By understanding the spirit world and the messages of Hyung Jin Nim you can have a change of heart and more clearly focus on the fulfillment of your mission.
Father gave the Proclamation for the Fatherland and the Era of the Peace Kingdom. This is not just a proclamation but has already been realized. Hyung Jin Nim has the authority to move the 5 great saints in the spirit world. This cannot be a lie it must be true.
The 84 ambassadors must understand this truth or you will go to hell. What time did you finish the Yute game ? 4:30 am. To win in yute you must give yourself and sweat. This is the principle. How can you sleep after you win.
The age of the revolution of conscience has come. Politics, diplomacy and all other things have pssed. We must become people of heart and conscience. God wants to have a second self. To become God's second self you must go this course. The revolution of the conscience and the revolution of the heart. You must have such a revolution that will allow you to explode for Heaven. Amen or Know Men. You must say both. Know men means to Know.
Raise your hands if you are determined to bring victory. Don't put them down yet. Let's bring total victory.
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