Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Speeches from 1999 |
Heaven and Earth Unification and Liberation Ceremony [Part 1]
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
September 9, 1999
Soo Taek Ri Training Center
Seoul, Korea
Unofficial notes by Dr. Tyler Hendricks
Note: For two days, True Father spoke at a very rapid pace and even the best interpreters were literally left in the dust. I've never seen them so exhausted after three or four hours. And as a result, it was difficult for them to provide very coherent sentences and it was difficult for me to keep up typing. In addition, the radio transmission was filled with static. Therefore, the following are provided with a serious warning label concerning the degree of accuracy. The interpreters were Lynn Kim (the first day) and Paul Rogers for the last hour on that day, and Yoko Abe (the second day). Typing and editing of these unofficial notes by Tyler Hendricks.
September 9, 1999
[At 9:09:09 a.m. on September 9, 1999, True Parents entered the meeting hall at Soo Taek Ri Training Center outside of Seoul to begin what the banner called the Ceremony for the Heaven and Earth Unification and Liberation (Chun Joo Tongil Haebang Shik). I understand that later the title was changed and "True Parents" was added to it, leading to something like: "The Liberation and Unification of the True Parents of Heaven and Earth." Father lit seven candles in front of the large offering table. True Parents bowed together before God, and then Father sat down behind the offering table and True Mother bowed to True Father. Then the entire congregation, some 5,000 in number, offered a bow from the waist (there was no room for everyone to do a full bow). True Parents then held hands, outstretched their arms and Father prayed.
After the prayer there was a series of formal bows, representing the three nations of Korea, Japan and America, the six continents, the four major religions, the National Messiahs, the relatives of the True Family, the Abel and Cain sides of the world, and the spirit world. Then we all recited the Family Pledge and sat down. Father then asked Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak to speak.]
Rev. Kwak:
This is 1999.9.9, 9:09:09 and True Father is 79. The total is nine 9's. I am so sorry that I do not know the deep meaning of this ceremony today. Father creates the providence and the holy days and later we understand the providential meaning.
Eighty-four days after his departure from Korea Father has come back and given us this providential blessing, and we thank him for that. If we know the principle, we know that God created Adam and Eve based on love. Through the completion of the love of God, not just humankind but the angelic world and all creation would have been in the position of elder son and established the realm of the elder son. That would not have finished with Adam and Eve's perfection as individuals, but they would have received the blessing, completed the couple's perfection centered on God and had children centered on God. That was to be the second perfection of creation. They would have established the realm of kingship, and their lineage would have spread through the universe. When Adam and Eve fell, the entire purpose of creation was attacked and lost. The ideal beings of creation would not just have stayed on earth but would have gone into the spirit world and attended God. This would have been the Kingdom of God in Heaven. But it was all broken.
The results of the fall bore fruit on the earth. True love, life and lineage were destroyed by the archangel, who was a servant. Everything came under the dominion of Satan, including God and His ideal of love. In the position of God, Satan started false love, life and lineage. God could not demonstrate His nature. Because we failed to fulfill our portion of responsibility, the realm of true love could not appear. We had to subjugate Satan, but in the fallen history God could not directly guide us or force us to do anything. So we could not understand the providence of God. As false children of Satan, we could not understand God. In that situation, no matter what, since Satan had subjugated Adam and Eve, God had to conditionally separate mankind into those closer and farther from him, to create the realm of the elder son. God selected people who could stand on the side of peace and unification.
In True Father's vocabulary are the words Chun Shik -- heaven and earth. We understand heaven by virtue of the teachings about spirit world, given by True Parents since the 1960s. In the prayers at the historic ceremonies, Father connected the activities on earth to the spirit world and proclaimed those things, and has kept awakening us to the reality of the spirit world and has established a bridge between physical world and spirit world. True Father created so many such holy days. In the 1970s there were so many, and many more in the 1980s. In their lifetime, True Parents were working to establish the realm of the elder son, parents and king from the individual up, to the people, nation and world. There were indemnity conditions that only True Parents know, to close the mouth of Satan and prevent him from accusing. We can understand the providence of these days through the prayers that Father prayed on those occasions, especially the restoration of elder son, parents and king.
There were so many acts to restore the realm of the elder son in the Old Testament Age, at the time of Jesus and in the New Testament Age. In the Old Testament Age they offered the sacrifice of all things. Then Jesus came and established the condition for spiritual salvation throughout the world. The providence of the Christian realm affected the whole world; the whole world came to relate together centered on Jesus. Then, after the Second World War, if the victorious realm of the Christian world had attended True Parents as their Abel, then the Christian foundation could have connected to the providence and within a few years the world could have been restored.
But the Korean Christians could not fulfill that responsibility, and Father, who should have stood on that foundation, had to go out to the wilderness. He had to go forth to pay indemnity and establish the realm of the elder son by following a miserable course. In the midst of that, we were not able to help him. We really didn't know in advance and could not comfort or encourage him. We have been unfaithful.
True Parents centered these decisive foundations of the providence on the national level in Korea. But they had to take care of the world at the same time. They made the absolute elder son realm and parental realm and established the HSA-UWC foundation to unify Christianity. Since Christianity did not recognize the Messiah, the Unification Church members received the blessing instead of them. That blessing of true love, life and lineage was lost by the human ancestors and no one had been able to enjoy it. We received it beginning with the 3 couples to the 36 couples, through 9 stages to 1992 when it was globalized with the 30,000 couples in the first WCSF. Then, in 1995, there were 360,000 couples, in 1997, 3.6 million and also 36 million were reached through spirit world and True Parents, equaling 40 million. Then on June 13, 1998 at Madison Square Garden True Parents mediated the blessing of 120 million couples.
Based on that, True Parents made the 7.8 holy day, the declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth, so that all beings could be embraced in God's true love. This had to expand to the world level, so that True Parents could speak to and bless anyone in the world, beyond Satan's accusation. The proclamation of the Cosmic Sabbath made this possible. Our True Parents kept pushing us out; you all remember how they pushed us. We established external conditions and they established the internal ones, during the preparation for the 360 million couple blessing. In the Pantanal, May 14-16, 1998, True Parents proclaimed that he opened even the gates of hell in spirit world. Even God could not open them, because they were in the realm of Satan. In place of Adam and Eve, only True Parents could do that.
Why were the conditions so difficult for the early, small blessings? Because Satan's foundation was so strong, and True Parents' so weak, we could not block the accusation of Satan. Therefore they had to bless small numbers to open the gate little by little. To spread the blessing to the world, True Parents had to remove Satan, and they did so in heaven and on earth, in front of God. They opened the gates of heaven on that foundation. The evil people, then, could be blessed in the same way.
So, 1998, June 13, just before the 120 million blessing in America, True Parents had to bring together the saints in spirit world and bless them to people on earth. They even brought out the worst murderers in hell into the blessing ceremony. True Parents had established the conditions to do that, opening the gates of hell. I am so ashamed, because even at that time, as I was doing that ceremony, I was in a state of awe, incredulity and amazement. Then through True Parents' prayer I could discover that it was not just the realm of Satan that could not relate to True Parents and receive the blessing, but that there were no realms at all that could relate to True Parents and be blessed. So True Parents went through so much in order to relate to them and be able to forgive them. True Parents went through so much resentment and grief, feeling what Satan felt, to make those conditions that Satan had to recognize. Using the principles of Heaven, True Parents proclaimed, spoke and decided according to those principles to bless even those who could not fit into the principles of heaven. Only he can know the extent of that course.
Satan has so much resentment, but not as much as True Parents have. Satan has evil and we can relate to him easily and do evil things, but True Parents cannot; they must relate to heaven and follow the principles of heaven, representing the grief and resentment of God, and work with the enemies of heaven and forgive them. So the grace of June 13 is so great.
On that foundation, on Feb 7, 1999, with the 360 million blessing and the start of the 400 million blessing campaign, our goal is to completely root out Satan through the completion of the true blessing. We have been pulling out the root of Satan on the earth, and we are blessing young people and even little babies and babies in the womb, through the purity candy and the prayer ceremonies to remove the blood lineage of Satan. With that amazing goal, our True Parents have been racing forward without rest. Restoration of the realms of true elder son, parents and king is based upon restoration of the lineage, from the root, not on earth alone but also in spirit world. Throughout history, to realize all this, True Parents have carried out a providence we do not know about through the course of Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim in spirit world.
Dae Mo Nim has carried out the role of mother-in-law and Heung Jin Nim that of elder son, linking the family in the spirit world. Centered on the family, and True Parents' actual physical parents, my mother [Choong Mo Nim], my direct lineage linking to spirit world goes through Heung Jin Nim and mother's through Dae Mo Nim. This makes a realm in spirit world. In Jesus' age there was the Holy Spirit with Jesus as the True Parents in spirit world. We have been setting the foundation for a lineage on earth. The Cain realm is being released. We need love connecting heaven and earth, the entire cosmos. We have the completion of the individual blessing, family and tribe. As the blessed couples become one, this brings together the spirit world and physical world. The realm of heaven becomes resolved centered on true Adam. This is the unification of heaven and earth centered on God, with God as vertical parents and True Parents as horizontal parents. Now we have the proclamation of the True Parents of heaven and earth.
Nine is the number controlled by Satan and we need to go beyond it. In Christianity, we have tithing based on the number 10. Nine represents the satanic realm, so God's restoration requires a tithe to go on to the 10th step, representing the realm of God. So the Abel realm goes out to the various levels, the individual, family, tribe and so on.
Christianity stood in a Cain-Abel relationship in 1948. The Holy Spirit was like the mother to bring everything together. So the spiritual parents had to be there, but Jesus could not be substantial, so we had the coming of substantial True Parents. Confucianism, Catholicism and Protestantism were fighting. They should have united. Rome connected many countries at Jesus' time. If they had become one, through the individual and family love, that could have spread to the world through Rome. Unfortunately, Rome was not prepared that way and tried to do everything through money. Rome had the potential to reach the world, if they had united as Cain with Israel as Abel.
Always there is Cain and Abel, for example, Muslims and Christians. If Cain and Abel unite, Satan's realm will be broken. Communism and democracy were Cain and Abel on the world level. Communists deny God; they say God died. To cope with that, we had to unite the world as brothers and sisters to restore the brother-sister relations that were broken. Broken brother-sister relations means the division of the nations and races. So we needed to do blessings beyond race and nation, centered on God. We had so much opposition, from the family, nation and world. All the world religions should have united with this, but they were saying that we were breaking down families and nations. But anyway those things need to be broken down.
We have the battle of mind and body. Without mind-body unity, God cannot connect. He cannot connect on the basis of money, authority, or power but only true love. True love can unite mind and body and bring God down. True love means investing and forgetting, again and again. It requires doing it and wanting to do more. The individual for the family, family for the people, people for nation, nation for world and world for God. God has created the cosmos, and is carrying out the restoration of the cosmos. Evil people cannot go to that level because they are living for themselves. But we are living for the higher level. Then finally God is living for me. He is investing for me, and I am investing representing God. God is loving the creation in order to have the freedom of the ideal of creation, which is the realm of conscience.
The conscience of humankind has to come through the experience of mind-body unity. You have to do that by yourself. Man and woman have to be together, work as a couple and love their children with unique, absolute, eternal, unchanging love. They are absolute objects to God who is the absolute subject. We have to become one with the internal nature of God and represent God. We are to reflect what He has invested into us, which is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. You are individual truth bodies. What you leave behind on earth is whatever you contribute. Leave behind your lineage, your conscience, in the place of God.
Resemble God's unique, absolute, eternal, unchanging love. We can become one with God and be the object of His love, of Heaven. Then the world of creation expands and we can exercise the creativity of God. Creativity is from the subject-object relationship, as on the level of minerals and every level, including male and female animals, too. Can a man and woman leave their positions? No, their identity as man or as woman is absolute. The creative nature and subject-object relationship is based on give and take action.
The fallen world is a world of relative relationships, including those between parents and children, teachers and students and so forth. They need to unite based on true subjectivity. Man and woman unite together. Why? To find love. If the man is alone, he cannot act as a subject loving his wife. Only if they are together can he be a creative subject.
To create the world of heaven, including all the ancestors, God had to bring them back into His realm. He had to bring them out of the realm of false life, love and lineage. Jesus died alone, so all the people after Jesus lived alone. But we are born to live together eternally. The lonely position started with the fall. The angelic world and earth were connected centered on false love, so Satan would work on the earth. So God and Satan are fighting. Who will end that fight? God sought to recreate Adam. As He did so, Satan would accuse and accuse. So they kept fighting. The realms of politics and economy and so forth were based on Satan. Who can solve it? The false parents born of Satan? No, nothing can be accomplished by false parents. The highest priority, therefore, was to resolve the false lineage.
So we accuse Satan, that he stole from God, that he is a liar. He had to admit that this is true. There was no lawyer for him; there was judgment. Who will resolve this in history? The presidents of Korea? They are ignorant of this. I went forth and established it. So, the elder son, America, has to become one with Korea. In the past, restoration came through mother and son, and now we are in the realm to unite everything and the father and son will cooperate. With Japan in the position of mother, if the Korean and American presidents become one, we need to move China. We need to center on God and have everything center on God. Only True Parents know how to connect the presidents of nations to God's providence. All the problems created by the false life, love and lineage have to be resolved. The True Parents are creating the liberating power to get rid of Satan completely up to the realm of king and to bring the realm of True Parents and liberate the whole world. All social problems, youth immorality, and so on can be resolved only in this way. No one, not the rich, not the Mafia, can handle it. Only the son of God. When God and Satan conflict and we can resolve it, people have to listen.
Unless you unite your mind and body you cannot go to heaven. The nation has to protect the family. It is difficult for the small to survive, but the big people are gaining greater access. Is the unification of the world difficult? What is today? The unification and liberation of heaven and earth? This is the Kingdom of Heaven in spirit world and earth. We are establishing a home on the earth, restoring the world to the state as if Adam and Eve had not fallen and ending all the separations. How can we organize it all? Everyone has to open their doors. We are creating a great river that will flow the opposite way, up to the source, to the top of the mountain. It is the water of true utopian love that will flow throughout the world. Then everything will be resolved naturally. Then the Kingdom of Heaven will come on earth.
We are a great people of history. Do the ministers know this? No. Only the True Parents. Only the True Parents know how to win the battle of mind and body. Do I need people? (Yes.) Why should I? (joking) The True Parents do not not not need people, or do we? (Father is playing with negatives). To whom do the True Parents belong? The mind! The mind! Those who absolutely believe in True Parents have completed individual perfection. Are they absolute? A woman who is absolute ... who are they? Well, Rev. Kwak was in the process of finishing his speech and now I'm taking up his time. But I've come a long way to get here and there's no time, so now it's my time to talk.
We should be able to say that God and True Parents are absolutely mine. What is good about the Unification Church? I have this flat face. All the western people have distinct features but Korean features are so flat. Which will God like? What about me? Why would I like Koreans? Both Japan and Korea have opposed me so much. Did they follow you? The past presidents of Korea ... did they succeed? President Park was killed. They sold away the realm of the kingship. They were like broken water bottles. They ended up in jail. They tried to do away with us. So when True Mother spoke at the Korean congress, some looked at it as a coup d'etat. Hers was a hopeful lecture. I tell our leaders just to tell the CIA what I'm doing; don't make them work hard to find out. America will just destroy itself if they don't follow the way of God's will that I am showing. I don't really need Korea, but the providence does. The problem of communism and democracy cannot be resolved without me, but we will see what happens.
To whom do your mouth, eyes, nose, ears and hands belong? Everything belongs to True Parents. We have to have creativity and absolute love, not relative love. Do you like someone who changes a lot? Such a person makes us uncomfortable. That which is unchanging is like a diamond. All the things of the universe that don't change are beloved. So you want to be like a diamond. What's a diamond? We have diamond rings, and you give diamonds to show that your love won't change. If you put two rings together, you get a whole. So we use rings at marriage. The ring should be on the heart, not the finger. What is the reason for earrings? Girls like to put them on their ears in order to attract men. They symbolize the sexual organ.
Because so many people followed me, I was accused of brainwashing, but I was only clearing out their mind and heart. If I keep talking like this, it will go all day. Here's an eighty year-old man in front of you. Should I be dancing? In order to become True Parents you have to talk well, be strong, smart and witty. You have to be able to fight if necessary, so that all the women will react positively. You have to be a man whom every woman would want and all men would follow.
[To an individual in the audience:] Are you a member? Do you want to follow me or someone else? To whom do the True Parents belong? You have to be able to say, "The True Parents belong to me; they are mine." Is that your wife? Whose wife is it? [To the sister:] Are you living with your husband? Are you planning to in the future? Are you living with him because you have to? If you are, then you can start to love him. In the Unification Church, God will appear and say "Do not marry someone of your own lineage or nation." A Moon should not marry a Moon; don't marry your close relations or in-laws. You must be able to love your enemies. If you can love an enemy more than you love your family and even marry one of them, then heaven will come to earth. Therefore many Japanese and Koreans were married together. How many here are international blessings? How many are Japanese/Korean? Korea and Japan are enemies, so how could you marry each other? Are you all going to divorce? Why are you smiling like that? What's your wife's nationality? You are happy, but you never sent me a thank you card or invited me out for dinner. Can your children love both Korea and Japan? Can you make your wife into an object of love even more than if she were Korean? You need to bring the two nations together, to make a nation that can go into heaven. Is that not worth trying?
On days like this, I have to speak, but if I speak I have so many things to say. Let's take off our jackets. [The room was very hot.]
True Parents are to be mine. Therefore I must give the most precious thing I have to keep and be worthy of them. I have to do something to make my True Parents mine. If you take them without payment, you are a bunch of thieves. Would you invest your people, your nation and your ancestors? If so, those people also will have the True Parents.
If you cannot sacrifice everything in heaven and on earth, you cannot have True Parents. The True Parents are the most valuable thing to attend. Where do you put the most valuable thing? Do you sacrifice everything you have, or keep hold of it? The most precious thing in the world, do you understand? Are you sacrificing everything? Yes or no? [The answer from the crowd is a soft yes] If you value your house or country too much, you will lose everything. The Japanese are taking unjustly. You've been taking advantage of Korea for a long time.
You have to find True Parents. Traditionally, Japanese would marry women of any nation other than Korea. The word for house in Japanese is "eyeh," which also means "no," so to keep a house is a negative thing. Foolish people do that. "Bacca" means foolish and also means "eighth husband." You said the True Parents are mine, so it is principled to offer your house, nation and everything. If you are a believer, you don't apologize for doing this.
North Korea is a country on Satan's side and today is Kim Il Sung Day, so we have to change that, bringing that country to God's side. If True Parents belong to us, repeat that. What are you doing here? You have to make a determination. Understand what you are doing and never say you are sorry you couldn't make it. Today is the day to eliminate all the satanic power, so don't say you're sorry or you can't make it. Put our hands on the floor and from your palms to the top of your head, go the way of indemnity. Re-determine here to go this path from now on.
However cute you are, the most important thing is that you are blessed by True Parents. Do you prefer a name only or a body as well? If you don't like your husband, would you rather have a handsome man? Fallen women think they want a fine handsome man. If you can overcome that thinking, you are home free. God approves when you overcome your desire for that kind of love. Give yourself, your life, give everything to God. You have to indemnify the subject position. Those who finished the living offering, raise your hands. 100% of the Japanese completed it. If you want to make True Parents your own, do you do it by yourself? Does not Father have to approve it? Become people with one focus, not two foci. "Nihon," the word for Japan, also means second, or two. Should you be in the second or the first position? "Il bon" (number 1) also is a word for Japan. Therefore, there should be only one ownership. Only thieves complain about true ownership. This couple gave so many donations. What is a donation? It comes from a healthy giver. Money relates to the male organ. [Laughter] But the golden donation that you give will remain forever, eternally. Women need golden balls (in Japanese, the testicles are referred to as golden balls).
Do you want to eat lunch or continue? It's your decision. [Continue!] If you could have all of heaven and earth, what would you do with it? Hey, it doesn't look as if you agree with me. Do you realize the value of having True Parents? True Parents have tens and thousands of times the value of anything you have today.
[I missed several minutes looking for an electrical outlet.]
You don't need to read all of Buddha's writings. The main point is the a man needs a woman and a woman a man. Mrs. Choi, do you miss Buddha? I have prepared the way for you, just follow the path. There are so many saints in the spirit world who are waiting to be blessed to people here. They've been waiting for tens of thousands of generations and now I have blessed them.
Whose wife are you? Confucius? You've received a wonderful blessing. Confucius talked about horizontal values, not vertical values. A woman is born from the womb and receives the parents' love. This blossoms into man-woman love, and the parents should love their children beyond anything. Love has a power even greater than that of life. In order to live, we need love. Even death cannot prevail over love. Without sacrificing yourself in the fallen realm you cannot go to heaven. It was so difficult to bless couples in the past, but now you can bless people in the street and I've even heard of people being blessed in the bathroom. That's really different from how it started, but I've established the conditions.
Mr. Choi, you are a third son, but why are you so small? Is your wife here? Your wife is Rev. Kwak's daughter. I know your father wanted a big son; is he disappointed? If you want to dance, even your hands have to dance. It may be difficult to be matched to each other. You as a couple have to meet and move together. I'm hoping for this and God is hoping for it. So we have been giving the blessing throughout the world and I think we can conquer the world by the blessing. Are you going to run to the blessing, or fly there on a flying horse? Take care of your mission and fly there. Do your responsibility. With those conditions, go forward. It is not enough to talk well; you have to live well. Don't say good things and then live an animal-like existence.
We have to mix life, love and lineage. Mix them together completely, then the seed goes in and we put it in the soil and it grows. Then love comes down vertically and mixes horizontally. Parents' love is like the bone. The father, not the mother, is the lord. Parents are able to give up their lives for their children. That comes down from God. It doesn't disappear, but comes back up and re-circulates. The person who participates in his parents' love can fulfill the role of parents. The parents cannot be separated. Together they look like heaven.
Parents and children cannot separate. Children are the fruit of the parents' love, life and lineage. The parents want the children to be better than them. The father wants his daughter to be better than his wife, and the mother wants the son to exceed his father. Then do we want our relatives to be better than our family? We should. So everything is connected vertically and horizontally, and in a circle it goes around. So the parents have to be absolute. They emerge from the substantiation of the absolute, unchanging, unique and eternal God, so they need to be that way, have that love, live with God and inherit from God. So then what is the parents' is the children's, what is the children's is the parents', what is the family's is the tribe's, and what is the cosmos's is God's and what is God's is mine. It starts from the individual, goes up to God, and comes back to the individual. It starts small, goes up and gets big, and comes back bigger than it started. If a friend sends you a $100 gift, you want to send back more, not $90, but $110. If you live for others, a true connection is formed. If parents live for 100 people, all those 100 will live for the parents. When that environment is established, everyone will cry out, Mansei. To accomplish that, I could not rest my entire life.
People had been saying that we would establish that foundation in 10 or 20 years, and now it is really happening. So should you believe me or not? If so, put your hands on the floor, representing the earth, and say that you'll be that son and daughter. [Yes]
How does the life, love and lineage go from the parents? The sperm is the father's and the egg the mother's. Which is the main one? Answer! You have to know the basics. The sperm go in and swim around and go into the egg. So the sperm penetrate the egg, meaning that the man is like the bone and the woman the flesh. Women! The word, woman, in Korean is "yoja." "Jayo" means to sleep, so women want to sleep at night. Women pray with a soft voice, especially at the time of blessing they pray for a good marriage. When people think they can do whatever they want without taking responsibility for the blessing, they just go through it without taking responsibility, that's not right. Pray earnestly about your blessing and take responsibility for it.
Ministers don't curse at their members, but a father can to his children, so I do to you. I can call you chashik (an insulting word for "son"). Since I'm the father, I can say that. If I were just a minister, I couldn't. We have to go through the three ages, the Old Testament Age, New Testament Age and Completed Testament Age, establish the realm of the elder son and plant the seeds for the realm of the parents. Until now in history the elder son was not born. God sent Jesus as His only son, which is amazing. The condition necessary for the messiah is to be the only son of God. Then where do the women go? Women have a womb in order to have a clean child of God. No one wants dirty children from a dirty lineage, so all wombs were weeping until now. There was so much terrible hell and wombs were creating improper children. You all came out of the womb and you are the product not only of her flesh and blood but also of her love. Because of your mother's love, life and lineage you were born. No one can deny that. But women are not born for the sake of being a woman, but for a man. From the beginning that was true. It's not just once, but eternally. The absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal love of God cannot change. In a woman a man finds his absolute object of love. You have to find children and grandparents whom you can love. The purpose of being born a woman is to be there for your husband. From the time your husband was in the womb he was there for you.
After the children's age is the age of brother and sister, in which man and woman are separated. Then comes the engagement stage and step by step up to the grandparents' age, eight stages in all. People haven't known that; they thought they were living for themselves. God wants to become the subject and Lord of love. Don't you want to become lords of love, as husbands, wives and families of love? You can eternally center your life on that alone. Men think they are great, but without a wife you cannot know love. Until you women seek the love of your husband, you don't know eternal love.
Even from the womb you are in that status. Going through all the stages is for the sake of becoming lords of love. Each stage leads to the next. By having that eternal hope, we need a movement for harmony. We have come onto the earth for that reason. The womb is the age of water. While on earth we receive its elements. We work on the earth. The earth is the growth stage mother and the spirit world is the completion stage mother. I am born in order to realize these three stages. So we must be grateful to the universe and heaven. God has loved us in all three stages. When we die we become a seed again and go from earth to the spirit world. We have to realize that we are born to be objects of the love of God, who is in the Kingdom of heaven in spirit world. If we don't relate to God but consider it all our own, we are like thieves living in the realm of thieves.
I am the king of the families of the earth. I have been blessing so many and creating so many, I am the king of families. No one can argue with that. For thousands of years since the fall, there were so many families, but we are expanding the dominion of God in one age, changing the earth into the Kingdom of Heaven and liberating God. It was as if God were in prison. When you hear this, doesn't it make you feel good? You want to meet your father who is doing this. But I cannot do whatever I want. I am such a formidable person; no one can tempt me or drag me away.
There are stages of the baby, the brother and sister, and so forth, and I have to be the subject or Lord of each one. There are the age of engagement and age of the family. Because I have this standard, we have the unification of the parents of heaven and earth, of the cosmos. Those who do not believe or understand this think we are crazy, but in the Unification Church we know this is true. When I hear the Principle, I feel that everything is possible.
Can you understand me? Okay. What are words beginning with 'O'? Opinion. Olta (means "right"). Korea means kitchen, kingdom, king, knowledge, K. O. means knock out. What stage are you at? That of a baby? Of parents? You are born to become True Parents. What realm are you in? Are you going to stay at your mother's knees? Are you ready to be engaged? To be married? To be parents and grandparents? To become kings and queens? That's what you should do. What is that centered on? Every stage is striving to attain the next higher one. The next stage beyond that of king is to attend God.
But what are you doing? You are using Father to advance yourselves. Don't do that; rather, become kingly people. Raise your hands if you want to be kingly children. We have to have an age in which we can inherit the realm of being children of God. It is all in order to enter the realm of kingship. The parents have to be best and this holds for all parents. If my spouse, parents and grandparents are kings, those three generations complete the foundation. From the time you are conceived in the womb, you are destined to become one with the kingship position of your husband.
To do this, we go through the process of re-creation, in which we have to invest ourselves. We've had three seven year courses and made so much effort, and we have to become victorious and so we pray. For what do we pray? To have nice clothes to wear? You dress for the cosmos and heaven. You have to be able to welcome God to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, and be able to bow to the eternal God and be able to obey Him completely.
How many spiritual children do you have? It doesn't matter what you are doing; you can't live alone. You have to go on and do what God wants. If you are born for the eight stages of reciprocal relationships, through the Cain-Abel process you have to restore every level. You have to bless all the Cain and Abel realms in the name of True Parents. Then we can cut off the satanic world. We have to be able to bless so many and bring people into ...
There are nine 9's today; we have to go on to the higher stage. The number after nine 9's (999,999,999) is one billion (1,000,000,000). By the year 2000 we should bring 2 billion people into the blessing realm of the Unification Church. Then if I have the means of communication, we can broadcast about true love to all people, whether day or night. People will attend, and those who don't will miss the benefits and probably fall prey to the results of all the immorality out there. The age is coming when people need to understand about true love or the natural law of heaven will discipline them. This attractive content is so simple, isn't it? Or is it difficult? The attractive words are not so easy. If you want to live the easy way, you can have an attractive tie and pretty skirt and be unfaithful. Then Satan says, hey, that's my guy. But we are going to break down the walls of hell, not be dragged into it.
I'm thinking about how to bring you out of hell and into heaven. We have to have the spirit of the subject, the subjectivity of God and have that relationship in a relative world, and we have to unify things. Why? Because of love. First match your eyes to the person you love. In Korea we talk about matching the eyes.
I keep perspiring. Do you like to see it or not? If you don't, can you perspire for me? The baby that is born for the eight stages is conceived in the mother and grows inside her. God protects our children. We need to have a beautiful area in which they can grow as filial children, in which they can grow up to be saints and patriots to their nation. First we are family level saints and then we get to the realm of the elder son of God. Then we enter the realm of kingship, as a parent and king, where we can have subjectivity. In the age of obedience, have you ever tried to live in perfect obedience through him? Have you met that kind of husband? There is the age of children, of brother and sister, of engagement, of marriage, of the flowering perfume of love, then of parents, of grandparents, and up to the realm of kingship and standing before God. There we offer the eight stages, inherit everything from God, enter the realm of absolute obedience to God, become good people and receive 120% in return.
As we reach the completion stage, it is so difficult. I have pioneered it and made a highway for you. You are wondering if you can follow me into the kingdom. So you have made a lot of debts before me. I've gone through such a difficult course into order to establish this path for you. I compacted 4,000 years into 40 years, through indemnity, only by paying indemnity. That is what creates the kingdom of heaven out of the kingdom of Satan. The providence of salvation is the way for people to go back.
What is indemnity? The second generation people here really don't know what is going on. The time has come in which you must be responsible. A man is born for a woman and a woman for a man. You have to go through all the stages by working hard, so that you can appreciate the work that True Parents have gone through all the way up to the world level. You need to be children of filial piety, patriots, saints and divine sons and daughters. Be grateful for the amazing gift of God, to be able to enter the realm of God, leaving the realm of Satan. We have to re-bless all the families in the spirit world to bring them out of the realm of Satan, and here on earth complete the formation, growth and completion stages to accomplish restoration. Everyone should go to South America as a family. Raise your hands if you didn't go. Why didn't you go?
When are we going to unify? Everyone has to have their bags packed and be ready to move when the lord tells them, like the Israelites. Can you do that crazy stuff as people did in the Bible? When Abraham departed, everyone thought he was crazy, but it was God's direction. Moses could have been the king of Egypt, but he killed an Egyptian and left. Then he had to go out into the wilderness for 40 years, and later he went there with the people of Israel. John the Baptist went out into the wilderness too. If I were to do that, would you follow me? What if I wore a loincloth and robe of camel's hair, wandering around? Do you think John's parents liked what he was doing? Am I living well or not? I've had so many difficult days because of women; they ended up sending me to prison. You women are like baskets of [smelly stuff]. But I've been trying to bring true love to this earth. In the past there were strange women who told me to visit them because they were ill, and I'd get there late, after curfew. Then I wouldn't be able to leave and they'd say, "Oh, save me." There were so many difficulties in the past.
Without God and True Parents, what do you have? [Father talks on meaning of Pak No Hi, Pak Bo Hi and other church members named Pak, and what they're in charge of.] There is a driver named Pak. Each one of them thinks that he is the very best. So I'm thinking to make one of them a driver. It's a problem; people shouldn't think they're the best. But in many ways they failed. Why? It follows the tradition of the Christians who failed. So you have to marry among enemies. I told people not to go to graduate school, but one leader put his children there, so he had problems. I promised I'd send them later, with scholarships. Wouldn't that have been better? But now, in America, there are many children who have come to our schools, so they don't oppose us in their nations. Are the Korean people going to go to America or Russia? Where?
The UN needs a UN for youth and for religious leaders, and an upper and lower house. We need to educate youth and students through Hoon Dok Hae readings, centering on the national messiahs. [Father had a meeting but one leader didn't attend, and Father asks him why not, and he says that only 40 countries were invited and his wasn't one of them. Father talks about individual situations - about not having to leave the country, asking what's going on; when you had meetings you made the decisions yourself, didn't you? When you say you're going to do something, you have to do it immediately.]
So what did I say? I'm saying that you have to establish things such that I can establish a nation. Cain has to submit voluntarily. Use the principle. We're at the point where the principle is not being used. You have to do as I tell you. Abel has to give to the end. You have to offer your right hand for the providence of God. I've taught you the principle of God over and over. You've gone the way of fighting, but what have you gained? National Messiahs, you really have to be able to go into the good age, the age in which you can reach out to Cain. Is this my water? [Indicating his glass.] I talk of flowing rivers and there's water for me too.
To establish the eight stages, I could not deviate from the course of heaven even for one day. From the baby stage through children, brother and sister, engagement, parents and grandparents, I was working to establish people to do that. There, people can bear fruit and grow. So the blessing of the nation ... When North and South Korea are unified, then everything has to be blessed again. To establish the conditions, how many courses of difficulty have been traversed? I had to become one with God and separate the grandsons of Satan from those of God. We have to go through the course of indemnity.
God established such a foundation through Israel, but it was lost when Jesus came, and we had to go through the Christian realm filled with blood. On Golgotha there were the two thieves; they, not the twelve disciples, established the foundation for paradise. This affects the course of history, and we are doing it and establishing a foundation people will follow. So what we are doing is so important, and we have to establish the kingly dominion.
The Christians and presidents of Korea cast out the one who could have become the Lord. I could have established all the conditions, but the media opposed us and called us dangerous. I went through communism and persuaded them, and had ministers come. 1,700 leaders listened to Hoon Dok Hae for 3 days, and all agreed to be blessed and this happened in Korea, and it is the foundation to multiply it throughout the world. So many people opposed ... [Rev. Kwak: no one opposed] Why? One would almost expect that someone should have opposed, but no one opposed. I thought the Hoon Dok Hae would create opposition, but I pushed Rev. Kwak to do it and it was very successful.
John the Baptist and other such men of faith were spies in the realm of Satan and I've done that too. Centering on the Koreans and Asians, women have to take the lead role in the providence. University women presidents should do it. Dr. Lee, you don't have a husband on earth, just in spirit world. What does it mean to live for the True Parents? Through the True Parents, you have the value of the only son of 10,000 generations or millions of generations. I have pioneered the way for you to inherit this. Do you know it, or just believe it? This is all we have. Read the Family Pledge over and over. I've taught you all that content. If you can truly actualize it as patriots, saints and divine sons and daughters, you'll be the spies of God on the earth. Don't just eat until you're full; gain the subjective nature and go around the world and circle around and go to the world of heaven. Recreation and resurrection; I've been doing this; it works like that.
So we have 400 Japanese couples and 100 Japanese without their spouse, totaling 900 people. How many Korean couples are there here? 2,000. So this is important. We have to make a special fund so the people who came ... [Rev. Kwak told me that the fund will be for Hoon Dok Hae education projects worldwide.] Everyone should make an offering to commemorate this day. This day creates a highway between top of the mountain and bottom of the valley. We need a condition of indemnity. Did you make the liberation offering for Dae Mo Nim? I heard people have been very serious about this offering. The content behind it calls forth tears. So we have to teach it until people understand the depth. There will be problems if we don't do that. The satanic realm is carrying guns and knives. If you are inspired to offer everything you have, you should not hesitate to do that. You don't want to be caught by Satan. Who would you ruin by doing it? You have to do it for your own sake. Don't hesitate at the wrong moment. I'm such an ominous person in relation to what I have to do. Even if I have to reveal the consequences of sin, you have to be very honest about the effects of selfishness, otherwise there will be problems. Living according to your own desires has a bad effect upon your sons and daughters. Those who do whatever they want, arguing, complaining and criticizing are crazy. I hope they come to their senses.
Rev. Kwak, this person has artistic talent; you have to take care of such people. Make an association of your lineage. The Han lineage and the Choi lineage should be united. It was a Choi who sent me to prison. All of them spread false rumors. It is frightening what people can do. Sung Jin's mother and Hyo Jin made unity, and Won Pil Kim -- his family are the in-laws. So the family is complicated; people just want to live their own way. The Hongs -- they've really created a history. The indemnity is great. For three generations, my fathers died for the country, outside the home. When Mansei was being cried out in the headquarters when we had new children, so many amazing dreamlike things happened. Hee Jin Nim died; the second one died outside the home. If you don't listen to what I'm saying and pay the indemnity, there's no guarantee these things won't happen to anyone.
Who will believe America when America falls? We have the complete ideology to bring all levels back to God, with all connections made at a 90 degree angle, so we can unite everything. There are so many people, ideas, attitudes and ideologies, but we need to be able to unite. Each of us has to do our own vigils and establish our own towers of devotion and work for the kingdom. Young people; don't worry about going to secular colleges. Rather, attend the theological school, UTS or our seminary in Korea, to lead the world back to God. The school you graduated from has no value if you can't lead the world back to God. We need to separate the true and false traditions. So many children clung to their parents' skirts and their parents told them not to go out. This blocked the providence. You should follow the providence.
When I went to my parents' graves, my relatives wept so much but I was calm, in order to establish the realm of the elder son. When Heung Jin Nim died, I offered him to the providence. As the parent who has been trying to establish the way for everyone, I went through so much opposition, loving the Cain realm before my own children. Through Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim [Dae Mo Nim's medium], my mother told me that if I had said even one word about my responsibility while I was growing up, she would have helped me. So in a way I was not a filial son. But I had to do the work of God.
Who will stand up to take responsibility for the problems of society, for family breakdown? This is our present responsibility. Even if you offer your property, you will find it was a necessary step. If you believe this, put up your hands. Do you understand? To represent the country, are you going to use your money for the world or not? That depends on you. There's nothing more frightening or terrible than misusing money. I know from my own experiences. I'll explain. We have not attained the unification of North and South Korea, and it depends upon me. It is the work of True Parents. You need to become the arms and legs of True Parents. True Parents are absolutely necessary for individuals and families. You should feel we are "my True Parents, our family's True Parents." A family that cannot love True Parents cannot prosper. Such who love True Parents become absolute, unchanging families.
The family has to invest itself for the lineage. I've lived this way myself; you know how much I've sacrificed for this. Why do I sacrifice so much for the world, when I could make a little [realm for my own personal happiness]? Why did I endure being persecuted by scholars, politicians, and the top classes in America and Asia? Many of them now are repenting of this. So now we are in the position to create a country.
You have to understand my words through Hoon Dok Hae. It may have been difficult in the beginning, but now you can understand that it is the way to create the great Heavenly Kingdom. If a president commits sin, his fortune is completely lost. You have to follow heavenly order, heavenly law and fulfill the demands of the law and the course I have followed. As the Bible says, a country that doesn't follow God's Will will be consumed by fire. The only point is how to reach perfection, and after that reaching God. I want you to understand to your bones what I've explained to you. You need to establish a foundation not through your words but through your actions.
When you are blessed, you make a donation. It's an important condition to make an offering when you receive a blessing. Have you fulfilled? Do you make excuses? Representative families have to pay indemnity to cover for the other families who do not fulfill. Is it better to believe me or not believe me? Will fulfilling that help or hinder your blessing? Is it clear or not? Wake up your ancestors in spirit world.
Those of you who think you can get the blessing for nothing are like thieves. Even in this IMF (International Monetary Fund) period, you should not think I'm going to take care of you. You have to succeed even in this difficult period. But you still think that I have to support and take care of you. We have to use our resources worldwide. Offer a sacrifice and be purified. By your response I will understand what your spirit is. This is the last proclamation to be made except for that of the unification of North and South and of Heaven and Earth.
If you lose your clothes and are naked, but can receive the blessing, would you be happy? When you make love, you take off even your underwear, right? Why don't you answer me? When you make love, do you keep your pants on or not? Even if you have to throw them in the air, that's what you do, right? That's the true way of couples who love each other. Wouldn't you like to get rid of your clothes that are full of sin and Satan's tradition? This is the opportunity for you to remove those clothes. Stand in that position as blessed families and don't be unfaithful. The most precious part for God and for human beings is the sexual organs. Are you ashamed when your husband goes to the toilet naked? Even if you are naked but receive the blessing, won't you prosper? Do you prefer to wear clothes or be naked? Do you want to do that? As husband and wife, you should go to bed without any pajamas. Do you feel you have to keep your position in front of God and keep pure [and therefore leave your clothes on]? But in front of God, you can wear transparent clothes or better still take everything off. In front of God, if you have unchanging, absolute and eternal love ...
We are entering an historical period of unsurpassed opportunity. You should know this. Formation, growth or perfection? Is it a three position or four position foundation? When you exercise eternal, unchanging ... one, two, three you should repeat: unchanging, absolute and unique love. You've never felt that way before, have you? You should know that heavenly law is a terrifying thing. I am absolutely following heavenly law. I am taking responsibility to solve all the problems and promulgate a new heavenly law. We need to be the children who can follow that heavenly law. We must climb a steep path, and that path is where we can receive a blessing from God or be taken by Satan. Satan is always behind, waiting for an opportunity. All blessed families in the spirit world and physical world, please understand to your bones that Satan is waiting to attack all the blessed families. So all of you blessed families should work together to accomplish for God. Raise your hands! Amen! Amen! Amen! It's another opportunity to give, to offer, to break through to a new level.
You should be so devoted in heart that you can come to Korea; it's okay. Bring your relatives and live here. And in South America there's plenty of land. We own more than 600,000 hectares of land in South America; it's a huge area. You need to be so determined before Heaven that you would walk all the way to South America if you had to. Make preparation to do that. Then you prepare for an ideal family and ideal home with me in South America. That land will be 10 times more valuable in the future. Now is the opportunity. You've got to fulfill that within forty days.
On the 10th of October there's a festival in which 195 countries will be represented. I want to use that money with 20 representatives of these countries. [I think Father is referring to the third IIFWP conference.] The people around the world should be able to see me, and transportation is necessary. We need to speed up education in the unification tradition for children. Should I make a speaking tour around the 50 states of America, or throughout Korea, or throughout Japan? Americans, you think you are number one, but are you? No. [In English; cannot be heard.] American members, what do you want to do? How many times more should America give than Japan? No matter how difficult, you are to be perfect. Can you do it? If you cannot, then get down.
This is the last opportunity to offer an historical donation in front of heaven and to be proud in front of heaven. It is to see north-south unity and the unity of heaven and earth. It is to create a golden gate for the unity of north and south and Asia and the world, and the unity of the physical world and spirit world. I can go to North Korea; there is no place I cannot go. I will not go alone, but take famous people with me.
What shall we do this evening? A cultural activity at 7 p.m.? Assemble tomorrow at 10:10 a.m. We need to make a promulgation at 10:10 a.m. Today was the promulgation of the unification of the cosmos. Satan will be in the position even to cooperate with this providence. So, have you had lunch? Why are you laughing? Do you prefer to hear my speech or eat lunch? The spirit world will open up if you read Hoon Dok Hae with ... who really loves to do that? Actually, True Mother has to receive my tradition. The True Children follow my tradition. Mother's role is to give the education, but the tradition they must follow is the father's. So there's give and take. Mother must be present, founded upon absolute, unchanging, eternal and unique love. This is the standard we must inherit. Then unity will follow from there. We cannot do without any of those four aspects of true love.
Who will welcome me? Korea? South America? Who will welcome me? Can Korea? Kim Bong Tae! Did you finish the pure love campaign? Do you have problems with unification? What kind of problems? Heavenly Father doesn't need to guide me anymore; for the next few months I know exactly what to do. Do you think I'm a good or bad son? What have you done? [To some of the Koreans.] When you should have been following the path of sacrifice, you escaped it. Did you do all you had to do or did you escape your duties? Every decision is between life and death. Even with no time, I'm fulfilling Hoon Dok Hae in the airplane.
So let's fulfill Hoon Dok Hae before we have lunch. [Father chooses Dr. Yang to read Hoon Dok Hae. After his reading, the meeting concludes at around 3:30 p.m.]
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