The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2009 |
70 people attended Hoon Dok Hae on this day, including leaders who went fishing with True Parents on the 6th and members from the Yeosu and Suncheon regions. True Father started speaking at 5 am after receiving kyung-bae. Here are some unofficial notes as reported on the Korean FFWPU website www.tongil.or.kr.
As long as this world recognizes the Fall, it is not a world that Blessed Families can live in as blood relatives. Due to the Fall, the relationship between God and human beings was completely severed. We know well the world of resentment that came to be through humanity’s history of misunderstandings and separation from God. There is only one way for humanity to survive in the future, that is to go to its final destination: the original homeland, the fatherland where God can be attended. There can absolutely be only one such destination -- the world of peace of the future.
In order to complete that world, men must fulfill their responsibility as men, women must fulfill their responsibility as women, and men and women together must fulfill their responsibility as couples. We must raise Adam and Eve, the first ancestors, with love, marry them centering on God’s blood lineage, and complete the realm of three generations centering on the four position foundation.
The blood lineages of the brothers Cain and Abel are fighting. You cannot deny the fact that your minds and bodies are fighting. It is the truth. How could you just let you minds and bodies fight without doing something about it? Don’t you think God could do it? Adam and Eve were the ones who erred, not God. If someone sinned, then the person who sinned must remove the seed and the root. If not, then God cannot interfere.
We must usher in the age of true peace and the age of the settlement of the True Parent UN. We are talking about an age of settlement centering on True Parents, not false parents. There must be settlement. We must go beyond the garden of settlement.
The original root of the fruit and the flower is the ancestor. Therefore, people who do not know their ancestors well cannot know their proper traditions.
This book, “True Families: Gateway to Heaven” was originally to be called “The Way to Open Heaven” However, a door (gateway) and a road (way) are different. When you open the door, what goes inside? The true family goes inside. And what relationship does “Owner of Peace and Owner of Lineage” have? Have any of you become owners of peace or owners of lineage?
You must always be balanced. Anyone who cannot make the standard will fall before making it to the top. Parents must practice perfection as well as educating their children to become perfect. You must educate your children well.
Original notes taken by Mr. Hyun Jae Lee of the Korean FFWPU History Committee. Translation by Tossa Cromwell