Sun Myung Moon's Words From 1959 |
46 While Jesus was still talking to
the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to
him. 47 Someone told him, "Your mother and brothers are standing
outside, wanting to speak to you." 48 He replied to him, "Who
is my mother, and who are my brothers?" 49 Pointing to his
disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers. 50 For
whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister
and mother."
Matthew 12:46-50
Father, we came here from many different places. We were born as the children of many different people. We cannot help but think about the many intertwined causes and situations which burden us with debt today.
Father, there are good people here and those who are not so good. The state and form of man's mind and body vary infinitely. Yet our deepest desire for truth and the highest goodness, and our longing for the original Father, our God, will never change.
The Father does not seek external forms or appearances but is eager to awaken our original selves, hidden deep inside our hearts. He is eager to find the hearts of those who long for Him. Please allow us to experience and realize this in the depths of our hearts. Please allow us to realize that if we cannot recognize this truth and demonstrate it, there is no meaning to our gathering here today.
When we think about how hard You have worked to find the kind of people You wished for during the complex course of conflict in history, we feel that we could not have become what we are today by virtue of our own efforts alone.
When we were born on the earth, we were born into relationships above us, below us, in front of us, in back, and to the left and right. Please allow us to understand that these relationships are somehow prompting us to seek the value of the one perfect purpose, or the reciprocal value of the whole. Please help us realize that Heaven is above; below us the history of goodness is moving with the heavenly principles; in front of us is the world of hope; and to our left and right are our colleagues and relatives. Please help us become sons and daughters who can sense this reality and hold onto our original hearts as we observe all these and make our utmost efforts to build all these relationships.
If there is someone who forgets everything they have and who struggles desperately against their attachments, even if they walk out of step with their generation and are opposed in their daily life, they will be raised up before Heaven in the Last Days. We came here longing for and seeking such a path. Father, please command us. Please speak to us. We yearn for the Father's heart in our hearts. Father, if something displeases You, please allow us to experience it as our own reality. If there is something which causes You distress, please allow us to experience it through our bodies. Please allow us to become sons and daughters who can sense the Father's existence, demonstrating it through our bodies. Allow us to bow before the Father in gratitude.
Even if we are evil and chained in sin, please allow us to experience in a real way that Heaven is looking at us with pity. We know that those who should be here are those who understand that they are the greatest sinners. They are those who understand that there is no way to pay the indemnity they owe. They bear a heavier burden the more they go forward and the more they feel and understand. We cannot help but feel that unless we remove our own assertions and concepts, we cannot enter Heaven.
Father, Your sons and daughters have gathered here. Since they have come here, please do not let their visit be in vain. Since we came together as assigned by fate, please do not let this meeting become meaningless. We sincerely wish our relationships not to be humanistic. Please let them develop into relationships of the original nature, heart and life.
What should I speak of? We want only the Father's heart to be manifested and the Father to appear before us. We want to feel the sung-sang of the Father concretely. Please let us sense during this hour that we are brothers. Please let the members who represent You build one altar before You. Father, this is our sincere wish.
Please bless all the churches who have gathered on behalf of the thirty million people of this nation. Please bless Your sons and daughters who are lying prostrated before You on behalf of the 2.7 billion people of the world.
Although our ancestors fought against evil, that fight has not come to an end yet. Please allow us to understand how to cope with this conflict and be fully prepared internally and externally as brave soldiers representing Heaven. Let us become sons and daughters who can stand before humanity and all people.
We witnessed Jesus' sorrow in the Bible verses that were just recited. Although Jesus was born in Joseph's family and had parents, siblings, relatives and kinsmen, he walked a lonely path. Father! Please allow us to connect with the sorrowful situation of Jesus. We sincerely wish that during this hour You will reveal the knowledge of Heaven which must be revealed.
We wish to offer our minds and bodies to You, and we wish that everything will come together as the Father's. Father, hoping that You will protect us directly, we prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
We have parents, siblings and a family. Every person has a family he can dwell in. Regardless of whether or not that family is good, we all have relatives and families where we can dwell.
You will have to live with your family until the day you die. In your families, the members are leading lives full of both happiness and misfortune. Although you know that your families are the home connected to you eternally, one day you will be severed from that family. Although many people have gathered here, no one here can guarantee that he or she will take their relationships into the eternal world. Although you may have some hopes or wishes centering on this family, those hopes and wishes might be shattered the moment of your death; or they might continue, and you may be connected to another world of hopes and wishes.
Human beings possess original minds. This mind is guiding us to move toward the world of the good purpose human beings should pursue. We cannot deny that this mind has moved with history. Looking at the movement of the mind from this perspective, we can understand that this mind has longed for the appearance of a good person. That person will surely appear in history.
Many people of all persuasions say from the depth of their hearts that these are the Last Days. It is clear that the Last Days are near. Is humanity happy or unhappy in this age? I think that they are more unhappy than happy. The day that the world of misfortune comes to an end is the Last Days.
What do our minds long for? We long for happiness. We long for the ideal world of hope, freedom and equality. We cannot deny that throughout our life course thus far we have longed for that world from the bottoms of our hearts. All that we yearn for with a sincere and true heart and mind must be realized. Otherwise, we cannot believe in God or anything else.
Nothing in the world has been able to make our hearts happy. There has not been even one person who lived in a happy environment. The same is true for our family members, our parents on whom we have been depending until now, and our brothers and sisters. We have to understand that this world has not become an eternal dwelling place of joy. Why has it not become like that? If we were to use a religious concept, it is because of the Fall. How can a world created by the Fall and the kinsmen, families and family members who are products of the Fall unite with the ideals of happiness our hearts seek? The conclusion is obvious.
For this reason we long for the passage of this age. This is an honest feeling. Every man and woman is waiting for the passage of this age. A false society will pass behind us: false parents, false brothers and sisters, false couples and false children will pass away. You have to feel this truth deep inside your hearts during this hour. Parents ignoring their children, parents spending time by themselves, children playing only by themselves, brothers and sisters all keeping to themselves and friends and people only associating within their own circles, all this will be shattered. That's what is going to happen.
In newspapers and magazines we read stories describing how children kill parents and parents kill children. These trends demonstrate that traditional concepts are fading each day. Why is that? The destination our hearts hope for is a place where we can be happy in harmony with the heavenly principles. Because Heaven is in the process of moving toward this destination and reforming people, after passing through a history of infinite changes, it will arrive at an era of a revolution of the heart. The era of intellectual revolutions will be gone. The era of the revolution of the heart will come. People who dream of joy will experience sorrow, and those who are seeking a peaceful abode will end up in sadness. This conclusion is natural.
You who are living in a world full of grief, this time of sorrow and bitterness is fading away. Your minds are seeking something new. Let's turn your path around, turn your mind around, and turn your emotions around and think about what longs to build a relationship with us and what is blocking our path. Religion helps us connect directly with the one standard of faith, the one standard in which we can pour out all our hearts. Religion connects this standard to our life. If this relationship is not forged, then God must not exist.
Our minds are calling us to escape from this painful world of reality and head toward the ideal. Every leader will have to wrestle with this reality. However, no one understands this heart which seeks and longs for the ideal. We have to follow the commands of this mind. Many holy men of the past submitted to this mind. The same will hold true for everyone in the future. We should respond to this mind; no one can alter this underlying truth. If we do recognize that our fate is to not protest but to respond to this heart, then we should understand clearly that the world we are living in is not the ideal world and that we cannot connect with the ideal world we dream of and long for. Why is that so? It is because of the Fall.
This is why we need feelings, hopes and relationships. Since such an era is nearing, fear will increase in our minds. If we think about these things, we cannot have faith in this world, and we cannot rest peacefully. It is a world in which we cannot take another step forward on our path. You have been on this course for several decades. We cannot deny that there is Heaven, which instills something new into people and drives them toward a new history. Observing the function of our consciences, we cannot deny Heaven and heavenly principles.
When God created this world, He must have had a purpose and an ideal. What must that purpose and ideal have been? It must be a good person. It must be a good person whose heart is fully in harmony with God. It must be a free man. It must be someone who can rejoice with God and live with God in the garden of freedom. However, even though we have lived through several thousand years of history until now, there has never been even one person who has built a family relationship with God or a family where he or she could dwell with God.
What is God's purpose of creation? It is to create an ideal family where God can live together with human beings. Although human beings fell, in their hearts they long for the day when God can live as the father of the family or humanity, and people can live as members of that family. If we can serve God as our eternal father and become members of that family and live eternally with God who is the hope itself, who is the ideal itself, life itself, and joy itself, the purpose we all wish for will be realized.
If God created human beings just to enjoy watching them, we do not need that kind of God. What is the reason God has poured out all of His heart and has been conducting the providence concerning human beings for six thousand long years? It is to build the relationship of a heavenly family and of a parent and child. For this reason we have to understand that God is running as fast as He can on this path, overcoming enormous hurdles and all difficulties. The day we emerge as the family members God wants and manifest the authority and value of that family is the day of resurrection and the day of the Second Advent Christianity talks about.
Humanity lost the true parents because of the Fall. Although we have fallen parents, we do not have the original parents. No matter how good, exalted and cultivated one may be, he is still of the fallen lineage. He cannot be proud of himself. No matter what one may possess, if we probe into it, we will find that there is always uneasiness and dissatisfaction in his heart.
Then what is the lamentation of human beings and of all created things? It is that human beings cannot participate as members of the heavenly family. This is the lamentation of the universe. There is no other purpose to our life of devotion. It is to call God "Father." You have to understand the God who conducted the providence of restoration for six thousand years in order to usher in the one day when all of humanity can become brothers and true children of the Father; when all of humanity can call Him Father and rejoice.
This is God's goal and the goal found deep inside the minds of human beings. This goal must be realized. That day must come. If that day does not come, there is no way we can build a relationship of the heart with God. As long as we are unable to build a relationship of the heart with God, He cannot look into our hearts and claim us as His own. We cannot claim to belong to God. The moment that this relationship is realized on the earth, God's grief will be alleviated. Cries of bitterness will no longer be heard in Heaven. Moreover, at that moment the ideal world on the family level, which can unite Heaven and earth, will be opened. For the sake of this goal, our ancestors clung blindly to God's words.
Due to the Fall, human beings lost the true parents, true brothers and sisters, true spouses, and true children. For this reason, those of us who have set out to find all these need the words of the True Parents.
What responsibility should we who are seeking the True Parents shoulder in the course of restoration? With what kind of determination and conviction should we go forth? We should long for the words of the original parents in our hearts. Moreover, we should long for the original parents who can rejoice with God. What kind of people are these parents? We should think about what the hearts and love of the original parents must be like.
What does God bring to us as we are running forward to live as members of one heavenly family? He comes to us with the words of truth based on the foundation of faith. What is the wish of human beings? It is to listen to the words of the true father with their minds and bodies. They want to move their bodies and minds according to the words. Besides their actions, they also want to hold onto the Father and learn about him. Furthermore, they also want to learn about the Father's ideals and mind. They want to learn about the Father's love.
Until today God has given us new truth through countless prophets and sages in every era and century. He told us how the world should be and revealed the world of hope that we long for. In this way history passed through revolutions that turned things upside down and which have expanded to the world level. God and fallen people stand far apart. Hence, God cannot speak to human beings directly. He chose many prophets and spoke through them. God has been connecting to human beings this way until now. In the Old Testament, God worked through angels. In the New Testament, God worked through His son. Now history is moving toward the era when we can call God our own Father. What can make this possible? It is accomplished through God's words. For this to be possible, those words must possess heart, and there must be an embodiment of those words.
Fallen people have to pass through a time when they long for the words of truth. In history God has been moving the hearts of people to practice and live by the Father's words.
What does it mean to live centering on the words? It is to live with the son whom God has sent as the heavenly embodiment. That son is the true father of humanity. Jesus came with that mission.
What did Jesus represent? Jesus was to become the true father of humanity who was lost due to the Fall. He came as the embodiment of the words established upon the substantial foundation of the words laid in history. He came to represent the Father. This is why Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one will go before the Father except through me." (John 14:6) Only Jesus is the center of faith, mind and heart. Why? It is because Jesus has the quality of the Father. For this reason Jesus is the Savior of humanity and represents Heaven and earth. Christianity is the religion which seeks the appearance of the Father through the words, seeks the mind of the Father through the words, and seeks the love of the Father through the words.
Jesus came to the earth. He came with infinite ideals. If he had a wish, it was on God's behalf. What was God's wish? It was to realize the ideals and goals of creation. When Jesus came as an individual with this wish in his heart, the environment at the time was not good. The environment, which was not in line with the providence, bitterly opposed Jesus. Jesus had to leave a certain standard of the heart on earth even if he was to be struck down. This is why Jesus stressed that he was the father and humanity the children. To form parents there must be a true father and a true mother. After Jesus passed away, the Holy Spirit was the one who came as the mother figure.
Jesus' sorrow was that he could not experience the day when as a physical and spiritual being on the earth he could bless sons and daughters. Jesus' grief was not having spoken all the words he had to speak and not having established the standard of the heavenly family before he passed away. Since he could not form a heavenly family, he could not raise up members of a heavenly family, kinsmen centering on family members, a nation centering on the kinsmen, a country centering on the nation, and a world centering on the country.
Israel should have laid the national foundation. The Jews were the chosen people, yet the relationship was severed and Jesus was cornered by the Jews. Jesus was persecuted miserably as a traitor. In the end Jesus was betrayed even by his twelve disciples. Jesus' sorrow was dying without forming a blood lineage connected to God's heart on the earth.
Before constructing the family that God desires, there is no way to establish the people that God wishes for. Before establishing a people, there is no way to found a nation or a world. Therefore, when Jesus, who was fighting to establish a family, could not fulfill the will, he had to leave behind the concept that he was the bridegroom of humanity and that humanity was his bride. Ladies and gentlemen, do you know the significance of this? It means that the family is the center of the Kingdom of Heaven.
What is the Marriage of the Lamb that the Bible talks about? It is rectifying in the Last Days the position of True Parents, which should have been accomplished six thousand years ago. It is to build relationships of brothers and sisters and children. This is the wish of Jesus in whom we believe, and the hope of God who has suffered for six thousand years to guide us.
Knowing this we should think about what we are holding onto. What are you holding onto? Two thousand years ago, the Jews were in a position to support Jesus. They lived in a blessed time when they could honor and serve Jesus. The chosen people lived in the age when they could attend Jesus and help him reign as the King of Kings. However, because the Jews turned against Jesus and all those who were boasting that they were chosen by God betrayed him, the standard that Jesus was hoping for was shattered. When this was destroyed, the history of Israel came to an end and the Old Testament words which were given to Israel were lost.
It is an hour of grief and sorrow that we have to cry and weep hanging onto Jesus' words and live by his words. It is our sorrow that we have to pray in Jesus' name. When you pray, you pray in the name of Jesus, right? It is unfortunate that we have to be tied to these kinds of terms. There must come a time when we can pray in our names. That is the day of hope.
Ladies and gentlemen, now we must cherish the words and live according to the deeds and acts of Jesus and understand what kind of person Jesus was through the words. We have to rediscover the Jesus who prayed for the sake of his enemies even when he was miserably nailed on the cross by them and was shedding blood. What was the internal situation of his heart which forced him to such a fate? Christianity will perish if it hopes to fulfill its mission only with the words of Jesus. They will surely be judged. Only after they cling to Jesus and his heart as he did his utmost to speak, only after building a relationship with him and cleansing themselves of the things of this world can they enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
When we reflect on this, we should understand the true meaning of the words True Parents and God. We should understand clearly the true meaning of the words and not symbolically or metaphorically. Although Christians have studied the Bible for two thousand years, they do not really understand it. They are ignorant. Although Christians today say that they act based on the words, this is still not high enough to connect to Jesus' deeds. The purpose of words is to induce one to act. If Christianity had been living by the words, then how could it have become the way it is today? The purpose for which Jesus spoke the words was different from the purpose for which Christians listened to his words. This is where the problem lies.
Then what should be done now? It is written that in the Last Days we should hold onto the Holy Spirit and pray without sleeping. It is said that in the Last Days, we should put oil on our foreheads and pray in secret chambers. How will the Lord come? He does not come speaking words, but will come silently, as the embodiment. The farther the gap between where we stand and the purpose of the original words, the more Jesus will receive the hardships of the cross and come seeking for us. Yet Christians do not understand this. Now we should judge whether or not we possess the inner strength to move and shake, which will allow us to build up within us the force of a heavenly revolution and to cross the valleys of death courageously. Can we stand as active subject partners?
To do so, what should you do? You have to yearn for it. Since Christians have longed for the words for two thousand years, we have to long for the words and at the same time long for the deeds which go together with the words. We have to be determined that since Jesus did this, we too will do this and that.
Who is Jesus? He is our True Parent. We have to yearn for the words he spoke and the deeds he left behind. We have to long for his words, deeds and appearance. Isn't that so? We have to be able to say that we cannot endure any longer because we miss our beloved parents so much. We have to want to see them so badly that we forget eating, sleeping and our own state of being. Have you ever had such a moment?
Where and how does a meeting take place? It does not take place due to sweet words or good deeds alone. It comes about when there is an intense longing. How will the Lord look? What will his hands, eyes and nose be like? In the end what will determine whether or not you can meet him is the desire you have to touch and see him. This has nothing to do with the Jesus who spoke the words. It has nothing to do with God. When you meet, salvation is not attained by calling out the words of Jesus. You have to long for the substantial Jesus.
We cannot see Jesus no matter how intensely we desire to. Why doesn't the Jesus who promised to come again come? Jesus told his disciples that he would come back soon. Why doesn't he come? Why is this so? What is the reason that he cannot come when so many disciples and followers desperately want to see him and meet him? When there is someone who longs for him so badly that he is oblivious to the passage of time, he will certainly be able to meet him. There is a way this will happen.
We are orphans. God sees us as orphans. No matter how great the external family environment may be for someone on earth, in God's eyes, he is still only an orphan. We have lost our true parents, our true brothers and sisters, our true spouses, and our true children. We are like orphans. Since this is how we are, how can we be at peace? Our hearts are pushing us. What are they pushing us to do? They are asking us to look for our original parents, brothers and sisters, brides and children. However, no matter how many times we circle around the earth in search of them we may not find them. Since we cannot find these even among the words of truth, where can we find them?
The beginning point of resolution is to put oil on our foreheads, enter the secret chamber and be overwhelmed with the desire to see the Father. If there is a way for the Father and the Lord to seek us, you should be ready to brave any path of death or any difficult mountain path, determined to move forward. Jesus went the path of Gethsemane and Golgotha while looking for such sons and daughters. Since he was not successful in his search, he went the path of death. We who long for the one day when we can meet our original parents, long for the day when we can cling to him and call him Father and Lord, how many hours have we shed tears?
Now the time has come when Christians all over the world must solve this problem. We have to yearn to see him more intensely than we yearn to see our own sons and daughters or anything else in the world. We must want to touch his clothes and hands, since he is our Father. We should be able to give all of our minds and bodies upon meeting him and share everything of our past upon entering his bosom, and receive consolation for all our difficulties and labors. We must understand that this is our highest hope.
We should long for the person more than we long for the words or his deeds. After we long for the person, we should long for his mind.
In the past some Jews were able to cling to Jesus. However, has there been even one person who related to him as if Jesus were his own parent whom he longed for, as if Jesus was the parent that he had lost and had been yearning to meet again? When God sent his only son to the earth as the Father of all people and the King of Kings, would He have sent him to be mistreated? God wanted people to honor him as the central person of history, the father of all people, someone everyone longed for and wanted to meet many times over. However, no one of his time treated him like that. This was the sorrow of Heaven and made Heaven most indignant. Although he came to give his blood and flesh for his children, his children pointed knives and weapons at him. How could it be a happy memory for Heaven? If Heaven ever had a cause for deep sorrow, there was nothing more sorrowful than the death of Jesus.
Jesus left his last words as Heaven's son. He told his disciples that although there were many things he wanted to share, he was to die before he could finish all that he wanted to say. He said, "You do not believe me when I speak about the matters of this earth, so how would you believe me if I spoke to you about the matters of Heaven?" (John 3:12) He added, "Although there are many things that I want to tell you, you are not prepared to receive them now." (John 16:12) Had Jesus' beloved disciples been the true sons and daughters of Jesus, why would he not have been able to speak? Even when he was dying, Jesus could not reveal the secrets deep in his heart. He was our father. How can there be a greater violation of filial piety?
We have to repent to cleanse ourselves of all historical sins. Because all people share the sin of having killed the parent, we have to repent. What does it mean to repent? It is to regret the sin of having killed the father and understanding it. No matter how unemotional a son may be, if he realizes that he has killed a good father, wouldn't he repent in tears? That is how it is. Regardless of what the world may think about it, the God and Jesus I know are like that.
Who would ever understand the situation of Heaven, who worked ceaselessly for six thousand years without feeling any fatigue because He yearned so intensely for the original family, original children, siblings and members? No matter what tribulations Jesus encountered during the thirty years of his life, even when he was praying through the night on the lonely grounds of Gethsemane, he thought about the original children. Thinking about the original children, Jesus prayed even as he was dying on the cross. He prayed, "Father, please forgive them of their sins." (Luke 23:34) Jesus was thinking, "Since we are in the position of parents searching for the lost children, we should certainly walk this path." From this we can discern Jesus' heart.
Christians of the world today know that Jesus is great and honor him as God's son. However, in reality he was truly miserable. He was condemned as a traitor, a rebel and a heretic. Although the Jesus known in history is great, in reality he was truly miserable. Do you know that? We should not seek the great name of the Jesus we find in history. We should go find the Jesus who appeared in substance. This is the responsibility of the believers of the Last Days. With the burning heart of a parent, Jesus overcame all these situations and struggled to find sons and daughters. The day that Jesus, who labored with the heart of a parent, and sons and daughters who are struggling to find him, meet together is the day God can come and give His blessing.
What remains now? Words are not as important as the embodiment itself. Words are the letters the bridegroom has sent to the bride. When the embodiment, the source of the words, appears, should they focus their discussion on the letters? Now is the time that we must complete our actions based on the words. It is the time when we have to conquer Satan and return the world to God's bosom. Only then will the embodiment appear.
Our families and relatives block our path to go before Jesus. To sever oneself from all these obstacles, a person must be able to feel the pain of the cross. When Jesus cut off from his own family members, he shed tears and prayed for blessing. Likewise, we human beings have to suffer the pain of the cross to sever our familial relationships on the earth. We have to endure the agony of the cross. Those who dislike that will not meet Jesus. They will never meet him.
Before he shouldered the cross, Jesus said that he would return. Because of this, the disciples were able to overcome difficulties and become his companions, willing to die with him and suffer through hardships with him. For this reason, centering on the twelve apostles, the seventy and 120 followers were able to stand before Jesus and cross over the wall of death.
Although Christianity received all kinds of persecution under the oppression of Rome, because they prevailed, they conquered Rome. Christianity has served as an unconditional sacrifice for the world; this is the reason that it could arrive at a stage where it could literally dominate the world. Hence, now is the time that all Christians of the world can erect the heavenly sovereignty in Satan's world. We have to understand that Christians all over the world must unite their forces and, representing the embodiment, be prepared to march forward and die together. After the era of the word has passed and the era of practice has passed, the one day of meeting will take place. Only after the one day of meeting can we live the life of Heaven. Upon meeting we have to enter the state where we can say that someone else's personal situation is my situation; his difficulties are my difficulties; his wounds are my wounds. Then we can attain the level where we can say that his mind is my mind and his heart is my heart. Only after these things have been accomplished can the heavenly family be realized. Only after we bring these together centering on Jesus on the earth will the heavenly family be realized.
Countless people claim that God is in the position of the parent and that they are in the position of children. However, this is in name only. It is like being adopted children. You should meet Jesus through words and deeds. Even if you do not meet him in your prayers, you should meet him in the mountains. If you do not meet him there, you should be willing to seek even death. If you do not find him in the mountains or in your prayers, you will find him in your death, so that is where you must search for him. Jesus also passed through this process. He passed through the course of secret chambers, through the period of praying in the wilderness. He was willing to search for his children even in the hills of death. We have to search with the same determination. You have to understand this through reading the Bible.
Then what will you do the day you meet him? What should we do first for him? The moment that sinful people meet the Lord and the True Parents, they must call out for the Father and the Lord and comfort him: "I have fought like this and like that, and I have brought this and that gift. How much have you suffered during the long six thousand years to find me?" You should comfort him. You think that when the Lord comes to the earth, the Kingdom of Heaven will be accomplished centering on us and the world will operate exactly the way you want it to. That will never be. You have to disappear. You have to abandon all your wishes, all your expectations and all your hopes. From the moment you meet him, since you do not know what may be on his mind, you should be able to do as he commands.
Then what we have to do is comfort him with the most sincere heart: "How much have you suffered? It was so difficult for me to find this path; how much have you suffered to pass through the long six- thousand-year course of history and find your children?" You should say, "How is your heart? How is your heart after having passed through the long six thousand years? We understand that heart. We understand that heart."
Do not expect to be complimented. When you are searching, you should go about it silently. Right after the resurrection, Mary Magdalene was silent when she came before Jesus. But when Mary tried to hold onto Jesus, he blocked her. Why? It is because human beings have to cleanse themselves of something. What would that be? It is the dirty remnants of history. Human beings have to cleanse themselves of that first. We have to beg for forgiveness for our sins, saying, "This is how Adam's family was; this is how Noah's family was; this is how the families of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were, and this is how the prophets and saints since Moses have been. Jesus died this way. These are all sins that I committed, so please forgive me."
The day that we meet, we have to understand the historical scars. We must say, "We are ashamed. However, we are so grateful for the grace of the Father who did not abandon us but sought us and called us." Then God can say, "My son." Then Father and son can meet. You have to understand that this is the path people of faith move on toward the heavenly family.
If you do meet, what would you want at that moment? Jesus and God have historical sorrows. We should probe into their sorrow in every detail and trace the tracks of the blood of the six-thousand-year history during which they engaged in fierce conflicts. We should say, "This is because of me, my people, my family members, my siblings, my spouse and children. Father, I am deeply sorry." Can you do that?
Moreover, we have to understand how God created the universe, how the Fall took place, how God received Abel's sacrifice but not Cain's, why God chose eight members of Noah's family, and how the term "the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob" came into being. We must understand why Jacob used tricks to seize the birthright and why, after choosing the twelve sons of Jacob, God formed a family of seventy members and entered Egypt. Why did the Israelites suffer for 400 years in Egypt before the 600,000 people could form a nation and Moses could be made their leader? Why did they have to fight for the blessed land of Canaan? Why did they have to fight to establish the nation and sovereignty of Israel? Why did Jesus come and die, and why will he have to come again? What will the world be like in the future?
You have to understand the providence and thoroughly report the sins that people have committed in the past, present and future. The Last Days are the time of direct reporting. Do you think that this is reporting only about one's own individual sins? Not at all. If you were to report only about your own individual sins, you could not participate as a member of God's family. For this reason you should report the sins of the past and of the present and the sins of the future and become those who can fight against them.
After having rectified the past and the future, God's purpose is to introduce the new center of a new nation of the future before the universe. Moreover, you will have to understand that it is to recognize you as part of God's family as well as the other members of the family that God is working. Have you ever thought about them?
Ladies and gentlemen, you have to defend the Father you believe in, that He is like this and that, and that the Father you know is the Father of the past, the present and the future. All people will agree upon what the Father desires in their minds, hearts and bodies. They will agree through the words and through the deeds that they perform based on the words.
With what will God judge on the judgment day? God judges with the conditions of restoration through indemnity based on the foundation of His heart of the past, present and future. When Mary Magdalene met the resurrected Jesus, she did not know that Jesus could not let her hold him. That is how it is. Do you think that one can go to Heaven just by believing? The thought may be good. But if you believe that, no matter how hard you try, you will never have anything to do with Jesus. It won't do, even if you receive the words and put them into practice. No matter how faithfully you live by it, you will not be able to connect yourself to the embodiment. Why? It is because you are ignorant.
For this reason we should repent. We should repent and cleanse ourselves of all wrong elements. Why repent? For six thousand years, since the time of Adam's family until today, our ancestors had to uphold the will of Heaven and fulfill God's wishes. Yet they could not complete these responsibilities. We should shoulder the responsibility for this sin and repent. God is not just the God of the future. He is the God of the past. We have to understand God as the God who is working to cleanse all historical sins, and we should build a relationship with Him and purge our sins.
Moreover, since God is the God of the past, we have to purge the sins of this age. After having cleansed all the sins of the past and the future, we have to establish one new standard of the future and sing of the glory of the Father; that place is the Kingdom of Heaven, where we can live eternally.
Only after that can we form a heavenly family which does not even think about the sins of the past. This is the realization of God's hope. Then we are to be recognized as sons and daughters of the heavenly family and live eternally. Such people do not need to believe in Jesus. They do not need Jesus. They do not need Christianity. They do not need faith. The place they go after they live a normal life on earth is the Kingdom of Heaven.
After the age of hope comes, God will not look back at the six-thousand-year history. There is no need to flip through the pages of sorrowful history. After the arrival of an age where we can say that this is certainly the standard based upon which solutions can be obtained through our minds, bodies and hearts, we do not need to flip back through the refuse of the past.
Ladies and gentlemen. People nowadays are interested in antiques. Do you know why that is? It is because we are searching for the original things which were lost. We have to find the antiques that Adam and Eve lost long ago, six thousand years ago, which could have connected us to God. After that we have to cut our relationship with the age of antiques and enter another era when we struggle to find new things. This world today is an accursed world which destroys and devours all new things that emerge. That is not true for the era of hope. The world that we hope for is a world where new things are valued. Since God's nature values new things, we have to move toward that age.
For this reason people block the path we are walking. They tell us to turn around and go back to the past. They tell us to go deep into our minds. This is why Buddhism teaches us to enter a state of meditation. The reality of life on earth and its sorrow is that we have to seek our original selves and original minds. Yet after we go back to the past and resolve it all, we would never want to think about the past. God's goal is to destroy it all and leave no part of it behind.
We have to live in a new world with new hopes. That is what the past of a people is like. Roman culture was revival of the Hellenistic culture. They studied the older culture and brought it out again and integrated it with the new reality. That is not what we should do in the future. Of course, it is good to study history. However, that is not the standard of our hope. Until now our fate has been to return to the past and return to Heaven. From now on it should be new.
Members of our Unification Church should mercilessly do away with the past and become people who can boast of having been born as new princes. They should sing the new songs of the new world. That is how it should be. Think about it. Do you think God would want you to bring all the dirty rags from Satan's world into God's family? God does not want to hear it, see it or even think about it. Wouldn't it be so? This is why we call it the great judgment. We do not want to see them or see those ideas, that sovereignty, that history. It is the great judgment. We have to understand clearly that God is seeking true sons and daughters who can worship and serve the glorious Father with a heart burning with new hope.
Although it is good to hold to the past, if you were to do that you would destroy all ideals. When the Jews living by the Old Testament kept to the Old Testament of the past, that caused them to kill Jesus. Ladies and gentlemen, you should understand this clearly. Although it is good to hold onto democracy as opposed to communism according to the trends of thought today, if you were to hold onto that alone, you would destroy new things. Although the faith that you have and the churches that you attend are good, you have to understand that if you adhere only to them, you may destroy something new.
For this reason, you have to discern the situation well. You have to clear up the past and the present and be prepared for the future. Otherwise, you will never be able to enter the hopeful family of God. God sees you as sons and daughters of Satan's world. After God sent His only son Jesus, he did not like Jesus' younger brother (Israel) calling him their brother. Why should Joseph's sons call Jesus their brother? Only after they pass through a course of faith, believe in Jesus and receive the heart, mind, body, deeds and words of Jesus can they call him their brother. God did not even like Mary calling Jesus her son. Only after passing through a similar course could she call him her son. God does not even think about anything tied to the fallen lineage. Wouldn't that be true?
This is why we have to be re-blessed by the only son of God. When a first-rate bride whom God loves dearly is called before Heaven, God does not want to hear that she is the daughter of someone, the niece of someone, the older sister of someone, and so on. All that is necessary is to be recognized as God's daughter. God will say, "She is My daughter, not yours." This is why those who go deep into the past will never overcome this process. That is how it is.
When we reflect on the six thousand years full of anguish, the miserable history during which bloody conflicts raged, when we think about how people betrayed God's will and caused the prolongation of God's providence, God probably does not even want to see them. Ladies and gentlemen. You should not hold onto the hands of your beloved sons and daughters and go before God and say, "I am the father or mother of So and So." You should not say that you lead such and such a life in the world. You should not talk about anything that is tied to the sinful history. God only wants to hear about your relationship with Him.
The God of history and of the present age is a sorrowful God. The God of the past and the present is a sad God. Those who do not recognize this will be judged. Those who truly love God will not be able to pray for the alleviation of their own suffering and agony. We should be grateful for the fact that God has been shouldering all the sorrows and pains of the past. Those who are ignorant of this and stress their own sorrow and pain will all be judged. If someone cries alone because he cannot pray about his own pain to God, knowing God's sorrow of the past and the present, God will recognize him. You should pray, "How much greater is God's suffering than my own pain? Even if I am to die, please let me shoulder it." Those who pray for blessing today will become greater and greater sinners before God. The more you enter the realm of God's grace and love, the more you know you are a sinner who cannot raise your head before God. You will find that to be true in the spirit world. Believe me if you will, or don't believe me. I am not speaking foolish words. Those who want to think that, let them go ahead. That is not how the next world is. The spirit world is not like that. It is a world in which people will humbly decline the offer to be raised to a higher place several times. They will say, "I am not worthy."
Those believers who pose as masters and fight with each other over power and influence will be damned, and such churches will perish. Now the time has come for us to turn around. We should try to run away when someone tries to elevate us and decline when someone wants to do things for us. That is how God will come to us.
Members of the Unification Church, although you are receiving persecution and mistreatment from the outside world, please do not be sad. This has been the path that the Lord and the Father have walked, so we unworthy sinners should walk it gladly. You should say, "If the agony of the people can be eliminated by my suffering, and the sorrows of the world and God can be alleviated through the sorrows this body experiences, I am grateful." Those who do so will never be snatched away by Satan. God will never betray them. We have come together to become such people, to become God's people and members of the heavenly family.
The world is fast asleep. God is longing for people who can forget about themselves while dreaming of the Kingdom of Heaven; in other words, the family of God who can cry for the heavenly parents and brothers and sisters. You have to understand that this is why you have gathered here.
If there are such people on the earth, then no matter how severe the persecution, no matter how miserable the events they encounter, they will remain till the end. For this reason we should hold onto Heaven and earth and appeal with our blood and tears. We should mourn over the sins of the past. We should mourn for the sake of the thirty million people of this nation. God longs for such young people, members of the heavenly family and kinsmen of Heaven. If such a movement does not emerge among the people, the Korean people will perish.
Ladies and gentlemen, your love and longing for your friends will all fade away. Families and friends will all fade away. The right path is the one on which longing for heavenly friends and heavenly family members moves your emotions. Forgetting about even your hunger, you should look for heavenly family members, overcome all your grief, and be concerned even about the descendants of the future, appealing to God on their behalf. Those who have this mind-set will never decrease. Ladies and gentlemen, you are probably well aware of the international situation. Many people see that the years 1959 and 1960 are an historical transition. We feel that the time of the historical transition has come. We know that we have arrived at the forked road of life and death and the point of despair and mourning. They have invaded the sphere of our life. Here we can feel the division ideologically. The same is true for our world of faith, family and society.
Moreover, when we look at the situation of Korea, we can see that there is no country more miserable than this. Where do you set the standard of peace? The world will fade away. The society, country and people will all fade away. Our people do not possess anything, and we cannot even look for it. Now I think that the only way to save this people is to mourn over their historical sins and the mistakes of the present era and raise two hands and call on the Father.
Who among the people gathered here will be mobilized? Not the older people. The churches must take the risk of the new changing the old. Since we know this, Christians should not entrust their churches to the present leadership. Such a time will come. The Kingdom of Heaven is not a place for ministers and elders. The Kingdom of Heaven is a place for truly faithful sons and daughters. The churches have become as they are because we entrusted them to the hands of ministers and elders. Christians of the world should unite and claim back the possession of their churches and honor them as their own. Such a movement will take place. God will make this happen.
Young men of great ideals, such a time will certainly come. Look! Before the liberation of Korea, people praised this and that minister. The time of ministers passed, and there came a time of elders when people praised this or that elder. Then blew the wind of the deacons. Now the time of ordinary membership will come. Such phenomena will certainly take place. We should not entrust this church to them. The Unification Church has arisen from that fervent movement. Although people may be cursing us, you wait and see. History will certainly change its course. We need brave young men and women. Otherwise, in the Last Days we will become miserable people who will betray once more the approaching new world of heavenly ideals and cause great grief to Heaven. You should be concerned about this.
We should become sons and daughters of burning zeal and shoulder the historical grief of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and our ancestors. We should take responsibility for this age. We should become sons and daughters who can call God our Father and preserve the dignity and name of being members of the heavenly family, sons and daughters of God. We should understand clearly that God and humanity are searching for people who can confidently command the entire universe.
Father, I have spoken the words. Most sorrowful and grieved Father, please forgive our ancestors who were ignorant of You.
We know that we should understand and cry for the Father's sorrow over not having found the sons and daughters You long for. Forgive us. We are in the miserable situation of seeking our satisfaction alone.
Jesus looked at his own mother and younger brothers and sisters and said, "Only those who live by the will of my Father are my brothers and mother." We do not have original parents; we do not have original brothers and sisters; we do not have original children or spouses. We long for original parents, brothers and sisters, children and spouses. Please let us become sons and daughters who forget about our own dignity and search for them out of intense yearning.
Please let the movement to honor the Father and enjoy life in the heavenly family unfold in Heaven and earth. Please let revolutions of heart and love take place which can unite people with this ideal and force them to move forward and respond. If Your sons and daughters who participate here feel something in their hearts, please let that become the guiding light of their lives and the source of transformation. Father, this is our sincere prayer.
Thank You for having governed over everything. We pray in the name of the Lord. Amen.