Sun Myung Moon's Words From 2006 |
Still, throughout history, people have applied their paltry human efforts in pursuit of peace. Consider the confrontation between democracy and communism. Each side strove to achieve peace on its terms, but they were unable to resolve the core differences between them over questions of human rights, freedom and equality. Yet from the viewpoint of God's providence, communism and democracy are like children who lost their parents. The two divided into the positions of Cain and Abel respectively and became entrapped in the chains of fraternal conflict.
Human beings without exception are the children of Satan. Every person is born inheriting Satan's lineage. Please reflect on your own experience for a moment. In every moment and every aspect of your daily life, are not good and evil at war within you, each trying to gain the upper hand? Since we are imperfect human beings, the peace movements we have carried out throughout history have always encountered limitations and met with failure. This is the why the United Nations, launched with the splendid dream of realizing world peace, today has to confront its inherent limitations and confess that it can no longer give hope to humanity. Simply put, the UN was launched during the era prior to the time in which Heaven could be directly involved with the unfolding of God's providence in history.
Ladies and gentlemen, by virtue of Reverend Moon's devotion to the path of Heaven throughout the more than eighty years of his life, a new world is emerging. On this victorious foundation, the revolutionary era after the coming of heaven has been proclaimed. We are now living in the age of heavenly fortune, an age in which all people can be liberated and delivered from the quagmire of sin. It is the era in which the world of freedom and happiness, the ideal world as originally envisioned at the time of the Creation, can be established.
There are several clear reasons why Heaven designated the person standing before you, Reverend Moon, as the True Parent of humankind, and thereby opened up a new era.
First, I have succeeded in practicing the way of living for the sake of others. That is, throughout my life I have practiced the values of true love, emerged triumphant, and offered that triumph to humanity. All people are born to live for the sake of others. However, because of ignorance resulting from the Fall, people practice the complete opposite, selfish individualism. I revealed this secret of Heaven and this knowledge has been imparted to humankind for the first time in history. God is fully aware of the path my life has taken through thick and thin.
Second, I have dedicated my life to overcoming all obstacles and laying a victorious foundation. Through the education provided by the actual practice of true love, I have fulfilled all the necessary conditions for recovering and establishing the parent/child relationship between God and humankind. I have opened the way for human beings, who had become the children of the adulterer Satan, the enemy of love, and who have lived as slaves to false love, false life and false lineage, to be reborn and resurrected into the true lineage of God, the source of true love. In other words, I have opened wide the path for people to reach full spiritual maturity as individuals and to establish true families, true clans, true peoples, true nations, and a true world, through their leading lives of true love.