Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Speeches from 1999 |
Day of All Things Celebration
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1999
Seoul, Korea
Unofficial notes by Dale Garratt
Rev. Kwak spoke first, giving an overview of the Providential background:
We're celebrating all the victories of the past. We must be thankful to True Parents for their indemnity. They went through so much difficulty.
Last year, at the Blessing ceremony, Ancestors were liberated and they accused Satan. "We don't have to listen to you anymore." Through the 360 Million Couple Blessing, Lucifer realized he couldn't oppose God to the end. He sought a way of forgiveness. God knew this, so He gave direction to Dr. Lee that Satan should understand his sin and return to his original position.
Through Hoon Dok Hae you'll learn more.
On May 14th, our Parents proclaimed, with National Messiahs, (at Pantanal, I believe), in Gods and True Parents' name that Satan in heaven and earth is removed from evil, and now is good. He did this voluntarily. This is the first time! Amazing victory! Satan repented.
Liberation of God, True Parents, mankind and all things (Man mul e nal?). The 360 Couple Blessing should have been in Japan, but couldn't be held. Father himself took responsibility to accomplish the Providence. He did the 360 Blessing in Korea. On Feb. 7, True Parents made a condition. They established a worldwide foundation. There were meetings in eight places in Korea. Father put roots down deeply for this Providence. Then 16 cities in Japan, 24 in America, and 32 in other countries.
My beloved members of the Family Federation, True Mother was treated as the highest VIP. She spoke in the best places, and was treated with honor. In many countries, they made a "True Parents Day" there. In several nations, True Mother was given an honorary doctorate by congress or other top leaders of the nation. In Malaysia, the Prime Minister gave a plaque to True Mother. In Uganda, the President gave a Peace Prize to True Parents. In some African country, the President met True Mother, and she blessed him herself! The media gave lots of attention to True Mother. Mongolia gave Mother 10 minutes on national TV. In China, the central TV station in Beijing announced her lecture and her tour several times.
After each speech, Father talked to Mother, they celebrated together. The beautiful love between them gave rebirth to people throughout the world.
There were many miracles. Perhaps the greatest one of all was China. They are still negative towards religious organizations! We shouldn't have been allowed to have meetings there. Being next to the Tianamen Square made it especially sensitive. Through the International Education Foundation, we were able to carry out this miraculous meeting. It was almost impossible. People of great stature came. The head of the Youth Communist Party, the head of the citizens organization, etc., came to the meeting! Amazing leaders! They were together with God, True Mother and Spirit World. This tour was at a completely new level. In Uganda, the PM and 2 ministers prepared for Mother's meeting. They reported about True Mother to the President, and decided to make a national ceremony. The government will prepare 500,000 young people for the Blessing! True Parents made the foundation for this victory, indemnifying all the failures of the past. The subjugation of Satan had to be done by Adam and Eve, going nation to nation. Even God couldn't solve it alone.
Some people (Unification Church members?) don't understand the Divine Principle. But True Parents are here on earth. Spirit World is here. True Parents are here, both in Physical World and in Spirit World. They have brought the victory and subjugated Satan.
True Parents want 400 million couples that is 800 million people! Why is this so important? By doing this, we will realize the long delayed Blessing of the Christian world. We need new determination to bring this victory. We must listen to Hoon Dok Hae and understand it clearly. Today's Hoon Dok Hae is about Lucifer and Spirit World. Hoon Dok Hae (read from new book, finishes with Lucifer's official surrender. I won't cover this.)
I thought wed finish by 1 or 1:20 pm. It'll be later! You should read the book that we read from. Also: The CTA and Ideal Heaven Books about Spirit World The 12 books have concentrated my 50 years of speaking. Its difficult for you to real *all* my books so read the 12. I want you to understand the Spirit World and all providential things. Dr. Lee has gone to Spirit World before you, then come back and taught you. We can understand WWI, WWII, and everything through understanding the Principle. Understand Spirit World too. Satan's secrets have been wholly revealed.
What's destroying the world is free sex. If we could see it in Spirit World, we'd never do it! As humans, we have to go forward with reality. We have to have all people in the world like Reverend Moon. Everyone opposed me. But now they're changing, coming back. When the President of Korea was elected, all of them opposed me! Not just the industrialized world, even Satan (?)
God couldn't get Satan to repent True Parents had to do it. I was struck, and then Blessing came to me. I applied Gods principle. Reverend Moon was struck by the whole world, then he received from the whole world. I followed the laws of Heaven. Satan's way is to strike first and then take away.
The most important thing for the older brother is to help the younger brother, then unite with the parents. From 1945-1952 (not sure about dates) was my first 7-year course. Christianity was against me, so I finally had to make the Unification Church in 1954. Because of the failure of Christianity, millions more people died and went to Hell. Christianity should have understood that the Lord had come.
Conclusion: True Parents got victory. Men and women had wrong sexual relationships centered on Satan. They fell. Then they had children (of the Fall).
When God created, was He most concerned with the eyes, ears, or what? With the sexual organs, the organs of love. The Lord of Love for man is woman. The Lord of Love for woman is man. Husband's and wives' blood mixes through sex.
We should have been King and Queen of Love, princes and princesses. Who is the enemy? Our enemy is Gods enemy.
How can you restore the blood lineage? We are all descendants of the fall. From Adam and Eve, evil spread out. This happened in the age of youth; Adam and Eve were 15 or 16! They fell, made a wrong blood lineage. They covered their body. They were the Fallen Parents of humankind. They did this while young, therefore there is so much corruption of young people in the Last Days. In America, can you find true love? There is free sex all over. Can you solve this through politics, or education? They've given up on solving the problem? Only God can solve it.
Were are trying to overcome this bastard, Satan. Until now, religion had information about God, but were confused about what to do with God. In Christianity we learned about the Father-son relationship with God. That's why Christianity could move forward, move the world forward. But they only offer spiritual salvation. The Christian world should receive the lineage of God. Our goal is to have 3 generations connected to God. But Jesus came alone and died alone.
Adam and Eve fell when they were young. We must restore Adams family. Do American people have power in this world? I don't have a country.
Everybody in America is centered on individual thinking. Men should love women, and women should love men. But in American they are living for themselves! God needs people to love for Heaven and for each other. We have True Parents to show us how to eliminate Satan. The world of humankind is flowing along, we've got to help it. If Christians helped us earlier, we would have done everything in 3 years. Adams family had to be restored in a back alley.
We have to be filial sons and daughters. Then make a family, nation and world.
God and Satan fought. Satan said, "These people are related to me! What are you doing here?!"
Adam and Eve were like 3000 generations of only children for God. God could only stand in the doorway and look at His children. So miserable.
Therefore we have to celebrate a day when the fall of Adam and Eve has been liquidated. True Parents had to do this, in the Spirit World and the Physical World. Both. Then go to the family level. What was the problem of Adam and Eve? It was a love problem I am bringing a different blood lineage to earth. America is spreading the culture of false love throughout the earth. People don't even know true love or what real sex is. They don't know the realm of heart. So sex has become dirty.
All this can be restored through the Blessing.
Is 800 million people possible?! It is almost impossible! People can't do it, but through God, Yes! Some parents are worried about their kids privacy, so they let them do whatever!
We have to make something like the best car, that can run on solar energy. Love can go faster than any car, faster than a rocket ship!
The CIA wants to know how Father makes this incredible foundation. The final condition to purify the earth is the 400/800 million Blessing.
Today, people are making contract marriages. "If we divorce, you get this and I get that, and someone else will take care of the kids." Why even bother getting married? It should be for the other person, not you. We must find unmarried young men and women. People who wanted to be Catholic monks or nuns, Buddhist monks and nuns.
On Feb 14, 1999, I proclaimed the restoration of all things on the spiritual level. Mother restored the position of Eve who failed. I proclaimed this to Mrs. Han Hak Ja. Victory!
The presidents of nations are all unfaithful. Living like gigolos. Now that Mother is restored, Adam has to restore Eve(?)
It was so hard for me to restore Mother. There were so many stupid things, like jealousy, envy of her.
In the Christian church, over 70% of the members are women.
Take this, teach your daughters, mothers-in-law, everyone. Please be like Mother. Have beauty internally as well as externally. Proudly speak to people day and night. This is the Age of the Liberation of women!
We should have a woman president now, and many women congress people, etc. Rev. Moon has made a big foundation, ask the CIA if you don't believe me!
On this June 14, 1999 I have proclaimed this, the liberation of God, Spirit World and all people who opposed me, entire...(?)
Father prayed
[I have only part]
Lucifer has repented, please love him and accept his repentance. Christianity. Total victory of Heaven and Earth. [During the prayer, I saw Lucifer bowing down in the Kyung Bae position. He was red in color, and weeping. After being accepted, he seemed to change to blue color.]
After the prayer, Father said, "God has accepted this proclamation".
Then Col. Pak led Manseis, with fireworks! [Nice]
The entertainment was very nice. Patsy Casino was the biggest hit of all (and they did have a top man and woman Korean performer there). She spoke strongly to Father and repented for America, and said we'd do it now, be a true elder brother to the world. She sang a couple of American songs, then the Korean song that ends "sarang eh mi o oah". They practically stampeded! Biggest cheer of all the nights entertainment.
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