Sun Myung Moon's Speeches from 2005 |
True Father's Prayer At Midnight Assembly
Sun Myung Moon
January 1, 2005
The 38th True God's Day Celebration
Rough translation
Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center
Motto 2005:
Let Us Complete the Internal and External Ideal of Cheon Il Guk. (This is not final - HQ will issue the official version: Dr. Peter Kim gave this translation - it may be adjusted somewhat but it is correct) Beloved Heavenly Father, we have passed the fourth year of Cheon Il Guk, and have entered the fifth year of Cheon Il Guk. I know how difficult, arduous and full of pain and tears Your path was in coming to the holy grounds of Chung Pyung in Korea as the history of restoration through indemnity headed toward its final destination.
As all this has passed, I proclaim the Era Of The Cosmic Peace Kingdom Centering On The Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace. We have now seen the rise of a new era of attending God as the parent on this earth, True Parents as the parents on this earth, and uniting the internal parents with the external parents. We deeply engrave in our hearts the numerous hopes in the course of history You had for the purpose of stepping on and going beyond this platform for a new beginning. This child knows well of Your lonely life course as You, the father, pioneered through the environment and longed for the garden of love based on the ideal of re-creation.
You sent this unworthy child to the land of Korea. We know how You went through this difficult path of history of tribulations to create the cosmos for the purpose of initiating another start to establish the relationship behind thousands of years of history, and a relational condition unbeknownst to all from an incorporeal position where You, the incorporeal subject, the owner, stood unable to attain a relational form. We are overwhelmed with awe.
Although there were many races, nations and families on this earth, and many men and women have existed, this child knows well of Your bitter anguish of not having even one person as Your partner who can relate to Your lofty and precious heart, and relate with a deep heart of a son and daughter who shows respect and affection to You and lie within the deepest part of Your heart. Your son did not know of Your sorrowful heart in which You had to seek a man and woman. Nobody on this earth knew of the heavenly aspects of Your heart from this endless path of bitter pain, and this path of bitter anguish from the infinite history and eternity in which You sought Your son in order to go beyond this confusing line of limitation that only You knew of and which even Satan was ignorant of. Behind the history of the land of Korea that is between Heaven and Earth, and that goes well over 5000 and 7000 years of history, this child knows well the path of tribulations that You walked until You found the path that enabled You to take rest in this land of Korea while You went about throughout the continent in the central field of heaven and earth.
The child that stands before You today may look shabby in appearance but knows all too well the path of sorrow of the defeated who lost their kingship as they lived in the shadow of the history of bitter anguish. I know too well how great Your bitter anguish was in being unable to pass on Your kingship to Your child, and in losing the kingship itself.
You looked upon countless peoples, countless nations and individuals and families. All these should have become a lamplight that could blossom with the flower of Your hope of love. That nation and world should have shone like the sun and moon and become a self-propelled subject partner that can move all created beings. Yet, losing these things, You were alone, imprisoned amidst the shadow of a dark heart as You searched for Your son. You crossed long distances alone, longing for the son whom You will find in the last days that lay in the distance. That history of yearning has lasted not one or two days but continued for tens of thousands of years, and beyond, to the realm of religion encapsulated in four thousand years. During Your path of groping to find the way and surmounting this hill, You had to pioneer along all the difficult paths that went before Satan. You had to pioneer while You hovered between life and death, which no man on earth would have desired for. Going beyond one side of the boundary of freedom, You found Your own image, and going beyond the shameful sight that stood before the original creation, Your heart yearned for a son that can become the single light for the future, and moonlight while You looked back to the history You went through to become the Lord of humankind.
Now as we see off the fourth year of Cheon Il Guk and receive the fifth year of Cheon Il Guk, we cannot relate to You separately with our mind and body. After achieving the coronation ceremony of the kingship of the peace kingdom centering on the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace on this earth, we must unite the realms of the lineages of the Mongolian people by going beyond the sphere of the Mongolian race. Without doing so, heaven would be silenced by the dark shadow of those defeated by the bonds to the Satanic lineage that began with the murder in Adam’s family. As we welcome the new, bright and clear morning light, together with the owner of heaven and earth and with a heart of love of a patriot, this child once again must ask for Your forgiveness at this time, on behalf of the ancestors of mankind from millions and billions of generations who stood before You as You longed for the liberated realm of Your Sabbath where heaven and earth from the mineral world to the human world, and all the creation belonging to the pair system, can be harmonized in unity, to suffer, rejoice, and live together.
You raised this child in a position responsible for heaven and earth.
Standing before the Father, I can never forget the past ages where I struggled to take on the burden of Your cross that grew heavier, greater than the distress from the path of hardships that is beyond words, and the heavy burden of bearing the failures of the responsibilities of religion and the nations on this earth. Passing through the ages of adolescence and youth, I cannot forget the course of training I went through to understand Your sadness as You had to constantly go to and fro in order to expand the local roads, the national roads and the freeway of the nation and world that enabled You to go directly to the world of heart from a position of ignorance located at the bottom of hell amidst the darkness of a thousand of years, as You went through day and night in order to fulfill Your duty as a child that should attend the Father who has form and sits in the throne by the gates of the palace of the heavenly nation for the world of Your words.
By holding the coronation ceremony for the peace king of the victorious heavenly nation on December 13, in the fourth year of Cheon Il Guk based on the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, the entire history of resentment and lamentation should have been overcome. The declaration that should have been declared on this day, on this earth shall be prolonged to February 14th, to True Parents’ birthday. During this time, let all the things that were liberated and indemnified by the fourth year of Cheon Il Guk become a seed and sprout that harbors a clean and flawless life force which solely focuses on Your wish. Let it grow to become a tree and bear fruit that can bring joy to the master in the garden blooming with flowers and abundant with fragrances. I know the world of Your heart which longs to pluck that fruit and prepare a feast again for Your sons and daughters.
Father, at this time I am aware that Your deep heart that I know of has a background more deep, high and broad in extent. I now understand that it is impious to try to understand that world and that it is a sin to know this world. Thus, I could not stand in a position of diligently running to You in silence, grasping You, embracing Your body and calling Your name! Reaching that position, I cannot forget the days of Your cooperation when I suffered within the path of perseverance, patience, suffering and the situation of life and death from persecution until that day of dispersing the deep shadow in Your heart.
I cannot forget the joy of that day of the Coronation Ceremony of Your Kingship on January 13, in the first year of Cheon Il Guk, before the fourth year of Cheon Il Guk. This child, who failed to gain the nation for that day and raise it before heaven, knows how great my responsibility is in achieving Your fatherland, restoring this land within the next four years with these young and immature children. Though beyond belief, I stand in a position compelled to believe in them and stand with both hands raised before the Father. These sons and daughters, who pledged to take responsibility in completing and fulfilling their given responsibility for the duration of four years, failed in their ways based on the foundation of this child who could not transcend the source of the evil parent that shadowed the sins of the parent. These children must raise a nation, attend the parents, reveal the great way of the heavenly principles, to reach the bright heaven and earth where the sun and moon unite, and the heaven and earth come together. My heart wrenches as I experience how vexing and bitter a history of ordeals it was in failing to attain a position of an ideal couple in love that can succeed true love, true life, and true lineage in a deep position centering on the start of a family that is the nest of love. Experiencing these things I know how heart-wrenching it was for Heaven. As we pass over the fourth year of Cheon Il Guk, the nations and religions on this earth have come to this situation by setting up the foundations for conditions that barely meet the standard of Your heart.
Since we were born by the inevitable bonds to heaven, we must make the impossible, possible, things without hope into things with hope, and resurrect the child that was originally in the position of death. Such an inseparable position that must be armed with Your omnipotent authority, You came to us as we sorrowfully struggled, proved that You existed and whispered to us the command to have absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience in fear of bringing shame upon Yourself before Satan. You sought the number five at the risk of the number four that enables You to liberate the bright heaven and earth for the purpose of bringing the ancestors of mankind who were disobedient to You throughout history to this place. Going beyond 4,000 years in the age representing the Old Testament Age and in which Your sons and daughters could receive the Messiah, which was Your desire in sending the Messiah to this earth, Jesus could not usher in the age of the fifth millennium. Coming upon this earth, he left behind the task of putting heaven and earth in order. Therefore, for 2,000 years, Christianity shed blood, made individual sacrifices as well as shedding tears of defeat on the family, tribal and national levels.
You had to withstand our pitiful sight as we were called before Your path of righteousness and yet compelled to stand aside. I know very well that, crying and suffering, You pushed my heart again and again for this son to go this way. There never was a filial son on this earth who could fulfill the path of loyalty and filial piety. There never was a patriot or a family of a divine son or daughter. These things that even You could not do, I had to fulfill. I had to go on this path with this responsibility into the sea of tears from indescribable suffering, all the while regarding it to be a swimming pool where I would swim everyday. I had to walk these paths forgetting that I struggled and strove to this point while gazing only at Your target desires and the sunlight You revealed. Now at this moment as we surmount a hill, in this fifth year, we have to call for all the spirit people who had the misfortune of going to the spirit world, based on the foundations of the blessed families on this earth whom they can have pride in as their direct lineage. They should have been the family of a filial son, the family of a patriot, the family of a saint, and divine sons and daughter who should have called all the ancestors in the spirit world, even God, to this earth and attended them. Yet they stand in a position unable to do so, despite the education I have given them throughout my life. With this old body yet young heart I still stand before the course of fulfilling my given responsibility in opening the new gates to the heavenly world along with the task of arranging all things in the earthly world even at the moment I collapse, in order to reproduce what they should have done. Thus, I sent my sons and daughters of four age groups to the spirit world, and with the responsibility of the parent on earth, I shoulder the responsibility of the parent before these children and carry the realm of relationships in the heavenly world in order to liberate even those groaning in the abyss of hell. Gazing upon the rising sunlight in the fourth year of Cheon Il Guk, I cannot forget the facts that I alone know of as I stand in this difficult position where I feel inadequate despite the pain of this body.
Even as I passed through this position I know that Your heart for the nation was tens, hundreds and even thousands of times greater. Unable to comfort Your heart, even as my mind floundered when You needed me, even when You resisted to rest when You could have, and how You endured alone, braving the wind and frost at the front in pioneering the way to help this unworthy child, before You I truly pray with all my heart and body that my wife who stands before me can unite with You. I know very well that the very being that brought about the seemingly impossible conflict within Your mind and within Your body, was the same being who stained the name of True Parents. Therefore, let our two bodies be transformed into one, let us become the bright parents of the new morning that rises explosively before Your deep heart. Let the tide of the bright heaven and earth that rides from the sun and moon that shine upon the darkness, begin from this year. I proclaim the tremendously important ranks of responsibility so that all the good and bad things in the spirit world can come to this earth and bear fruit as good things. Let us make a new determination to offer this before You. Let the people gathered here today attain one heart, one body and one core with the True Parents’ heart. On the foundation of the liberated freedom, the tranquil place of rest, let the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind be attended by from one to millions of families. Let this become a family of the filial son, a family of the patriot who goes beyond the nation, the family of the saint who goes beyond the world and the family of the divine sons and daughters who go beyond the cosmos. Bless this meridian that is inclined towards the world that can freely guide and digest all things, and bring liberty and liberation to the realm of the Sabbath centered on Ahn Shi Il which can embrace heaven according to the path of loyalty and filial piety, and leap beyond through this four year period. And in the year 2008, in the 9th year of Cheon Il Guk, along with those who came to the earthly world, please become the owner, parent and teacher for eternity who can restore the boundaries between the heavenly world and the earthly world so that we may freely commute to heaven from the earthly world, and reign over these worlds while firmly grasping the throne of the world of the original palace of the free, liberated heaven and earth. We pray that You enjoy Your reign of peace for all eternity. Let me invest my sincerity without fear for those days to come in laying the foundation. Please have pity on the heart of this child who can only depend on Your cooperation until the time I can embrace the passing moon and sun and go beyond the ideal of the new year. I pray that You will be with me and guide me as I walk this path.
Father please grant Your love to Mother standing here, who goes by the name Hak Ja Han. She has truly gone through many hardships to this day. I know too well how great the strength of Mother’s fate is in preparing her standard as a filial daughter before You, and the preparations for attendance in [True Parents'] family on earth. Still I have the obligation that prevents me from giving guidance to her. Hence, let me be able to help Mother in going beyond her 5 percent responsibility during the remaining four years. With this heart of gratitude before Heaven, and with Mother offering her thanks to Heaven, let this become like two incense fires, like two candle lights in the dark, and protect us and guide us so that we can perfect the way of the True Parents. On the first day, as we designate the motto for this year, please unite the body of our couple which must go forth with hope and joy on this path even though our two bodies may be ripped apart and damaged as we go between the internal world of heaven and the external world of heaven. Bless us and guide us so that we may reach the position of Your victory without collapsing on the way. On behalf of two people, this I sincerely, sincerely, report and proclaim in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
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