The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2011 |
Note: These notes are taken from a video clip of the web page Peace TV. This translation cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi
"Grandmother Flower song is Rev. Moon's song. Great-great-grandmother really loved me. There were lots of men and women in the Moon tribe but she thought I was the best. She always wanted to eat together with me, stay with me, and sing with me."
"Say Hunminjeongeum (Katsumi: The Hunminjeongeum means 'Teaching the people the right sounds and words', and is the work whereby the Korean script. This was invented in 1443 and was officially promulgated by King Sejong in 1446. Father often emphasizes the importance of the name.)
"Interlock your hands together. Do it. I always put my left hand (thumb) over the right one. (This means) absolute obedience and absolute harmony and there is none of my own assertion. After letting all my family to go to bed, I prepared breakfast for them. Then I got up earlier than anybody else and prepared the table for them. (If we live that way) nothing but the world of peace is realized."
"Those who have big foreheads will have a life of good fortunes prior to marriage. One should have a good-looking forehead. I have three clear frown lines on my forehead. Phrenologically speaking, 98 to 99% of the people like me would live to 109 to 110 years." Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim, with hands in hands, sang ___ in Japanese. Hyung Jin Nim sang "If I can dream."
After his song, Father said, "There is one secret of Hyo Jin and the song we just heard reminded me of it. Making thousands of songs, he meant, 'My beloved father, please liberate your sad heart. I wish I could have one night in comfort when I can stay with you, mother and Heavenly Father, but why can't you have such time with me? I think it would work if you let me do what I want to do. But why can't you be the father that I like?' If he comes to mother and asks her to cry together, she cannot help but do so. Hyo Jin wandered in the fogs of tears and I could not save such a son. He once came to me to ask for letting him go to the spirit world for just three hours so that he can understand there the greatness of his father. He knew that he would go to the spirit world without living long. Like I cured by myself when I was in the prison, he said he would cure himself without going to the hospital.
Since the spirit world taught him that he would leave earth soon, he said he could not be patient anymore and asked me to send him to the spirit world for just three hours. He went to Hoon Mo Nim, blocked her on her path, and said he would burn down a building under construction (if she does not help him on this regard). She said she couldn't do it by herself, and she said she could give an order for him to be able to go to the spirit world if True Parents permit it. Hoon Mo Nim asked me to give him permission of going to the spirit world to see the ideal world of creation for 30 minutes, if not one hour. She said if he does not come back within one hour and half, he would not be able to come back. So I said 'Go and come back within 30 minutes.' (Mother called Father on a cellular phone) (Mother 'What are you doing now?') I am talking about Hyo Jin.
(Mother: "Hon Dok Hae goes on without having breakfast and lunch. It's been a long meeting, hasn't it?') I hope you would come here. (Mother: 'Please take lunch.') She said 'Eat breakfast and lunch.' (Laughter) But talking about death and the life of the son is more important. (Mother: 'Please eat lunch.') OK, I will eat and go out for fishing. Do not worry I will eat.
(Katsumi: Then Father said Hyo Jin Nim had said he could or would not return because of some reason, but I don't clearly understand what Father said.)
Hoon Mo Nim asked me with tears. I said 'If he really wants to do so, let him do what he wants to do.' In such a way, I sent him to the spirit world. In the ceremony (of Seunghwa), nobody knows the heart of the father who cannot come to and console his son. Until now I cannot get rid of that sadness. (Sniffle of the participants)
At the final moment (of the ceremony), I talked to my watch, 'You will live for more than half year from now on, and so please console him. You, beyond time and space, please listen to me.' After I asked my watch to do so, I put it on his arm. His wrist was smaller than mine and the watch could go up here (to his elbow). If he was alive and felt the warmness of the watch, he would have said, 'Father, my heart is broken.' Seeing him, I said 'Go in peace. I have prepared your path for you in the spirit world. I cannot help but observe my promise with you and so don't worry, go in peace. Do not forget the spirit of loyalty. Stand behind mother and attend her, and wait for her there.'
"This son (Hyo Jin Nim) is now always ahead of me anywhere I go. When 172 Christian ministers came this time, I gave him the permission of giving the Blessing to patriots and women of virtues among the ancestors of the Moon tribe. Therefore he is busy now making a revolution there."
After the Hoon Dok Hae of 22 hours and 30 minutes at the Cheong Hae Garden, Yeosu, Father took a rest of less than two hours, left for Geomundo by helicopter, arrived there at 6:50 a.m., and immediately went fishing. During fishing that day, Father slept curled up for only one hour on the boat, and after a late lunch Father received reports regarding the activities of Christian ministers from the US.