The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 1988

 Table of Contents

God's Day Midnight Prayer (January 1, 1988)

God's Day 1988 -- Midnight Speech (January 1, 1988 - Excerpts)

God's Day Morning Speech (January 1, 1988 - Seoul, Korea)

Let God Stand Right In Front (1/1/88)

The Meaning Of The Day Of Victory Of Love (1/2/88)

The Meaning of the Day of Victory of Love (January 2, 1988 – different version)

Prayer: Liberation because of incredible hardships endured throughout 40 years (January 3, 1988 - Seoul Headquarters Church pdf)

The Desire of History (February 1, 1988 - Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book 2 pdf)

History and the True Parents (February 1, 1988 - Book 2, Chapter 2, 1.2. The Desire of History pdf)

God's hope is the liberation of His homeland (February 14, 1988 pdf)

In Hungnam Prison I fought on the front lines to love a wide variety of people (March 13, 1988 - Chambumo Gyeong - Book 7. pdf)

Isolation And Liberation (3/20/88)

Isolation and Liberation Different Version (3/20/88)

Isolation and Liberation (March 20, 1988 another version)

Prayer at Shin Gil Nim's 40-Day Celebration (March 23, 1988)

The Will and I (April 1, 1988)

The Will and I (April 1, 1988 different version)

Early Spring Of Life (4/3/88)

Farewell Speech (4/4/88)

After 15 years in America there is nothing I have not taught you (April 4, 1988 - Evening Talk)

The Liberation of God and the Way of the Filial Child (B) (April 4, 1988 - Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book 1: True God, pdf)

Father Speaks to Divinity Graduates - East Garden - New Conference Center - Original Document (April 4, 1988 pdf)

I told my sons to take responsibility for this country in my place (April 5, 1988 - Morning Talk)

Now You Must Stand In My Place (April 5, 1988 - Speech to Divinity Graduates)

Benediction Prayer (April 12, 1986)

Nature is a textbook teaching the ideal of love (April 16, 1988 - Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book 3 pdf)

Loving Parents (April 17, 1988 pdf)

Sun Myung Moon Awarded Doctorate in Humane Letters (Dennis Orme - May 15, 1988)

The Trueness and the True Person (May 17, 1988 - Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book 2 pdf)

God's First Manifestation (May 17, 1988 - Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book 1 pdf)

Wake Up, America! (6/12/88)

Wake Up, America! (June 12, 1988 - different version)

Day Of All Things And Liberation (6/14/88)

Day of All Things and Liberation (June 14, 1988 - different version)

What is Canada's role in the dispensation? (June 18, 1988 9:30 p.m. - Clearstone Lodge, Canada pdf)

What Is Most Needed Is The Restoration Of The Homeland (June 19, 1988 5:00 a.m. Pledge Service - Clearstone Lodge, Canada pdf)

The Unification of the Fatherland (6/29/88)

The Providential Timetable Doesn't Stand Still (June 29, 1988 - Synopsis)

Father speaks to UTS graduates - Not for public circulation - Original Document (June 29, 1988 pdf)

Father speaks to UTS graduates - Original Document - Unofficial notes by Shirley Stadelhofer (June 29, 1988 pdf)

Your Sacred Mission Is To Educate Others To Become Your Successors (June 30, 1988 - Unification Theological Seminary Twelfth Commencement Address pdf)

UTS 12th Commencement Address - Original Document (June 30, 1988 pdf)

The Present of Home Coming (7/3/88)

The Present of Home Coming (July 3, 1988 - different version)

Victorious Concept (July 5, 1988 - The Science Office at WRIST USA, East Sun Building, Long Island City, New York pdf)

Sun Myung Moon and WRIST: World Research Institute for Science and Technology (John C. S. Park - July 5, 1988 pdf)

Father's Prayer at Ocean Challenge 1988 (July 8, 1988)

The meaning of True Father's suffering in Seodaemun Prison (August 14, 1988 - Chambumo Gyeong - Book 7. pdf)

Unofficial Notes - Hanamdong, True Father - September 24, 1988 - Original Document (pdf)

Proposal for a World Festival of Culture (September 27, 1988 - World Festival of Culture)

Prayer and Report From Korea's Internal Olympics (Sun Myung Moon and Ian Haycroft - September 27, 1988)

Prayer and Report from Korea's Internal Olympics (Sun Myung Moon and Ian Haycroft - September 27, 1988 pdf)

Be Like a Toy That People Can Enjoy (September 27, 1988 - Excerpt)

Proclamation of the World Culture and Sports Festival (September 27, 1988 pdf)

Proclamation of the Ceremony for Providential Unification and Transition, World Culture and Sports Festival - September 27, 1988 (Sunhak Institute of History - Published September 27, 2019 pdf)

Prayer At The Foundation Day For The Nation Of The Unified World (October 3, 1988)

Declaration of the Foundation Day for the Nation of the Unified World - October 3, 1988 (Sunhak Institute of History - Published October 3, 2019 pdf)

God is a Personal God (October 9, 1988 - Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book 1 pdf)

Let Us Become the Hosts of the New Age of Peace and Unification (October 10, 1988)

The Path of the Unification Church (October 14, 1988 pdf)

The Path of the Unification Church (October 14, 1988 - Thirty eight years having passed since his release from the Hungnam Special Labor Camp pdf)

Holy Wedding Uniting Korea and Japan (October 30, 1988)

The 6500 Couple Marriage Blessing Ceremony - October 30, 1988 (Sunhak Institute of History - October 30, 2019 pdf)

Children's Day 1988 From The Viewpoint Of The Providence (11/9/88)

Historical Children's Day 1988 (11/9/88)

Historical Children's Day 1988 (November 9, 1988 different version – with photos)

Desperately Witness (November 10, 1988 - Leaders' Conference)

The Reason We Need Brothers and Sisters (November 13, 1988 pdf)

Absolute Values and The Reassessment of the Contemporary World (11/25/88)

Absolute, Values and the Reassessment of the Contemporary World and ICUS 17 report (Sun Myung Moon and Tamara Grapek - November 25, 1988

Farewell Address at the 17th ICUS and Perspectives on ICUS and Its Founder (Sun Myung Moon and Tamara Grapek - November 27, 1988)

God and America (12/18/88)

New American Leaders (December 20, 1988)

Leader's Conference Notes for 12/20/88 taken by Pieter Nordquist (December 20, 1988 pdf)

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