The Words of the Sun Myung Moon from 2011 |
Myung Moon and Dae Mo Nim October 3, 2011
Participants from the convention marking the establishment of the Abel UN and participants from the forty-day ocean training take part in this morning's Hoon Dok Hae.
What did you do yesterday? (Rev. Lym and Rev. Yu spoke to the convention participants. Later in the evening they went out to fish from 9:00 p.m. They also took a dip in a 'sea-bath.')
The space we have here is actually quite spacious compared to the places we used to be in. We had about 800 participants fit in this tiny room. I rather liked those days.
Your mind and body are in the wrong order. God should be at the top but He is at the bottom. God cannot just go up. Since it was turned upside down by [breaking] the principle God is unable to proceed.
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden were God's body. God could have assumed a bodily form but they gave themselves up to the servant. They were 80% to perfection but were taken over by Satan. God was not in a position to teach them directly. If He could have done that He would not have allowed for the fall to happen. God, however, cannot do anything that does not conform to the principle. This is an important point.
You can ask the countless saints who are in the spirit world but not one of them would be able to answer you. If they knew they could have paid indemnity for their faults but they could not. You have to voluntarily go on the path of indemnity. If you sin you have to resolve it on your own. There's no need for courts. Your conscience already knows.
Don't you feel the pangs of your conscience if you do something wrong? Yet, you continue on your way even though you feel those pangs. That's why everything was distorted.
After breakfast, True Parents went out to the ocean in front of Cheonghae Garden. There they blessed the Cheonhwaho, a new ship that was brought from America, and offered a prayer to dedicate this ship to heaven. Later True Parents and their attendants went around the islands surrounding Yeosu and returned to Cheonghae Garden at around 10:40 a.m.
Meanwhile, the convention marking the establishment of the Abel UN was in its fourth day. Rev. Sun Jo Hwang was giving a presentation about the ocean providence to the participants who also were shown a promotion video about the Yeosu project. Rev. Hwang explained in detail about the providential significance of the ocean providence.
In the afternoon True Parents returned to Cheon Jeong Gung. The convention participants went fishing in the sea and had some time to tour the local area.