The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2011 |
Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon, September 20, 2011
Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi
(Regarding the contents of Father's speech which Father listened to during Hoon Dok Hae before) "What I was surprised with was the titles (of the speeches) and the contents I spoke 50 years ago exactly fit what I am doing now. So how scary words they are. I am scared with those words. I am talking about 'entering the realm of resonance' but what do you know about it? When I enter the realm of resonance while being half asleep, words automatically come out from my mouth. How come? I am following the sounds of the words from the spirit world, which nobody knows are the words of Hoon Dok materials. My words have such a background, and so those are not mine. That's why I am the one who is scared of these words the most. I am scared of them more than anybody else.
You don't catch them since the words just flow out, but I understand them. They became Hoon Dok materials and so I am scared of them. There are hundreds of my speech books and when you read them, mind the dates I said and you read them respectively. Then you will understand what I said miraculously fit into your current situation. Let's listen and see if what I said those days fit your reality now."
Father told Mrs. Yang to read Father's speech, and she read his speech given on March 24, 1970.
In his report, Rev. Jeong Soon Jo emphasized Father's love in giving Korean surnames to 172 faith leaders from the US, through which True Parents embrace all humanity. He also mentioned "Won-goo Peace Happy University" had been successfully registered and they were working for that.
Father gave directions regarding how to position fishing rods on the boats at the Hoover Dam in order to get better results, and left for fishing right after the meeting. Rev. Hwang and Rev. Jo accompanied Father.