The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2011 |
Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words.
Father read his calligraphy on the wall, 'Proclamation of the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Substantial Word of God' written on 5.27 (by the Heavenly Calendar). "Which is the center, Heaven, Earth or Humankind? Humankind is the most important. True Parents, which comes later, is even more important. Why is 5.27? Then there is a stamped name of mine. This is a puzzle.
In Las Vegas, I had a record of the meeting centering on the God of Night and the God of Day. I had it on 5.8 and 5.10 by the Heavenly Calendar. (Opening the file he has in his hands) Shall I read that part only? It is on page 13, 47 53, 61, 58, and 59. On the page 58, it says,
"Ladies and gentlemen, these are the concluding remarks of the general outline that was reached through my endeavors to bring to a close the rally that is being held for the religious circles, the earth, the spirit world, physical world, and Cain and Abel-type world in order to finalize what I, the Rev. Moon, had achieved through the course of my entire life as the master of the spirit world and physical world. This is not something that could have appeared in history before now.' It is because there had not been the owner but only adopted sons or thieves."
"Confucius did not know about God. Buddha did not know either while believing that one can be perfect without something above."
"What is the Cheon Jeong Gung? It means 'The palace where Heaven stands straight.' You Busan people, do you think you are eligible to enter here?"
"I memorized 1,000 Chinese characters by the age of 7."
"People's mind changes but the mountains and trees never change. Namoo (tree) means 'There is no I or me.'
"No matter how a mother looks, if she breast-feeds her baby, they will never abandon their mothers."
Reading the title of the speech in his file: '"The Cosmic World Assembly for the Proclamation of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Substantial Word of God'. This speech contains everything. It says (Katsumi: he read the following words again)
'Ladies and gentlemen, these are the concluding remarks of the general outline that was reached through my endeavors to bring to a close the rally that is being held for the religious circles, the earth, the spirit world, physical world, and Cain and Abel-type world in order to finalize what I, the Rev. Moon, had achieved through the course of my entire life as the master of the spirit world and physical world. This is not something that could have appeared in history before now.'
Then it says, '4. With October 14 sixty years ago as the beginning point, now, after sixty-years of restoration through indemnity, and in relation to the three days of the 14th, 15th and 16th day of the 10th month, by the heavenly calendar, in the 10th year of Cheon Il Guk, this proclamation rally being held on the 17th day of the 10th month by the heavenly calendar [November 22] is one of perfecting, completing and concluding the final stages of all the proclamations given up until the D-day proclamation of True Parents, and which correspond with the documented record of proclamations True Parents have made.' Everything has already passed. Who knows that? I said who knows that?
'5. True Parents' proclamation at the Cosmic World Assembly to Proclaim Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and the Substantial Word of God -- the Washington DC-New York Assembly, the Hoover Dam Assembly in Las Vegas and the Seoul Assembly in Korea, which is becoming God's homeland and hometown -- signifies the ultimate perfection, completion and finalization of the providence.'"
"Say "Yeon, wol, yil, shi, bun, cho" (Year, month, day, hour, minute and second). How many kinds do you have in it? ('Six') You must know that they must be the same internally and externally. Communism knows the principle of number 6. 60 minutes and 60 seconds are different in length but their looks are the same. The number 6 is the center for east, west, south and north. Do you know Korean people play yute noli (a game of yute). Man and woman, when they are married, they represent the number 6."
"God's internal attributes are absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, each of which also contains other three attributes.