The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 1973 |
Leader's Address On Opening Night
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
January 15, 1973
First International Training Session
Belvedere - Tarrytown, New York
Translated by Mrs. Won Pok Choi
This is America where you have dreamed of coming, but I am afraid it's less than what you have dreamed of. I hope your dream will come true and never vanish in eternity. Anybody, when he dreams, would dream of good things. So, the dreams of everyone of you here must be wonderful and happy ones, and I hope your dreams will be realized. But, as you well know, dreams are not quite the same as reality. You must make your dreams a reality, you must work hard. You are from five nations: England, Germany, Italy, France and Austria. Your dreams must be different from one another. The dreams of the Germans, Italians, French, Austrians -- they will all be different; it must be interesting.
You came on the same plane, but from now on when you work towards the goal you will also be working for your own nations. If you find the British people doing better, then other people from other nations will be jealous of them and try to win over them. But I don't like the idea of your having to compete with other European nations. However, since you are in America, all the European members must never be beaten by the Americans. You must be determined about that. I have been bragging about you quite a bit. I have told the Americans that the British, Germans, Italians, French, and Austrians are all their ancestors. They are the people who came from the European nations, so they were sure to be beaten by them. So, you must never be beaten! If you are beaten by the Americans, I will lose face. So, if you are going to be beaten by them, I am going to lose my face, my dignity will fall and I will become a liar. So, you have to fight hard for my sake.
There are some 12 Japanese brothers here in New York, and I tell you, you must not be beaten by them, either. What we are going to do will be similar to Olympic rivalry: Olympic Evangelistic rivalry. The leaders of the 5 nations will go back in a few weeks. Let them be proud of you because of what you are doing here. They will compete with each other to make their own nations victors over others. All of you are going to be champions who will exceed the Americans -- beat the Americans. I am going to watch you with anxious heart until the day you can show us some crops. Everyone of you here is not just an individual, but all represent your own nations. What you are going to do here will either make your nation famous or defame your nation. I want you to work very hard. You are in the front line, you are the soldiers fighting for your nations. However hard and difficult the situations you may have to face, you must be the victors at all costs. Your ancestors, your descendants will be proud of you.
Time is limited, so I am going to conclude by saying: Your forefathers were the first pioneers in this country. You ire the second group moving into this country as the forefathers to your descendants -- not in the worldly sense but in the Godly, divine sense. So, you are going to be the ancestors in Abel's position to your descendants. You are responsible for the kingdom of God on earth and in this land first. This is really an historical event. I want you to know that, and I want you to work hard for the great cause.
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