The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 1972 |
Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, Hyung Jin Moon, May 15, 2011
Adam is the being who stands in the position of perfecting the archangel's purpose, and stands as the central person of God's ideal. Accordingly, it is Adam who stands in the position of perfecting the purpose of the archangel and of God.
As human beings who have to go along the way of recreation and restoration, we must go through the path of sacrifice. We cannot recreate ourselves by ourselves; we must go with God's help along the path, pouring out energy for the realization of the ideal self. We are standing in the position in which God must pour out His power again, so there must be sacrifice. Since this is the original standard of the Principle, a religion which seeks the ideal world or the perfection of human beings must go the way of hardship. We must sacrifice our self-centeredness. In proportion to the degree of that sacrifice, our original nature from God is restored. As the result of the fall, we must go this way of recreation; accordingly, religious people must go through the way of hardships. This is the fundamental point of recreation.
In the development of His creation, God created the angelic world prior to the physical substantial world. The angelic world is not the place in which God could fulfill His ideal of substantial objective beings. The creation of the angelic sphere was part of the process to the final purpose. Then God, together with the angels, created the substantial objective sphere, the physical world of all things.
God, together with the angels, created man. God's objects on the spiritual level were the angels. Man as a substantial being, is in a different position from angels. God made angels to stand in the position of objects, admirers, and consultants. In that way He could receive stimulation from the intermediary angelic world in the process of the creation of man. In each stage of the creation of man, angels as God's objects gave gratitude and stimulation to God, so that God received joy in the process of creating man.
God was expending all of His energy in the process of creating man. But He was able to receive joy because the archangel gave Him praise and comfort. Since God created man with the angels, man must accomplish the value and purpose of angels as well as the unique human purpose. Therefore, man has dual values. God aims for man's perfection, while the archangel has hope for man and assists him. In other words, Adam must become the perfected being of the ideal of the archangel, and he must also become the perfected being of God's ideal.
Then why did God create Eve? God and the archangel and God and Adam are in a one to one vertical relationship. It is an upper and lower relationship. They stay at one point on the vertical line. If the archangel stands in the central point, God also has to stand on the same point.
The objective sphere is needed because that is where the vertical relationship is enlarged. The purpose of creation is to apply the vertical relationship to the horizontal level.
When everything is perfected, God and the archangel, or God and Adam, will stay only at one central point. God created Eve in order to enlarge this vertical point on the horizontal plane. Thus, vertical love is developed into horizontal love.
Adam is the being who stands in the position of perfecting the archangel's purpose and he stands as the central person of God's ideal. Accordingly, it is Adam who stands in the position of perfecting the purpose of the archangel and of God.
God created dual objective beings in order to develop His vertical love on the horizontal plane. Adam and Eve were to become one, centered on God, to allow that power of vertical love to be connected horizontally. However, since this was not accomplished due to the fall of man, God's dispensation up until now has been to restore this position again.
The archangel's mission must be fulfilled first, since God created the archangelic world first. Next must be the accomplishment of the purpose of Adam, who should stand in the position of God's objective being. If he stands as the perfected being of God's ideal, the ideal of vertical love can be developed horizontally. This is the objective world of creation which is the Heavenly Kingdom centered upon God.