The Words of Rev Sun Myung Moon from 1978 |
Mainstream Of the Dispensation Of God [Part 1]
Sun Myung Moon
November 19, 1978
Translator - Bo Hi Pak
In the Western way of life you write horizontally from left to right, but in the Orient we write vertically, as though from heaven to earth. The two different directions must meet. Have you ever thought about why you write from left to right instead of right to left'? Since the left represents darkness, it is as though you are going from the darkness on the left to the light on the right. God is the origin of light and He represents the upper portion, so the Oriental way of writing from top to bottom represents light coming down to the darkness.
Left represents the West and right represents East, where the sun rises. In every way these two different ways of writing symbolize the meeting of light and darkness. Once you reach the East you return to the West, completing a circle. Also, light comes down from God to mankind, and then mankind returns the glory to God. This give and take makes a big circle.
Do you know why Westerners have big eyes? Your eyes are big because you don't want to miss anything. Your attention is always on what is closest at hand, which is the world of most immediate reality. The civilization which was created by big-eyed people is a pragmatic civilization, or a secular, materialistic civilization. Right'? Usually small-eyed people look into the future. I see the farthest of all, so my eyes are almost closed all the time. We enjoy this jokingly, but when you think deeply, there is a great deal of truth in it. Big-eyed people are always pragmatic, dwelling on reality which is close at hand. Also, big-eyed people are more easily frightened by circumstances. On the other hand, small-eyed people see far into the distance and have no fear. That is not today's topic, however.
Who is the master, or who has total control of the dispensation? Yes, God. Who actually makes up the stream of the dispensation? Man. However, man could not form the entire stream by himself; there must be external forces which can form or shape it. Water exists and people exist, but they could not automatically make up the stream running down the valley.
Let us analyze how water is formed. First of all, water comes from two directions: falling down from heaven and also springing up from inside the earth. Waters coming from above and below together create a body of water which forms the stream. God's dispensation is no exception. God alone cannot make the dispensation whole. There will be an element coming down like rain, but also corresponding elements which emerge from the earth like a spring. As you know, rain doesn't fall 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Does spring water flow out at any particular time? If you dig a well does the spring which supplies it flow at some times and not at others'? Spring water flows constantly.
The Mainstream Of History Is Formed By Water From Above As Well As Within the Earth
A small spring could not create a stream like the Hudson River. The Hudson is formed by two kinds of water, that is, rain and spring water. Can you tell me which it contains more of? Probably rain makes up 90%. Is a big river like the Hudson likely to be short or long? When a stream begins many hundreds of miles away in the mountains, then it joins together other streams and bodies of water and forms a bigger river.
What is the significant difference between a small stream and a big river like the Hudson? Do they start out differently? Their origins are similar, but a small river always reaches its destination quickly. If a river flows only a short distance, it has no time to gather strength, but a bigger river which covers a longer distance has time to gather strength and become great. The environment or circumstances are very important factors. Both rivers start out the same way, but each river develops according to its circumstances.
Imagine a little drop of water on the leaf of the tree. It can say that, even though it is very trivial, the day will come when it will join with many of its friends and become the central figure in a great river which flows to the ocean. If that drop of water is lucky enough to be in the upper portion of the Hudson valley then it can jump off the leaf and join the big body of water and then start to travel. That drop of water can end up anywhere, and even go all over the world. True?
What happens if that drop of water boasts in a very big way, but when he jumps he lands on the soil or on a rock'? Then his proclamation to become a great river and go all over the world is a lie. There is no way for his boast to materialize because he will only evaporate. Two drops of water can both start out from the same place, but one can go a long way while the other may not fulfill anything.
This same analogy applies to the fulfillment of the dispensation. We have a tremendous idea and a dream but we must jump and land in a big body of water, the bigger the better in this case.
The ideological stream of mankind is the same. Religions of the world are like streams which originate in many different places. We must find the stream which reaches back farthest of all. Christianity is a very important religion in that respect because the Bible dates back all the way to the creation of heaven and earth and the beginning of history with the creation of man. Adam and Eve were in the forefront of the creation, but when the moment came they jumped to the wrong place. They did not land in a stream but on poor soil.
What does this stream we are talking about represent? God intended the stream to be the stream of love. Is the quality or composition of love different with history? Are ancient love and modern love two different things'? Americans seem to be changing their standard of love. Instead of love between men and women, they increasingly prefer love between men and men and between women and women. The quality of true love never changes, however.
Like a drop of water, Adam and Eve were supposed to have jumped down into a stream of love and flowed with the stream of the dispensation of God. Where did they actually land'? They landed in a desert and that drop of water just vanished. Ever since, this world and the history of men have been like a barren desert. In a spiritual desert it is impossible to have a feeling of love, and as a result mankind has always been wandering. The fallen generation is like a drop of water which has no secure place to go. The original water evaporated and floated around in the air. Normally evaporated water doesn't easily join together, but when the droplets collide with a tall mountain they have a common ground and they join together. In the same way wandering people have formed cliques or societies. That has been the picture of history.
Religious movements have usually begun in mountainous areas. Wandering peoples are stopped when they reach the mountains and so they settle there. All the founders of the great religions have gone to the mountains in order to find renewed faith. Buddha, for example, gave up everything and went to the mountains. Moses went to the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments.
The Oriental language has a term for "living water." Even the Bible speaks about living water. Normally water from a field or a great lake or river is not called living water. That term is only applied to the sparkling springs found in the mountains, where the cleanest of all water can meet. The evaporated water from the air and also living water from the ground meet in the mountains, creating the purest form of water. It's very logical that the purest form of a spiritual, religious movement would emerge from the mountains.
When we look at the world as a whole, what is the highest point on earth'? When you climb to the top of the highest mountain then you can really feel the genuine quality of air and of water. The tall mountains are always covered by snow, which is frozen water. That water represents purity; its whiteness symbolizes victory and also authority, or rightness and power. When you look at the tall mountain, you are first impressed by its august dignity. You are deeply impressed by the size of the mountain, but at the same time it also projects a power and purity.
Water is the source of life. All living bodies are three-fourths water, and without water no life can be sustained. Life exists where the harmony of water is created. Too much water is not necessarily good, but a lack of water also causes trouble. What maintains a healthy body temperature? Water is the body's cooling and heating system. Water is absolutely essential for life to be sustained.
God Is Seeking Those People Who Can Be Living Water
Religion is really a spiritual mountain in the history of mankind. If you are up in the air floating around then you are like water vapor and will probably hit a mountain. The work of religion is to create a mountain which people will gather around. Would you prefer flat ground or mountainous ground'? I think you white people normally like flat ground. America is probably 80% flat, like Texas and Arizona. Asian geography is primarily mountainous, like the Himalayas. A variety of features in the land makes a better combination of harmony and generates a very special kind of feeling. From that standpoint, Korea is a very special country because it is a very mountainous peninsula. 1 am not saying this because I am Korean, though.
When I travel in America, the landscape is rather monotonous and after five minutes there is not much variety to appreciate. But when I went to Korea and drove from the north to the south for hours I was so excited that there was no way I could close my eyes. That does not mean that you must all come to Korea! Korea is just a small land and there is not enough room for everyone.
Harmony creates a spiritual taste. We are creating a Unification mountain. Is it big or small'? Is the Unification mountain like Mt. Fuji, which has only a smooth, simple form, or is there more variety'? How much variety do we have'? There is such ecstatic variety in the Unification mountain that your mind cannot be empty. Even if you go to the bathroom you still think about the mountain, don't you?
The religious world is really a complicated world, with many ups and downs, many little valleys and big mountains which can catch all the floating vapor. We can collect every drop, every young person. We have many different ways to catch all the vapor. In that case, do we have much rain'?
Is this a sand mountain or rock mountain'? A sand mountain absorbs the water and makes it disappear, but when water hits a hard surface like rock it starts to collect in various places. Which would you like, a sand or rock mountain'? You may like the rock mountain, but it contains an inherent danger. Its surface is so hard that if you make a mistake and fall you will get hurt. When you land on a sand mountain, however, you don't have to worry because it will always yield. Does the rock mountain yield to your wishes? On a rock mountain you have to fasten your seat belt tightly so that no accident can happen.
Mt. Fuji has spring water at its peak, but would you say that the water is pure or polluted? Mt. Fuji is not formed of rock but of volcanic ash. Do rock mountains frequently have more springs, or is it very rare to find water on a rock mountain? If we find spring water on a rock mountain we know it is the real living water.
If you are looking for the living water would you like to scoop the water out of a mountain made of old ashes or from the top of the rock mountain? When good water enters your body, it will serve its purpose 100%. When you drink good spring water and it leaves your body through your skin even the sweat will be pure. With pure water your body functions better and you feel great. Whatever you do, your body is full of vitality and you want to reach out to God and sing out to the world like no one has ever done in history.
Is the Unification Church a small mountain, or a tall mountain'? What kind of vapor are you? Now that you've hit the Unification Church mountain will you evaporate again? Will you gather together, or will you keep the vapor from the West apart from vapor from the East? Everyone should cling together, with the vapor forming drops of water and the drops of water becoming streams. When there is cool air floating around a mountain, it quickly condenses and the rain starts.
Is the rain on the top of the mountain polluted or pure? If a stream starts to gather and cascade down the mountain will it stop abruptly and vanish away, or get bigger and heavier? In order to make it bigger and heavier a spring is needed at the top of that rock mountain. If spring water is gushing out of the top of the mountain, where would it go? Would it dry up and vanish?
What is the highest point here in this country? Your answer is correct. The tallest point here in America, and really the most dangerous point because it is the pinnacle of the mountain, is Belvedere, Barry town and so on. Barry town begins with a "b", but in our case we could call it "Verytown" because it is a very tough place. Everyone else says that it's too tall and high and the danger of falling off is too great. Are you on the top of the mountain? You are climbing, but have not yet reached the top of Belvedere, even though you think you have.
A rock mountain moves in rainy weather. If you are climbing on that mountain and it starts shaking and trembling, what will happen? Probably you will be shaken off, right? Even though that mountain may encounter an earthquake, you will not be shaken off. In order not to fall off you must have some safety belt. This is the right way of thinking.
We are in an actual race, and God is challenging everyone in order to choose one champion for all history. The race is like an obstacle course, and since God wants to pick the greatest of all champions, He has to set up the greatest of all obstacles. He may even send an earthquake to shake the mountain in order to see who shall be a remnant. All kinds of people are participating in this race, with black, white and yellow people all starting out at the starting line. Everyone is eager and confident to reach the pinnacle of the mountain.
Who is going to be a remnant'? Those who have an easy and opulent life, or those who really suffer and are disciplined by hardship? The man and woman of patience, who are really tough, are the kind of people who shall remain.
Imagine that on this pinnacle there is one beautiful evergreen tree. If God is walking on the mountain, as soon as He sees the tree on the pinnacle He will stop and exclaim, "What beauty!" He will stop and appreciate it. That particular mountain might have been beaten by the weather through the years and because of the hard storms and the rain 90% of the branches may be gone, but one big branch remains, hanging down over the cliff. Would it look artistic or not? God will bring a camera and want to keep the image of that tree forever. You would react just the same if you were walking on top of this mountain.
God and I are just the same way, looking for Unification Church members who are beaten and weathered by the years but who remain like that evergreen branch, good-looking and dignified. Walk like God's son and daughter and God will want to take a picture of you. Perhaps there would be a stream of living water flowing from beneath the rocks under that tree. Wouldn't that be ideal? This kind of person is truly a historic man because he is not only evergreen, standing tall like a tower, but at the same time he is a life-giving person who provides water for the world. Suppose that tree had no limitations and could grow to cover the mountain, sending its roots through the rock. Do you want to become that kind of man and woman? How romantic and dramatic it is for the spring water to pour forth, tumbling down from the top of the mountain, looking down on the world. In the history of water, I think a drop from this spring could write the most dramatic chapter of the book. No drop of water can compare the drama of its life with that of this particular water.
The Unification Church is just the same. God is looking for the kind of dramatic man and woman and that kind of dramatic history. I come from Korea and I climbed up through the mountain. People never even realized that I existed. I started out in the darkness way down in the bottom and started coming up, reaching the pinnacle at the top of the mountain. If there is a God, I'm sure that's the route that He would want to take. Digging out even one inch in this rock mountain is extremely difficult, but I was digging-through the entire mountain, from bottom to top.
When you are digging in darkness to reach the top you sometimes find a crack. Water loves the cracks because it can easily travel through them. Of course, the crack may lead to a dead end and then you have to return and start up again. Wouldn't it be ideal for water to find one crack that travels all the way down from the surface? Then the stream of spring water could easily cascade down from that place. That is not ideal. No, a person has to face disappointment after disappointment until he comes to the authentic mainstream at the top. This is when God will be satisfied.
I never wanted to waste time trying to take advantage of the crack; I wanted to bore my own hole. God was always following right behind me, encouraging me to go ahead. Inch after inch and yard after yard I went, until the day came when I reached the top of the mountain and the spring water burst forth and cascaded down the side. So much water poured out that a rainbow shone in the mist on top of the mountain. This gush of water is the first sign anyone had that any digging was going on. No one ever knew until after everything was done. American people are very ingenious in business and commercial ventures, and undoubtedly they would make it a famous tourist attraction and claim it as the discovery of some corporation.
After the arduous task is finished and this hole is dug, the spring at the top of the rock mountain is sure to be the world's most famous attraction. People will want to go there not only to see that fountain but to drink the water. Once they climb up, will they want to go down the mountain or stay there'?
If God exists, He must be thinking of developing this kind of dispensation. That spring will be alpha, the beginning of the dispensation, and after the water flows down and goes out to the world, it comes back to omega, but still unstained and pure. It originated in God and comes back to God. Even fallen men are smart enough to think that this is logical. How much more is God, who is omnipotent and omnipresent, able to arrive at this kind of conclusion? Every person is eager to go to the top of the mountain and drink that water.
In True Love Men and Women Invite Resonance With God
What is then most important to God'? God does not need money, power or knowledge. Why does He need love'? What would He do with it'? Love makes joy and happiness complete because in love there is no reservation. Love creates supreme beauty. Love has eyes to enjoy supreme beauty and a nose to enjoy supreme smell. It has ears to hear the supreme sound and bring 100% fulfillment of joy, not just 99%. When women arrive in their teens, perhaps fourteen years of age, their bodies change. Their bosom and hips develop and they notice how they are changing. Then their eyes and ears and nose and mouth start trying to function vertically. You are looking for something fantastic at that age and you are walking on something other than solid ground. You laugh and smile and talk to the trees and clouds and then cry out for no apparent reason. Even little things like one simple leaf falling to the ground spark your laughter.
What are these changes? You cannot stay in one place but become a wanderer who goes everywhere and looks around. You have experienced this, haven't you? You feel that you could write great poetry and great literature. Your poetic mind and romantic heart are growing and you express your feelings in poetry and literature. You try to catch the meaning of every phenomenon that occurs around you, feeling it trying to tell you something. That is the indication of the green leaves of first love trying to burst. Unfortunately, fallen man's first love is always rooted in fallen love. This has been the destiny of fallen man. Since this root of love is stained, first love is not genuine and pure and you have to go beyond the level of that first love to make a new creation of love. You overcome that satanic first love and create heavenly first love instead.
In the Unification Church young people want to give their first love vertically to God. In the secular world, the first love occurs at the time of physical blossoming and first love is given horizontally, but here in the Unification Church you want to make that first love pure. You want to sanctify it and become a new man and woman.
Love is stronger than material wealth, stronger than knowledge, stronger than power. You are trying to go beyond all of these things and harvest love. In order to make first love pure for God, we have to deny all these things and reach out for something else. Suppose there is a man and woman who love completely and feel that only death can part them. Even with such a love, once these two people realize that some greater love exists and they taste that vertical love, then within a week they can agree with each other that for the consummation of that love they can sacrifice what they have and go on.
Horizontal love alone is dismal, but once it is sparked with vertical love it has the impact of a lightning bolt. Then two people automatically melt into one. Once the two are welded into one with the greater love from heaven then nothing can separate them. Even if you kick them or throw them, nothing can separate the two. When you are totally intoxicated with love your five senses are functioning to the fullest degree, at 100% capacity.
Grab your nose like this and also close your mouth. You can't breathe. Hold your breath as long as you can, and if you can't hold it any longer, then breathe. Then you will really experience resurrection. When you are liberated from death at that moment, you can feel the revival of life. The impact of love should be greater and higher than the experience I just described. Once you are intoxicated in this heavenly love, it completes this horizontal welding, and even though you may suffer until the very point of death, you will feel nothing else except your loving partner.
Are you ready to be welded like that? When you have that kind of loving heart would you see your fiancé's skin color? You might see that your husband's color is black, but you won't have any sense of color and you will be totally welded into one. The power of love will go beyond color.
God breathes love; love is air to God. We breathe air, but God breathes love. When your sense of love is fully developed, God can breathe with you and you can breathe together with God. You have to continue breathing, exhaling and inhaling at the same distance all the time. If your breathing becomes weaker, what will happen to you? You would vanish away and be reduced to nothing. That love will dry up.
Loving is like a game of ping-pong. God hits with love and you send it back to God with the same strength and ecstatic joy, back and forth, and the love gets stronger. It is not God's way to let love get weaker and weaker and finally dry up. Once you reach a certain level, love always stimulates you to a higher level. It just throws you up into a higher explosion of joy. That again is the characteristic of love; it will never weaken.
When a loving husband and wife are first embracing each other they feel that two people are embracing, but in the end they feel as one person. They don't feel a boundary between the two of them. When you reach this point true existence for both of you starts right there.
Why does God like love? Why does He need love? It is because only the power of love can stimulate God's five senses to their fullest extent. There is no other way you can stimulate God and bring Him fullest joy. I have drawn here a man with two layers which work like two tuning forks. When you hit a tuning fork it vibrates with a certain frequency and its vibration will automatically cause the second tuning fork to vibrate in the same way. The sound waves travel and create the same reaction on the second tuning fork.
The two layers of man are his mind and his body; they should work like two tuning forks, vibrating on the same wavelength and creating a vertical wave. Then together the mind and body will make up one tuning fork and God will be another tuning fork. As you become a vertical pair, the same wavelength will travel to God and He will respond to your vibration.
God Will Vibrate On the Same Wavelength You Do
Why are men and women a necessary unit? Because men and women vibrating on the same wavelength create one tuning fork that responds to God's tuning fork. Then the vibration between God and man and woman will produce ecstatic joy. Do you men need women and do you women need men? Why'? Because true love between men and women will invite resonance with God. Men and women need each other in order to feel the joy and the love of God. True religion is trying to teach men and women that a greater vibration of love between God and man exists. Unless we reach out to that goal man's life is only temporal and finite and it is lifeless. True life will only begin when there is a vibration between God and man together. The purpose of religion is to reveal that to man.
Here in the Unification Church you put your absolute trust in me, whether you are a man or a woman. You love me because you are confident that I will connect you to that same vibration with God. The amazing thing about the Unification Church is that even though you used to date, once you come into the Church all that becomes very cheap and you feel instead like giving your total devotion to God. It is so exhilarating and you feel tremendous joy in doing it even though your body is totally busy suffering in day-to-day activities. The amazing thing about life in this Church is that if you decide not to cooperate with me your body may be relaxed from not working so hard, but your mind will ache. You feel uncomfortable and you suffer mentally. But when you go out and do just what I said was best to do, then you start to feel exalted and your spirit is happy even though your body gets tired.
I Have Brought the Vibration Of God's Love To the World
What is this power that's working in the Unification Church? Particularly if I am directly teaching you and guiding you, the volcanic power of the spiritual word comes out on many different levels. But now I am leading you indirectly through the leadership in our Church all over this country and the world. Even though you see the intermediate leaders on MFT and in New York Church, your mind is not dwelling on them but on me. Why is that? In the world of life all living things want to follow the sun, the source of life. In your innermost heart you know the source of life and you want to follow that sun. In the world of life the love of God is that sun and eternal light, so you want to turn wherever the love of God is shining in order to be closer to that sun.
In a way our life is like a workshop and you are in training to turn with the sun, the source of life. Then when you go to the spirit world you are already an expert and you are automatically with God. You are like a drop of water, but I want you to be pure so that not only people here on earth can drink and live, but even God can drink and feel joy. Your mind may be pure, but what about your body? Is it dirty? In many cases your mind is also dirty. When you think about the love of God, your mind should be reactivated and feel the vibration of certain uplifting experiences. Otherwise, your mind is frozen and dead. Why do we need the love of God'? Because that love will make the absolute God completely joyful.
Even if I kicked you and gave you a hard time, should you be a drop of water that changes and becomes contaminated by complaint'? No matter how much heat is applied to genuine gold, it never changes its content but will keep its purity. What about you'? If I put you in a hot oven, do you have a great many things to be burned out? You should be genuine so that your true qualities shall remain forever. If I put you into the fire, what kind of smoke would you create, white smoke or black smoke'? Perhaps you wouldn't give off smoke, but would vaporize and become steam, meaning that your quality would not change, just that you would be up in the air.
I was born on an insignificant mountainside in Korea, and without being noticed by the world I have traveled a long, long distance, coming through valleys and across mountains and rugged terrain to come this far. In the meantime I brought the vibration of the love of God to the world, and now the world is beginning to vibrate and tremble. I am like the stream which started out as a drop of water, then became a stream and finally a great river like the Hudson.
People around the Hudson River not only enjoy its beauty, they will drink the water and conduct commerce on the river. In the same way the Unification Church river is going to supply water for people around the world and everyone will send boats up and down its waterways. Are you tasty water? How pure are you? When this water comes into peoples' bodies they will feel exhilarated. Once you taste Unification Church water and then go out, you may become tired and your body may not want you to do any more, but you will never lack happiness again. Nothing can excite people to the degree that the pure water in the Unification Church can. They cannot be truly happy otherwise.
When I went to Korea this time, I heard of several former members who were at one time very devoted. Their minds were saying, "I want to go back and repent to Father. I want to tell him that my heart remains the same." But those people had no courage to come to me. They cried out, knowing that I was back in Korea but they stayed in their homes grieving instead of coming to me. There are many stories like that.
Are you drinking and growing up in that pure water? Here in America Moonies are infiltrating every facet of American life and now people cannot overlook us any more. Even cartoonists cannot ignore us; whenever they include Moonies, they make the most tasty cartoons. Initially people thought that Moonies were very bitter or that they had no taste, but once they tasted us a little bit they found that we have an intoxicating quality. That's their dilemma! Americans thought they could ship the Moonies out and dismiss the Unification Church, but now they find they can't do that because they know how tasty we are. No military or political power can kick the Moonies out of America because we are already so deeply involved in the way of life of the American people.
We are probably the most hard-working people under the sun but we look prosperous. When I went back to Korea and Japan people asked, "What is the secret tonic that you drink? You Moonies never get old." Even the people who worked hard through three seven-year courses still look young and prosperous. In secular life people might have a job or a little business for themselves but all kinds of problems beset them. They have one worry after another and there is no happy day. Corporation chiefs and political people are tense and worried in day-to-day life. The Unification Church has one solid foundation upon which we stand that gives us solid peace.
Pure water is blue. In the summer time all the land is covered by plants and trees and their leaves are green because they take pure water from the rivers and rain. Blue water makes the countryside green. Are you blue and young all the time'? Blue eyes are very charming and I am always attracted by the blue eyes of Westerners.
We have thoroughly implanted ourselves in American society and everywhere we go we become the talk of the town. People in all facets of society are awakened and stimulated by Moonies, in all kinds of ways. You are the princes and princesses of the Kingdom of God, so when you show up they have to pay attention. media have created a bad image of Moonies because their initial impression of Moonies was not good. Nevertheless, there is interest and controversy there, so they have to come and try to find out one way or another. Subconsciously they react and want to find out what Moonies are, and once they have sampled us a little bit they start to change their opinions. We are different, not because we have horns, but because we impart a different taste.
Like liquid we can flow anywhere in any direction. There is no obstacle we can't go around. People set a certain direction in their lives and only move to the east, for example. That's the only way of life they know. But we have no set form of life, no set direction. Therefore, the more someone studies Moonies the more amazed he becomes because he can't measure their depth.
For example, you work on the MFT from 5 a.m. to midnight. You come back hungry and tired, your face tanned from the sun during the day and your voice hoarse. When your parents see this they say, "This is the time to take him from the Moonies. 'My son, you don't have to work this hard. I'll give you good meals and a comfortable bedroom. You don't have to do MFT work. Come with me.' " Then that tired Moonie replies, "No, Dad, no Mom, go your way. I'll go my way.
Naturally many American parents are puzzled and they can't figure you out. They only see that you are a normal son with two eyes, but actually when you become a Moonie you have a dozen sets of eyes that see in all directions. You are not in darkness and you know what you're doing. No one can reject pure water. You are pure water and pure water is needed everywhere. Wherever you go you are going to be part of that organization and system.
You can tell people, "If you want to know about the Moonies, come with me and live with us for three days. You will learn a lot." Let them taste the water and taste the Divine Principle. What is the power that makes you so strong and what makes you so sure that God's kingdom on earth can be a reality? Let them learn about this. Divine Principle enters your body and cleanses it of all kinds of ingredients that clog you up. We call it Moon-wash.
God is working hardest of all in the Unification Church because He is pumping the water, and the more people who come the more God must pump all the necessary water for them to drink. God has been working very hard and there are so many Moonies now that the supply is not nearly enough, so God is thinking about automation now. That era of automatic pumping where all God has to do is push a button will come. When God's automatic system is complete then the entire earth will be filled with pure water. The spiritual pollution of the earth will be wiped out and the world will be fragrant and pure and fresh. Wherever you will go you will breathe that air and drink that water and then the world will be elevated into the better way of life.
So far American reaction to Moonies has been very negative, but soon they will say, "We need them. They are good." What is the most popular thing Americans like to eat and drink? This generation has grown up on McDonald's hamburgers, but soon we'll offer them a Moon-burger. The time will come when the Moon-burger will give competition to McDonald's and it will be so popular that people will have a Moon breakfast, then a Moon-burger in one pocket for lunch and a Moon-burger in the other pocket for dinner.
Where else can American young people go? They have no incentive in life because they have everything they need and they are tired of it all. Where will they go? They want to be more intoxicated by life so they are searching for something.
They don't see any reason to study hard in school, so they try to intoxicate themselves with carnal experiences. They do all sorts of strange things like streaking, but it gets tiresome and doesn't give them too much fun after all.
This American generation is looking for intoxication in drugs and sex, but you know these things are temporal. These could never give anyone lasting joy. The only item that gives you permanent intoxication is the quality of love that intoxicates God and then together you can be intoxicated with God. We have something to offer. We are a new type of hippie and yippie movement on an entirely different level. You are the happiest ones. The problem with the hippies and yippies was that they couldn't find anything permanent; therefore, all American young people have got to end up knocking on Unification Church doors because we can offer the permanent intoxication of the love of God. Even if some government power confines the Moonies to the Nevada desert so that we cannot witness to anyone, eventually the young people of the world would swarm into Nevada to find you right there in the desert.
No matter what the American government may do to me or to our Church, I want you to know very clearly that the showdown has occurred and it was a victorious one. We have won the game already. Each of you must feel this. Think about your life in the days before you knew about the Unification Church and then think about yourselves today. You find a marked difference in your own heart. Before you were in darkness but now you have a vision and goal and clear-cut direction. Do you think someone can bring you back down to the dark days of your life before the Unification Church? The showdown is finished; the victory has been won and declared. We have won the war, no matter what the nation may say, or what the people and the world will say.
We are no longer a drop of water or a stream. We have become a river. What kind of river are we comparable to? The Hudson, Mississippi or the Amazon? What other big river can you think of? Yes, you're right, Moon River. It flows from one continent to another, and the amazing thing is that the Moon River even travels through the ocean and still remains a river. It can encircle the entire earth because it is based on the greatest and most permanent of all power: the love of God. It is a river of God's love.
No man can revolutionize love. From the beginning of human history up to now no one could change love. No one will do that in the future. We are based on the permanency of the love of God and that power becomes our power. All kinds of strange cultures are springing up in America now like the gay rights movement. They are trying to enact a law so that a man can marry a man and a woman can marry a woman. They are trying to destroy the cornerstone of God's kingdom and the Principle of Creation. However, they can never succeed. We have laid God's foundation, the base upon which none of these abnormal cultures can survive.
In the Unification Church we have the most healthy family life; we live the healthiest of all moral lives, and we have the best of all ideologies. We do have the superior system to any conventional way of life and naturally it will survive and prosper and will eventually influence the entire world. That is the destiny of history.
Nine Stages Of Restoration
Our ideology is clear and obvious. Will today's world become a united world centered upon selfishness? That's the ideology you once had, isn't it'? If God is united completely with you then will the world be united centered upon you? God didn't want to have the world cling to Him and to His ideal; God wanted to have men cling to each other and then God would come and dwell in that unity. What I am actually doing is teaching you this very principle, so that you can become God's men, God's representatives. In other words, God wants you to be a walking God.
You need God so that you can become a central person of the universe. Don't you want to be number-one in any field? Who gave you that kind of ambition? God gave that ambition to man from the very beginning. In order for an individual to be installed as the central person, two ingredients are needed-God and the True Parents. God's power and True Parents' power will enliven you and start you turning and then the three components can become one. Then you will become sons and daughters of God and sons and daughters of the True Parents. Then you will have become the total, perfected object of the love of God.
Once you become that perfected, central individual, God will plant you in this world. That one center has two components, man and woman, who together become one solid center of plus and minus, resounding together on the same wavelength with God and the universe. As an individual you are not good enough; being alone cannot fulfill the ultimate purpose of God. Everyone needs a family surrounding him with whom he can unite and join as one, turning and turning in give and take. When that heavenly family is manufactured then God gives that family to the world and the world can be restored to that level. On the next level, the tribe will have give and take with God and True Parents and become the living tribe of God. Then God will plant that tribe into the world. After the nation is restored the entire world can be restored and then we will no longer need a restoration factory.
Everyone in the world will follow that pattern, starting out from the individual, family, tribe, nation and world. I have laid the foundation and it shall become your foundation. God and True Parents created the base, which is like a superhighway to heaven which is to be enjoyed by each one of you and everyone in the world. They can follow that pattern and travel easily toward the ultimate goal.
The give and take action between subject and object in a reciprocal relationship forms one individual. The beginning point is unity of the mind and body together as a plus. Then man and woman united together become one set and form a family. Families united together in that same process become a tribe, then a nation, then the world.
The unity of mind and body is on the formation level, whereas the family is on the growth level, and families together form a tribe or the perfection level for the individual. Each individual is responsible for perfection up to the tribal level; each one of you is responsible to create at least your own tribe. To enjoy life here on earth you need to establish at least the tribal level.
There are three levels vertically and also three levels horizontally. Vertically speaking you have yourself, your father, grandfather and great grandfather, or at least four generations. Horizontally, there are brothers, cousins, second cousins and distant cousins. That's the makeup of the tribe. You must try to restore this system symbolically; that is the ideal Home Church involving your own great, great grandfather is not essential, but you can find people in that symbolic position.
Once you have restored this tribe, all human beings can be related, no matter how far back your ancestral tree goes, even up to the hundredth great grandfather. All of us are virtually distant cousins. As long as you have this base in your tribe, that represents all mankind. From the dispensation point of view there is Adam's age, Jesus' age, and True Parents' age. Home church stems from this concept. When this principle is welcomed by the world then the world and society will start to turn.
The central religions fulfill the vertical things, or the Old Testament era, New Testament era and Completed Testament era, while horizontally speaking relatives are the central tribe. Therefore, the central religion and the central tribe together are a microcosm of human history. The spirit world also contains a continuation of the central history, in which one small center becomes wider and wider.
Let's compare the reality on earth and in spirit world. In order for spirits to descend to work with men on earth, certain conditions must be ready. Only specific spirits can come down and make a connection with the physical world. Also, the spirit world has many, many compartments and denominations, for example, the Jewish faith, which in turn are divided into many different compartments. The central line along which spirits may descend does not always travel in a straight line; sometimes it travels sideways, coming down one way, backing up another way, going out yet another way.
This makes the descension of the spirit men to this earth more complicated and difficult. They cannot just come down automatically. When this generation eventually goes to the spirit world, they too will want to come down to the next level of reality and again they will have to go through the same complications. Of course, while the reality on earth gets bigger, the population of spirit world gets larger. As spirit world gets more crowded it becomes more complicated, just as an expanding society here on earth involves more people, more complications and more administration.
Now the dispensation has expanded to the world level and spirit world is that much larger. The entire spirit world corresponds to the reality of the world here on earth. When it is this wide you can imagine one person has a great deal of searching to do to find the central line. When that time in the dispensation comes, the important thing in the spirit world is that they break down all the old barriers. When the time comes it is most important that the central religion be made obvious to everyone and that in the meantime, no matter how wide the world may be, that man can travel without any obstacles to immediately find the central line. That's the kind of dispensation that is needed in the spirit wood.
Who is going to break down the barriers in the spirit world? They won't be broken down up there, but only when we do certain things here on earth. The key is on earth, not in the spirit world. The Unification Church is doing this job here on earth, breaking down the barriers between the different compartments of denominations, tribe and race. We do certain things in the dispensation to make this schedule work, and to explain the meaning of Home Church. When we unite the central religion vertically and unite the tribe horizontally, this unit together will cover the entire earth. Certain indemnity is paid for the sake of the world, in the world microcosm which is Home Church. God will recognize what you do in your Home Church system and give it value for the sake of the entire world. Therefore, what you do in the small Home Church system will have universal value.
There are three phases: mind and body form the first stage; men and women are the second stage as they form the home, and then families become a tribe and expand into a nation; then thirdly the nation expands into the world. You don't have a precise term in English for this, but I am including one more level between that of tribe and nation.
Always you go through three stages to reach perfection, and this whole concept is implanted in the Home Church system. When you consider your family as a foundation, then Home Church will make a clan, then a tribe will be formed on the foundation of the clan, and then a nation. The clan is formation, the tribe is growth, and the nation is perfection stage.
Home Church members have to restore all nations; Home Church is the device for doing that. In the next phase the nation is on the formation level, next the world on the growth [ever, and the universe or cosmos, including the spirit world, is on the perfection level. There are always three stages.
The Divine Principle always includes three stages of three stages, which make nine stages, plus one, which is God, and this makes ten, a complete union. Union with God is number ten. The True Parents, installed in the center, pioneered each stage of the family, clan, tribe, nation and world. They pioneered all the way to the world level and then returned back to the center to be truly installed. This is why Mother and I traveled out from Korea, going out to the world and coming back to Korea and going out again, and coming back to Korea again.
On November 2, 1978 in Korea I held a special ceremony for the events to take place in spirit world and here on earth which completely break down the barriers between religions and between clans and tribes. Since this ceremony, spirit world no longer recognizes the barriers and boundaries between religions and between different surnames like Jones or Smith. Now there is no longer a distinction; it is all one family. These barriers are broken down so that each individual can go freely throughout the entire world without any restrictions. Now it's up to you. You are going to be the one who mobilizes spirit world. You can now command the spirit world to come down here and help the earthly dispensation.
Let Your Inner Man Guide You
Here on earth we are in Adam's world while spirit world is like the archangel world. The angels are to be servants and they must obey Adam and listen to what Adam says. I want you to know that your thousands of ancestors in spirit world are in the angelic position and you are in Adam's position, so they are supposed to listen to you. It's amazing, but they regard you as the ancestor their family, not themselves. You are the forefather of your clan. Because you are restoring your ancestors, you are going to be the founding father of the ancestral tree. Now all the former ancestral trees will be reorganized because in spirit world there is no age; whether someone passed away thousands of years ago doesn't mean he is older than you are.
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