The Words of Sun Myung Moon From 1968 |
Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han December 2011
When Cain and Abel both made an offering, it seems that God's position of receiving the offering of Abel was different from His position of rejecting the offering of Cain. However, you should know there was no difference in God's position dealing with them. God would have surely accepted Cain's offering if there was even a trace of willingness in Cain's heart to go through Abel who represented God. Although there may have been a difference as to when He would accept it, God tried to deal with them fairly.
If Cain did not really care about the offering that he prepared for God, then it would not have mattered to him so much whether or not God received the offering of Abel. However, what made him furious and resentful was the thought that his devotion was inferior to that of Abel. When you look at the offering centering on Abel, he prepared it with the same degree of devotion as Cain. Only because Abel was on the side of God from the beginning, God accepted it. For this reason, Abel should have been grateful and humble even if God accepted only his offering. Then would Cain have tried to kill him? However, since God only received his offering, Abel must have expressed his joy excessively as to arouse intense jealousy and anger in Cain. It would have been good if he just kept his feelings of happiness to himself and not expressed it at all; but on the contrary, he boasted to his older brother. Don't you also want to boast about some happy events in your life? Don't you want to brag about it? Similarly, Abel must have bragged about it to his brother. In so doing, he must have gone overboard and said, "God did not receive your offering, my older brother, and just accepted mine. So, I won. You lost." Thus, Cain's face must have turned really red, and he could not help but become extremely enraged. It is reasonable to think this was what happened.
Abel should not have bragged how happy he was because he received the blessing from God. Instead, when he received the blessing, Abel should have realized his own shortcomings and said, "Older brother, I am sorry, I don't deserve this blessing." If he did that, would Cain have beaten him to death? He most likely would not have killed Abel. This was the mistake of Abel.
However, since God accepted only his offering, Abel thought that this was because he was better than his brother and God must have only liked him. Then, Abel must have bragged to his older brother, "Older brother, see, my offering was accepted." Without doubt he bragged to Cain. Otherwise, why should Cain's face turned as red as a red radish, while Cain was still, not moving or doing anything? Do you think Cain would have gotten furious if Abel did not say anything? Surely, Abel mocked Cain to his face, "What's wrong with you? My offering got received." Then, he must have danced around Cain piling it on over and over again. What I am saying here is that Abel must never be arrogant. He must be humble. If he was acting like this, it is sort of fitting that he was beaten to death. It is a natural consequence of his action that he would be beaten to death.
Moreover, Cain and Abel must never be separated before being united as one. One side is the right hand and the other side is the left hand. Accordingly, you must establish the faithful position of recognizing that God is your God as well as the other's God. God not only loves you but also loves the other. Then, you must always seek and serve the Abel type figure and try your best effort to avoid the position of Cain. You must clearly know that unless you can become such a person, one day you will inevitably be judged.
It is valuable that Abel shed his blood in order to prepare the way for Cain to survive. In the place where this sacrifice is made, you will find something noble -- the standard for victory.
What is the secret to becoming the Abel figure? It is safeguarding the tradition. If you face a situation of being killed without reacting or fighting back, you will become Abel. You have to understand this. Jesus was said to be the lamb, right? Therefore, even if you are stabbed, you must not react.
You have learned about Cain and Abel problems in the Principle. Abel must separate himself from Satan or from Cain. Next, by experiencing and embodying the sorrow of both God and the older brother upon entering the realm of God's love, he would have made the determination to sacrifice his life in their place; and he must save the older brother even if that means putting his life on the line and risking his own life. However, before this process is completed, Cain murdered Abel.
Whom must Abel love? [Cain] Abel must love Cain. He must subjugate him naturally with love. He must stand in the position of loving him by shedding blood and tears. He must give greater love than anyone else in the world. Otherwise Cain will not submit to Abel, and thus restoration cannot be carried out.
What does Abel have to do? He has to restore three great realms. First, Cain must be restored. Second, parents must be liberated. Third, God must be liberated. Abel must accomplish these three great missions. Do you understand? In other words, without liberating the satanic world, parents cannot appear. After that, if parents are not liberated, God cannot be liberated. It is Abel's mission to be responsible for the three realms of liberation.