The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 1977 |
If I had developed my natural abilities and applied them in a secular way, then I would have been a successful business man, great statesman, or man of renown and fame in any field that I would have endeavored. I would have been successful and respected in an entirely different manner, but I never undertook that direction. Is there anyone who has shed more tears for God than I have? I could have avoided a path of suffering; but, I willingly chose the course of suffering for God's sake. There were many paths where I would have been welcomed by people with esteem and praise. However, I knew God Himself did not stand in a position to receive praises and esteem in such places.
Do you think that I actually did not have personal ambitions? As a young man I certainly had ambitions and dreams, but I cut them off and closed all those doors. Then I chose the most miserable path for my life. I only wanted to be a friend of God who is lonely and suffering. I understand that you too are walking a path of hardship, like me. But I tell you that you are following the path that I already pioneered in the past. More importantly, we all chose the path of suffering; and are walking the path carrying heavy burdens, only because both you and I came to know God, too well.
You and I are comrades with one thing in common; we put ourselves in a position of suffering only because we know God. If we have ever committed any crime, it is that of knowing God. We willingly chose this path of persecution; nobody has imposed it on us, so how can we complain?
Are we pursuing the wrong way and bringing destruction to the world? Is knowing God a crime? The whole world is in chaos and communism is expanding because people do not know God. The churches are breaking down. No matter how miserable such a life might look, knowing God is a blessing and a privilege, and it is the one thing we cannot ever relinquish.