The Words of Rev Sun Myung Moon from 1978 |
Mainstream Of the Dispensation Of God [Part 2]
Sun Myung Moon
November 19, 1978
Translator - Bo Hi Pak
Eternity Doesn't Recognize Time
You are responsible to pay the indemnity and restore history, and when you reach the pinnacle you will be responsible for the future because you are the ancestor. You are leaving the tradition behind. The messianic mission started out from the clan level. Then expand yourself to become a tribal messiah, national and world-level messiah, all the way up to the cosmos. That is the mainstream or water-stream of the dispensation. That is the way you are going to travel and fulfill.
First of all, you will make your mind and body become one. Then when you are given the blessing you become husband and wife and create one family, then the clan, tribe, nation and world. Then you continue all the way to the universe, the spirit world and physical world together as one creation. You are the central figure or messianic figure to travel that route and the central theme is the love of God. This is the main point I am making this morning.
Once a greater sphere is accomplished, perhaps the national level of accomplishment, then we don't have to worry about the tribe and clan and family because they are already included. One love of God is totally governing everything so when you are already in the nation then your clan is there, and your tribe and family as well, summoned by the same love. Also, if the world became one then all the nations would be united. Therefore, don't worry about the boundary of my tribe and your tribe and so forth. Ultimately under one love of God, God intends to create one world of love, one unified world. Each one of you helps create it. Therefore, that world can ultimately have many layers in which all kinds together create one unified fluid world because you are consummating all these dispensations for the same principle and purpose: the love of God.
The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in Heaven is that accomplished world. From your trivial level on earth you can climb up all the way to the pinnacle of the mountain, which is God's position, and from that position you can travel down all the way to the grass roots of the world. These positions are interchangeable and turning, so that there is no top and bottom, no high class, no low class. In this way the universe will ultimately become like one person.
The body is the most vivid example of a microcosm of that future world. Ultimately our universe will be like one God-centered man. In that one body you will perform some role somewhere, like a cell. You will have your own universe, your own world, own tribe, nation and clan, but all within this one harmonized body. If this one man with the heart of God is rejoicing and ecstatic in this world, what about you'? You cannot be separate from that joy. When the whole is happy, each individual has to enjoy and share in that same happiness. Each cell is connected to that big man, breathing on the same wavelength. The entire universe is ultimately like one man, and each of us individually will act as one cell. Then when the big man is accomplished in the love and the heart of God and rejoicing in God's love, each cell has got to be breathing on the same wavelength.
That's why, even though you may be a small part of that body, you are the central figure of that universe. God will not deny it; as a matter of fact, He would like you to be a center. This can be made possible in the love of God. In love everything will be perfected to the fullest extent. Under the touch of the love of God, all human cells instantly come alive and breathe with joy and excitement. In love everything wants to harmonize and join in unity.
Today's topic concerns the water-stream of the dispensation. You are the drops of water already making up the stream and you must follow the major stream of the dispensation to the ultimate finishing point, that is, the sea of the love of God. That travel will be permanent and eternal. No one can revolutionize the principle of love. No power under the sun can alter or change the format of love. Over all these thousands of years, God existed solely to achieve this goal. Since no perfection has been attained and you are still struggling to reach that level, much suffering, confusion and doubt has remained in your heart. But we are still in the pioneering stages, digging the foundation and making the highway, and that's why we are still suffering. Once we reach the plateau of perfection, however, suffering will be no more and everything else will be harmonized.
How can we live in the fallen world? What should be our pattern? You must listen to your mind. Actually, I am not your leader. Your leader is you, the inner you. Your mind and conscience whispers and you must listen. The mind listens to the external man also. The two tuning forks are your mind and body and the two must vibrate together, and in that you will find your true self. Discover yourself, but remember that yourself is not for you. It's for the sake of the universe, for the sake of the love of God. Those who think of themselves first become the prey of Satan and he always exploits them. You discover yourself when you always center upon the love of God and always take the minus position. There is always a subject ahead of you and you must resound together with the subject.
When you are drifting in or out of sleep, you are in both the world of reality and the world of sleep. When you go to bed you know that when night is over the dawn of a bright morning is coming. Beyond the distances of the night there will be God, dawning on the other side.
If you are solely serving with a loving heart, if you practice selflessness as your way of life, then your vibration is resounding with the vibration of God. Behind your mind there is always a tuning fork ready to pick up the vibration. When you are meditating you always speak to your inner man, deep within you. If you really have give and take closely with this inner man then you will know more about the universe than in any other way. Your conscience does not need to be taught the law because it always knew the law. Your conscience is always teaching you to sacrifice and give love and service. No matter how much you do for the sake of the world, your conscience always commands you, saying, "You did well; now do more." God whispers through your inner man because God is very anxious to get you to the pinnacle. God always pushes you further and further through your conscience so that you can leap to new heights of success.
Because the mind is very anxious to cover the many thousands of years of distance instantly, the mind will push you harder and further. When you realize this you have to adapt yourself to that and cooperate. There is a tuning fork in your mind and in order for it to vibrate your body has to do loving deeds. Even though in the evening after a day's work your body has no strength to even lift up your leg, your soul and heart are exalted and feel a sense of accomplishment. When you fall asleep in that kind of exhilaration, you reach out to spirit world very quickly and will see many kinds of revelations and visions. I will appear many times in those kinds of dreams to teach and guide you and you will have more stimulation for love. Then the next morning you will wake up full of vitality and stimulation.
Your conscience is pushing you out and again you go out all day long. Then again in the evening you return home full of exhilaration and that evening I will come in a dream and walk together with you through the Garden of Eden. All of a sudden you won't want to come back because you will see incredible beauty and truth and the warmth of love. The person who is disciplined in this way of life won't even have to go to bed to have a dream. If he is walking, longing to see me and then he just stops a moment and says, "Father, I really miss you and I really love you," talking to his inner man, suddenly a vision will appear.
You can freely travel in and out of your body because there are no more boundaries or barriers. You can truly become the tuning fork of your mind and then really come to know the greatness of the love of God. We talk about the love of God, but you don't truly know about it. I always train myself in this way so that an incredible reaction always comes from the external world.
I have had the experience of saying without thinking, "I just cannot forgive this person for that action." Then something awful happens to that person after a short time. Then again someone might move my heart and I say, "God, bless him. He is a wonderful, wonderful son." Then good things happen to him. You don't have to hear it with your own ears for the result to come.
The person who is intoxicated in the love of God automatically feels great joy and vitality. The experiences of MFT and witnessing are tough ones, but through each you can experience that realm of closeness to God and His love. That's why I push you out. I have never asked you to live an easy life.
Everyone is in the habit of thinking about "my things," but on the MFT there is no concept of "mine." Everything is God's. All day long the fundraisers earn money, but they have no concept of this being theirs anymore. When you empty yourself every day then that much love of God can fill your heart.
The Greater the Tribulation, the Greater the Blessing That Follows, But Many Times You Don't Remember This and Then Complaint Comes
My most vivid and longed -for memory is one from a time of suffering. In prison I was tortured by the communist police and beaten so much that I threw up much, much blood. Then the police threw me outside in the snow and left me for dead. During the time I was unconscious I felt vividly that God was absolutely with me, embracing me in His love. My soul was exhilarated. I never felt so close to God as in that moment.
Each of you is going to be God's tuning fork, but the unfortunate thing is that this is a numbed world and each person is like a hard rock which has no sensitivity to vibration, no way to react. The Unification Church needs a shock treatment so that you can be shaken loose from that rock and be free to vibrate to God's sound waves. In order to build something new you must first tear the old apart.
This is why religion teaches the importance of sacrifice. Why do you need to suffer and have God give you tribulation? To separate you from the satanic attachment and enable you to become the vibrating partner of God's tuning fork.
If you become one in mind and body so that you are whole men and women and then are blessed to a husband or wife, you need have no shame. Otherwise, even though you have been given the blessing, you will have shame inside. You know where your mind and body are and how good you are. Look at how American women act in the world. Look at the world of American men and see whether they are being truthful.
Each Of You Has Your Own Stream
Again, the same thing can be said in the Unification Church. You are not all that perfect. Each one of you here has had varying degrees of success in uniting mind and body and no one can lie about it. You know the truth best of all. The love of God can come to you according to your own way of life and that will determine the value of your eternal life. In other words, no one but you can give you that qualification; you yourself determine your level of accomplishment in the spirit world.
You know how the mainstream of unification is flowing. You also know that each individual is like a drop of water in that stream and how your drop is flowing. Shall we face the tribulation and go through difficulties for the public purpose?
I could do much better evangelism and more work personally in Korea, where I speak the same language. If I had stayed home I would be respected. All the Korean people now regard me as a real hero and a true patriot who really loves the country. I would be well treated in Korea, so what reason do 1 have to leave that country? Here there is still a barrier between you and me because our cultural backgrounds are different; also because of language it is difficult for you to understand me and for me to understand you.
Here there are not only white people, but also all five different colors of skin assembled together. Dealing with the complexities of their ways of life is not easy. Nevertheless, I came to America because this work is much more valuable than just dealing with the Korean people. Neither am I doing it in a mediocre or in a random way. I am doing it with a full heart, even risking my life in my seriousness.
I have told you the responsibility of America. Would you go forward whether or not I was here? We love the world first, then love our own tribe, clan and family. Here there is no such thing as giving only extra or leftover energy to the world. In the Unification Church, even after couples are blessed and have families. if an emergency comes and I call all the wives to go out for a mission, their husbands will not protest. Instead they will tell their wives to hurry and pack and the husbands will take care of the children.
Our discipline of life is different because we love the world and the world comes first. You never know when God will summon you to the greater stage of the world. You always anticipate those challenges coming, so when they come you drop everything and go to a greater mission. Don't you think that the stream is going to join a bigger and bigger river? Each one of you harbors a desire to do bigger things and have bigger responsibilities and to end up at a greater destination.
Each one of you has your own stream. Do you want to stop in the middle? Your water stream starts out with the individual, family, and then goes through the clan, tribe, nation and world. Each one of you has an ultimate destination to reach the world and universe and cosmos, ending up in the sea of the love of God. The same is true of me. I also went from the individual to the family, clan, tribe, and over all kinds of obstacles and difficulties to come to the world level and still I am going on to the cosmos. Our destinies are the same.
What's the difference between you and me? I had nothing but opposition and torture and jail, every inch of the way. Your course is different because I have already laid the highway for you. All you have to do is run in the right direction and follow the road signs that are everywhere. You have no way to miss. Who will receive more of the love of God then, you or me? I gave more sacrifice and suffered more, but the same criteria will work for you.
Since I know this principle, would it be love to tell you to take it easy, to not go out when it's raining'? Or should I throw you out and let you suffer more and more, to the hardest degree? If I don't tell you, would you say, "Since Father didn't say anything I'll stay home today"? Each one of you has a small Reverend Moon in your heart, which is your conscience, but that small Reverend Moon is much harsher than the real one! Your conscience sternly says, "Get out of here! What are you talking about?" How many don't think they have a little conscience inside? Those who know they are under the command of their own Reverend Moon, raise your hands.
That means you are fully committed to receive the love of God. You are to be congratulated. When the love of God is broadcast you will become the receiver station. If you suffer more, if you really serve more and your heart is pure then you will become a humming, vibrating tuning fork. Your vibration will be a broadcast resounding all over the universe. God will receive it and spirit world will receive your vibration; even the entire world will receive your vibration and they will support you. Then it will come back to you as more power. This is not empty talk. This is real tact. So far, people outside do not know this fact. You must become one in that fact and be united in the love of God.
Whenever a perfect minus is available then a perfect plus will be created automatically. Through suffering and sacrifice a person becomes a perfect minus and then around him a little plus comes into being, growing and becoming a big plus. If you truly make yourself a total and perfect minus, a plus is created. Once you are united with this plus, nothing will take it away.
Arrogance always chases a plus away. It is scientific to think so because plus and plus always repel each other. Religion knows this principle and therefore teaches meekness and humility. If you live this philosophy at home then you will become the plus of your home, the central figure of your family. If you really suffer and give more sacrifice then you are always in the subjective role and you can impart greater influence. Then you are always in the mainstream and no one can overlook you. This is a simple truth, but people have not known this before. It is very simple but difficult to live.
If I totally free myself from all kinds of disturbances and become this kind of tuning fork then I can feel all kinds of vibrations. If I think about the future of America I can feel where this country is going. When I meet someone there is always a certain vibration which I can feel. Because of this I can steer the destiny of the nation. Whenever we are confronted by opposition, like the Fraser committee, I can know precisely what will happen and precisely how strategy must be conducted to overcome it. There was a time when the future didn't look too favorable for our movement, but I could clearly see what must happen and so I had no reason to waver. 1 just stood on the Principle and pushed forward with commitment and conviction. Ultimately, the expected result will come.
Sometimes I am blunt and instruct you to do extraordinary, challenging things. You may react by saying, "How can I do that?" But if you have faith to say yes, then in time you will know why that particular thing was needed. This is why in the Unification Church the best way is always to unite with me. That is the secret of success in the Unification Church. Do you feel bad because of that?
This is the stream of Unification water. When this stream gets bigger and wider, flowing all over the world, will there be any corner where people are not affected by the stream? No. Eventually the entire world will be influenced and benefited by it.
You Decide Whether You Will Become A Magnet Who Can Pull People
You decide one thing: What level you want and what territory you would like to take. Do you have your Home Church assignments'? Did your leader recommend it or did you decide to do it? Your 360 homes represent the entire world. You have to go by leaps and bounds, really "assaulting" the 360 homes. When you need money, go ahead and make money; when you need people, find people. Don't beg anyone for help or money or support. You should say, "I am the one who will create the money, people and whatever else you need. I will provide them." If you work three times as hard as normal people you will do all these things.
I always feel that though I live to be seventy, my life actually contains 210 years, or three times worth. Instead of trying to prolong your life biologically for 100 years, work three times harder for thirty years. Then if you live to be seventy you will have actually lived 210 years and you will be the oldest person here on earth.
If you work not only three times but ten times harder than average people, you will be 700 years old at the age of seventy. You can think that you are going to work twenty times more than average people, and then you will actually have lived 1,400 years at the age of seventy. How long would you like to live? Working 24 hours every day will really prolong your life. You will become a rich man, perhaps not here on earth, which is not important, but in the spirit world. There you will be the richest man.
A revolution is taking place right here in the Unification Church. Think of it; you are ordinary young people of America who grew up in this cultural background yet now you are asking me to decide who your mate will be. You all become willing to marry anyone. That in itself is proof of what a long distance we have come. That gives you joy in your heart so how can you deny it? You know someone you can trust in such a deep way, someone who knows precisely what you need.
Ultimately your marriage is not just for your own sake. After all, you are instruments of God, and you want to be utilized as building blocks for the Kingdom of God here on earth. Because I know more about that Kingdom, you accept my instructions as your way of life. This happens because you have felt from me a love far greater than what you have. 1 have fulfilled that love, and that is why you have such faith in me.
I will leave instructions for the matching, not only now, but for future generations. I may say to someone, "In ten generations from now your descendants shall be blessed with someone Oriental or black." You will write it down in your will and it shall be a covenant in your home.
We are in an important place in the universe, and every move we make has great impact. Since you came easily to the Unification Church you don't feel deeply the value of being here. That's a tragedy actually. Because you didn't strive hard enough to get in here you don't appreciate it. Some of you say, "I love the Divine Principle and I like Father and Mother very much, but I surely don't like the work." I can look at you and know how you feel.
If you just like me and you just like the Divine Principle but not the responsibility then you learned the Divine Principle the wrong way. If I am good and the Divine Principle represents the revelation of God, that is why you should fulfill your responsibility. You cannot separate the two. The Divine Principle is like a highway but you must read the road signs: you are the one who actually drives on that highway. You are the one who must sweat to accomplish the goal. Otherwise, no matter how good a highway there may be, it won't do you any good. If the Unification Church only offered an easy and rosy path, you wouldn't be here. Swindlers and wheeler-dealers would all occupy the important roles in the Church instead and you wouldn't have a chance to be here. Don't you feel grateful because this is difficult and sacrificial? Worldly people think, "Oh, oh, this is not for me." That's why you could come to the front line here.
In Japan a billionaire businessman came to ask if I would sell him the Divine Principle. He offered to pay as much money as I asked. Do you think I should go ahead with that negotiation? I told him he could buy the Divine Principle, but not with his money. He could get down to the bottom and really taste the worst kind of human life, that's the way he can buy the Divine Principle. I don't have to charge even one penny for it. It's available. You are entitled to it, so go ahead and take it. You make the Divine Principle your own, not with money, but by living it. That's the reason I go this hard way.
This morning Mother gave me very loving, kindly advice. After pledge service she said, "Father, you really overextended yourself in Korea and Japan. You must take care of yourself, so please finish your speech in one hour." But it has already been four hours now. Why am I being so foolish? The amazing thing is that when you stay with me for long hours, even though your hips may be sore and you ache all over, some sort of new life and richness of spirit is coming to you. You don't have to remember every word I say, but you are growing here all the same.
When we have Belvedere service and I am speaking, the entire spirit world is also listening. They not only listen to me but look at you. Your ancestors say, "My grandchild is sitting there in the very front row listening to Reverend Moon." Then it becomes like a competition; after two hours, "Oh dear, my daughter is dozing. Oh no!" On the other hand someone else says, "Look at my grandson. His eyes are shining and he is just bubbling with enthusiasm. I am the winner." Everyone is trying to win up there. I'm sure in the morning when you come to Belvedere at 4 a.m. some people think, "I know Father will speak four hours. Four hours is just too much." But if you come in the morning without that thinking then the hours flow by, right? Four hours have already passed without your even knowing.
Because there is constant give and take between spirit world, all your ancestors are sitting together and experiencing Belvedere over there. They are reproducing that kind of atmosphere over there while I am standing here. Whatever we do has a vertical implication. It is not just for one age, but for eternity. If I am overseas on a trip and other leaders speak here I'm sure they don't speak four hours. They speak one hour, maybe at the most two hours, but even so I'm sure not many people turn out for it. This is wrong, however. When I am here you know I will speak at Belvedere and you want to be there.
Each one of you can be a magnet like me and have the power to pull people. If you are really intoxicated in the love of God, you too shall become a magnet and pull the people of Africa. South America and the Middle East. You must pull the people with slanted eyes and people of all colors of skin.
You have to long for the members and really care for them more than for your own children, your wife or husband. You have to long for one spiritual child. I had the experience of really caring for one member and because of that love that person couldn't go away. He just couldn't get up because his legs didn't listen to him. In the early days of our Church 1 directly taught the Divine Principle and personally nurtured our members in Korea. Housewives came and husbands came and they forgot to go back on time to their work or to go back home to cook the meals for their husbands. In many cases that was the cause of problems.
Everyone wanted to stay with me and go everywhere with me. If I went to the bathroom, they wanted to follow me to the bathroom. If I wanted to go to a dark room, they wanted to follow me into a dark room. If I went to hell, they wanted to follow me there as well. It didn't make any difference; as long as I was going, they wanted to go. Why? Because they felt some special embodiment of the love of God. That is not from me; it comes from God. You can't see it with your eyes, but there are many things happening in this room; there is a different vibration here and you sense it even though your eyes don't see it. You can all become special persons like this.
A mother's love is totally pure and sacrificial toward her children, so when you think of your mother it is always a beautiful, sweet, warm memory. Love has that kind of quality. I don't have too many things to sell, but I do have the love of God. I am a salesman for the love of God.
You know now where we are going and what kind of water stream we are. In New York there are all facets of human society and all different cultures. Even when you go to them and are rejected and cursed you still go; no one can stop you. I'm sure that if you go and sincerely witness you will feel that the good-looking white people are the farthest people from God.
Sometimes the most trivial and poor-looking black people respond more quickly and support me. I am a friend of the underprivileged and rejected people. I am a friend of sinners. The love of God starts blossoming first in that kind of area. Jesus said that for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven was more difficult than for a camel to go through a needle's eye, yet we have to save the rich people. I have devised ways of attracting these people so that we can still give them salvation. In every way -- economically, culturally, and intellectually -- we should be able to speak to those people and we are doing it. The Science Conference is a good example.
My dream is to have the best and greatest of all universities where the best minds and most brilliant students in the world can come and be trained in God's ideal. If Harvard University is for sale, indeed you know there will be a buyer! Do people say I have money or not? Do people say I am smart or dumb?
Many people ask to have an audience with me but usually I refuse. The world is actually led by just a few people, and when those few people turn around, the whole world will be turned. It's significant that I don't meet these people who want to come see me but I want to see you every day. Don't you feel that you are greater than any scholar or millionaire?
My Main Concern Is How To Mobilize You For the Sake Of the World
Once you have spiritual power, there's no segment of the world you cannot reach. You can go anywhere, knock on any door and open up any direction or area. Now I am pushing you out for evangelizing, but that is not the only goal for you. I want you to do many things because the time will come when you won't have to witness. So many people will be coming that you will spend all your time taking care of them. The time will soon come when I will speak to millions of people at one time over television, and then America will start to move.
Then too many people will want to come to workshop, and we will have to put up a narrow gate and allow only those who are qualified to come through. If you really know the value of our movement and our teaching, can you think that will not happen? If I didn't have confidence that would eventually be the case, I would never have dared to come to America and even start this movement.
I Planned Everything In the Beginning and Decided How To Get Involved In Many Different Areas
Water flows all over the earth, giving life to all living things. You are like that water, giving new life to restore the entire world. Sometimes you do manual work in factories and get soiled with oil. How would you women like that'? Do you women want husbands who are like one-way streets, or who are four-way streets? Look at Mother. I am a man like a four-way street, and in order to follow that kind of husband you will have to go all kinds of places and do all kinds of things. Mother has to be very tough to follow me.
My children rarely have a chance to see Mother and me because we are away so much. Would you mind if your children had that kind of life? That will happen to them if your husband is a four-way street man. If our children always whined, "Mommy and Daddy, why don't you stay home with us" then they wouldn't be good children. But they say, "We know what the outcome will be. Go and help restore the world and we shall follow you. We will study and not just play all the time."
Imagine being at home with your husband some night when all of a sudden he says, "I must go to this place right away and take care of something." Which would be the best wife, the one who says, "By all means take off," or the one who wants her husband to get a good night's sleep and then go in the morning? You have the first kind of Mother, don't you'? If you live like that it will be not just an unusual life but an extraordinary life. All these deeds shall be recorded in history.
Many times my own parents misunderstood me. For example, when I was in North Korean communist prison for three years, my mother came to visit every month. She was a most loving mother who overworked herself making me some new clothes and fixing food. That prison was a death camp and every month at great sacrifice she brought me food and clothes, expecting that I would appreciate her gifts and use them to keep well and happy. When she brought these things to me I gave them away to other prisoners and she was heartbroken. She couldn't understand and she scolded me, "You never appreciate what I have done!" I heard later that when she went back home she told others that I never understood her or appreciated what she did for me
Now you judge. If I have been a good boy and done what she wanted in those days, thinking only of myself, would I be who I am today'? My mother didn't appreciate what I did then, but now in spirit world she not only appreciates me and is proud but also feels apologetic for not understanding me. Of course I appreciated her sacrifice, but her thinking then was shallow. I never even bought one handkerchief or pair of shoes for her, even though I have done many things for our members, establishing them in homes and giving them gifts. God does not think that I have been cruel to her. My actions have moved God's heart and as a result He could give more blessing to her Himself. I don't think God will chastise me; He will tell her that what 1 have done is right.
This is why people from all over the world gather in front of me and this is why you trust me in this degree. I have lived an extraordinary life and this influences you. I can't stand injustice. When I was younger and I saw a strong man hitting a weak person I couldn't stand it; even though it had nothing to do with me I would plunge in and fight to defend the person who was wronged. God loves a person of such character.
That is the tradition of the Unification Church. When we are flowing throughout the world like a stream we will create the same reaction. We will give loving service and sacrifice as our way of life. No matter what kind of stone wall we hit we will penetrate it. We don't know the word defeat. Even though an enemy may initially knock you down, from an unexpected quarter a defender will come to help you fight the battle. That is the mainstream of the Unification Church dispensation. That's the way I have walked, and that's how this river is now flowing all over the world. Ultimately it will change the world to the way of life of God.
Wherever we go we meet brothers and sisters. When we meet elderly people they are like our parents or grandparents. We have no enemies. Through you all kinds of people will join and the stream will become a river. No power can turn this stream aside, and soon the whole world will be drinking from this water.
Do you think of yourself more or others more'? I don't think too much about my own livelihood or taking care of things at home. I don't even think of you too much. Instead, I am always thinking of how I can push you more so that in turn you can make the world happier and turn it to God's way. My concern is not primarily to care for you but to mobilize you for the sake of the world. Will you then plan to strike and demonstrate against me? You wouldn't do that because I never demonstrated against God; I know He is pushing me to live His way of life. The harder the task I undertake, the greater the opening of our fortune and blessing. I know our future will be bright, and knowing how hard you work I know we are bound to be successful. Shall we do it?
How many times more would you like to work now than you ever did before the Church? Try yourself out first and do one and a half times more to start with. Then do twice as much and finally three times more than you did before. If each of you do it then I guarantee the Kingdom of Heaven is secured for you. If you used to sleep eight hours, then sleep two and a half hours. Can you do it? You used to eat three meals, so you will eat only one meal in that case. You will walk three times as fast and talk three times as fast.
In witnessing you are selling the love of God and Divine Principle. Now put your heart into witnessing and meticulously prepare whatever you need. You must be different from before and your influence will touch the people. Raise your flag and don't hesitate to say you are a Moonie. You have to be exemplary in your neighborhood. In the winter shovel snow and in the summer tend the gardens and streets in the neighborhood. The first house to have the snow shoveled should be the Moonies' house. Then people will come to solicit your services for themselves, and they will need only one-third as many people to help them as before. This kind of thing has an impact on people.
All you women have greedy-looking eyes. Are you thinking, "Father, I need a tall, handsome, well-educated husband who can earn lots of money"? Your standard should be, 'Father, all I need is a man." Then you will discover that the person you got has some exciting features and you will exclaim, "Father, you gave me a well-educated husband!" "Father, you gave me a tall man!" Then you will feel that you got something extra.
I want you to know that the first-class wife is not the one who will live prosperously only with a good husband. A first-class wife can make the worst man feel like a king. She can make a poorly-qualified husband into the most shining material. This applies not only to the women; a first-class husband can make an insignificant woman feel like a queen.
What happened to Mother then'? Was she very poor material or what? Now Mother is a brilliant woman, but at the time of the blessing she was very young and hardly knew what men looked like. She was a shy high school girl who knew nothing about the world of marriage. In a sense it was an incredible thing that 1, who knew the totality of God's dispensation, took a young woman who knew nothing about the world as a wife. It was an incredible task to install True Parenthood.
At that time I was forty and Mother was eighteen, or seventeen by Western counting. There was 23 years difference in our ages. Do you think I couldn't find someone with a college degree who was socially polished'? Is that why I chose Mother'? No, there were many such candidates, but I ignored them and chose a pure, innocent girl for the sake of God's dispensation.
After the holy wedding was conducted in 1960 do you think Mother was given red carpet treatment'? To train Mother into the dispensational way of life meant starting at the very beginning. It took years to be trained into True Parenthood, but Mother has one beautiful quality -- absolute obedience. Because of that I could go quickly on the dispensational way and she could learn quickly. For that reason I have the highest admiration and respect for her, besides loving her. I am a very stern man because I am a man of strict adherence to Principle. That is how I trained myself. It was not easy for Mother to mature in that way, but she is truly a brilliant woman and God was satisfied in that respect.
I never bent the Principle for Mother. She had to reach a very high level and there was no deviation. No matter what, once a person violates the Principle there is no forgiveness. On the other hand, Mother also had certain expectations of me, and if I failed her then I would disappoint her. If I preach one thing to the members and then act differently at home, Mother would be the first one to criticize me. It's not easy to be a good husband to Mother.
Our children are also very important critics at home because they can observe Mother and me. They will speak up first if they see me deviating in some way from what I teach. If I had a double standard then it would not be the ideal. My way is this: I will never press or persuade you in my sermons until I have mastered what 1 am talking about. That's why God and spirit world recognize me and support me. A true man of heart and conscience cannot help but support me.
Since the elder Korean members have been with me so many years they know me by heart. They know from experience that what I have done overshadows completely what they have done. You can't slip by or do things halfway in spirit world. There is no way you can do anything undetected. If I have money in my pocket I don't think of how I can spend it for my own children. I want to spend it for whatever will benefit the world the most. I am living that way, so when you earn money fund raising you feel the same way and want to give more so it can be spent for the sake of the world.
Not a single MAT member will feel he has done enough, that no one can beat his record. No matter how hard our members work, at the end of the day they feel, "Father, I am sorry I have not done enough. Tomorrow will be better." They know they cannot beat my record. It may sound like a sad way of life, but really it is a blessed way of living. I have a great responsibility upon my shoulders, not only for this country, Japan and Korea, but for the whole world. I am bearing this heavy burden for the sake of the world. There is still a job to be done for God and mankind and I cannot relax at all until it is done.
Belvedere is a typical Moonie house. Cleanliness is next to godliness, and everywhere a Moonie dwells must be clean. Cleanliness forms the first impression of people who come to visit.
Next year I would like to move dramatically toward our goal. There are 42 more days left until the end of 1978. We have not yet influenced society, but the time will come. Each of you must be self-disciplined so that your mind and body are really one. If you suffer in your work, the voice of your mind will get clearer every day and you will be vibrating on the same wavelength as God's mind. If your mind really parallels God's then you will shine with light.
When You Extend Your Hand, It Will Bring Forth Light. Incredible Mystical Experiences Will Come To You.
There should be no complaining. Jesus bore the cross with no complaint and so should you. That shall become your credo of life. The stronger you become in that respect, with your heart, body and mind responding more fully to the way of life of God, the more closely you shall be vibrating with God. In that life you can experience many amazing things. At night you may sense someone coming to rest next to you and you will discover that it is your own spirit man embracing you. Everyone can have this kind of experience, but in order to do that you have to go through the road of sacrifice. There's no shortcut, no deviation.
When I was in prison in North Korea, going through the hardest physical life, I had vivid communication with God. The spirit world came very close to me so that I could instantly communicate with that world. Even though my body was tortured by the heavy labor, my mind was peaceful because it was enjoying fellowship with God. When your body works the hardest, the spirit world comes closest and you will instantly communicate with that realm. When you contact that world, the fatigue of your body will vanish. Unless you experience it here on earth, you will not have an easy time harmonizing with the vibration of spirit world. You must make an effort to have that kind of experience.
Then you will really meet me in many different places in your dreams and visions. As those kinds of experiences increase, your spiritual eyes will be opened and you will perceive more. One time you will just sit down and open your eyes, and suddenly you will see, not reality, but a vision of another world. You will see me and know what I am doing. Even though you are separated from me, you know the dwelling of God and True Parents is with you and you will always feel their presence in your home. Spirit world automatically opens it up. This does not happen as fantasy. It will happen in reality; that real world will come and open up to you.
Once you experience things like that, your sphere of movement will become wider and your experiences will get richer. Then you can accomplish more here on earth. Concentrate your energies and try to leap into greater achievement in the fastest possible time. You should not just respond passively. You've got to take the initiative and set the schedule and really push yourself forward to that goal. Each day is another stepping stone to a higher goal. Human love would not thrust you to that higher I level, but the love of God will push you instantly. There's no end to how far you can go.
You are in your early twenties. In a few years you can gain more experience than people twice your age. That kind of person shall change the entire nation of America. Think of it, I came here all by myself and had incredible impact on America and nations all over the world. How much this many people here could do! How much impact you could have on America by being just like me and going out in all directions. Go practice this and live it. Undoubtedly great glory and victory will come. I have been victorious and as an individual I have received glory. Young people from around the world clamor around me and follow my direction. No other person has ever experienced such glory.
You can be victorious and you can be glorious as long as you follow the tradition of my way of life. That means that from next year on I don't have to stay here in America. If you have matured to that degree then I can travel around the world and help many other countries. Do you want me to trust you, knowing that you would do more than if I were actually here and commanding you? Whether I am here or not will you promise not to disappoint me?
There is no Asian country whose people would say, "Reverend Moon, please come to our country. We'll welcome you, and whatever you want we will fulfill. In North America there are only two countries, America and Canada, and none of those are ready to do that. How about South America? Since I established our movement here in America, the South American people think that I like only white people. They think that I probably don't care much about South America, and I want to change that image. Then I will go to the African continent. African people might think that I would never come to Africa because this time I really showed my interest in the European countries. We must change that image in Africa.
I want to prepare for those days. I want to be a man for all seasons, a man for all people, a man for all colors. I must practice living it by going around to all these countries. Are you happy to see me back in America though? Would you say, "father, leave America to us. Go ahead and restore other continents." Who has financed the expansion of the American movement'? The Asian Church did it. Then who will be responsible for financing and supporting this work when I go to other continents'? America is still indebted to others. When I am not in America you have difficulty. You are not totally independent yet. Whenever I come back to America I am always greeted with budget requests from the leaders.
If you continue doing things the same way you have been, can I have reason to believe that it will change in the future? Unless you change, nothing will change here in America. Americans must work hard not just for the sake of saving America, but to save the world. I did not come to save the Unification Church; I came to sacrifice the Unification Church to save America. By the same token, American people must feel that they must not work only for America's salvation. They must work for world salvation by giving America as the sacrifice.
From next year on your thinking must be expanded. I may not be staying in America too long next year. You must be responsible for America and be good enough to give the support that I need for the rest of the world. Can you do it'?
I installed the Home Church movement here and last week asked you to go into it full swing. Have you been doing it? While I am here in America I really want to see the Home Church system get on the right track. Then I might leave for England and South America. I also have a plan for Africa and next for the satellite countries under communist regimes. Those who are excellent workers here in America, seasoned leaders in this country, you never know when I will call you to take up a new challenge. You should ready yourselves for any mission when I call you.
The African religious leaders who are coming here soon to visit have five million native followers in Africa alone. They are well trained in their faith and they lead a well organized religious movement, but they do not know God's dispensation so they must come to us to learn. If they totally accept the heavenly dispensation and the way of Divine Principle, perhaps the black people shall be the most blessed people in the days to come. After all, this acceptance has not happened at all in Asia or in the white world. It is possible that soon there shall be a dawning of a new civilization in Africa. On the other hand, if these particular visitors do not realize the true meaning of heavenly dispensation then that will also mark a very dismal day for the African people.
This way of life and this ideology are needed in Africa. That is the only way the African continent can be spurred into the new realm of heavenly civilization. Without it, the future of America also remains dark. If this particular group that is coming really unites with the new revelation of truth then they can influence not only the African continent, but also the European nations as well, perhaps even defending Europe from a communist takeover. The Third World is a very volatile area of world politics today and the African nations are the major bloc of the Third World. lf they come to God's side then that will help advance the entire Third World bloc to that level.
Can Americans teach the African brothers and sisters who are coming to learn? The question is whether you are capable of being ambassadors of God and True Parents to them. As long as True Parents are here your immaturity is not a serious problem, but when Mother and I are away you've got to demonstrate maturity. Otherwise, there is no way our movement can grow. You don't want to hear that because you want me to stay here and lead you.
I expect the American movement to be a self-disciplined, independent movement. Furthermore, I would really like to expand our economic base here to support the movements in other underprivileged nations. By the end of this year I would like to see each one of you gain three spiritual children. You are assigned 360 homes as your Home Church area; go and live there, and no matter what, in the next 42 days you must find three spiritual children. Then we will have a strength of 4,000 members in New York area.
Those who pledge to God that they will give their heart and soul to get three spiritual children, raise your hands. Thank you. Let us pray.
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