The Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon For 1994 |
Find Your True Self
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
November 23, 1994
East Garden
Translator-Peter Kim
According to Father's time he has been awake for the past twenty-four hours. How about you, are you sleepy also? (No.) Father will give you a straight two hour talk and then finish. [Father writes on the board the title of his speech.] Can any non-Korean read and understand this title? [One brother stands and attempts to read the title in Korean which is followed by laughter.] But his reading is correct, though. "Chamdoen chashineul chatja - Find Your True Self". This is a simple title. Do you think that the world out there is good or bad? (Bad.) Why bad? The human history has been one of struggle and war. It doesn't matter what history we refer to, they are all mixed up with the history of war. What about American history? Is America a good society or a bad society? What about American people? What about yourselves? Father gives you only two choices: bad or good. (Laughter.) (Good.) Why do you say 'good'? If the world is bad and America is bad then are you alone good? Why do you think that fighting and war is bad? Because through struggle you always decline below the normal line. On the other hand when people work together in unity their level is always going up. However, you responded that you yourselves are good. But in reality you are still in a bad state because your mind and body are still struggling. Is that not true? (Yes.) But since when did this fight between mind and body start? From the time of the first human ancestors. If we reach beyond our original ancestors we reach to God, so is God struggling between mind and body also? (No.) Why not? When we come to the concept of God we refer to an absolute being. That concept of an absolute being denies fight or struggle. But if God is not struggling and fighting, then why has mankind been struggling all this time? This struggle between mind and body began with our original ancestors.
Where is the place from which we were born? My life started from the very place where my father and mother made love. Therefore we can conclude that when our father and mother made love to give us life, that love was not made with total unity centered upon God. Rather there was an element of struggle and confrontation in their union. The love itself was not pure enough. Therefore a false life emerged, and a false lineage emerged. When it comes to the concept of false love, false life and false lineage, then we can easily draw the conclusion that this is the position which is contradicting God's original love and life. That is what we call the human fall. But without the Fall of Man then humankind would have begun with True Love, True Life and True Lineage.
Our conscience is directly related to God vertically, but there is also another false plus present. That is why there is always contradiction and conflict within yourself. How can we conclude that there is another false plus position there? We can draw this conclusion from our love relationship, because there is false love there. The conclusion is that humankind has been receiving false love, false life and false lineage up until this point. We can trace back to Adam and Eve, our original ancestors, to see if something went wrong beginning with them. In the Garden of Eden how many men were there? (One.) What about the archangel? (He is not a man.) But suppose you had to include the angel figures? (Four.) Including God it makes five male figures. What about female figures? (One.) Tell me how many? (Two.) Where do you find another one? Answer clearly, two or one? (ONE.) From God's point of view what is that particular woman's position in the Garden of Eden? As we know, God created man because of love, but when it comes to the love relationship between God's love and man's love should there be any confrontation there or should there be unity? (United.) Through what should the relationship between God's love and man's love be united? (Man and woman coming together in love.) Where? Have you thought about it? Through our love-making organs. Have you ever touched love or seen love with your own eyes? Is love an object which we can touch upon or we can see? What is it? We cannot touch and see love but we can feel love. What about life? Can you see life? You cannot see and touch life. How about our blood lineage, can we see the seed of the human lineage with your eyes? It takes place when man and woman make love. Concave and convex is called in Korean "omok bolok" that represents the love relationship between man and woman.
Are you able to see or touch your conscience? Are you able to touch and see God? We cannot touch or see Him, so where is He? Up in the air some place? The earth itself is rotating so heaven up here may become heaven down below tomorrow in terms of space. If we look at the planet earth from far way, people at the bottom are standing upside down. For Chinese people, heaven is America because they are standing in China. (Laughter.) Where is heaven then, where does God dwell? (In the conscience.) Heaven explains the state of holiness, highest and most glorious place. God is the root of love, life, lineage and conscience. Do you agree? (Yes.) Therefore, Father concludes that God dwells in the innermost depth of your conscience. Do you understand? (Yes.) If you pray really seriously and reach a state of real spirituality, you will be able to communicate with God directly. In this state when you say, "God, where are you?" Heavenly Father will respond from the center of your being, "I am here. Why do you call me?" (Laughter.)
We have love and we have life. How about blood lineage? How about conscience? If anyone denies this he may be considered as a crazy person. When you sit alone and close your eyes do you feel that you have love, life and conscience all within yourself? When you are sitting alone, without moving at all, do you really feel your love, life and lineage actively within yourself? Why are you unable to feel them? Every one has five senses, but these senses do not exist for our own sake alone, but rather for the sake of others. In the same way, everything that is existing within this universe is existing for something or someone else. When God created the world He created the environment first. Within this environment we can see sun, air, water and soil. When it comes to our five senses, the sun represents our eyes, our nose represents air, our mouth represents water and soil. Your face is a representative of these elements. Your forehead represents God, your nose, Adam and Eve, and your mouth represents the creation. Also in terms of the number of teeth which you have, there are four different directions, four corners times eight which is the number which represents new beginning - in total, thirty-two teeth.
We all have love, life and conscience within ourselves. Suppose that you alone feel joy and excitement because you possess all of these and try to kiss yourself for having all of these within you. Do you think that others will observe you as normal? (Laughter.) That is why you have to appreciate how precious your partner, your object is. The same principle is applicable to God; even though He possesses everything, still He needs a partner, an object of love. When you place your fingers very close to your eyes you cannot focus them because once two things become too close, then you can no longer distinguish between them. When you were a child did you ever try to pick the wax out of your ears, or the mucus from your nose and taste it? What did it taste like? (Salty.) Everybody agrees that it tasted salty so it means you tried to do it. Why don't you feel that it was dirty? Suppose somebody else offered you their ear wax to taste, would you taste it? (NO.) Why don't you feel that your own is dirty? Because it is part of yourself. Have you ever tried counting how many times you blink in one day? (No.) If you try to count for one hour you would become so exhausted from it. Why is it that we are unaware of this constant blinking? Because we are totally united with the action; it is part of us.
When you go to the bathroom and make a smell you don't seem to mind. However, if somebody else comes and makes the same smell you want to run out of the bathroom. (Laughter.) Why don't you feel that your own smell is bad? Because it is one with you. Once you become totally united then you feel no difference. Raise your right hand and place it on the left side of your chest. What do you feel? (Heartbeat.) How many times are you aware of your heart beating during the day? Once you are involved with activities of the day, you become oblivious to the beat of your heart. But if you listen to your heart through a stethoscope it sounds like a loud thumping. If somebody touches even one strand of your hair you feel it, but when it comes to your heartbeat it is a hundred times stronger than that touch, yet you don't feel it. Why? Because you are totally one with it. Historically, Father is the first one to describe this kind of oneness within ourselves in terms of our different organ functions.
It is crystal clear that we possess love, life and conscience and yet we don't feel them because they are totally one with us. By the same token, God is within the depth of our conscience and yet we don't feel Him because of the oneness. This is a great revolutionary vision. People have been seeking for God all throughout history, but failed to realize that God was within them. Why is it that we cannot feel something when it becomes totally one with us? We know that we have love, but if we feel only fifty percent of the love that we have, then, if somebody comes along with lOO percent of love, still we are only able to feel fifty percent of their love as well, because of our limitation. [Father and Peter Kim speak back and forth in Korean and then Peter Kim says, "This is very complicated to me."] (Laughter.) Originally we are not supposed to feel love within ourselves because love is totally one with us. However, if you feel thirty percent of your love, and somebody comes along with 100 percent of love, due to your feeling only thirty percent, then that amount will be deducted from the 100 percent of love, thus enabling you to feel only seventy percent of somebody else's love. Do you follow? (Yes.) However, if we do not feel that totally, zero, then if somebody else appears with 100 percent of love we can feel 100 percent also. Do you understand? (Yes.) There is a strong stimulation there. Do you understand? (Yes.) Once you feel love 100 percent, then your life and your conscience become generated into movement. Once you find that 100 percent counterpart of your love, then your life and your partner's life and conscience can be stimulated and motivated into action. We can observe this between a young girl and boy when they find the real oneness through love. Even their look is different.
Only True Love can generate life, conscience and even lineage. Since God is the root of True Love, if you fully utilize True Love you can even activate God Himself. Don't you agree? Because God is the root of True Love and once His love is activated then your mind and body can be totally united. It is like a tuning fork [Father draws on the board]; once you hit this one without even touching the other, because of this resonance, the other fork can make a vibratory sound. After you hit this tuning fork and then stop it with your hand, still the other fork can vibrate and make some sound. Isn't that so? (Yes.) By the same principle, without the Fall, if God's True Love touched your body, your mind was supposed to resonate to the impact of that True Love. When your love partner touches your body, the unseen love and unseen God within yourself can be motivated and activated. Do you understand? (Yes.) Do you follow Father? (Yes.)
Suppose Adam and Eve had married as True Love subject and object, do you think that God within them would have been activated or motionless? (Activated.) (Father laughs.) It is a serious matter. But due to the Fall, even though they married physically they were unable to experience God's True Love. There was no resonating vibration between this true plus and false plus. The relationship became cut off by the Fall. Do you understand? Without the Fall, if Adam and Eve had married, is that the place where True Love would take place or not? (Yes, it would have.) If that is the case, do you have to feel the root of that True Love first, or the branch or the stem? (Root.) If that is the correct answer, then whose marriage would that be in reality? (God's.) Yes, God's marriage. This is a logical conclusion from which there is no escape. Because unless God's True Love and man and woman's True Love have the same original starting point, there will always be two different directions of love, eventually ending up in different places. Therefore, no concept of unification, peace, happiness, freedom and faith can exist there. Nothing can exist there.
Freedom should occur where total unity occurs. For example, if as husband and wife you had a bad fight with one another, do you feel free all day long? We have to make sure that everything becomes one and then that ideal concept can come into place. Without having a True Love foundation you cannot begin to contemplate freedom and happiness. While our mind and body are fighting, how can we even talk about freedom and happiness? As long as our mind and body are fighting, even though we live as husband and wife together, it means that four different people are dwelling there. Do you follow? (Yes.) The conclusion is, only upon the foundation of True Love, which brings total unification, can we even dare to think about peace and happiness. Who needs freedom, happiness and hope? God and man both need love, peace and happiness. It means love without fighting. As long as you continue to fight within yourself then there is no love, peace and happiness.
Throughout the history there have been many different kinds of wars, but eventually all of them have come to an end and there has been a truce. However, the war that has existed between man's mind and body throughout history has never ceased. This is the most dangerous and fearful battle. On this battlefield how can we talk about peace? Because of this ceaseless fight God has been chased out. He has been unable to dwell with His children. When we chase God out of ourselves who comes in? Satan. Was this evil force existing from the beginning? (No.) Many people don't know this. If the devil existed at the same time as God from the beginning, then we are referring to dualism. We know that the archangel became Satan. What then is the position of the archangel after the Fall? False husband and love enemy. It was as though God was about to marry and this archangel came like a thief and took His bride, Eve, away and made her into his own wife. Imagine this scene: the bride of God, Eve, was taken away by Satan. They married and produced children. Then they come before God as a couple together with the children and tell God that even though they ran away from Him they now return and bring these children. Do you think God would be happy about that? (NO.) Our common sense tells us that if we had to confront that kind of situation, we would feel like striking them. But God is still telling us to love our enemy, even that kind of enemy. Can you do that? We can't find that kind of love in the Principle of Creation. Can you love that kind of enemy?
If God has to truly love such an adversary, it means that God considers Himself dead in heart. Why does God love even that kind of enemy? Because God has to restore them first and bring them to the Kingdom of God together. In order to do that, God has to restore them first and have them live their lives as a restored family. Then only after that can He bring them to the Kingdom of God as the direct lineage of God. Do you follow? Originally, without the Fall, man was supposed to live in accordance with God's love and principle and establish a sinless family. As a family they were supposed to enter into the Kingdom of God. But due to the Fall they became Satan, and the enemy of God. In order to restore them back to the original position, God has to offer more love than to His own children. Without offering that kind of love, God cannot bring them to the level that He can love them as His own children. Do you follow? (Yes.) That is why God began the history of restoration from Jacob's family 4000 years ago. Even though human history may have been 100,000 years in length, God waited until then. Do you understand? (Yes.)
Originally God's children were supposed to live united in this way, following Heavenly Father and entering into His kingdom. However, due to the Fall, God's position, which was supposed to be on the top, came down to the bottom. Satan's position, which was supposed to be at the bottom, came up to the top. That is why there was confrontation. That particular relationship began from the individual level, family level, tribal level and expanded in this way to the worldwide level. Only after this relationship is totally restored, right side up, can the True Life of God's children begin. God is climbing up in this way [Father draws on the board to explain] back to the original top position. If this takes place, then naturally Satan goes to the bottom and disappears. We are now in the Last Days and so we see confusion, turmoil of all kinds in the world. Faithful Christians, who started out on the right track of trying to be restored back to God, in these Last Days, because of their wrong turn, may go with Satan and fall back again. On the other hand, maybe atheistic people began at the wrong place, but in the Last Days if they become lucky and follow God, they can receive the blessing of God. In the Last Days a religion should emerge, which has a logical explanation to enable everybody to agree and understand. Otherwise people are left without an opportunity to truly understand.
In medieval history there existed a God-centered time period. But gradually, as we reached the modern period, more humanistic thought became dominant. Even when it comes to the individual level, because we have this invisible mind and root we are still able to connect ourselves to our ancestors and God. Because of this kind of blessing we can find the medieval time where they were absolutely centered upon God by faith. But as history progressed, people became spoiled and abused their church power, and evil things began to take place. This caused some people to conclude that God did not exist. That is why humanism began. After the French revolution this humanistic thought became rampant until finally the materialistic ideology emerged. Strictly speaking, those who practice humanism cannot find the origin of it nor the end. They are practicing a temporary kind of ideology and so it cannot last indefinitely. We see today the practice of a more flesh-based humanism which will continue for a while and then it will end.
Communism was based upon materialism and viewed the entire world from that perspective. They claimed that the origin of this universe had to be material. Material cannot be the subject and origin and, as a consequence, Communism has met its demise. After the demise of Communism in Soviet Russia, how can we now control the worldwide problems that exist? Father proclaimed Godism and Headwing ideology which is the True Love ideology. This teaches the total unity between God and man. Since man is the mediator between the physical and spiritual world, then man is in the position to be totally united with God. In the physical realm, man is united with the entire universe. True Love is the mediator which causes everything to come into oneness. Everything can be embraced and melted here with True Love.
As soon as God reaches again to the top position, then human history will continue in a normal pattern. Here Father is drawing the different levels of love, family, tribe, nation and world. We have to make everything right side up. While history is going through this period religions proclaim that we should deny ourselves absolutely. What is your name? Did you possess your name even before God's creation? Was America born after the Fall of Man or before the Fall? (After.) That means that America still belongs to Satan. God has nothing to do with the birth of America. Do you agree? God never established a True Love relationship with mankind as yet. But ever since God-centered ideology, centering upon True Parents, appeared, then now we have the foundation for God to be united with mankind through True Love. This foundation is now set. Then man now stands as a mediator, with our mind connected to God and spiritual world, and our body connected to the physical world. That is the way the vertical and horizontal connection occur. [Father draws on the board.] Vertically God is positioned here and horizontally Adam is positioned here. Where do they meet?
The most difficult question that Father had to answer was, where do God and man's love meet? After many years of prayer God told Father that True Love meets at the perpendicular angle, that is the shortest distance. When the horizontal line and vertical line meet together the shortest point is the ninety degree point, not eighty-nine and not ninety-one. Do you understand? If that is the logic then when it comes to man's practice of True Love it should go through the shortest distance, which is ninety degrees. That concept can be expanded from the individual level to family, tribe, nation and so forth. That is the formula. The same principle applies at each level. If we divide them in this way [indicating to the diagram on the board] with the upper section and bottom section, left and right, we can see twelve different sections. But any piece that you choose will be identical to any other of the twelve pieces. There is no loss, no addition, no contradiction, no confrontation; everything fits perfectly. Because they are all identical they are totally united as one. That is what we refer to as, the ideal family.
The family can be identified as the basic unit to bring the entire universal unity and harmony. This is the starting point of universal love and harmony. Within an individual family we can see children, brothers and sisters, husband and wife, children and parents. Four different relationships are represented there. But actually it is not restricted to one family. The world is made up of these four relationships. When you visit a village or state you can observe these relationships. Therefore, the family is the ideal unit which brings all different levels of community into oneness. Without this basic unit of family it is impossible to think of anything else. Therefore, as long as you can train your family members as citizens of the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God in this world can be established. It can be multiplied and applied universally. If you live this kind of life within your family and America becomes the Kingdom of God on earth, then even if you travel to the European continent or some other place, it is just a matter of expanding it. When it comes to the worldwide level, this is one level higher than the national level. This basic bottom level unit, which is the family level, is the key to all of this. Because of this particular reason the relationship between Cain and Abel has to be restored within a family. Cain represents the satanic world and Abel should embrace the Cain world and be united.
In order to embrace the satanic Cain world, you have to invest yourself and practice the Principle in the way in which Father explained to you earlier. We cannot stop at the family level. The family level is the key unit, but this then needs expanding all through eight different stages, just as Father indemnified 4000 years of history of restoration in forty years. Centering on Father's own life, he went through these eight stages and has established his foundation in 160 nations. Therefore, we have to come out of these eight stages and bring at least 160 families with us. This is how you can indemnify 160 nations just as Father indemnified 4000 years in forty years. The size is small, but because of Father's victorious foundation of establishing 160 nations, you can be lifted up to that level. Whatever parents own can be inherited to their children. Therefore you should feel closer to Father than to your own physical parents because they still belong to Satan. Do you understand? (Yes.)
According to Father's time he has been awake for the past twenty-four hours. How about you, are you sleepy also? (No.) Father will give you a straight two hour talk and then finish. [Father writes on the board the title of his speech.] Can any non-Korean read and understand this title? [One brother stands and attempts to read the title in Korean which is followed by laughter.] But his reading is correct, though. "Chamdoen chashineul chatja - Find Your True Self". This is a simple title. Do you think that the world out there is good or bad? (Bad.) Why bad? The human history has been one of struggle and war. It doesn't matter what history we refer to, they are all mixed up with the history of war. What about American history? Is America a good society or a bad society? What about American people? What about yourselves? Father gives you only two choices: bad or good. (Laughter.) (Good.) Why do you say 'good'? If the world is bad and America is bad then are you alone good? Why do you think that fighting and war is bad? Because through struggle you always decline below the normal line. On the other hand when people work together in unity their level is always going up. However, you responded that you yourselves are good. But in reality you are still in a bad state because your mind and body are still struggling. Is that not true? (Yes.) But since when did this fight between mind and body start? From the time of the first human ancestors. If we reach beyond our original ancestors we reach to God, so is God struggling between mind and body also? (No.) Why not? When we come to the concept of God we refer to an absolute being. That concept of an absolute being denies fight or struggle. But if God is not struggling and fighting, then why has mankind been struggling all this time? This struggle between mind and body began with our original ancestors.
Where is the place from which we were born? My life started from the very place where my father and mother made love. Therefore we can conclude that when our father and mother made love to give us life, that love was not made with total unity centered upon God. Rather there was an element of struggle and confrontation in their union. The love itself was not pure enough. Therefore a false life emerged, and a false lineage emerged. When it comes to the concept of false love, false life and false lineage, then we can easily draw the conclusion that this is the position which is contradicting God's original love and life. That is what we call the human fall. But without the Fall of Man then humankind would have begun with True Love, True Life and True Lineage.
Our conscience is directly related to God vertically, but there is also another false plus present. That is why there is always contradiction and conflict within yourself. How can we conclude that there is another false plus position there? We can draw this conclusion from our love relationship, because there is false love there. The conclusion is that humankind has been receiving false love, false life and false lineage up until this point. We can trace back to Adam and Eve, our original ancestors, to see if something went wrong beginning with them. In the Garden of Eden how many men were there? (One.) What about the archangel? (He is not a man.) But suppose you had to include the angel figures? (Four.) Including God it makes five male figures. What about female figures? (One.) Tell me how many? (Two.) Where do you find another one? Answer clearly, two or one? (ONE.) From God's point of view what is that particular woman's position in the Garden of Eden? As we know, God created man because of love, but when it comes to the love relationship between God's love and man's love should there be any confrontation there or should there be unity? (United.) Through what should the relationship between God's love and man's love be united? (Man and woman coming together in love.) Where? Have you thought about it? Through our love-making organs. Have you ever touched love or seen love with your own eyes? Is love an object which we can touch upon or we can see? What is it? We cannot touch and see love but we can feel love. What about life? Can you see life? You cannot see and touch life. How about our blood lineage, can we see the seed of the human lineage with your eyes? It takes place when man and woman make love. Concave and convex is called in Korean "omok bolok" that represents the love relationship between man and woman.
Are you able to see or touch your conscience? Are you able to touch and see God? We cannot touch or see Him, so where is He? Up in the air some place? The earth itself is rotating so heaven up here may become heaven down below tomorrow in terms of space. If we look at the planet earth from far way, people at the bottom are standing upside down. For Chinese people, heaven is America because they are standing in China. (Laughter.) Where is heaven then, where does God dwell? (In the conscience.) Heaven explains the state of holiness, highest and most glorious place. God is the root of love, life, lineage and conscience. Do you agree? (Yes.) Therefore, Father concludes that God dwells in the innermost depth of your conscience. Do you understand? (Yes.) If you pray really seriously and reach a state of real spirituality, you will be able to communicate with God directly. In this state when you say, "God, where are you?" Heavenly Father will respond from the center of your being, "I am here. Why do you call me?" (Laughter.)
We have love and we have life. How about blood lineage? How about conscience? If anyone denies this he may be considered as a crazy person. When you sit alone and close your eyes do you feel that you have love, life and conscience all within yourself? When you are sitting alone, without moving at all, do you really feel your love, life and lineage actively within yourself? Why are you unable to feel them? Every one has five senses, but these senses do not exist for our own sake alone, but rather for the sake of others. In the same way, everything that is existing within this universe is existing for something or someone else. When God created the world He created the environment first. Within this environment we can see sun, air, water and soil. When it comes to our five senses, the sun represents our eyes, our nose represents air, our mouth represents water and soil. Your face is a representative of these elements. Your forehead represents God, your nose, Adam and Eve, and your mouth represents the creation. Also in terms of the number of teeth which you have, there are four different directions, four corners times eight which is the number which represents new beginning - in total, thirty-two teeth.
We all have love, life and conscience within ourselves. Suppose that you alone feel joy and excitement because you possess all of these and try to kiss yourself for having all of these within you. Do you think that others will observe you as normal? (Laughter.) That is why you have to appreciate how precious your partner, your object is. The same principle is applicable to God; even though He possesses everything, still He needs a partner, an object of love. When you place your fingers very close to your eyes you cannot focus them because once two things become too close, then you can no longer distinguish between them. When you were a child did you ever try to pick the wax out of your ears, or the mucus from your nose and taste it? What did it taste like? (Salty.) Everybody agrees that it tasted salty so it means you tried to do it. Why don't you feel that it was dirty? Suppose somebody else offered you their ear wax to taste, would you taste it? (NO.) Why don't you feel that your own is dirty? Because it is part of yourself. Have you ever tried counting how many times you blink in one day? (No.) If you try to count for one hour you would become so exhausted from it. Why is it that we are unaware of this constant blinking? Because we are totally united with the action; it is part of us.
When you go to the bathroom and make a smell you don't seem to mind. However, if somebody else comes and makes the same smell you want to run out of the bathroom. (Laughter.) Why don't you feel that your own smell is bad? Because it is one with you. Once you become totally united then you feel no difference. Raise your right hand and place it on the left side of your chest. What do you feel? (Heartbeat.) How many times are you aware of your heart beating during the day? Once you are involved with activities of the day, you become oblivious to the beat of your heart. But if you listen to your heart through a stethoscope it sounds like a loud thumping. If somebody touches even one strand of your hair you feel it, but when it comes to your heartbeat it is a hundred times stronger than that touch, yet you don't feel it. Why? Because you are totally one with it. Historically, Father is the first one to describe this kind of oneness within ourselves in terms of our different organ functions.
It is crystal clear that we possess love, life and conscience and yet we don't feel them because they are totally one with us. By the same token, God is within the depth of our conscience and yet we don't feel Him because of the oneness. This is a great revolutionary vision. People have been seeking for God all throughout history, but failed to realize that God was within them. Why is it that we cannot feel something when it becomes totally one with us? We know that we have love, but if we feel only fifty percent of the love that we have, then, if somebody comes along with lOO percent of love, still we are only able to feel fifty percent of their love as well, because of our limitation. [Father and Peter Kim speak back and forth in Korean and then Peter Kim says, "This is very complicated to me."] (Laughter.) Originally we are not supposed to feel love within ourselves because love is totally one with us. However, if you feel thirty percent of your love, and somebody comes along with 100 percent of love, due to your feeling only thirty percent, then that amount will be deducted from the 100 percent of love, thus enabling you to feel only seventy percent of somebody else's love. Do you follow? (Yes.) However, if we do not feel that totally, zero, then if somebody else appears with 100 percent of love we can feel 100 percent also. Do you understand? (Yes.) There is a strong stimulation there. Do you understand? (Yes.) Once you feel love 100 percent, then your life and your conscience become generated into movement. Once you find that 100 percent counterpart of your love, then your life and your partner's life and conscience can be stimulated and motivated into action. We can observe this between a young girl and boy when they find the real oneness through love. Even their look is different.
Only True Love can generate life, conscience and even lineage. Since God is the root of True Love, if you fully utilize True Love you can even activate God Himself. Don't you agree? Because God is the root of True Love and once His love is activated then your mind and body can be totally united. It is like a tuning fork [Father draws on the board]; once you hit this one without even touching the other, because of this resonance, the other fork can make a vibratory sound. After you hit this tuning fork and then stop it with your hand, still the other fork can vibrate and make some sound. Isn't that so? (Yes.) By the same principle, without the Fall, if God's True Love touched your body, your mind was supposed to resonate to the impact of that True Love. When your love partner touches your body, the unseen love and unseen God within yourself can be motivated and activated. Do you understand? (Yes.) Do you follow Father? (Yes.)
Suppose Adam and Eve had married as True Love subject and object, do you think that God within them would have been activated or motionless? (Activated.) (Father laughs.) It is a serious matter. But due to the Fall, even though they married physically they were unable to experience God's True Love. There was no resonating vibration between this true plus and false plus. The relationship became cut off by the Fall. Do you understand? Without the Fall, if Adam and Eve had married, is that the place where True Love would take place or not? (Yes, it would have.) If that is the case, do you have to feel the root of that True Love first, or the branch or the stem? (Root.) If that is the correct answer, then whose marriage would that be in reality? (God's.) Yes, God's marriage. This is a logical conclusion from which there is no escape. Because unless God's True Love and man and woman's True Love have the same original starting point, there will always be two different directions of love, eventually ending up in different places. Therefore, no concept of unification, peace, happiness, freedom and faith can exist there. Nothing can exist there.
Freedom should occur where total unity occurs. For example, if as husband and wife you had a bad fight with one another, do you feel free all day long? We have to make sure that everything becomes one and then that ideal concept can come into place. Without having a True Love foundation you cannot begin to contemplate freedom and happiness. While our mind and body are fighting, how can we even talk about freedom and happiness? As long as our mind and body are fighting, even though we live as husband and wife together, it means that four different people are dwelling there. Do you follow? (Yes.) The conclusion is, only upon the foundation of True Love, which brings total unification, can we even dare to think about peace and happiness. Who needs freedom, happiness and hope? God and man both need love, peace and happiness. It means love without fighting. As long as you continue to fight within yourself then there is no love, peace and happiness.
Throughout the history there have been many different kinds of wars, but eventually all of them have come to an end and there has been a truce. However, the war that has existed between man's mind and body throughout history has never ceased. This is the most dangerous and fearful battle. On this battlefield how can we talk about peace? Because of this ceaseless fight God has been chased out. He has been unable to dwell with His children. When we chase God out of ourselves who comes in? Satan. Was this evil force existing from the beginning? (No.) Many people don't know this. If the devil existed at the same time as God from the beginning, then we are referring to dualism. We know that the archangel became Satan. What then is the position of the archangel after the Fall? False husband and love enemy. It was as though God was about to marry and this archangel came like a thief and took His bride, Eve, away and made her into his own wife. Imagine this scene: the bride of God, Eve, was taken away by Satan. They married and produced children. Then they come before God as a couple together with the children and tell God that even though they ran away from Him they now return and bring these children. Do you think God would be happy about that? (NO.) Our common sense tells us that if we had to confront that kind of situation, we would feel like striking them. But God is still telling us to love our enemy, even that kind of enemy. Can you do that? We can't find that kind of love in the Principle of Creation. Can you love that kind of enemy?
If God has to truly love such an adversary, it means that God considers Himself dead in heart. Why does God love even that kind of enemy? Because God has to restore them first and bring them to the Kingdom of God together. In order to do that, God has to restore them first and have them live their lives as a restored family. Then only after that can He bring them to the Kingdom of God as the direct lineage of God. Do you follow? Originally, without the Fall, man was supposed to live in accordance with God's love and principle and establish a sinless family. As a family they were supposed to enter into the Kingdom of God. But due to the Fall they became Satan, and the enemy of God. In order to restore them back to the original position, God has to offer more love than to His own children. Without offering that kind of love, God cannot bring them to the level that He can love them as His own children. Do you follow? (Yes.) That is why God began the history of restoration from Jacob's family 4000 years ago. Even though human history may have been 100,000 years in length, God waited until then. Do you understand? (Yes.)
Originally God's children were supposed to live united in this way, following Heavenly Father and entering into His kingdom. However, due to the Fall, God's position, which was supposed to be on the top, came down to the bottom. Satan's position, which was supposed to be at the bottom, came up to the top. That is why there was confrontation. That particular relationship began from the individual level, family level, tribal level and expanded in this way to the worldwide level. Only after this relationship is totally restored, right side up, can the True Life of God's children begin. God is climbing up in this way [Father draws on the board to explain] back to the original top position. If this takes place, then naturally Satan goes to the bottom and disappears. We are now in the Last Days and so we see confusion, turmoil of all kinds in the world. Faithful Christians, who started out on the right track of trying to be restored back to God, in these Last Days, because of their wrong turn, may go with Satan and fall back again. On the other hand, maybe atheistic people began at the wrong place, but in the Last Days if they become lucky and follow God, they can receive the blessing of God. In the Last Days a religion should emerge, which has a logical explanation to enable everybody to agree and understand. Otherwise people are left without an opportunity to truly understand.
In medieval history there existed a God-centered time period. But gradually, as we reached the modern period, more humanistic thought became dominant. Even when it comes to the individual level, because we have this invisible mind and root we are still able to connect ourselves to our ancestors and God. Because of this kind of blessing we can find the medieval time where they were absolutely centered upon God by faith. But as history progressed, people became spoiled and abused their church power, and evil things began to take place. This caused some people to conclude that God did not exist. That is why humanism began. After the French revolution this humanistic thought became rampant until finally the materialistic ideology emerged. Strictly speaking, those who practice humanism cannot find the origin of it nor the end. They are practicing a temporary kind of ideology and so it cannot last indefinitely. We see today the practice of a more flesh-based humanism which will continue for a while and then it will end.
Communism was based upon materialism and viewed the entire world from that perspective. They claimed that the origin of this universe had to be material. Material cannot be the subject and origin and, as a consequence, Communism has met its demise. After the demise of Communism in Soviet Russia, how can we now control the worldwide problems that exist? Father proclaimed Godism and Headwing ideology which is the True Love ideology. This teaches the total unity between God and man. Since man is the mediator between the physical and spiritual world, then man is in the position to be totally united with God. In the physical realm, man is united with the entire universe. True Love is the mediator which causes everything to come into oneness. Everything can be embraced and melted here with True Love.
As soon as God reaches again to the top position, then human history will continue in a normal pattern. Here Father is drawing the different levels of love, family, tribe, nation and world. We have to make everything right side up. While history is going through this period religions proclaim that we should deny ourselves absolutely. What is your name? Did you possess your name even before God's creation? Was America born after the Fall of Man or before the Fall? (After.) That means that America still belongs to Satan. God has nothing to do with the birth of America. Do you agree? God never established a True Love relationship with mankind as yet. But ever since God-centered ideology, centering upon True Parents, appeared, then now we have the foundation for God to be united with mankind through True Love. This foundation is now set. Then man now stands as a mediator, with our mind connected to God and spiritual world, and our body connected to the physical world. That is the way the vertical and horizontal connection occur. [Father draws on the board.] Vertically God is positioned here and horizontally Adam is positioned here. Where do they meet?
The most difficult question that Father had to answer was, where do God and man's love meet? After many years of prayer God told Father that True Love meets at the perpendicular angle, that is the shortest distance. When the horizontal line and vertical line meet together the shortest point is the ninety degree point, not eighty-nine and not ninety-one. Do you understand? If that is the logic then when it comes to man's practice of True Love it should go through the shortest distance, which is ninety degrees. That concept can be expanded from the individual level to family, tribe, nation and so forth. That is the formula. The same principle applies at each level. If we divide them in this way [indicating to the diagram on the board] with the upper section and bottom section, left and right, we can see twelve different sections. But any piece that you choose will be identical to any other of the twelve pieces. There is no loss, no addition, no contradiction, no confrontation; everything fits perfectly. Because they are all identical they are totally united as one. That is what we refer to as, the ideal family.
The family can be identified as the basic unit to bring the entire universal unity and harmony. This is the starting point of universal love and harmony. Within an individual family we can see children, brothers and sisters, husband and wife, children and parents. Four different relationships are represented there. But actually it is not restricted to one family. The world is made up of these four relationships. When you visit a village or state you can observe these relationships. Therefore, the family is the ideal unit which brings all different levels of community into oneness. Without this basic unit of family it is impossible to think of anything else. Therefore, as long as you can train your family members as citizens of the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God in this world can be established. It can be multiplied and applied universally. If you live this kind of life within your family and America becomes the Kingdom of God on earth, then even if you travel to the European continent or some other place, it is just a matter of expanding it. When it comes to the worldwide level, this is one level higher than the national level. This basic bottom level unit, which is the family level, is the key to all of this. Because of this particular reason the relationship between Cain and Abel has to be restored within a family. Cain represents the satanic world and Abel should embrace the Cain world and be united.
In order to embrace the satanic Cain world, you have to invest yourself and practice the Principle in the way in which Father explained to you earlier. We cannot stop at the family level. The family level is the key unit, but this then needs expanding all through eight different stages, just as Father indemnified 4000 years of history of restoration in forty years. Centering on Father's own life, he went through these eight stages and has established his foundation in 160 nations. Therefore, we have to come out of these eight stages and bring at least 160 families with us. This is how you can indemnify 160 nations just as Father indemnified 4000 years in forty years. The size is small, but because of Father's victorious foundation of establishing 160 nations, you can be lifted up to that level. Whatever parents own can be inherited to their children. Therefore you should feel closer to Father than to your own physical parents because they still belong to Satan. Do you understand? (Yes.)
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