The Words of Hyo Jin Moon |
Our Strength Lies in Our Differences
Hyo Jin Moon
"This is a short excerpt from the God's Day speech given on Jan. 1, 1993 in the Grand Ballroom of the World Mission Center in New York City."
I really take the preface of the Principle deeply to heart. It says that Father gave us the homework to unite science and religion, the external world and the internal world. That homework is the greatest challenge that I have facing me in my future course.
The reason I am stressing this point is that I believe the way in which we can truly unite the world is to transcend all the dogmatic doctrines and concepts and really embrace all the scientific knowledge being revealed about the nature of creation itself; all those principles which are being revealed through scientific endeavors. I feel that our key to being victorious in America lies in uniting the understanding of science with the essence of religion. That will be the way to bring about solutions and change all the conflict, suffering and struggle that exists in the world in general.
Scientists say that for every element that exists, there is something which is opposite, sort of an anti-element, or anti-material, anti-proton, anti-electron. There is the reality of anti-matter. I really try to think about these things. Based on these three relationships, duality exists. The complete opposites exist. When you look at the essence of our own self, you can reflect on the way the physical world exists.
Of course, scientific understanding is developing and they are learning more and more about the nature of the creation. However, based on the knowledge that we already have, it is clear that even among those materials which are tangible, things we can see and touch, the mirror-like image exists in the opposite reality within the domain which is intangible. Just as we physically exist and we don't see our spiritual self, we believe, we know that there is a spirit. It is intangible. We can't touch it. We don't see it, but we know it exists. We don't see anti-matter, we can't really tangibly recognize or pin down its existence; however, we know it exists. The manner in which all these elements exist is based on a foundation of trinity.
Spirit begins
I don't know if I'm making sense here. Father said something very interesting. Somebody asked him, "When does our spirit begin?" and Father answered, "Our spirit begins as soon as you are born, as soon as you are brought into this world." Based on this understanding, we can see that the most important stage for reaching our perfection, as we know, is in the realm of the physical world.
The growth stage is the most important stage and Principle always stresses this. The growth stage is where the Fall occurred. This is the stage where our intellect comes into play. It is only through our intellect that we can create things. Period. Without our intellect, we would have no way to create our true self. It is our responsibility to use our intellect correctly, centering on Heavenly Father, and to perfect ourselves and become God-like beings and God-like objects. We must become like the Father.
How can you achieve godliness if you don't have the power to use your intellect to bring about ideal results? Based on our own self, you must bring about an ideal creative result. The importance of intellect is so great. You must have dominion over your intellect in order to truly utilize all the assets you possess in this world to really become a godly being.
Going back to what Father said, the most important stage is while we are here on this earth. This is the stage where we are using our intellect. When you were in your mother's womb, I don't think you were using your intellect. You were totally dependent on the mother's attitude, the mother's consumption of proper food, and so on. It is only when you come out into this physical world that you become a true individual. Only when you are here on this earth are you truly using your intellectual ability to be creative, to be godly, to be godlike. This growth stage while you are in this physical world is the most important stage because this is where you have the opportunity to achieve Creator-like stature. This is the stage.
Everything begins from the growth stage. Take those three categories of the individual self that I spoke about, when you come out into this world, the first development takes place physically. Of course, within your mother's womb you have reached certain physical maturity and the ability to function and to live in this physical world. However, as you come out of the mother's womb, that is when you begin to adapt physically, to grow in a manner that will allow you to sustain your life within this physical world. That's when you start to physically develop.
When you look at the initial physical development that takes place when you first come into this world, what Father told me really makes sense. That is like the anti-matter, the spirit self is being given birth, and as the physical body matures to a certain degree, we start to utilize our intellect to find our destiny, trying to find our purpose in life.
Mirror image
Take this example. When you hold up your first, second and third fingers to the mirror, the image that you see in the mirror is a reversal of what you see when you look at your hand. The finger that appears on the left or right might change, but the position of the middle finger stays in the middle. By the same token, when the physical body is born and physical body is developing, the opposite self, the spirit self begins its own reality. As the physical intellect develops, so does the spiritual intellect.
When the physical body reaches the stage where we are really trying to fulfill the desire of our spirit self, we begin to attain a glimpse of the form that we will have when we enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. When you die, it is your physical form that dies. That physical self transmigrates into the next realm, the realm of spirit. As you ascend from this world, you lose this physical body but you achieve a certain physical form in the spirit world. Although it is spirit, although it is like anti-matter form, you have a physical form when you enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
This concept really makes sense to me, and it's just like the concept of matter and anti-matter. Physical self and spiritual self, and the development process really makes things fit together . However, this is just a basic direction I have realized that I must take. Of course, I need more scientific data. However, I really believe this is the direction, the key for us to realize what we are put on this earth to do.
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