The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2011 |
Celebrations for the 21st 7.1 Jeol and 15th 7.8 Jeol were held at the Cheon Hwa Gung centering on True Parents, joined by Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim, and other True children as well as leaders from the world and local members, which totaled to approximately 100 participants. Prior to this celebration, True Parents were in Kodiak, Alaska for one week offering Jeong Seong, and came back to Las Vegas three days ago.
Two days ago, Father went to Lake Mead and offered Jeong Seong at the central point of the lake and also visited the Grand Canyon and other areas to decide holy grounds. Yesterday, Father held Hoon Dok Hae for 14 hours without having a meal. On that foundation, True Parents held the celebration on 7.7 by the H.C.