The Words of Sun Myung Moon From 1968 |
Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han, May 23, 2011
Absolute love exists where you live for the sake of others. When you empty yourself completely, absolute love can visit and dwell within you. Absolute love has nothing to do with you when you are concerned with your own matters, existence, or concepts. Unless you get rid of these concerns, absolute love will never visit you. You must know this. If wives insist on their own situation or husbands only wants to claim their interests, a history of wars and a world of conflicts will follow them.
What is most important is that your mind and body should become one. Unless you achieve such a state, everything will be ruined. Then, what should be the center of such unity? They become one centered on absolute love. They should become one centered on God's absolute love. Absolute love is true love. Your mind and body should become one centered on this true love. After that, you can proudly proclaim saying, "My body is totally unified with true love."
Absolute love exists when you value your object absolutely. In such a place, a man can become a master who can love a woman absolutely; and at the same time, the woman also becomes a master of absolute love. Therefore, you must know the fact that the master of absolute love cannot be found within yourself but is found in your reciprocal partner.
Even God must have His object partner in order for the ideal world to be established. You can never create absolute love, unique love, unchanging love or eternal love if you are alone. You need your objective partner. Such a partner would be most precious. Thus, even God believes in such a partner. That is absolute faith. He attends His partner with His great aspiration. In other words, He is faithful to His Partner. Whom does He believe in? His objective partner. A man must offer his noblest faith in a woman, like bone needs flesh. Thus, you need absolute love and absolute faith!
Absolute faith and absolute love do not simply manifest by themselves. The root of all God's attributes is the absolute, unique and unchanging love. God's core being lies there. Accordingly, His object partner who is able to reciprocate to Him does not just come into being. Therefore, as God is the original motive for His object partner, invisible God must invest Himself completely for its creation. Through such total investment, His object came into being. Going through the age of minerals, the age of vegetation, the age of animals, the age of humans, and then the age of Heaven. Once all of these can be united into one the infinite God will have His dominion over this universe. The universe is so vast that even if human beings multiply for tens of millions of years, there will be no limit.
It is said that the size of the universe is more than a billion times the size of our solar system. But it is even greater than what science estimates. God wants to create the ideal world to be even greater than the size of this infinite universe. For this end, He has been investing His high-degree of love. Since this ideal that God continuously supports never left me, I have been investing my entire effort to re-create His object partners.