The Words of the Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
Dear Canadian family members,
Good morning.
This morning 1:54 am Korea time our dear True Father ascended to the spirit world at the cheongshim hospital.
True Father's holy boday return to the Cheon Cheong Place at 3:30 am.
We will have 13 days Sunghwa ceremonial service at cheonshim world peace center and on 13th day officiate the Cosmic Sunghwa ceremony for True Father.
HQ will request all world family members come to Korea and participate in the ceremony. More in detail will come very soon to you.
Let us offer continued our utmost effort for the sake of our beloved True Father.
OEG MANSEI True Father,
Oeg Mansei True Father
Oeg Masei True Father.
Ki Hoon Kim