The Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon from 1960

 Table of Contents

Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Beginning of the Unification Movement - Pre-1960's Photos, Timeline and Testimonies (Curated by Stephen Stacey - September 13, 2024)

The Standard of Determination in the Course of Restoration (1960 - Excerpt)

Always Report to God (Crica 1960 - Excerpt)

The Essential Nature of Satan (Excerpt from "We Must Go Forward" - Circa 1960 pdf)

Prayer from "Please Let Us Become Children Who Do Not Leave Behind Grief" (January 17, 1960)

Prayer: Please Let Us Become Children Who Do Not Leave Behind Grief (January 17, 1960 pdf)

Prayer: The First Prayer of a New Day (February 7, 1960 pdf)

Heart and heaven (February 14, 1960 pdf)

Heaven and fallen humanity (February 14, 1960 pdf)

Becoming an Offering (March 27, 1960)

Three Prayers from the day of the True Parents' Blessing (April 10, 1960 pdf)

Prayer and statements at True Parent's Blessing (Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han - April 11, 1960)

True Parents’ Holy Wedding (Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han - April 11, 1960 pdf)

Three Couples Holy Marriage Blessing (April 16, 1960 pdf)

Let Us Become People Who Can Live with God's Love (May 8, 1960 - Excerpt)

Prayer: Please Let Us Go the Way of the Will of Our Father Sincerely (May 8, 1960 pdf)

Prayer: Please Let Us Walk The Path Of Loyalty And Filial Piety While Attending You (May 22, 1960 pdf)

Please, Let Us Stand Before You With Hearts Like Jesus' Heart (July 17, 1960 - Excerpt)

Prayer: Please Protect Your Children Who Are Fighting For the Will in Each Place (September 25, 1960 pdf)

Prayer: Please Let Us Go All The Way on the Path We Must Go (October 2, 1960 pdf)

Prayer: Please Allow Us a Foundation of Security and Your Outstretched Hand of Protection (November 6, 1960 pdf)

Prayer: Please grant that we may proclaim Your heart (November 27, 1960 pdf)

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