The Words of Reverend Sun Myung Moon from 1993 |
Resurrection and Liberation of the Women of the World
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
Belvedere International Training Center
Tarrytown, New York USA
January 31, 1993
Translator: Col. Sang Kil Han
Father began this talk as a Sunday sermon and then at the end left the title on the blackboard and said, "Tomorrow, the men can stay home and all the women can come," for the first of the month sermon. We include both parts here.
The resurrection of the women of the world will bring liberation to all humankind. To resurrect means to be born again. We cannot be born again until we deny the old life. Then we can give birth to new women.
Look at the world which Satan has invaded. All his connections and elements must be denied before God can move in. If there had been no fall, relationships would not be so changeable: what is up would stay up and what is down would stay down and must be down. The head would be up and the feet down; the right-hand side would always be to the right, never to the left.
The essence of the fall was the reversal of order: what was down went up. History has been moving to bring it down. What was wrongfully down has been coming up, and what was wrongfully up has been coming down. There must be a transition point for this reversal process on all levels: individual, family, tribe, nation, world and cosmos.
Liquidate bad habits
History has been a succession of denials. To deny things leads to war. That is the reason for the many wars in history. Until we reach the crossing point on the world level, war will continue. We who are living at this time are the result, the fruit, of historical development. All of us, all individuals, families and nations, must focus our attention on the world level at this time. Therefore, for each of us, our mind and body must work to achieve this transition. Our body has many strings attached to it. Many of you have undesirable habits. The mind, centering on religion, brings us a greater awareness of ourselves. We have to harmonize ourselves, bringing out the good things and throwing away the bad. In a similar way, nations have many habits. We have to nurture what is good and throw away what is bad. Likewise, we have to evaluate religions and choose the good aspects. There is a lot of work to be done.
Individuals need to evaluate their life and decide to move to a higher way of life. The family has to look at how it has been living, throw away bad habits and form good, new ones. Eventually the world needs to liquidate these bad habits [chong sang] and adopt good ones. When the universal day of liquidation comes, the whole world will try to solve its problems. Much work is necessary on all levels and throughout the world.
These are the last days of fallen human history. This ideology, which is the essence of all religious teachings, is trying to capture individuals and influence them in good ways. All individuals and all the families throughout the world must go through the crossing point according to the historical time period. The individual age will allow the individual to change; the family age will allow the family to change. Even though the time and level are different, they all cross the same transition point.
The direction history takes is a straight line, due to the workings of the conscience. The conscience has taught filial piety and parental love. Only love working with the conscience can harmonize all the vertical and horizontal relationships.
The fall resulted in the emergence of two directions, based upon two loves. When we see opposing directions and powers, we should recognize that it is the result of the fall. It is extremely complicated. People are always changing direction, due to the influence of these two powers.
Although there were many possibilities, if God exists, He must have one idea for a perfect man and for a perfect family. In order better to understand God's formula we must know whether the individual should adapt to the world or the world to the individual. God had the world in mind first, and the individual must adapt to the world. He had in mind one perfect individual who would represent the perfect standard.
Keep in mind your complement
The woman's individualistic thinking and the man's individualistic thinking caused the fall. One must follow the other, but today both men and women want to lead, never yielding to each other. Neither your mind nor your body wants to yield to the other. Individuals are like that, families are like that, and nations operate that way. When a nation makes an exclusive claim to dominance, it leads inevitably to war. At this time of world transition, the communist and democratic sides have been fighting. Now that the communist world has fallen, should everyone follow America? That is the question.
All things exist in a relationship of subject and object. How do we re-establish a correct order on all levels around one central point? The world is made up of men and women. Women should be on one side and men on the other. Once everything is in the proper position it should turn around. But which is the center of rotation, men or women? In order to maintain order, an individual cannot insist on turning around himself; he has to turn around a center. You have to find the individual who takes that central position. I represent all the men in the world and the cosmos. I also think of myself as representing all the women of the world. Each of you women represent all the women of the world.
The pair system is very important. Those who are in the upper position must keep the lower position in mind. Those who are on the right side must consider the left side. Whatever position you have, you must keep the other in mind in order to create harmony. All creation lives for the sake of its complement. When you say right, think of left first and then right. When you say up, think about down first and then up. The down-person moves for the up-person. If one individual does not have the other in mind, destruction will follow.
Everything we do should express our desire to serve the other. The greater our range of movement, the greater the service we contribute. Here we see the principle of God's creation. Satan calls us: "Live for the sake of me." Are women born for the sake of women? (No.) To speak of women implies men. Women are born absolutely for men and men absolutely need women. If a grandfather says, "Live for the sake of me," there will be no harmony in the family, only separation and destruction. However, if we live for the sake of others, the more we move, the greater the other becomes. This principle applies not only in human life but to everything in the whole universe; without this principle the universe cannot develop.
The principle of prosperity
Who is the real Unification Church member? If I am the subject, who is the perfect object? If the object and the subject each demand to be treated best, there will be fighting and decline. However, the more each resolves to live for the other, the more the church will benefit and grow.
In this individualistic kingdom of America no one thinks anything is wrong; they all think individualism is fine. However, the universe spits at it, because it defies the principle [of living for others]. Those who demand that others live for their benefit will perish.
In contrast, those who live for others are protected by the universe, and their destiny is connected to the entire cosmos. When your mind and body unite and live for the other, you will expand and connect to all the universe. You will feel good because universal fate will support you.
This principle of living for the sake of others is cardinal. What a wonderful concept this is! Everywhere I go, people will come to like me more and more, because I live for others. On the other hand, if someone tries to destroy me, they will be destroyed by universal fate.
When you pray to God, does He try to take advantage of you? (No.) God does not try to take advantage of others. If Americans live for others, God will love them. If Americans live for themselves, universal fate will crush them, no matter how much they would like to prosper. Individualism is the worst disease.
Women, what do you consider most important about a man: his appearance or his mind? (Mind.) How can we distinguish a good mind from a bad mind? The man with a mind that lives for the sake of others is a good man. If you find such a man and marry him, no matter what he looks like, your future will be good. Isn't that right? (Yes.) Likewise, the champion of the world's women would want to live for the sake of the world. Such a champion doesn't need makeup on her face. There is no way to deny that living for the world is the best policy.
What is the characteristic of a truthful person? When a man loves a woman so much and she tries to pay him back even more, she is a truthful woman, and vice versa. What happens in a couple when both partners seek to outdo each other in showing love? True love will grow and grow.
True love has the potential to bring infinite prosperity. My pocket is always empty, but whenever I come to America I always want to give. Do you want to give help or receive help? According to worldly standards, the one who gives help seems to be the loser. However, Americans must realize that they have to give to others or perish. If America wants to prosper, it must give more to the world. God says to all who want to serve Him, "Don't serve Me, serve the world." This is the principle of true prosperity. Everyone wants a peaceful world, but no one will get it without living by this principle.
I have spoken one hour and I haven't even gotten to the topic of women. We have to meet tomorrow. If I stop now, more people will come tomorrow. I haven't even removed the underbrush, which needs to be done before I can till the soil. Tomorrow the men can stay home and all the women can come.
You represent the universe
To be in the correct position we must always be responsible to represent the entire universe. Then God will praise you. No one except God lives like that. If a small child appears who thinks like that, God would treasure him. History has never seen such a person. God looks at America, which is going against Him and ignoring its responsibility, and says, "I must save and re-educate these people." On this foundation, Americans can love God and can go and love other countries.
Each person who wants to become the best person must think, "I represent the entire world and live for the sake of the world." If you men think of yourself as a representative of the past, present, and future, all women will want to marry you. In order for you women to have that kind of husband, you must be that kind of woman. You can say to God, "I will do not only that but better." If you are anxious to do better than God, you can climb on top of God and God will say, "That feels good." Frankly, none of you wants to be outdone by me, do you?
If I say, "Go and save all women," and one small woman works like crazy to gather many women and educate them, will I stop her? No, I will tell her she is better than I. If one small member of the family says, "I have to bring God here," and goes out and does that, then everyone will bow down to her. If they ask her how she did it, she will say, "I learned from Father to live for the sake of the world." God will be astonished and will follow her anywhere, even to hell. If you do more than what I am encouraging you to do, I will fall in love with you. You are all capable of being like that. Do you understand that you must become the center, focal point of the universe? (Yes.)
So let us finish here and continue tomorrow. Leave the title on the board.
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