Sun Myung Moon's Speeches from 2005 |
True Parents Return to East Garden
Sun Myung Moon
September 8, 2005
Notes: Michael Jenkins
Translator Hee Hun Standard
Editors: Louise Strait and Jim Flynn
Note: (These notes are taken from a simultaneous translation. Simultaneous translation is done in summary form and depends greatly on the translator's ability to communicate the essence of the message. These cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication on Rev. Moon's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message.)
Father looked tan and extremely vibrant. Mother was shining. When we did three cheers of "Mansei" to welcome them, you could see the excitement in Father's expression. True Parents have come home to East Garden.
Rev. Kwak's Report:
We have successfully completed the education of 4,419 Korean leaders. These include diplomats, former and current members of Parliament, Cabinet Members, Christian and Buddhist leaders, many generals and other high ranking retired military officials. These workshops are being held in Japan, and we will continue until we reach 10,000 participants. This is changing the environment of Korea toward our work and the role of True Parents as peacemakers. Opinion-makers study our work, our projects, and most importantly the Divine Principle. They are really coming to accept Father and understand his central role in bringing unity in Korea. People even testified that they are feeling conscience- stricken if they have not supported his work for peace.
The most urgent matter facing all of us is the creation of ideal families. No one has yet brought this revolution. The center of the issue is to understand the meaning and value of True Parents.
We are giving the blessing to many people. We are showing them the right order of love; we are teaching them to become true parents, true teachers and true owners. I ask them to truly reveal if they support this teaching by having them close their eyes and raise their hands. I tell them that they are the key leaders of Korea, and ask them to repent for anything bad in the past. Then they receive the Holy Wine, are forgiven of all past sins, and then pledge to never commit adultery or divorce. They hear two Divine Principle lectures and then they are blessed. They go back to Korea and then spread the news of their experience. Now 300 are coming every week.
True Father:
Truly heaven and earth are becoming one. We are now living in a different time. The ocean tide is coming together; there should be balance now. When you breathe out, you must breathe in. There must be no separation or divisions; we are all from the same God. We are prepared by God for this time. Communists teach that we advance through conflict; that is not correct. We are all created by God. There are many that do not understand. If we fight, there will be division. You should not be proud of being from any particular country; our identity is that we are God's people. We have to change ourselves in our daily life. Is there anyone who does not believe me? There are some that insist on their own viewpoint. However, we must understand God's view. We must do the right thing.
Who will supervise the path of this world? Can America do it, or Russia? Only God can do it. There should be no division. Religions should be united as one, with one heart. We need a fundamental revolution. We need one way and one direction.
There is a serious problem now. We should not become the kind of people who will be blown away in a storm. Even communism, when you think about it, is not strong any more. I predicted it would collapse and now I am liberating people in the communist world. Basically, the ideology that I am teaching is central. Even former KGB members now admit that my ideology is stronger than Marxism.
They said when we first began in America that people were being brainwashed. When we traveled in America, some people knew I was right and supported me. Many have come to America to take, but I came and gave so much to America. Some treated me like an enemy. But others didn't want to do that because they knew that doing so was not right. How could I be wrong if I gave so much for the education and support of patriotic Americans? Lawyers advised me not to return to America, because if I stayed away I could not be prosecuted. I knew I did nothing wrong, so I had to return. Everything I did was for America. Many legal experts could not believe what was going on -- they felt bad about it. Many religious leaders and key political leaders stood for my innocence.
The righteous people of history must be vindicated. Some day we have to bring out the truth about why many people were publicly maligned and sometimes even executed throughout the world. This must be exposed and the truth must come out. The communists wanted to get rid of God. We had to oppose that. We must fight this boldly and courageously. If we are to die, we must die during the daytime, not the nighttime. We shouldn't be afraid of anything. I have that kind of guts and boldness. We are going to break down barriers in Cain's world. If America is not going to do it, I will do it through others. God's Will cannot be stopped. Even if people oppose us, can we be stopped? No.
Some people try to use bribery to turn others against us. Many people who opposed us have been influenced by money. People who have committed sins have a lot to fear; however, I have no fear. I did nothing wrong and therefore I do not fear anything. I have nothing to hide.
What is freedom? You cannot be free by yourself. As one person, you cannot be free by yourself. You are always interdependent with God. In order to live, you need partners and counterparts to live with.
There is no one who knows the spirit world better than I do! I have been living such a bold life. All persons of this nation should do the right thing. This may be some kind of testimony for history. You wait and see. History will prove that everything I am teaching is correct.
The proposal for a Bering Strait Bridge or tunnel is very central. All humankind must be united as one; everyone must be united as one.
Yang Chang Shik!! On September 12th I am going to give a very important speech. I must now give it to you. Goodness should overcome evil
Archbishop Stallings, you should make a revolution. In the spirit world, black people are in the position of white people, and white people are in the position of black people. You should know that half of the population on earth is Asian. If I pack my bags and leave America for China, I will be totally welcomed there. Why do I come here? Because I must protect America.
You must know that America really tried to destroy me. You must open your heart and your conscience or you won't go to the high spiritual realm. When you die, you should go to the spirit world based on doing the right things. You should really repent.
If God's will is not done, then Korea will have to indemnify it. I am trying to resurrect the nation and the world. You shouldn't feel bad about what I am telling you. When you go to the spirit world, everything must go back to the original state.
Even the people who go to hell must eventually be liberated. Because we are doing so many amazing things, people feel that if they just hang on to us, they will receive a great blessing. Now, Dr. Yang, please give a report.
Report by Dr. Yang:
Father had his four-city speaking tour from June 25 - 28 and then went to Kodiak. In Korea so many things happened. It was incredible. Now is God's Time!!! If you know it, you have to act upon it.
After going to Alaska, he stayed there for 7 days and held the July 1st celebration there. Then in Korea was a meeting of 10,000 Koreans living in Japan who support North Korea and Koreans living in Japan who support South Korea. The Peace Cup Soccer Tournament was held, and then the special conference for UN Peace-keeping Forces.
Then Father came to Alaska on August 6th I stayed with Father for two weeks for the education of Korean leaders there. One cabinet member studied Father's words so seriously and always quoted Cheon Seong Gyeong. One member of parliament (a woman) had very deep and bitter resentment toward this person. Many people went to prison under his leadership. When she saw him at the conference, she cried out his name: "How can you be here and claim that you are a blessed person?" They had a big argument outside. Many thought Father would stop it or intervene, but he did not. Then Rev. Kwak asked Mr. Kamiyama to testify, without knowing anything concerning the morning fight. He talked about Father's life in Danbury prison. These two people were deeply touched and impressed. They themselves testified concerning Father, and they reconciled. Father gave them both incredible love in the morning at Hoon Dok Hae.
Father then went back to Korea. In August, the US also received Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim for special conferences in four cities, and incredible blessing came to us. Also in August, Mrs. Alexa Ward led a WFWP delegation of 100 women to an important conference in China.
Father came back to Kodiak for further education on August 28th. The two events which took place were incredible. You should study about these two events, because you must connect with parentship and kingship. The first event at Kodiak was Pal Jeong Shik, celebrating the victory of True Parents in establishing and completing the eight stages of returning to God. Following this, Cheon Bu Shik was held on September 1, representing the victory of True Parents. Based on Pal Jeong Shik and Cheon Bu Shik, then the Beginning Day of Cosmic Peace Kingdom Settlement could be declared.
Based on the crowning of Jesus in Jerusalem, followed by the Crown of Peace events in America in 2004, the August 20th coronation could be fulfilled in Korea last year. Then on August 20, 2005, Father celebrated the first anniversary of this heavenly Coronation in Korea.
On this victory, True Parents will establish the Universal Peace Federation on September 12 and then will continue with a 12-city speaking tour in America, a 12-city tour in Japan, and a 12- city tour in Korea. Then 72 cities throughout the world will be selected for a global tour.
The fifty state (We Will Stand) tour was very difficult; but, the world tour will be much more difficult. However, after Father announced this tour, he felt much lighter. Indeed Father came to give the truth to all humanity. Father came to give this truth in America and the world. On October 3rd Father will celebrate the Foundation Day for the Nation of the Unified World (1988) in Korea.
While we stayed at Kodiak, we had an outreach effort to the local community based on True Parents' foundation. Even though we were persecuted in the past, many Christian pastors and leaders came over to North Garden and were transformed.
During our time in Kodiak, we also studied True Father's address for September 12, to be presented on the occasion of the founding of the Universal Peace Federation. (This speech will be given on the 12-city tour and the 100-city world tour.)
Now Father is playing a central role in the unification of Korea.
Now the entire spirit world has been totally mobilized to realize this world of peace.
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