The Words of Reverend Sun Myung Moon from 1993 |
Investing in the Couples who are Blessed by Heaven
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
This is an excerpt from the Sunday Morning Sermon at Belvedere given on February 7, 1993. The translator was Sang Kil Han.
When we say heaven, what are we referring to? When we say heaven, centering on God, it means all spirit world, except hell. As we see, the Hudson River flows in one direction. It flows into the sea which is the deepest part of the earth. All water flows from high to low; the opposite doesn't happen. Air, too, flows from a high pressure area to a low pressure area. What about human society? Do we see a similar relationship between high, middle and low classes? Does it flow from high to low, or the reverse? All nature shows us that things flow from high to low, but as we look at human society it is backwards and disordered. There is struggle and war. The heavenly spirit world also flows from high to low. The natural flow is from high to low, but man struggles against this. Why is this? Because of the fall. Our mind represents heaven and the body, earth. The mind always wants to give to the body, but the body fights and struggles against the mind. Why is this? The fall. And, who is the master of the fall? Satan. All nature wants to get rid of Satan so it can return to normal. What is the one thing that always works? Man. Even going against nature, he still wants to go to the highest place. This is especially true of evil organizations. We see the Mafia, which does not allow the natural flow of the mind, but rather threatens and coerces people. They feel that in order to survive with that wicked goal, they have to strike first. We also find individuals who hate others. Satan is against the laws of nature, whereas God upholds them. Satan tries to reach the top by going against the order of nature. God tries to reach it in an orderly way, but how difficult it is!
It is not that Satan does not know God's will. Satan knows about God very well. Satan, however, tries to go in a disorderly way. We can classify all human beings into two categories: conscientious and not conscientious. Satan makes relationship with an unconscientious person and God with a conscientious person. We see that they contradict each other. What is the point of origin? Is it an individual or family? (Individual.) Yes, it is man and woman. We see all contradictions, struggles and wars begin from the individual. Because of the fall, all trouble begins from the individual. This is a great awareness, an important thing to know. Roughly, my body tries to go against my mind. The body belongs to Satan's side, and our mind to God's side.
We have five senses in the body and also in the world of mind. My mind has an eye for seeing and a nose for smelling, just like the body does. Therefore, do I belong to Satan or to God at this moment?
We know what's right
The mind directs to go one way, and with much energy we go. Then the body complains and resists. We go back and forth, but over much time are we going forward or backward? Am I going to be a bodily person or a mind person? Which one? (Mind.) If that were true you would be an individual who did not fight within himself. However, as you go back and forth, chances are you will end up as a bodily person. Often even when we know what is right, a person asserts what is wrong. When you know what is right you have to bow down to it. An individual knows better than God which is right or wrong. At the judgment there is no way for us to defend ourselves. Without religion this is that way of destruction for all people. To save them, God has given religion. Religion says, "Whatever you want do not do it. Deny your desires." This is because the bodily five senses are always going against the wishes of God. Is self-denial a natural thing or not? Is it normal for God to force us to deny ourselves? It is only normal because he has our best interest at heart.
How much mankind has gone against God and religion! From this perspective, what is America like? It is a Christian nation which is supposed to follow God's teaching, but it has ended up as the kingdom of individualism. This has settled down in the middle of Christianity. God worked for thousands of years, but has He failed in America or not? Clearly failed. Now we see the 180 degree opposite direction. If America continues to live as it does, will we all go to heaven or hell? Therefore, we see very clearly that the Christians have come to an ungodly place. Do they work against good things or bad? They work against good without their knowing it.
Each religion in the world starts its own ideology. In the free world we have many ideologies, whereas the communists have only one. Actually all religions should come together, because their purpose must be the same, to bring communism down. It would have happened much sooner had they united. Why has communism come down, and not the free world? It is because the free world, through sacrifice, tried to live for others. The free world also tried to love their enemy. Amongst all religions, only Christianity is like that. Buddhism is not like that. In order for God to save us, He must let us know that our body is our mind's enemy. In order to save all we have to save ourselves first. We can clearly see why God had to let Christianity be the central religion. It is because they love their enemy. Christianity had the chance to save all the world at the end of World War II. But what if a stronger religion, which loves its enemy more, arises in the last days? In that religion a man will have the attitude to sacrifice even his own family. That religion will stand on top of the whole world, asserting more influence than any other religion in history, including Christianity, and will be supported by God.
There is no denying this through reason. The family that lives for the nation will prosper. The nation that lives for others will prosper.
Pinnacle of religion
The higher a religion is, the more they know of God and His ways. They must help the other religions. This is what the higher religion must do. The fact that we live for others, even the enemy, is because that is how the spirit world is. That's why we have to do that here. Religion is to love the satanic world, not to fight each other. If they fight they will end up in a very difficult place. How can two religions reach up to God if they fight each other? The Unification Church has to treat all religions the same. We cannot call other religions heretical, we must love them. Even Shamanism, which is a very low religion, was fostered by God in the beginning. Reverend Moon and the Unification Church fought against communism for their sake and Father is now teaching them, to save them.
Father has not talked about investment. How much have we been given by God? We owe so much to God. All religions have been persecuted. As they were persecuted, they grew. Among all religions Christianity was the most persecuted and sacrificed the most. All the fruit of that sacrifice is now in America. Are Americans aware of that? Americans must turn and embrace all the world. Instead, America is turning away. The universe will spit at it and it will fall. But we Unification Church members must hold America and apply the brake and turn America around. Are all the Unification Church members strong enough to do that, to bring America to a screeching stop? This is a serious point. How serious this is when America is on the brink of dying. How can we be comfortable? By exerting a strong power, try to apply a brake to the direction America is going. Then no matter what you use, you must investigate and you must apply a tremendous energy to accomplish this. Free sex must go. Hollywood and the immoral media must go. We must shed light on the dens of prostitutes.
Perish or not?
If we encourage homosexuality, and are successful in making everyone homosexual, will humanity perish? Yes. The most effective way for Satan to prevent man from returning to God is drugs and homosexuality. We already know that Satan's purpose in working and existing is to turn 180 degrees around against God's direction. Who wants to go to bars and dancing places? If God told you to go and dance, how happy would you be? You can dance with no clothes on. If you were in love with your husband and danced naked at home, would God complain? No. Would God punish you? No. He would support you. He would say, "Go ahead and do more because that's what you were born for." But, the question is, if that same woman did the same thing with another man, would God mind or not? (Yes.) Is that a problem? It's a very simple principle. Even the communists, whom Father fought against so much, now love Father. So there are no enemies in front of Father. Father can go anywhere Russia, China, or North Korea. Could the United States President's wife go to China and have a rally for the people? Mother has done that. Women's time has arrived. The women go ahead of Father and Father will follow. In America they know better than anybody else what we are talking about. Those who are successful in this country, always have a woman in front of them.
All women can now untangle their regrets through the man. Both in the spirit world and the physical world, all women can combine and make one women's rally for man, for all the bad things men did against them. They can resolve all their bad experiences with men. All women who have been betrayed, mistreated, cheated, you name it. Men have done very bad things to women throughout history. When a woman goes to the spirit world she knows what kind of things man did even though she was faithful. She never knew while living. So, they all come down to you and pound on you men. But instead of fighting back all you men can do is say you are sorry, apologize. She will try to enslave you, drive you like a servant. She was at the beginning, so now she is trying to do that back. No matter how terrible she treats you, you must be thankful. Why? Because you have to be saved by her. So obey woman even though she persecutes you. No matter what she does or says. Even 360 degrees, all around, in all directions of persecution, you become only thankful. Now you stand in the archangel's position; follow thankfully.
Father has been giving the position to all American women here. Teaching them and raising them in front of all the Christian women in this country. Father is treating you like a queen. The Christian world want to become the bride, and you are one step ahead of them. Christianity is the bride's religion, isn't it? So, American women should really appreciate this present day position. American women can obey Oriental women and indemnify that position and responsibility they couldn't fulfill. Otherwise, there is no way to go back. No way to reconnect.
Follow the standard
If we resemble our Father and Mother, Satan cannot accuse us anymore. We will be liberated. This is how liberation comes. Now such a couple has come to exist for the first time in history, and in the family level too. Like a stamp, we can mass produce it. It is that kind of a time now. God and all things will give the same value to each couple. Father was the first, but all the later ones will have the same value. The main factory is the True Parents, who have the blueprint, but the tribal messiahs, who are the branch factories, can produce many copies. They all have the same horizontal value, and all connect vertically to True Parents. All tribal messiahs have that formula. That mission is the mission of the tribal messiah. You can save the whole world that way. Horizontal expansion is no problem. When the Christian world understands these concepts, how wonderful it will be.
So, this is how much God has invested to bring about True Parents. Now True Parents give away the Blessing freely. We have to understand the value and try harder to teach this. To arrive at this destination God tried through Jesus, but failed and now through the Second Coming. How much investment God made! We must understand. When Christian nuns and priests meet the bridegroom, would they be married? Yes. What about Buddhists, who practice strict celibacy? How difficult it is to start from scratch.
After World War II, the Christian world represented the bride's position. The bridegroom would come down vertically. After World War II England, America and France stood in the positions of Mother, Cain and Abel. Japan, Germany and Italy stood in the same positions on Satan's side. If the three Allied nations had accepted Father, all could have received the Second Messiah. The Messiah is vertical and comes down with nothing except True Love. This is then manifested in True Children. If those three nations had united and believed in the Messiah, within seven years the kingdom of heaven would have come. The year 1945 plus seven years equals 1952.
Woman represents earth and man heaven. If they united with True Love all could have been solved, and during the seven years could have spread all over the world, but it failed. All four thousand years of God's history was lost. In 1945, the Allied nations controlled all the world and if they had connected to the Messiah they could have created one world under God with no problem, but everything was lost. Only Reverend Moon and God were left. Father had to restore everything in forty years. He could not sleep. Father had to go over every level, tear down every wall.
At Jesus' time the nation was lost. Jesus returned and restored spiritually twelve, seventy-two and one hundred and twenty disciples. Father had to do the same with the Blessed couples. This broke down Satan's world.
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