The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2011 |
Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han, June 7, 2011
"I love Korea" -- Hankook ul Sarang Hamnida. After two weeks in Korea, several ministers were moved to tears to leave the Korean families that adopted them. All 172 ministers felt so much love, respect and kindness from the Korean people.
During our visit, each minister drew a name of one of the 286 Korean clans. In a special registration ceremony we sat next to a representative of that clan, and were adopted into that clan.
On the 22nd we completed our study of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle and received our diplomas at the Cheong Shim Youth Center on the 23rd. Our lecturer was Rev. Eu who not only shared the OSDP but gave us many insights into the life and motivation of our True Parents.
Yesterday morning we had Hoon Dok Hae from 5:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. with our True Father and True Mother. Father spoke for six hours without a bathroom break, or anything to eat or drink. This Hoon Dok Hae was very difficult, especially for some of the ministers new to our movement. I was reminded of the passage in Matthew 11:7-15 where Jesus chastised those who had a humanistic view of John the Baptist. "What did you go out in the desert to see? A reed swayed by the wind? If not what did you go out to see? A man dressed in fine clothes? No, those who wear fine clothes are in king's palaces. Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet."
During our Hoon Dok Hae with True Parents each minister had a unique experience. Some "saw" the True Father, many saw a prophet, one minister saw a "classic demonstration of sleep deprivation", while others saw a dictator.
Many topics were covered during the meeting. And there was probably something said that could offend each person. One African American felt the way True Father questioned Archbishop George Augustus Stallings, Jr. was demeaning and took away Bishop Stallings dignity. I thought her response was interesting, but I suspect Bishop Stallings felt True Father's intense love and respect for him.
One minister was upset that the meeting was so long. "Some of us are diabetic and need something to eat, and everybody needed to use the bathroom." One lady minister with short hair got up to go to the bathroom, and as she walked away from True Father down the middle aisle, True Father asked if she was a man or a woman, and shouted at her to return to her seat. (Two days before True Father held a 22 ½ hour Hoon Dok Hae with some Japanese workshop participants in Yeosu. He spoke from 5:30 a.m. until 3:00 a.m. the next morning without a bathroom break, or anything to eat or drink. What an historic Hoon Dok Hae for a man 91 years old.)
Many felt that True Father discussed things that should not be discussed in public. He asked one male minister if he masturbated. And he asked a lady minister whether she had been faithful to her husband. He discussed purity before marriage, fidelity within marriage, and the importance of protecting the male and female sexual organs in his unique way.
Later in the morning he mentioned that he could not attend the funeral for Rev. Won Pil Kim. Father knows some secret about Rev. Kim's life and there are walls around him in the spiritual world. When the time is right True Father will go to his grave and liberate him.
During breakfast the next morning, several ministers expressed their hurt feelings from Hoon Dok Hae the morning before. One African American lady minister said, "When he scolded that lady who had gotten up to go to the bathroom, he lost me right there." Several felt that Father was a male chauvinist.
I was so grateful for the support of one of the Atlanta ministers, Pastor Samuel Mosteller. He said that Rev. Moon is a genuine prophet, and whatever he said was calculated, and at "his level he cannot afford to say anything wrong."
When Hoon Dok Hae began, Father said the greatest gift he could give us is the gift of understanding indemnity. I shared about how Father often uses our bodies to pay indemnity during Hoon Dok Hae. And I paraphrased God's warning to Cain, "Why has your countenance fallen. If you can master your negative feelings, won't you be accepted?"
During our discussion, the ministers could air their hurt feelings, and I mentioned the prophet Hosea. He had been instructed by God to marry a prostitute. She continued to service other men, and even had children who were not Hosea's. Hosea's feelings must have been so difficult. He might have even felt angry and betrayed by God. But then he had what I call "the moment of the prophet." Instead of personalizing his suffering, he realized that his feelings were a shadow of what God Himself must be feeling toward Israel. Israel had turned to other gods, and God could not even recognize the sons and daughters of Israel as His own children.
I think our breakfast discussion helped some of the ministers, especially the women pastors, ladies go over their negative feelings.
We had an incredible two week experience in Korea. We tried journey across the entire country, tried new foods, and even slept in the tradition motels with mats on the floor. Everyone had a fantastic journey to the Fatherland, and all are very appreciative of the opportunity afforded them.
I sent out daily reports to the families of District Five, from September 11th through 24th. If you miss one and would like a copy please let me know. I would be happy to send you a copy.
Our financial goal was to collect $12,000 from our district to contribute to the trip. You helped raise over $11,000. Several families are making their offering in installments, so I am confident we will make our goal. Please make your checks out to HSA-UWC, and mark the subject line "172 ministers". Please mail them c/o Mrs. Noguchi, Atlanta Family Church, 3060 Bouldercrest Road, Ellenwood, Georgia 30294. Again, thank you for your continued support
May heaven bless you and your family,