The Words of the Hyun Jin Moon |
The Fulfillment of Parents' Vision
Hyun Jin Moon
October 27, 1998
On his recent visit to Korea, Hyun Jin Nim spoke to the general membership and also to church leaders. As many more senior church leaders have in recent years become national messiahs or been mobilized to Japan, the majority of church leaders in Korea are young.] Instead of going my usual route of asking the audience what I should speak about, I will go right ahead and address the topic I feel needs to be addressed today. Is that all right?
The first thing I would like to say is, we have to recognize that especially at this time we are entering a new era in God's providence. In the past whenever I heard people talking about a new era, it always implied that there was some type of break or end to the previous era, or that this new era was separate from the era that preceded it. But what do I mean by saying that this is a new era? Do I see this era as separate from the preceding era? Or is it a continuation of it?
At this point I want to ask if I can walk around while I speak. Is that okay? [Yes!] Standing before you I feel that we are working together. So we have to be one in mind and spirit. I'm going to forego the formalities and conventions and try to communicate with you from the outset on a level of heart. The reason being there is not enough time. This is a new era. Either you're with it or you're not. That's why in coming here before you, instead of building formality I want to come to you on a level where we can relate. Then you can truly understand that this is an era we have to be prepared for and accept.
So what do I mean by a new era? Does this mean that my vision is separate from the vision that Parents have given you? Or is it the fulfillment of Parents' vision? To answer this question I'd like to use an analogy. When I was at the headquarters church on Sunday I gave members the analogy of the Israelites following Moses to the Promised Land. God promised the Israelite people that He would deliver them from the hands of Egypt and give them a new land in which they could create their own nation. Of course making the break from Egypt took forty years in the wilderness - before they actually saw the border of the Land of Canaan. Do you think God meant for the people of the Israelite nation to perish in the wilderness? [No.] There was the promise of the land of Canaan.
If we look at that whole process, the people walking in the wilderness recognized that wilderness as their reality, as their vision at that time. They didn't talk about the land of Canaan; they had to think about finding food, shelter and clothing, the fundamentals of life. They could not think of other things. Yet when they came upon the border to the land of Canaan, then they realized the ultimate fulfillment of God's vision and promise, which was to deliver them to the land of Canaan.
Parents have said that we have now entered the settlement era. What does that mean? It is analogous to the Israelite people arriving out-side the land of Canaan. Yet before they entered, they had to leave behind all the baggage they had carried from Egypt and during their years in the wilderness. They had to start fresh and move forward. That was the new vision they had to accept.
This time is also such a time. We have entered the settlement era, the time in which we are to build God's Kingdom. If we want to enter that era, we have to leave all our past bag-gage behind and start afresh. Think about it. At the last blessing in June, Parents gave a heavenly proclamation liberating even the worst people in human history, including Hitler and Stalin. This was unprecedented. Isn't it also unprecedented that the standard of the blessing is lower than previously? The conditions are very simple now, right? One accepts the four pledges and drinks the holy wine and is then a candidate for the holy blessing. Isn't it so? That is the reality now. Does this mean that all the past values and all that Parents have taught before were false and are nullified now? No. It means we are entering a new era.
Does that mean the conditions you set to receive your blessing were just suffering that had no meaning because blessing in essence is this simple? No! Think about it. Those Israelites who followed Moses on the trek from Egypt to the land of Canaan, did they not suffer and have to set a higher condition of faith and loyalty? It was upon the kinds of conditions that they set that a foundation was created to build a nation - a nation that could work on the worldwide level.
So what is happening to the Unification Church right now? I have had the opportunity to travel around the country and around the world talking to members, and I know some are concerned about the standard of the blessing, by the fact that it is getting lower. Sometimes they say, "The blessing standard was so high before; I set such a high standard. Yet we give the blessing away so easily now. We are diluting the value of the blessing. "As pastors, I'm sure you are faced with this kind of questions or concerns. Is the Unification Church just going for a numbers game, because we just want the number are we therefore diluting the standard?
I think to understand this we have to reflect on the purpose of the Unification Church and the purpose of God's providence and Parents' mission. Ultimately God's purpose is the restoration of all humanity. Why do we always come to Cain and Abel struggles? Because the ultimate purpose of restoration is to create an ideal family, to bring the Cain and Abel camps together, and to bring the vertical standard of parents and children together. That is our purpose.
The blessing is not something reserved just for Unification Church members, just as the purpose of the Israelite nation was not to exist for the sake of Israel alone but for the world. Father said that if Christianity had accepted him in 1945, the foundation for the restoration of the world could have been fulfilled in seven years, by 1952. Although our theology is very closely aligned with Judeo-Christian theology, especially the Old and New Testaments, do you think God's purpose of restoration in sending Parents here was for Jews and Christians alone, or for the world?
The foundation of Christianity on the worldwide level at that time was to receive True Parents. Parents were to use that foundation to build a God-centered world. But not for Christians alone -- for the whole world. Because Christianity did not accept Father, he had to establish the Unification Church. All that Parents needed to be fulfilled through Christianity they had to re-indemnify through the establishment of the Unification Church. Father had to re-create a worldwide foundation.
Now we are at the stage in which we have a worldwide foundation, but do you think the purpose of restoration stops at the Unification Church alone? Remember, the purpose of restoration and True Parents' mission is to restore the world, to bring the Cain and Abel camps together. If the Unification Church stands in the position of Abel, and the world stands in the position of Cain, the purpose is to bring those worlds together. Therefore, Parents had to set the conditions by which that unity could come about. Why? Because conflict between brothers can never be resolved by the power of brothers alone. They need the central authority of parents.
The history of humanity has been a history of conflict because True Parents had not come. That is the fundamental essence or core of our theology, isn't it? That is why we first have to understand what the mission of the Unification Church is. It is a public mission - to exist for the sake of the world. We have built the foundation up to this point, giving out for the sake of the world in order to fulfil this purpose.
What is meant by the settlement era? I think it is analogous to zero point, or the beginning point in time. When I compare this to the initial building of the Unification Church foundation, analogous to the forty years wilderness course and based on the conditions set then, at this time we can stand almost at a zero point or beginning point in human history. Just as God's purpose is to bring together the Cain and Abel camps of the Unification Church and the rest of the world; when we go back to even the individual level, doesn't it make sense that the internal aspect and the physical aspect come together? Many times we talk about this on the individual level. But I want you to think about it for one moment from an organizational perspective. Why? Because the settlement era is the time to build the Kingdom. The Israelites looking at the land of Canaan and in the process of settling there had to establish a government and an infrastructure, they had to build educational institutions, and so on. The attitude, the mentality and perspective they needed to have were very different from those needed when trying to find food or shelter or water for the next day. Don't you think so?
The time of settlement is one of putting down roots. What does that mean for the Unification Church and for our leadership? Does anyone have an opinion? I don't know. What does it mean? Should I leave you in suspense or should I explain? [Please explain!] If I always explain, you will never try to figure things out by yourself. Isn't that so? [Laughter]?
The answers have all been give. Father has said everything he needs to say. What I am saying is nothing new. So what does that mean for new Unification Church leadership? [Setting the tradition.] What else? Everything is revolving around tradition, which is good. But as we enter a new era there is new focus. I asked Appa, "What does the settlement era mean, and what does it imply for the leader-ship of our movement?" Father explained it to me in this way: In the past, our movement worked on the family level. That is why many of you are talking about tradition. Tradition is very important in maintaining a vertical standard within the family. However, now when we talk about the settlement era we are entering the level of the nation. In other words, the foundation on the family level having been fulfilled, we are therefore moving to the level of the nation. I don't want you to misunderstand me. It does not mean that tradition and understanding Father's heart are not important. They are absolutely important. When I began speaking I asked you if talking about a new era implies a discontinuation of the previous era. It does not. It is a building upon what was established in the past. But now we have to work on the national level.
All of you here today are pastors of your own congregations. I look at you as the leadership of our movement. When I ask this question, it relates directly to your responsibility. So I ask you, what does it mean for you? (Foundation of substance.] That's right, building the foundation of sub-stance. Methodology is also part of building the system. The method used has an effect on what is created. For example, let's say you are writing something-the way you write will determine how the writing looks, won't it? You can write upside down, lying down, you can write on a table or on your lap. Try those different positions and observe your writing. The method you use will determine the type of sub-stance you create. I think one way to put this in context is to go back and re-read the message Father gave during my Family Federation inauguration. Appa set there a new paradigm for leadership. It's not only the internal foundation. Appa said that the future leadership of our movement has to have a substantial foundation. Why is it so important at this time? Because we have risen to the national level. When you are working on a family level it is usually the elders who take responsibility and the leadership positions. But when working on a national level, we are dealing with many many different families. Therefore the criteria will change. Those who have not only an internal foundation but also external capability can be effective leaders. Do you think the position of a nation's president is something that is determined by age or by ability? By ability. To you, the Unification Church leadership, especially here in Korea, this should be a liberating revelation. Have you not wondered, on reading the Divine Principle? It says clearly that we have to build the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth before we build it in the spirit world.
I know there are many mysteries about the spirit world, but more and more we have been receiving revelation about what it is like. One such revelation has come from Dr. Sang Hun Lee. What did he say about the spirit world? What is it like? Do you reside close to heavenly Father based upon the position you held on earth, the amount of money you had or other similar criteria? Or is your position determined by the merit of your life? Is it determined by age or by seniority? If so Adam and Eve would be the closest to Heavenly Father. Or is it based upon the merit of the life you have lived, the degree to which you have lived in dedication and service to Heavenly Father, that determines your place? It is focusing on the realm of shimjung. As Unification Church members who strive to establish mind and body union and perfection, we should strive not only for the highest place in the spirit world but also for the highest place on earth. That way we bring the two worlds together. Then we establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth as well as in the spirit world. Do you think this is right or wrong? Effort and merit.
I had a chance to meet with all the regional leaders before meeting with you, and I also spoke to them about a new paradigm. The foundation that Parents have built is tremendous. The direction that Father has given me as his son is to put the flesh upon the bones of this foundation. However, I cannot do it by myself. I need your support. You have to come with me, walking side by side with me, to put the flesh on the bones of this movement. It is not going to happen easily. That means you have to strive hard to keep up and to follow.
Can you do this? If you want to be the true future leaders of our movement, you have to be able to keep up. You have to look at yourselves as historical people, as historical leaders setting the precedent for a new generation. Think about the situation right now. The young people of this world are lost, especially in modern societies. I'm sure that some of you are overwhelmed by the small problems in your churches, but you have to look beyond them and recognize, "As a historical man, as a representative of God and True Parents at this time, regardless of how small my foundation seems to be, I am connected to God's worldwide providence! This providence is moving forward, and I am moving forward with it!" That's the way you have to think. Can you do that?
This is a new time. The slate is clear; a blank slate. What we harvest in the future all depends upon what we sow. This is not a time for self-centeredness, or for petty rivalry or differences between, for example, first and second generation. It is not a time for comparison with others, for thinking one per-son is better than another. Remember what I am saying, that the slate is clean. We are at the borders of the land of Canaan, and just like the Israelites we have to leave all our old bag-gage behind as we move forward. This is a time in which we have to work together in common effort with the focus of building God's kingdom first. It is the people and the leaders who put His kingdom and providence before themselves that God needs in the future.
All of you gathered here today, are you such people? If you are, raise your hands. Great! I'm glad that you are such people. Then this movement has a future, and our future has a foundation.
One thing I would like to emphasize is, although we have entered this new era, it is not a time in which we will face no opposition. Doesn't the Bible say the Last Days will be a time of judgement, and that great chaos will flow through the land? Don't you feel now that the spirit world is working more than ever? Just as the Christians in Korea have stood against the advancement of the Unification Church, so too there is interference from the evil spirit world. But the way I view this is not from a position of defeat or cowering. I look at it as a challenge for our movement. I look at this time of unrest as one in which leadership can rise up. When people are con-fused and lost, isn't that the time when true leaders arise? True leaders, through the blood, sweat and tears of their own merit, rise and lead into the future. I look at this as that kind of time, and I want to propose a challenge to each and every one of you. Will you become that type of leader? Will you be strong enough, regardless of how hard the wind blows, to lead your congregations and the Korean people in the building of God's kingdom? Yes or no? [Yes!] Those who make their pledge raise your hands and stand up! How great!
[Hyun Jin Nim leads three cheers of mansei:] Hananim, mansei! Cham Pumonim, mansei! Hanguk Tongil Gyohae, mansei!
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