The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 1971 |
of Japanese members in Korea.
Three hundred Japanese members paid a visit to Korea on January 28th through 29th by plane, and had training for 11 days from January 30th to February 9th. During this period they studied Divine Principles and Anti-communism, and were lectured in many academic fields by professors invited from some universities in Seoul. In this period, fortunately, they could celebrate Master's 51st Birthday and all Japanese members had joyful time together with many Korean families.
At the congratulatory ceremony they played one specially prepared programs. Through all their training session they were scheduled to get up at 6:00 a.m. and to bed at 12:00 p.m.
Every day they had very hard training for 18 hours a day but all were happy.
Master encouraged them and said; "We Unified Family must be united both internally and externally to do our best and we carry out our own duties and responsibilities respectively."
They returned home on February 11 by plane.