The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2008 |
Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han January 1, 2007
In the previous day True Parents' urgently called for all members who were present during the True God's Day celebration to be at the main hall of the Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center by 5:00 a.m. the next day. In the morning of January 7, the main hall was packed with members who had immediately answered to the call. Amidst this setting Hoon Dok Hae began with True Parents.
Father asked Dr. Yang to read chapter twelve from the Pyeonghwa Hoongyeong.
After the reading Father began to talk about the meaning and significance of this day's meeting. Father pointed out how God didn't have nation, hometown or homeland on this earth.
After speaking for awhile Father had Rev. Hwang sing a song. Rev. Hwang spoke about a song Rev. Yu had sung in Yeosu and how it had deeply touched his heart. Rev. Hwang then sang a song. After the song Father spoke again emphasizing that a time had come where Heaven could directly administer the affairs of this earth.
Father had Rev. Kwak read the preface of the Pyeonghwa Hoongyeong. Rev. Kwak then explained about the meaning of this morning's meeting and emphasized that we should give testimony of the true love ideal and true family ideal manifested through the True Parents. He deplored our situation in that we were unable to fulfill our responsibly in giving the blessing to all the people of the world. Rev. Kwak asked that we all make a new beginning of this day.
Father then asked Dr. Yang to give a report on the boat factory in North Carolina. Dr. Yang explained that the boats designed by Father were 'unsinkable' and was tested and approved by the Coast Guards in America for its high-performance. After Dr. Yang's report Father emphasized the need to be trained at sea and of his plans to give women the control and authority over the ocean.
At around 9:00 a.m. the meeting came to an end. True Parents returned to Cheon Jeong Gung leaving instructions for Dr. Yang to give a report while he was gone.
At 3:35 p.m. the afternoon session began with Rev. Hwang leading the participants in singing a song.
After entering the room True Father talked about the importance of the true lineage and that members should strive in attaining the qualifications of becoming the citizens of the heavenly nation. Father spoke for about an hour. He then had Rev. Hyung Tae Kim sing a song. Father then asked all the women to stand up and dance. Father told Rev. Hwang that a feast should be prepared and had everyone pull lots to select 210 people.
While the lots were being prepared True Father emphasized the importance of becoming a true owner, true teacher and true king and of leading a life in absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience.
Rev. Hwang then talked about the reason why they were holding this meeting and how the jubilee year in the seventh year of Cheon Il Guk was extended to the eighth year. He emphasized that it was our mission to create an Abel-type organization and to restore the Cain-type realm.
Father explained that we need to negate the fallen world and lineage and to create a nation and lineage centered on God. He emphasized that we should become the children of that kingdom and be married within that kingdom. He stressed that we should march towards that nation of joy and happiness that could allow heaven to go beyond that bitter history.
The meetings end at 5:47 p.m.