The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 1986 |
There are people here today from all over the world, all the continents, assembled in one room celebrating this historical day. I would like you to fully realize that many saints from Christianity and Judaism have died for the sake of this day. They all made the preparations so that we could gather in this historical meeting.
Each one of you is the fruit of your ancestral tree. In order for each one of you to be here in this room, in order for one fruit to be harvested at this time, it has taken hundreds of thousands of years of effort. Your ancestors could not be here today, but you are here; so you must be deeply grateful for all their effort and their accomplishments, which allowed this day to happen.
Today is the day of the harvest of the fruit of history. This fruit represents the hope of mankind, the hope of the True Parents, and the hope of God. When the seeds from your fruits are planted, they will bring great hope to the world. Truly the blessing of God is abundant upon each one of you!
God is the creator and we and all things are the creatures. The important question is, why did the creator create human beings and all things? What was the purpose behind it? Was the purpose of creation to fulfill the necessity of God, the necessity of all things, or the necessity of humankind? Commonly we think God created out of His own need. But God is almighty; He can fulfill His desires at any moment and is not lacking in anything. So why did God create humankind?
When we talk about humankind, we talk about two elements -- men and women. For men, what is the most important thing? For women, what is the most important thing? Money or knowledge or power? No. One thing is important: for men, it is women, and for women, it is men. They need each other, absolutely.
You are not living for your own sake but for the sake of each other. A woman lives for a man and a man lives for a woman. When both live in this way and love each other, the true value of a man comes into being, and the true value of a woman comes into being.
These ideas do not spring from men and women but from God. God was motivated to create men and women not as a product of His power but as the result of His love and creativity. It doesn't make you feel good to think of yourself as a product of someone's power, but being the product of love makes you feel inspired, doesn't it?
There is an experiment in physics in which a tuning fork is hit and gives off a sound of a certain wavelength. Next to it is another tuning fork, which then automatically sends out vibrations of the same wavelength. In a similar way, between mind and body there is one vibration that is meant to echo between them both. The mind and body are waiting for the original love vibration, which does not come from within human beings. That love vibration must come from somewhere else and hit the mind, which then hits the body, so that your mind and body vibrate together with the same wavelength.
Men and women are like two complementary tuning forks. A man can only vibrate in response to the woman's love, and vice versa. Thus we say that love doesn't really belong to you; it is not yours. It doesn't even come from you. It comes to you from the other side, your object.
The man has his male sexual organs and the woman has her female sexual organs. Your organs do not belong to you. You are the custodian of those organs and they exist for the sake of your mate, who has the true ownership. You have no freedom with those instruments. A major problem with American society today, particularly among young people, is in this area. People think their love instrument is theirs, so they use it according to their whim. All kinds of moral degradation occur because they think their sexual instrument is their own.
How many owners of your love should there be? Some people say, "The more the better!" Is that correct? Ultimately speaking, your love doesn't even belong to your mate but to the original owner, God. When you say "God" you also mean "absolute:' Absolute God created for an absolute purpose. Therefore, in love centered on the absolute God you only need one person, not dozens of extras, to be the owner of your love. An absolute doesn't need a spare because it cannot go wrong.
One of the greatest truths taught in the Unification Church is that God has dual essentialities, that He has Sung Sang and Hyung Sang. That is the greatest declaration to the world about the substance of God. The creation is the place where the invisible God planted His character into visible form. Also, two different kinds of people came from God's planted seed -- men and women. God cannot be represented through men or women alone. Centered upon love, men and women represent the total image of God. In the harmony of men and women the image of God becomes real.
Men and women grow in two ways. First, their individual love for God grows. They realize that love comes from God and their desire to love Him becomes stronger and stronger. In the meantime, as they mature, they begin to desire love from each other -- men from women and women from men. A man's and a woman's body structures change as their capacity for love grows. An amazing thing is that there is a kind of "homing device" within people that always draws a man and a woman together, never pushing them in the opposite direction.
When love grows within men and women, the dwelling of God comes closer and closer to them. In other words, the time when the love between a man and a woman can be consummated is the same time when their love for God can be consummated and completed. So when God- centered men and women consummate their love, God also feels the fulfillment of His love.
When we say, "Here is a woman," we already denote the existence of a man. When we say, "Here is a man" we already include the existence of a woman. The two opposite positions must exist in relationship, never separately. Therefore, the words "man'' "woman," and "love" can be said only within a complementary context. We assume the existence of the other two when we say any one of those words.
When you are in love, each of your cells almost explodes. Of course, that kind of explosion does not produce chaos; there is always a certain discipline. Within this discipline there is great flexibility and harmony in the expanding and contracting of love. The movement of love is always one of circular motion. But men and women must have an anchor, some center to their love.
The motion of love between a man and a woman joins together with the vertical line of the love of God and creates a gigantic circle. The love of God always returns to men and women in a flow of give and take. In other words, the vertical line is always circling. At the same time, men and women are also making a circular motion in their love. These three directions move apart and then come together; there is always a returning. This points out another universal principle: There is no straight-line movement in God's creation; there is only circling motion.
Your horizontal love line should always cross the vertical line of God at a 90-degree angle. This is the evidence of true love. You must both have absolute love toward God. The woman must love her husband absolutely; the man must love his wife absolutely. The father and mother's love toward the children must be absolute. If any deviation exists, a 90-degree angle is not possible.
In the circling motion of love the heavenly four position foundation is created. God, on the vertical line, is connected with the children; the father and mother are connected on the horizontal line. When millions of these heavenly four position foundations fill the earth, that will be what we call the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
In this heavenly four position foundation, you can experience the love of children, the love of parents, the love of husband or wife, and the love of God. Learning these things qualifies you to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; without them you cannot dwell there, neither here on earth nor in the spirit world. What is the Kingdom of Heaven? It is like a storehouse of all these loves -- the place where love goes after being harvested. Such love can only come through living within a heavenly four position foundation here on earth.
What is the purpose of a tree? There are many different types -- such as the chestnut, fir, and olive -- and each tree's goal is to create the most perfect fruit, which is always identical to the fruit that bore the seeds that created the original chestnut, fir, or olive. That is the goal of all trees: They don't want to produce anything different from the seed that started them. Later on, the seeds from that fruit will be planted and multiplication can take place a hundred-fold, a thousand-fold, and even a million-fold -- with each seed bringing identical results. That is the way Heaven grows. Do you follow?
The woman, as the mother, is to live for the sake of the other three elements -- for God, her husband, and her children. When she does that, she can stimulate her husband's love toward God, toward the children, and toward herself. You cannot inspire anyone to love you unless you live for that person's sake first. For this reason, anyone who lives for his or her own sake alone will not bring forth good fruit. Results come only when you live for others -- particularly for God, your spouse, and your children. Then you can engender reciprocation.
When there is 100-percent commitment in love, there is no consciousness of day and night. You don't say, "Wait until tomorrow morning. This is a bad time" Any time is the right moment. You can expand all the way to the ends of the world from the center point; it doesn't matter. You will never stray. If you originated in the center, you will always come back there. God doesn't have to go chasing around all over the place; He can sit at the center, knowing that everyone will inevitably come back to Him.
When you are living with this true love and 100-percent commitment, you don't have to run around and worry and get ulcers. You can have serenity and peace. If you stay in the center, everything will always come back to you. You will be the winner. This is the ideal realm of the heart of man. When there is 100-percent commitment, there is 100-percent freedom. The tiny little grandchild can climb all over the grandfather; he has that kind of total freedom. The small wife can climb into her husband's lap. The giant husband can sit down on top of his wife. That is what we call the romantic, dramatic life of men and women -- when you have true freedom within true love.
Let's say a wife is very tired at night, totally exhausted. But as soon as she sees her husband's face, she becomes renewed and revitalized. That is the power of love -- to ignite and electrify. Love is like electricity. If a father thinks his child has been lost he is totally desolate, but if that child comes back and appears in front of him, the father instantly becomes rejuvenated. He doesn't know where such energy comes from, but he becomes a new person.
This is the same as God. God has been very disheartened and fatigued, like the sorrowful parent. But as soon as He saw the perfected Adam and Eve in the unity of true love, God forgot His fatigue and became electrified with true love. He could come down and find His dwelling among human beings. In this way the dwelling of God among men can be complete. When the union of true love occurs between people and God, there will be nothing but the joy of celebration throughout the universe. There will be singing and dancing in Heaven, on earth, and everywhere else in that celebration of love.
Looking at the families of today from this heavenly, ideal standpoint, we know they are very far from it. People have never been 100-percent committed; they have always had some reservation. Men and women want to claim their own territory -- "This is mine. Don't touch it." They want to claim their own rights -- "I have my own personal secrets." With such selfish thinking, a woman can never become a beautiful wife. Rather, she would be more like a monster. Not only that, but she would be poisonous, always ready to shoot out her poison. Many American husbands begin to tremble just by thinking about their wives. This is the reality of American life. Today men pursue other men and women pursue other women. This perverted situation occurs because our society has fallen so far below the realm of God's principle. Therefore, I have come to ignite the reformation of love and bring in a new, harmonious family system. No matter what people may say about Rev. Moon now, history will be the judge. Eventually, America will know it needs me in order to be saved.
Love has special privileges. First of all, love makes people equal. Regardless of social differences, when two people are in love, they are equal. Suppose one young man has a very tiny wife who also happens to be rather ugly, but he loves her nonetheless. Imagine that that young man eventually becomes the President of the United States. No matter how small or ugly that woman may be, she will be elevated into the status of First Lady. Isn't that true?
Another privilege of love is the privilege of inheritance. The beloved gains the right to inherit the treasures of the loved one. When you love someone, you want to give all your assets and valuables to your beloved. This is a great truth. What does it mean? When a man and a woman create a perfectly loving couple, then the dwelling of God is with them. Because they love God, they are elevated to the level of God. Thus God and the children of God gain the same level. Therefore, everything that belongs to Him belongs to you as well. Compare this concept with the way many American people approach their relationships. Many women want to have their own private bank accounts that their husbands can't touch, and vice versa. How different that is from God's desire! You can lose your separate bank account at any time, but you can never lose love.
Anybody who lives for the sake of original love will be welcomed by the universe and embraced. On the other hand, anybody who tries to turn away from true love will be rejected and punished by the universe. For this reason, all types of love that are not true love will eventually be destroyed.
Why are we talking about this on the Day of All Things? What does true love have to do with all the things of creation? Look at the beauty of the flowers with their many different colors, as well as all the other beautiful things of nature. All these things are meant to provide a perfect environment for men and women to express true love. When all things welcome you -- the trees, the flowers, the rocks, the water, and the grasses -- how would you want to respond to them? Would you give them an insipid greeting? Wouldn't you instead feel like exclaiming your feelings of joy at seeing them? Rather than just shouting "Mansei!" yourself, wouldn't it be more exciting for you and your spouse to hold hands and jump up together, shouting "Mansei!" with all your might and whirling around?
Male and female birds sing of love for the sake of men and women, so they can hear how lovely this universe is, how worthy of songs of praise. All creatures exist in their own unique fashion to express the love of God toward human beings. They are almost like the instruments of love. To play music, you need musical instruments. To engender love you also need instruments. All the things of creation are those instruments of love.
Look at the flowers. They express love too. Within each flower there is both a male and a female aspect. Love is joined together within each flower. Every flower has its own unique beauty. There are no ugly flowers. If you could ask a flower, "What kind of place would you like to sit and decorate with your beauty?" it would tell you, "I want to decorate the room where the true glory of God permeates, where true men and women are loving each other." That is the flower's wish. Flowers want to be placed where they can glorify God together with men. Even after all these thousands of years since the fall of man, flowers have maintained their tradition, blossoming year after year, waiting for the one day when all flowers can say, "Hallelujah! Finally we have seen true men and women on earth. The dwelling of God is with men! Now we can really, fully blossom. Amen!"
All things are waiting for the day of the appearance of true men and women, so they can finally fulfill their true purpose of creation.
[While he is talking, Father takes a lily from the flower arrangement, gazes lovingly at it, smells it, and then with a flourish tosses it into the audience.]
As you can see, these lilies are truly jubilant to be decorating this room where I am speaking about true love. These flowers never expected to be in this place. It is their great joy and surprise! When you deal with all things in your daily life, you tend to forget these meaningful explanations I have given you. You tend to become apathetic and not pay attention to the flowers and other forms of creation. If you are like that, they will never appreciate you. So from now on, appreciate the character and personality of the things in your life.
There are many great, towering classics of literature written by the great writers of history. But what is literature all about? In literature human beauty and character are compared with the things of nature. For example: "My lover's smile is as beautiful as a morning lily' "She blossoms like the springtime cherry tree:' Writers always give the most realistic and meaningful descriptions of human beings by comparing them with the things of creation. For people who live in the desert, their descriptions of love always reflect the stark beauty of the desert, since that is all they know. Without comparisons with natural beauty, what do we have left? "My love has a round face:: love has a big nose and small eyes: Not much in the way of literature.
Most of the food we eat comes from grain, which is the seed. The seeds are created after the flowers have blossomed. The natural process is that the flower blossoms and then the fruit is produced. The fruit contains the seed, and then we men and women use that seed as our food. When you eat, you are really partaking of the results of the natural universal process of life, so you must have a deep sense of appreciation for creation: "God provided this to me, but I must become a center of true love or I won't be worthy of it'.'
However, if someone wants to disregard other people and just love flowers, for instance, that is not pleasing to the flowers. Flowers don't particularly like bachelors; they like to see the harmony of love between a true husband and wife.
When you observe birds flying, doesn't it look more attractive for a pair to be flying together rather than just one bird? Perhaps there is one assertive male bird who doesn't feel like flying together with his little wife, because she is smaller and weaker; without her he could fly faster. If he thought that way, it would be against the law of the universe. Even though it may slow him down, the male bird has to fly with his mate; he has to wait for her and then fly out together with her. He might pull out ahead a little, but he will slow down to allow the female to keep up with him. This is the beauty of nature. They might fly a long distance and then make a stop on a tree branch somewhere. The male will still feel strong and fresh, while the female might be gasping for breath. Then he would try to comfort her and help her.
Unification Church members are the happiest people because we have so much love within our hearts that we are anxious to share. We want to have give and take with other people and also with nature -- flowers, trees, birds and fish, and so forth. How can you ever be bored with such a life?
When a small rivulet flows down the side of a mountain, the water splashes and crashes against the rocks and earth. It may seem to be a difficult and even a lonely battle for the water to find its way to the bottom of the mountain. It may seem to be a joyless thing, but that is not so. The water makes music along the way and it dances with the rhythm. As long as it knows there might be someone who could appreciate its song, that little stream is not unhappy.
The important point is that nature is looking for its counterpart. Without men and women, all things would be terribly lonely. We are here on earth to appreciate the things of creation and give glory to God -- that is our duty. Even in New York City, where the environment is often desolate and dirty, we can appreciate the buildings and think, "They want to see me." You can go out every day and say, "Hello, New Yorker! Hello, Empire State Building!" As you greet them, they will respond to you! All things are created this way. You can say, "Hello, my dear Empire State Building! Didn't you miss me? I missed you. You may be taller than me, but I still love you." When you pass that building, you can even touch it and give it a greeting. With such a heart of love toward all the things in the world, a person can never get bored or lonely. Such a person will be filled with love all the time and be ready to give love to others.
The Unification Church alone truly appreciates this Day of All Things. Why? Because we know all things in creation have been grieving in their hearts, yearning for the true sons and daughters of God to come and appreciate them. They want such people to take dominion over them. They have never had this proper dominion until the time of the coming of the True Parents. For this reason, the Day of All Things is crucially important.
I want to say to you that the day has finally come for the appearance of the true sons and daughters of God, men and women who can take true dominion over all things. Through us, all things can feel they have found their perfect masters. This has been the great desire of God -- to see the day when harmony exists between the creation and human beings. This is that day.
Let us pray.