Sun Myung Moon's Speeches from 2000 |
God's Fatherland
Sun Myung Moon
May, 2000
This speech was retranslated from the edited Korean transcript, with reference to Rev. Peter Kim's interpretation at Belvedere.
There are hundreds of nations and races in the world, but in order to do God's will we have to think and act as if there are no nations, no races, and no families. We have to completely deny the satanic world. The meaning of blessing is re-creation. We have to think that the position of a blessed family is unique. In other words, the blessed couples should consider themselves restored Adam and Eve who did not participate in the fall. Think of yourselves as original Adam and Eve, the only ones existing in the world. You should think that the two of you are the only ones in the world. Centering on God's true love, your lineage being connected to the four-position foundation, your family is the only thing that matters. Even if you don't think of God and True Parents, that is okay as long as you have that conviction. We stand in the position representing the vertical and horizontal viewpoint.
Think to yourself, "With my own blessed couple I can unify the world and cosmos. Once I perfect myself, I can create a perfected family, race, world and cosmos." We are the seeds from which that work will sprout. All the people of the world are from wild seeds. We have to think, "I am the true seed. That is what I am." We don't need to differentiate between Japanese blessed couples, German blessed couples or American blessed couples. What matters is our own family. Even if there isn't a Unification Church, our family can be a Unification Church and even if there is not a unified nation, we should think our family is the unified nation. If you go to the spirit world there are billions of blessed couples that all have the same value as those on earth.
How happy God will be watching them! Do they need me? [Yes.] Why do you need True Parents? Because you are the fruit of True Parents, so you have the same value. What is the meaning of the era of the fourth Adam? Your blessed couple represents the fourth Adam. If you have that absolute confidence, then Satan cannot interfere in your life.
Even if the Unification Church closes and disappears completely, as long as that perfect blessed couple remains, the world can be resurrected. If that couple follows my teachings, and knows the tradition of the course of restoration through indemnity I have walked, God will always be victorious and Satan will be defeated.
I have followed truth and tradition, so you should do the same. I have gone up through eight stages and beyond the level of indemnity. In the future, we will not need prayer. Even if we pray, we won't have to say "upon the foundation of True Parents' victory" because we will dwell with God directly.
The key is that as a couple, therefore, we have to absolutely make sure that we are a unique, absolute, eternal, unchanging couple, that God is our subject and that we are in the object position.
This is the 47th Foundation Day-it being the 46th anniversary of the establishment of the church. Eighty is my physical age, and if we subtract the number 47 we get 33, the age at which Jesus Christ finished his public ministry. So this is the time we have to go to the world, even beyond the world. Until now, there were divisions in the spirit world between the religious founders. They had different worlds: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Confucius and so forth. They occupied different levels as well.
In Korea, the number 4 represents death, and the number 13 is unlucky in the West. So April 13th is an unlucky date. Also, 4 represents the fall of Adam, and 13 represents the death of Jesus. April 13th was also the day of the Korean general election of over five hundred congressmen this year. It is strange that they chose this date for the national election. Is this a good day? No, it is the worst day. The number thirteen means Jesus' death. So I instructed the spirit world to restore this day by blessing all the followers of the five major religious leaders.
[Father draws a map of Korea, with north, south, east and west divided.] This represents the entire world. There is a battle between the Eastern world and Western world. The North-South struggle is one of wealth and culture. Those global situations are represented in Korea. South Korea has a severe East-West problem, just as exists in the world. The East represents the world of spirit and the West represents the world of material. The saints came from the East, whereas the Western world represents the world of material. But materialism will end because it is horizontal. But the vertical world has no end; there is but one straight line to God.
The next problem is the struggle of North and South. In North Korea, Kim Il Sung is considered the father figure, and in South Korea I have been called the father. So which side has to win? The plus side must win, represented by the East and South. North should have been plus, but this was reversed. Once the East-West problem is resolved, then South Korea will be minus and all of North Korea will be plus. So how can we unite East and West? A reciprocal relationship is needed. They need to say they need each other. In other words, people of the East should love those in the West more than those in the East, and vice versa. The Western world is more affluent than the Eastern world. And South Korea is more affluent than North Korea. We have to change that.
How can North and South be united? Through what? Money? Power? Knowledge? True love! It is only possible through true love. With true love we can recognize that we are brothers and sisters, or elder and younger brothers. Once children are harmonized, then the parents' struggle of North and South will be solved. When the children are one, the parents will be united too.
What will happen between East and West in the world? Exchanges are needed. For example, there are rich children in the West and poor children in the East who should be joined in marriage. If there were only two such families, would they live separately? Rather, they would realize that they were born as "twins." If they knew this, would they still quarrel and be divided, or would they never be divided? If there are brotherly relationships in which an elder brother could die for the sake of his younger brother and vice versa, rather than their killing each other, unification will be realized. When the parents see their children united they will also unite.
In Korea, the West is Cholla Province, and the East is Kyungsang Province. When we unite Cholla and Kyungsang, we can unite the world centering on this. International marriages conducted worldwide will bring about the unity of East and West. Westerners are overweight. They have too much food, while the East is hungry. The West looks for better ways to diet. Communists and others should hit the fat westerners in the world until they become thin! So instead of becoming fat, why not share your food with those in need? If Satan helps you with this, then Satan can be forgiven on the basis of playing such a role. We have to liberate Satan. Lucifer voluntarily surrendered, and now his followers are taking the same course.
Do you need unions in America or not? [No.] The system of unions should be gotten rid of. Then the communist system will be eliminated and Satan will have no more work to do. Wealthy American families will have to practice intermarrying with poor African families. Suppose a campaign to sell everything and go to Africa to find a bride were to take place in America! America has enjoyed affluence, but in the midst of this is doomed to perish. The only way to save America is to give everything, to offer everything to poor countries and save them.
Is AIDS a good thing or not? People with lots of money waste their lives chasing after pleasure, and catch this kind of disease, isn't that right? AIDS is like a public limited company: it attracts people with money. Men seek women for pleasure. So beautiful women in America may carry the AIDS virus. You must overcome the selfish desire for money. So, American people who have joined the Unification Church have no time to squander money, but should support people to do missionary work. The Japanese members must also offer their money for the providence.
My conclusion is that we should look at this on our own family level. As long as there is unity among the man, woman, son and daughter in your family, the world will be united. The four position foundation of North, East, West and South. The kings of twelve nations centering on Jesus makes the number thirteen. The 12 disciples (the 12 tribes) plus Jesus makes 13, isn't that so? The fundamental problem was that they did not become one. That's why centering on April 13 (the 13th day of the 4th month) I launched the national rallies to promote the unification of South and North Korea. I called people to the Olympic Stadium in Seoul on March 12 and spoke about this to them [see March issue]. The summit conference between North Korea and South Korea will therefore take place soon. This is not a simple matter. They cannot do anything without True Parents' foundation. Because I gave my support, unification is coming.
Without true love and True Parents, unification cannot be realized. What is true love? It is repeatedly giving and forgetting, for the sake of others. For example, the wealth of South Korea should be given to North Korea, and then unification will come naturally. Suppose all the South Korean people shared their wealth with North Korea, and so did Unificationists worldwide. Then North Korea would become wealthier than South Korea, and the wealth would then flow from North Korea to South Korea.
So the time will come for settlement in the father nation of Korea, the mother nation of Japan and the elder son nation of the United States. The time may come soon that the government of North Korea will welcome any Unification Church member from anywhere in the world. They will say to the Japanese, Come here, as many of you as want to. If western members even more wonderful than the Japanese can be welcomed in this way, all blessed couples will be able to go to North Korea. You know the Potong River Hotel. There are seventeen Japanese couples running that hotel. It is one of the biggest built during Kim Il Sung's time.
The Potong River Hotel is the only hotel that has access to Western broadcasting; none of the others do. That was a condition we had when we made the deal with North Korea; we insisted on this. So, many North Korea government officials and foreign travelers stay there. In the past, people would isolate themselves and cover themselves with a blanket to listen secretly to outside broadcasts, but if they were caught it was very serious. But if you stay at the Potong River Hotel, it is all right to listen to or watch the broadcasts. They say the Japanese members are more enthusiastic than even the North Korean party members. As the Koreans and Japanese have been enemies, they ask how Rev. Moon could have raised them so well. Even though I don't even phone the Japanese members, let alone watch over them, they apply themselves more than the communists do. Just a few dozen people doing so much...where in the world can you find such people? Thus, they welcome us.
That is why they are permitting a car factory and even our church to be built. Because they trust us. Whatever company we invite they will welcome them. They will welcome even Americans if they are Unification Church members. So if I send all the Unification Church members from around the world to North Korea, what will happen? If you are sent there, are you going to take things and eat them, or offer your help to North Korea? [We'll offer help!] Whether you are black or white? [Yes.] (Applause)
As long as we do not fight, but rather, centering on true love, live for others, the universe will be restored. If we create marriages beyond national boundaries the world will be unified. Jesus was supposed to unify the world and bless heaven and earth at the age of thirty-three. True Father came and unified the spirit and physical worlds, liberated the God of heaven, liberated True Parents and created the age of ideal settlement completely-at the age of eighty, which resolved Jesus' thirty-three years of anguish. (Amen!)
I have liberated both the spirit world and the physical world, and even Satan is liberated. The four major saints in the spirit world plus 33 percent of their followers in that realm. So the game is over. That was April 28th. If Jesus had united this world at the age of thirty-three and also liberated all the spirit world and brought everyone to an equal level, all levels of religion, together with hell, would have been liberated and a common standard set up.
The Lord of the Second Advent came on behalf of Jesus. Although Jesus had not become the True Parent, we, as True Parents, achieved the liberation of Adam's era and Jesus' era, and by uniting the physical and spirit worlds and thus liberating God and True Parents themselves, the universe became ours. There are no national boundaries in the spirit world and that should be so for the physical world.
Just like Adam's family, Jacob's family and Jesus' family in the spirit world, there are failed couples, ordinary level blessed couples and couples who are both virgins. That is why I have permission to bless thirty-three percent of the saints in the spirit world and that way, I bequeathed True Parents' tradition to those in the spirit world.
This is the liberation of the spirit world and physical world. Your families are the fourth Adam. This is the time period in which we have to secure twelve representatives of the tribes. If we restore 4 nations and expand this to 12, this world can be unified. Then all the pain of the historical ages-past, present and future-will be liberated. This is truly liberation. Do you understand?
Do not forget the meaning of one-third of the followers of the four major saints being blessed. In that way, all people will become brothers and sisters in the spirit world. In the First and Second World Wars, the satanic side won seventy percent at first, then the heavenly side won. God, not Satan, takes the realm of perfection.
The number thirty-three is important. Because I liberated the age of Jesus, and completed everything on the worldwide level, the fourth Adam era can begin. Do you understand? If you have the word of truth that I have found so far, and two of your families are perfected the heavenly kingdom can be established. You have to know this. You should invest yourselves as I have, giving your lives and utilizing all your resources for the sake of the world. If you have the conviction, you will find the heavenly kingdom, even if you have to sell your own nation or even the world-unification is possible in one instant. If you do that, everything is possible. Then you can restore God's fatherland, our homeland, our motherland. From God's point of view, it is God's fatherland. It is our homeland because we were born in the physical world, but when we die we will go there.
Since the human fall was caused by Eve, a woman, women are in the position to restore all the famous sites of the world. If we are one nation you don't have to differentiate between Americans, Japanese and Koreans. If you have that one nation's visa, you can go anywhere in the world. Americans will not need it, Japanese will not need it and Koreans, since Korea is in the subject position, they won't need that visa either. Do you understand what I'm saying?
True truth. True love. God needs it, God's son needs it, and God's family needs it. With truth, reaching perfection is not a problem. You should be able to shout out that you are a heavenly prince or princess in the liberated Kingdom of God in heaven and on earth. As long as you become such a true couple representing God and True Parents, you do not need Jesus the Messiah and you do not need the Second Coming. This is the era of the fourth Adam. Will you welcome that? [Yes!]
Look outside. It is the time when the world of nature turns green. Similarly, we know that this month signals the era of advancing into the age of summer for the Unification Church. From now, when we look at the garden turning green, because this garden is the entire earth, we must understand that this is the free liberation of the earth. Our hometown is this entire planet earth. Where will you go and live?
From next year, we will not commemorate this foundation day. There will not be any more holidays celebrating the founding of the HSA-UWC. As princes and princesses who own the cosmos, why do we need a celebration of the founding, which commemorates the past? I don't need it. Think of the victory that will produce many fruits and seeds. You will be blown away to the world and become new trees. Why would we need old and rotten trees when there are big blossoming trees bearing fresh fruit in the world? Do you understand? When you have that kind of new nourishment and roots, and become one with the truth and God, you can be independent.
Do you like the Hoon Dok Hae tradition? [Yes.] I don't like it. It is necessary to study until you pass the exam with a score of 100 percent. But after that, you don't need to study. But we didn't pass yet, did we? There will be an exam. So, day and night you should study hard and do Hoon Dok Hae. There will be a college course call the Sun Myung Moon course. You will come to realize all the knowledge of heaven and earth. Once you pass that exam and stick with me, will I kick you away or carry you? Welcome you or not? [Welcome us!] To do what? To build God's land and make you citizens of God's heavenly nation. So, please, those who are strongly determined to become such couples to build that nation, stand up, raise both hands and say, Amen. God bless you.
[Originally published in Today's World, May 2000]
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