The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 1972 |
of Master's Meeting at Lincoln Center, New York, and the announcement
of $100,000 Contest for published writers on The New York Times, Jan.
23, 1972
Master on the way of the third world trip since December 5th, 1971 came to appear in the presence of the multitude for the first time in New York, one of the seven cities in the States, where he is expected to have revival meeting through lecturing Principles under the catchphrases, "The Age of Hope", "The Age of the True Family". The schedule of his lecturing tour is as follows:
is one of the handbills distributed in New York City
New York, Lincoln Center
February 3rd, 4th and 6th
Philadelphia, Sheraton Hotel
February 8th, 9th and 10th
Baltimore, Caucher College
February 11th and 13th
Washington, DC, George Washington University
February 19th,
20th and 21st
Los Angeles, Ambassador Hotel
February 28th, 29th and March 1st
San Francisco, Scottish Rite Temple
March 4th, 5th and 6th
Berkeley, Calif., Claremont Hotel
March 9th, 10th and 11th
The lecture of the Principles will be done in England and the West Germany. Meanwhile Master advertised $ 100,000 prize contest for a novel on the theme "Jesus Christ and the Agony of the Cross: God's Will or Man's Failure?" in the New York Times, at the rate of $6,350, which surprised the entire world.