The Words of Hyo Jin Moon |
Hyo Jin Moon
November 4, 2007
Belvedere, 7:00 am
Here are my notes from Hyo-Jin-nim's speech Sunday 04 November 2007. My ability to convey what was actually said is limited. These, at most, convey some sense of what Hyo-Jin-nim said and are not a verbatim record. To see projects that Hyo-Jin-nim is working on log on to: definingmoment.tv
Joe Kinney
Rev. Andrew Compton is the MC. All welcome Hyo-Jin-nim and Yeon Ah-nim and offer a standing bow.
Hyo-Jin-nim bows to the audience as he approaches the stage.
Good morning. (Good morning)
All of us at anytime are on some kind of condition. Right?
I want to go on a diet; I'm going to loose a hundred pounds, whatever. (Laughing)
I'm going to do this; I'm going to do that. Try to make a condition, because a condition represents something that you want to change that will come in the future, something that will change.
And how do you go about achieving that condition? What normally has to happen? Obviously you have to have a goal. Right? You have to know what you're aiming for. You have to have direction. So based on that, you make a condition, and obviously what follows that is commitment, and ultimately into action.
So how do you change the Spirit World? You need to improve your grades so you go on a condition and you make a commitment to study a little longer. If you study maybe one hour per week, (Laughing) you jack it up to maybe one hundred hours or something, so you can improve your grades.
Well that can physically happen, but how do you change something that is beyond you? How do you go about changing something based on a condition that YOU can make, and make a difference?
What do you call that big lotto stuff with millions, hundreds of millions of dollars? Let's say that there is a lottery jackpot of three-hundred-million dollars, and you're going to pray, you're going to make that condition; you'll pray every day to God so you can win that lottery. (Laughing) Do you thing that's a good condition?
Conditions only have to be about something centered on love, and if it's that, it is not for you; it is for somebody else.
Through my wife I heard about a person that was struggling because she joined the church, but her little sisters didn't. And she was struggling because her little teenage sisters were doing stuff that she's concerned about. And I told her "Hey, you go down that path when you're at that age and there's nothing you can do to stop them from doing what they're doing except locking them up. If locking them up is unrealistic then obviously you have no control. I know that you feel powerless, but you want to do something."
And I saw her trying to make some kind of condition. I saw her praying in the wee hours of the morning, praying for something. Something like that might have some kind of effect rather than just praying for yourself to be better, because, to God, love is first before self. Right? Yes.
In setting conditions, that's what you have to think about. "What kind of condition am I making; why do I need this condition; what am I looking for; what do I expect?" I know that you expect something any time you make some kind of condition. You go pray at the Holy Rock "I'm going to make a condition and I'm going to pray for 120 days; I want the world to change." Do you think the world will change just because you want it?
That's overly inflated in your head. You've got to know your limits. You have to know that.
Don't be that Godly all of a sudden and expect stuff to change just because "I made a condition." That's nonsense!
If that happens, let's all go to Sin City, Las Vegas, and pray for God to allow all the gamblers to win and to make Sin City into Bankrupt City. Then that city would change because they'd have no more money. You can't pray for things like that.
Wouldn't it be nice if some aliens, we all like alien stuff, would land on the Whitehouse lawn and say "Hey, listen to me Bush, otherwise I'm going to make you into a burning Bush!" (Laughter) Or the UFO would land on a Mosque or in the Kremlin or whatever and say "Hey! I'm going to put Putin in the pudding. Let's put that Putin into the galactic oven and make him into a nice pudding, and eat him." I'm sure the world would change. Well that kind of magic is not going to happen.
So in conditions you have to ask your self "Why do we make conditions?" Because we want to connect to the heart of something; that's about it; we want to make that connection to something. That's why we make conditions.
It can be to money; it can be to intellect; it can be to spirit, but ultimately in the end, what ever is highest, is highest. That's the bottom line and that's what you want to connect to. That's why you make conditions, because you want to be something; you want to be somebody, and if you want to learn about anything, you have to make conditions. "I'm going to learn this stuff; and until I learn it I'm not going to quit!" You make that commitment and you put it into action and until it's done, you don't quit! You make that condition work for you.
And what are you connecting to? You answer that, no one else. Ultimately I know that it has to be about controlling the body, the mind and the spirit. That's how you grow. And whatever connection that you're making, that's your problem. However old you are, whatever, that sets your level. Accept that. Except note that YOU'RE TRYING TO MAKE THAT PROGRESS in body mind and spirit.
And you want to make that connection because you want to know; you want to be better; you want to grow. And only YOU know when the condition is done. Only you know no one else. Because only then you will move on to the next level, and you will feel good about moving on to it, to the next level, because it's a NATURAL process; it's a natural process.
You complete something, you go to the next, for your betterment. Your betterment, only you know. Your perfection, only you know. What ever it is, it doesn't matter, only you know.
Try; try to listen to your (inner voice?) because arrogance will kill you. If you want something of love, how can you be arrogant?
Okay, I know you make conditions every day, but make sure it's from your heart, it's of love, otherwise, don't even call it a condition.
Okay, (Taps Podium twice)
See you later.