The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 1957 |
4 Adam made love to his wife Eve, and
she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, "With the
help of the Lord I have brought forth a man." 2 Later she gave
birth to his brother Abel. Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the
soil. 3 In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the
soil as an offering to the Lord. 4 And Abel also brought an offering
-- fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The Lord
looked with favor on Abel and his offering, 5 but on Cain and his
offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, and his
face was downcast. 6 Then the Lord said to Cain, "Why are you
angry? Why is your face downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you
not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching
at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it."
8 Now Cain said to his brother Abel, "Let's go out to the
field." While they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother
Abel and killed him.
Genesis 4:1-8
24 Jesus told them another parable:
"The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his
field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed
weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and
formed heads, then the weeds also appeared. 27 "The owner's
servants came to him and said, 'Sir, didn't you sow good seed in your
field? Where then did the weeds come from?' 28 "'An enemy did
this,' he replied. "The servants asked him, 'Do you want us to
go and pull them up?' 29 "'No,' he answered, 'because while you
are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let
both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the
harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be
burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.'"
10 "Very truly I tell you
Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but
climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. 2 The one who
enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. 3 The gatekeeper
opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls
his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 When he has brought out
all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him
because they know his voice. 5 But they will never follow a stranger;
in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a
stranger's voice." 6 Jesus used this figure of speech, but the
Pharisees did not understand what he was telling them.
John 10:1-6
Father, You have raised us up in this perilous land. Though we are inadequate, You protected us with concerns and worries! Please let us stand upright before You to wipe Your tears and experience Your anguished heart with our minds and bodies. Moreover, if there are such people, please seek them out in this hour, discussing with them the great feat You are attempting to bring to pass. Even if the darkness of the Last Days and waves of death are sweeping over this era, Father of love, we earnestly wish for You to give us Your wisdom and the ability to discern and overcome them.
We know that because we are people living in sin, it is easy for us to approach everything centered on ourselves and to establish what is not the will, as if it were the will, and move forward with it. Father, please thoroughly awaken us.
By doing so, please allow us to affix our complete center and march toward the path of the eternal life of the Father. We beg You to let us become the sons and daughters who can penetrate through everything for the sake of the desired will of the Father and carry on the battle with Satan.
Until now, we have not known where the standard of life lies which can guide the ignorant people. We only worried and prayed for our own sake. Father, please awaken our inadequate selves. Father, we earnestly hope You will guide our minds and bodies to go on to the position of ultimate victory according to the laws of the principle.
We know that, even at this moment, Satan is trying to confuse us with all kinds of conspiracies and schemes to block the grace You are about to give us. Father, please guide us to be able to clear out them all and fight with Satan. Furthermore, beloved Father, we sincerely wish You to allow us to become the sons and daughters who can build an intimate relationship with the Father inside the victorious boundary.
Please allow a new perspective with which we can discern all things to those of us who must usher in the Last Days. Please lead us to understand that our surrounding environment is the object of our tests. Moreover, please lead us not to become satanic entities. Father, we pray that You will guide and protect us so we can step over the environment and manifest the Father's glory.
We know that, even in this moment, there are many lonely members, scattered across the countryside, who are praying before You. No matter what kind of situation they face and what kind of environment they live in, please personally protect them. By doing so, Father of love, please let them be able to cope with the heavenly mission bestowed upon them in the Last Days.
Please allow us, in this hour, to attain in our minds and bodies the power and the ability to fight with Satan with new resolve and determination for the sake of founding the one victorious day that can manifest the glory of God. Wishing that the Father's hands of infinite love will appear before all people on this earth and the thirty million people of this nation, we offer all the words in the name of the Lord. Amen.
The title of the sermon I want to give to you today is "Let Us Understand the True Path and Discern the Side Path."
Countless people of this era today are living in a state of confusion, unable to distinguish true from false. Now I want to examine what true and false are through the words in the Bible.
You know that because of the fall of the human ancestors, the grief of Heaven has been dwelling deep inside human beings for the thousands of years of history until now. While this grief can be found in humanity of the present era, at the same time, Heaven will feel great lamentation about our future generations, too. You know that the path humankind has taken after betraying the heavenly principles has become a source of sorrow and grief for all things of these Last Days.
What then must people do to remove this grief? What kind of people should they become? This is an essential problem you must understand.
How are you going to cross over this hill? You must cross over the hill of the lamentation of all things, of humanity and of Heaven, which still remains. In other words, you must alleviate the grief of Heaven toward innumerable people during the passage of the 6,000-year history until now. You must liberate humanity from this grief. You must liberate all things from the grief they have had since the time of creation.
Because you learned the principles of restoration through indemnity, you probably understand what indemnity conditions are. For an individual to set indemnity conditions, it must not end with him. It must also become the indemnity condition that alleviates the grief of God, which is implanted deep inside the internal heart, the grief of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and the grief of the many millions of believers, heavenly soldiers, and angels in Heaven. It must even alleviate the grief of the many spirits who are in hell. That indemnity condition must also alleviate the suffering of all humanity on earth now. You have to clearly understand this. Furthermore, you must keep in mind that, on your own, you have to climb up a hill of suffering unprecedented since the time of creation and walk toward the ultimate judgment stand of the Last Days.
Now you are on the forked road of climbing over the universal hill of suffering to head toward the path of life. If you do not climb over it, you head toward the path of death. Consequently, you must stand on that forked road of life and death and deeply contemplate whether you are going to cross over the hill, how you are going to vanquish Satan, and how you are going to climb over that hill to unveil the glory of Heaven.
If there is someone who has these kinds of thoughts, then their life will become serious. His gaze must look beyond himself to behold the heavenly principles. His feelings must not feel the realities of this sinful world. He must feel the true love of God, who is concerned about this world. His movement must not be only for his own sake; it must become a motion that removes the grief of all things.
If anybody stands in this kind of serious state of mind and leads their life for the sake of climbing over the historical hill of grief on behalf of Heaven, earth and humanity, then that life will be incredibly extraordinary. It will command indescribably great life force. No matter what others do, you must safeguard your own mind.
While making your way through the hill of all kinds of difficulties, hardships and suffering, you must battle with Satan.
Consequently, you have to realize that the responsibility to step over the hill of suffering is given to each of you today. You have to remember always to reflect in which direction the foundation you are standing on, the spirit you possess, and the hope and standard you cherish are heading toward. If you neglect this, then the day you neglect it will be the day of God's sorrow. The moment you neglect it will be the moment that the infinite hopes and expectations that people and all things have had in you will all disappear. It will become an hour of sadness when you must climb over the hill of sorrows again. Today you have to sense this fact in your minds and bodies.
Today, then, what kind of hill must you climb over? You must, first, climb over the historical hill of lamentation and then defeat Satan, who is blocking you as the invisible force of fear in all your surroundings.
When you are trying to step over the historic hill of lamentation, if you are confronted with the forces of fear that originate from the enormous forces of Satan, you will not be able to continue in your path but will take the side path. Therefore, in order for you to cross over onto that path, even if your mind and body are to become the offering, even if the whole universe uses you as the condition of lamentation, you must offer your life and fight with Satan.
If you cannot do this, you will have no choice but to follow in the footsteps of Adam and Eve, who fell unintentionally. You will have to follow in the footsteps of Cain, who violated the will of God and betrayed the heavenly principles.
Because now is the time you must risk yourself and restore all the grief of the universe through indemnity, you do not have even one friend. Moreover, because now is like the moment before the fall of Adam and Eve when God could not intervene directly, He will not directly intervene in your affairs to let fallen men enter the new course of restoration on their own and climb over all the history of lamentation.
Consequently, various phenomena are appearing near you for the sake of pioneering all the conditions of lamentation. If there is some reality seen and felt, it is for the sake of helping you cross over the hill of lamentation on your own: in other words, to indemnify the hill of lamentation.
What then must you do to eliminate all grief? If you try to alleviate the grief of Heaven and earth, then all things will try to strike you. At that moment, even if you are struck and fall down, you must go forward with the determination to face death.
In the course you are traveling today, there will be material suffering. All things will strike you, and all people will strike you. When Jesus came to set the conditions of indemnity on the earth on behalf of humanity, all things and people struck and beat Jesus. When we reflect on that, we can understand that in your own course, there will come a time when people and all things will strike you. Moreover, when God strikes you in your course, if you lose hope and hold grudges against Heaven, then you will not be able to pass through the gate of judgment in the Last Days.
Therefore, Christianity teaches people to abandon everything. It teaches them to sacrifice all physical things. It is teaching them to disregard all humanistic things. At such a time, people can finally become good to freely enjoy the glory of the Father and be pulled into the realm of the Father's infinite love. If you cannot become this kind of person, there is no way you can uproot the elements of lamentation that have come down, embedded in human bones, until now.
Through what course of history did that element of grief come? After the fall of Adam and Eve, through the course of the 6,000-year history, Satan has been guiding that element of sorrow until today. You have to understand this and understand that you are in a precarious position where you might have to pass the elements of grief to your descendants.
Accordingly, now you must learn to abandon all that you have. You have to submit yourself before Heaven in obedience and receive the arrows of Satan for Heaven in front of any other person. You must step forward in the fight against Satan before anyone else. Moreover, you must do the same for humankind, for the will of God and for all things. You must volunteer first to sacrifice yourself. You have to understand clearly that only by becoming this kind of person can you avoid the ultimate judgment of the Last Days.
When we divide biblical history into periods, we can understand that the Old Testament era is the period of symbolic offerings. Next is the period of the substantial offering. Next is the period of the offering of the heart. When we look at this vertically, what we see is God, humankind and all things. Because we cannot restore them all at once through indemnity, all the things that took part in the 6,000-year dispensation are all manifesting themselves to the whole world of the Last Days today.
In other words, the causes of God's grief for 6,000 years are surfacing before the whole of humanity on the earth today. Consequently, no one living in this era can be at peace. Everyone is swept into the realm of lamentation.
What then must you, who are living in this kind of period, do today? You must not make a mistake in any affair. Transcending time and space, you must never fall under the accusation of Satan. You have to understand that because until now, the 6,000-year history of grief has swept across with you at stake, the waves of the big flood of 6,000 years are crossing the path on which you are walking. If you do not want to be swept away by the waves of that flood, you must not become someone who struggles because they are attached to the affairs of the earth. To put it another way, you must not become blind to the dispensation of God because you are bound to yourself.
After you have crossed over the historic hill of lamentation, what must you do? You who have taken charge of the mission of Cain must learn to attend the sons and daughters of God, who come as Abel. You should be able to represent them. Removing all the fallen elements of sorrow, you should move only according to the will that God demands of you.
When you are relating to ten people in your surroundings, you must learn to sanctify yourself to make those ten people completely your own, considering them the people who can remove the conditions of your sorrow. You should deal with them with this kind of attitude. In other words, countless people exist in your surroundings for the sake of raising you to perfection. If you ask the question for whom and for what reason they are in action, the answer is that they are in action to make you a complete human being.
Moreover, you might think that God took different positions as He received the offering of Abel but did not receive the offering of Cain. It would have been different if Cain and Abel had made an offering to God together. If Cain had even the slightest desire to go through Abel, who represented Heaven's position, then God would have taken Cain's offering. Even if there might be a difference in time, He wanted to relate with them from the same position.
What then must you do if you now want to climb over the universal hill of sorrow before God and emerge as the one offering because of whom God can rejoice and be glad? You are not to build the altar of Abel, whose purpose is to restore all things in the universe and offer the lamb as the Abel-type sacrifice. You are to offer your substantial embodiment of life.
You must not repeat the mistake of Abel, who prolonged the dispensation of God by not being able to cope with the mission Heaven gave to him and who shed his blood. You have to have the mind-set that all the realities unfolding around you are for the sake of raising you to perfection. You must nurture an unshakable faith so that no matter who drives you to the hostile environment, you will not take a path that violates Heaven. By doing so, you must forget all things in your surrounding environment. You must march forward determined even to face death solely for the sake of manifesting the glory of the Father.
After Cain and Abel made their offerings, Cain found out that God only received Abel's offering. Cain then despised Abel and beat him to death. You have to understand, however, that from the time they had made the preparations to make the offerings, Cain already had hatred toward Abel. It was not that Cain beat Abel because he momentarily felt hatred when God did not receive his offering. Rather, even before that took place, Cain hated Abel and wanted to beat him to death.
What must you who have inherited the fallen lineage do to climb over the hill of universal lamentation? Now you are not to build the altar that sets the condition of faithlessness and conflict. You must introduce the glory of the Father and build the victorious altar of Abel that can bring joy and glory to the Father.
Consequently, your life is not limited to you as an individual. It represents the whole. The life you have lived, centering on the will, does not end the moment you prostrate before the Father. There the determination is made between the two branches of the road, the Cain position and the Abel position. In other words, you are standing on the incredibly precarious path of history where you might easily become either Abel or Cain.
When we examine the principles of restoration, we can understand that the history of the dispensation for which God exerted Himself for 6,000 years is inducing human beings to seek a more Abel-type person and attend him. Therefore, God sent one person to humanity as the Abel on the world level for the sake of restoring everything through indemnity. That person was none other than Jesus Christ himself.
The believers of Judaism and the Israelites of that time should not have taken the same position as Cain in the past, who envied and despised Abel. Rather, they should have demonstrated absolute obedience and served Jesus, who was in the position of Abel. They then could have climbed over the hill of universal lamentation. Moreover, from that point on, they could have built the altar of life on earth that God wanted, the Abel-type altar of glory. However, you have to understand that due to Jesus' death, caused by the jealousy and envy of the followers of Judaism and the Israelites, all those wills were undermined at once.
If you possess unlimited desire and long for the infinite and eternal world, you must not be limited to yourselves. You must climb over all hills of lamentation that are blocking your path. After rising above them, you must courageously fight against Satan.
Moreover, when you obey Heaven, you must not obey for a certain moment. When you persevere, you must not persevere for a moment. Until the moment your life is extinguished, you must remain obedient toward Heaven and overcome difficulties. You have to keep in mind that if you cannot do that, then you will not be able to climb over the hill of the last judgment.
What kind of time then is today? Now is the time that the will of God is manifesting itself on the earth. Today, on this earth, there are Cain and Abel. Just like the words written in Chapter 13 of Matthew, on this earth there are grains which are full of wheat and grains which have empty heads. Furthermore, like the words in Chapter 10 of the Gospel of John, while there are true shepherds who are entering the door, at the same time there are false shepherds who are crossing over to another place and do not go through the door. Consequently, you have to clearly understand that this kind of phenomenon can also easily take place in our church.
Being aware of this, you must now be able to discern who is Abel and who is Cain, centering on the church. If there are two people, one is always Cain and the other is always Abel. If there are three people, then two of them can be either Cain or Abel, but you must be able to clearly distinguish that there are the most central Cain and the most central Abel.
Cain and Abel must never become divided. One is the right hand and the other is the left. Therefore, everyone must stand in the position of faith that God is my God and the others' God, and that He not only loves me, He loves others as well. We must make the best efforts to seek and attend the Abel figure and avoid the position of Cain. If you cannot do that, then for sure, you will one time in the future fall under the judgment of Heaven.
When we look at our Unification Church, we can also see that here there are always Cain and Abel. Thus, God wants to reveal the words through Abel and hopes that everyone will become one with the Abel figure. However, there is someone who prevents people from becoming one with Abel, and that person is none other than Satan. Consequently, in order for you to live the correct life of faith, you must learn to discuss everything with that Abel person for the sake of becoming one with him.
In the Garden of Eden of the past, if Eve had gone to Adam and consulted with him about the tempting words of the archangel, Eve would not have fallen. Moreover, had Eve discussed it with God, she would not have fallen. After hearing the words of temptation, Eve did not consult with Adam or God, so she committed the mistake of the fall.
God set up the heavenly law "Do not eat," but Satan, who denied this, said to Eve, "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3:5) This kind of deceitful action and temptation of Satan is taking place today without you being aware of it.
Consequently, you must learn to discern the truth about all the things that are happening in your surroundings. In the same way a peasant must be able to distinguish grain from empty heads of grain and grain from the skin at the time of harvest, you must be able to distinguish the actions of God from those of Satan and can distinguish their results.
Now what kind of person must you become? You must be able to taste the joy of harvest. You must become people who can be raised before the Father with dignity. You are to bear the fruit, not of empty heads of grain, but the fruit of the true grain. Therefore, you must correctly receive the grace of Heaven that will help you grow up as the true grain.
You have to know the time Heaven gives the blessing. You have to understand the time of the new dispensation for the sake of the salvation of fallen human beings. You must not become like the empty heads of grain at the time of God's new dispensation. Rather, you must be able to correctly discern everything so that you can become the fruit of the true grain.
However, in the 6,000-year history, people have not been able to correctly distinguish true from false until now. There has not been even one person who bore fruit as the true grain on behalf of human history. There was no one who bore the fruit for which countless people in history have hoped. You have to understand that if there was someone who lived for the sake of harvesting them, that person must be Jesus Christ. Today you have to be concerned about what form the fruit, which will be born anyway, will take. With a craving heart, you must head toward the path of life. By doing so, you must enter the path of life and give birth to the new, second life.
It is not the case that only true things are in your mind. In the field called your mind, at times true grains are planted, and at times grains with empty heads are planted. Grains with empty heads are not planted only in the environment in which you are dwelling. Fallen elements remain in your hearts. You have to clearly understand that the person who walked the path of sacrifice for the sake of removing them and rectifying their hearts is none other than Jesus Christ.
How is your daily life? When you make a movement in your daily life, that action is either good or false. It is either one of the two. What you see, hear, say and feel are all either good or false. Similarly, you must sense that you are standing on the forked road where every reality is divided into true and false.
There are Cain aspects and Abel aspects in your mind today. Moreover, in your mind, there are true grains and grains with empty heads. Therefore, when you carry out some action, you feel forced to reflect whether it was more Cain-type or Abel-type.
Similarly, everything exists in the position of Cain and Abel or within the four directions of the vertical and horizontal. Accordingly, wherever you go today, you must be able to distinguish things, establishing Abel things as Abel-type and Cain things as Cain- type. Since even lower animals can determine whether the grass they are eating is poisonous or not, human beings, the lords of creation, must be able to correctly discern all the things they encounter. You have to distinguish clearly who is Abel and who is Cain.
If Eve, in the past, had been able to correctly discern the hands of temptation approaching her, she would not have fallen. If Eve had relied on the words of God and fought with Satan till the end, at the cost of her life, she would not have fallen. However, because she could not discern her immoral desire for something at an inappropriate time, she fell. You have to clearly understand this.
Now, before you there will probably be true grains and empty heads of grains. There will also be true shepherds and false shepherds. Therefore, you must now distinguish this clearly. A true shepherd does not call himself a true shepherd. He silently moves forward with the will of God and all things cherished in his heart. He does not make excuses for his own situation. You can look back and see that, consequently, when Jesus stood inside the court of Pilate, although the evil ones asserted that they were right, Jesus did not make excuses for himself.
However, there will come one time in the Last Days when you will not be able to distinguish the true things from the false. For this, God ordered that the people who are to receive that kind of time must pour oil on their heads and pray inside a secret chamber. If everyone makes the assertion that they are right, there will be great confusion and chaos. It will not be possible to determine who is the true shepherd, so God taught them to silently go into the secret chamber and make the judgment through prayer.
A true son does not boast about himself, unless the Father expresses pride in him. He does not give any excuses. Even if he is standing in the position of the Father's glory, he does not boast. Rather, he tries to lower himself. Consequently, you must make undying efforts to become that kind of person.
When we look at the Unification Church today, you have to understand that although you are not aware of it, the Teacher is unfolding a fierce battle on the spiritual and substantial dimensions to pioneer this kind of path. At present, you possess the element that will force you down to the dark realm of death because of a small mistake you might make. You have more elements in you that lead you to live centering on yourself, to satisfy your own selfish greed, than you have elements of living for the sake of the whole. Consequently, today you have to deny your inadequate self and entrust everything to the Father with the internal heart, "Please rule over us as You will." If you do not possess this kind of heart, you will be forced to take futile steps, and you will not be able to escape from the realm of death that Satan rules over.
Now in the course you are walking, you will face many temptations of Satan. Moreover, people who communicate with the spirit world will fall upon many tests. When human beings fall down in his test, Satan will accuse you, "How can you be like this?" and block your path. This is the reason that today you need a path through which you can avoid those kinds of accusations from Satan. You know this path very well through the Divine Principle.
What kind of shepherd then is the true shepherd? What should the true lambs who are following the true shepherd do? What are the seeds sown through the true words, the seeds that bear the true grains? What kind of lifestyle should you lead to stand in the position of true Abel? You must solve these kinds of questions and move forward. In this way, by attaining the qualifications of Abel, who can confidently go before Heaven and earth, humankind and all things, you can avoid the side path and walk on the true path. You must keep this in mind.
You must not recklessly make a move when you are given a vague teaching. You must never make a move without the direction determined by a clear truth. Even if someone unmistakably teaches you a new fact, you must not simply believe in it. You should discuss it with someone who is more Abel than you. You have to understand that if you talk among yourselves and bring confusion, you will bring about the same phenomena as the spiritual fall of the angelic world.
You, who have ushered in the Last Days, now must stand in the position of Abel and possess one gift that you can offer to the Father. If you want to step forward as the true Abel, then you must first possess some gift that only you and the Father can recognize. You have to have some precious gift no one else has. If other people find out about it, then even if that gift is true grain, it will become an empty head of grain.
Therefore, you today must prepare a gift of true grain that no one else can recognize and offer it to the Father with all your heart. When you do that, you can finally emerge as the true filial son of the Father, the Abel of all people on this earth. You will be able to give birth to new life.
You, who have ushered in the Last Days, must not stop at just following the will of the Father. You must also become the leaders who guide all people. When the kingdom of the Father is built, you can rejoice as the leader who led all the people and the true shepherd. To do that, you must become a group of lambs who offer a gift of concealed heart to the Father without borrowing from other people's efforts.
What kind of people are robbers and thieves? They are people who use what does not belong to them as their own possessions. Today there are many people of this kind. They are using our Divine Principle as if it is their own. A true person is someone who returns to Heaven what they have received as the possession of Heaven. You must never become robbers and thieves who use what belongs to Heaven as their own.
Thus, now you must obtain some condition on which to stand as an Abel figure. You must bear the true fruits that can enter the storage of the true shepherd. You must become the true fruit and true grain over which the true shepherd can be glad. Flowers that blossom in the spring season will bear fruit in the fall no matter what kind of flower it is. However, in order for those flowers to bear good fruits in the fall, they need appropriate amounts of temperature, humidity and nutrition in their growing process.
Similarly, in order for you to bear fruit as the Abel-type of people who can inherit the will of Heaven, then today, tomorrow, ten, twenty, thirty, sixty years from now, until the moment of your death, you must pour out all of your heart toward Heaven and demonstrate loyalty. Moreover, even if you are put in the position of death, you must fulfill all the obligations of faith toward the Father without changing.
However, it seems that when you face something in your life of faith that you cannot believe or do not understand because of your ignorance, you are easily swayed. You must not do that. If you are swayed by indefinite things and carry out actions based upon them, you will naturally end in the position of Satan. If that happens, you will surely stand on the ultimate judgment stand.
Enemies will certainly appear on the path you travel. Enemies with respect to faith and finances will emerge. Furthermore, some members of our Unification Church will become each other's enemies. Satan will seize the moment when you make a small mistake and drive you to the path of Cain.
How must you lead your life to defeat these enemies and not stand in the position of Cain? You must not live for the sake of your own comfort, but live a life of sacrifice for the sake of the whole. Your mind must become a parental mind and your body must become the body of a servant to live for the sake of all people. More than anyone else, you must attend the Father with all of your heart and become a pure offering before the Father. By doing so, you must fulfill the obligations of loyalty toward Heaven to rise above the three realms of formation, growth and completion that were lost.
Even if you have remained loyal to the Father for several decades until now, that alone will not bring everything to a conclusion. No matter how loyal you have been until now, in your one generation you must demonstrate more loyalty than three generations combined. Only when you can accomplish that can you finally at once restore through indemnity the three realms of formation, growth and completion. If you cannot do that, you will eventually dwell within the satanic realms, and you will not be able to step forward as the true Abel before the Father.
Consequently, you must now complete the duties of loyalty and faith toward the Father, of which Satan is not aware and about which he cannot make accusations. In order for your loyalty to remain eternally, you must be able to discern the side path, which is the result of Satan. Following the true path of Heaven, you must move forward until the last moment to obey the Father and become a pure offering.
Father of love, until now we have thought that only the front existed, but now we realize that there is also behind. We thought that there was only today, but we now realize that there is also tomorrow. We thought that there was only above, but now we realize that there is also below.
Moreover, we have also come to know that if it is a relationship centered on the eternal will, the right side can become the left side and the left side can become the right side. In other words, even if front, back, left and right were to change their positions, they could still stand before the Father. However, we also feel that because we could not uproot the original root of sin inside human beings, in this era today, front, back, left, right, above and below have all become mixed up and are not able to have give and take with each other properly.
Father of love! Please allow the imminent approach of a day of joy when front, back, left, right, above and below can all become completely one, centering on the eternal ideology of the Father. Now we earnestly wish that You will help us understand that if we do not have the desire to forsake ourselves, but want to elevate ourselves, we cannot escape from the judgment of the Father one day.
Beloved Father, we sincerely wish and pray You will allow us to become Your true and proud sons and daughters who can sing the glory of the Father by forming the relationship of inseparable oneness in which below can replace above, right can replace left, and left can replace right. Father, we know that in this era today, the invisible side path is crossing our path before us. Please allow us to become sons and daughters who can discern it and march toward Heaven in silence. By actualizing the will of the victorious day, let us comfort the Father.
Please let there emerge on the earth the day of the Father's joy, when all that have upheld the one purpose until now can end at the one purpose and bear fruit there. Father of love, we pray that You will allow us to be moved by the joyful heart of the Father and be happy.
Hoping that the Father will take charge and govern the remaining time, we offer all the words in the name of the Lord.