The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 1983 |
During his recent trip to Korea, Father invited the European and Japanese leaders to his homeland for a conference. He took them and the major Korean leaders on a sightseeing tour of Korea, pausing occasionally to talk at length. This speech was given at the New Sorak Hotel, at Mount Sorak, a major scenic attraction in the north-east part of the country.
The concept of whole indemnity concerns the entire religious world, all mankind, and the spirit world as well. God's ideal is very simple. It is a world where everything is completed, where every kind of ideal is expressed, and where God, Adam, Eve and the angelic world become united.
True Parents inherited God's ideal. Beginning with this point, the ideal can evolve completely and spread out horizontally, embracing the universe. What is the center of it all? God's love.
God needs love. So do we. The angelic world is connected to the rest of the universe centered on love. If God's love had been the center of all, the starting point and direction of history would have been ideal. The end of history would have been a world of unity, in which God, all people, and the angelic world would live in oneness. If we perfect ourselves centered on God's love, we will be able to relate to everything. This is what an ideal world means. As one point evolves to the whole, we can perceive the whole.
People don't become perfect by knowledge or power, but by love. This love is not that of the fallen world, but the original world. Everything is completed by this love. Our five physical senses are supposed to be perfected -- ears, nose, mouth, hands, and eyes are perfected centered on love. When these five perfected sense can perceive the world, you feel one with everything in the world, and you can't help being intoxicated with love.
An ideal world is where you can feel like this. True love, heavenly love, is what has the power to expand things from the smallest degree to the greatest magnitude. Therefore, if you see things with love, they appear the same, regardless of how big they are; a small object is something whose value is condensed, and a big object has enlarged value. It was God's ideal to create such a world of love.
How can God, centered on love, control everything every moment, day and night, beyond time and space? Because He has love, which is absolutely essential for being able to hold dominion over the creation. From this, we can understand that nothing has value without love.
As a result of the fall, two masters emerged, two plus positions for one minus position. That is why the power of love is divided into external and internal. Satan's world is formed with the external power of love, and God's with internal power of love. Satan became the external subject of man, and God the internal subject; these two subjects conflict, as the physical mind and conscience of fallen people struggle for dominance. Sometimes people follow the internal direction, other times the external direction.
Society suffers from conflicting standards. Then where will God's ideal world come from? We should reorganize this world and seek the original direction for the world. But it is not easy. Reorganization means denying Adam and Eve themselves. God cannot help but point fallen people first in the direction of self-denial.
Then how must denial take place? Denial must begin with external things -- country, tribe, clan, family, conjugal relationship. Then we seek the denial of our body and conscience. In order to seek God's hope and a point of self-assertion or self-affirmation oil this earth, we must start with a new standard of total denial.
So the Unification Church talks about restoration through indemnity and why it is necessary. Church members talk about individual, conjugal, family, clan, tribal and national indemnity, but none of them know clearly what they mean. God cannot mark a new starting point unless He can establish conditions to get rid of Satan. Thus, after denying ourselves, we must deny the fallen god, Satan. After Satan-denying conditions are set, then God Himself can stand as the subject of love in His creation.
Unless those of us who seek the ideal world overcome the obstacle of dual subjects, we cannot open the way to meet God freely on the perfection stage, beyond the level which victorious spirit people achieved on the formation and growth stages. A condition of absolute denial will result in a condition of restoration through indemnity somewhere else.
Even though you generally deny yourself, once you bring up your own viewpoint, it will be immediately claimed by Satan. Whoever resists God's subjectivity, claiming his own, immediately becomes a Satan. It is absolutely impossible for him to be connected to the ideal world of God. Satan's ideal is still incomplete; what is incomplete belongs to Satan and what is complete to God. But it is not so easy to make something complete when you propose your own opinion.
Such concepts are difficult to find in Western ideologies, which are based on freedom. In a marriage, for instance, if the husband claims his freedom and the wife hers, both will despair of extreme isolation and in the end lose everything they had originally desired. That is the reality of the free world and America today.
You are more likely to find the perfect standard God has been seeking in oriental rather than western thought. We must establish a tradition of absolute obedience to parents and older brothers and sisters, expanding the tradition to the clan, tribal and national levels.
A religious person should deny himself to the highest degree; but he usually cannot do it by himself. After a time, people tend to quit denying themselves. So God creates circumstances in which religious people are denied and persecuted so they can reach higher levels, even a worldwide level.
Satan always attacks religious people. One would think he would prefer that we stay on an individual level, but his persistent attacks actually challenge us to advance to always greater levels. To win the victory over Satan qualifies us to stand as an object to the original and absolute subject, God.
This is why religions have developed through extreme persecution. For the same reason, it is not right for people who want to perfect themselves through religion to go to the mountains to pray, at the neglect of this world. Instead, if you stand in the midst of the world which opposes God and receive all kinds of persecution, nothing will be able to defeat you.
You may have been successful on the individual level, but if you cannot go over the persecution on the family level, you will be defeated and God will choose another to replace you. Satan will crush you and there is nothing God can do for you.
God first makes one prototype for the fallen world, so others can follow it, just as many copies are mass-produced from one prototype. God makes one prototype for the individual level, another for the family, and so forth.
Religious circles teach about the second coming of the Lord. The messiah is the one God loves most. We should know what position will be loved most by God, as well as how and in what position we should love the messiah that God sends to us. The Bible calls Jesus the only begotten son of God. That means he receives the entire love of God from the beginning to the end. When God stands as the absolute subject, the messiah stands in His realm, in a Father-son relationship.
The only child loved by God must gain his counterpart. It was the mission of the Old and New Testament ages to prepare the circumstances for people to live for the messiah and be connected to him as the subject of love. Also, both ages had the mission of preparing a spouse for the messiah here on earth. Today's Christians and Jews would then have been able to obey the messiah completely.
God wants these religions to change their attitude 180 degrees. God will eventually judge a religion which teaches its believers' own success on earth, at the neglect of the messiah and the victory of God's providence. Christians in the last days long for the coming of the messiah, saying, "Oh, the messiah! Oh, our Lord!" But if we analyze the content of their desires, they are seeking their own salvation, neglecting the victory of others.
Those who seek their own wishes and desires look at things with individualistic eyeglasses, but the messiah uses universal eyeglasses. Therefore, individual-minded people cannot measure him, for he is too big. They may listen to his words, but without understanding the content. So when the messiah confronts society, he is persecuted rather than welcomed. This is the conclusion we can draw from history.
In World War II, the worldwide Christian cultural sphere won the greatest victory, centering on the United States. In human history, the time immediately following World War II was the only period when the world yielded to the religious circle. Most countries, with the exception of Russia, were influenced by the United States. What would have happened if people had accepted the messiah on the worldwide level at that time?
I am taking the initiative in the course of indemnity and the providence of God, teaching people the way of sacrifice and leading them to God, urging them to live for God and the whole world. Throughout this time I have been thinking of the completion of individual indemnity. Perfection is related to the idea of completion of indemnity. People in the fallen world desire the perfection of their personality, but that is impossible unless you complete your indemnity. Completion of indemnity is also completion of restoration, because restoration is carried out through indemnity.
If I cannot establish a perfected world the first time, I will keep trying three more times. If we cannot fulfill our mission in seven years, it will become a 21-year course. The 21 years will be divided into nine levels, so we don't have to lose what we previously gained if we fail on one level; however, if we try to go through the entire course at one time without dividing it up, we lose everything if we fail at one step. By going step by step, we are in no danger of losing what we have gained. At the end all of the levels become one. Since that is our strategy, you can realize that the providence of God is making progress, even though it may appear to be unorganized.
There are many people who want to be leaders in our movement centered on their own desires. They may say they are acting for Japan or God but, in fact, it may be only for themselves. I started everything, but they take it as their own, forgetting about God. They get money from somewhere and use it for themselves, which is theft. They will be destroyed from within.
Indemnity is for perfection -- perfection from the individual level to the cosmic level. Cosmic perfection is for the liberation of God.
European members: Do you know about the point of indemnity? This is so important for the restoration course. I called you here because I wanted to teach you this point. If you don't heed this point, you cannot restore the whole cosmos and also your country will suffer. Do you understand?
Since I understand indemnity, it has been my course to pioneer the way of restoration through indemnity, devoting myself one hundred percent, forgetting the changes of the seasons, oblivious to snow and wind. Therefore, if I were to characterize my life in one word, I would call it a life of misery.
The theory I am teaching was not learned just yesterday. I am guiding you now based on the foundation I established many years ago. I cannot teach you anything before I have accomplished it. If I did, you would be taken away into the satanic world.
You Japanese members have been following me all the way until now, some of you for 20 or 25 years. I have been climbing the indemnity mountain range, pulling Japan and the world with rope as I strive to go over this peak, a peak never before climbed in human history. In great pain I have been ascending step by step, crushing sins into the rocks. However, when you were supposed to loosen the rope to enable me to climb more easily, did you keep pulling tightly, instead? You grumble and complain centered on yourselves, saying that it is because I am Korean, and so on, that I do things certain ways.
The original and traditional way of God is for you to return home and think about your family or your country after you complete the restoration of the world. But if you think about your family or country first, centered on yourself, you disturb everything.
Though I have been taking the initiative in pioneering the world, setting up the standard of restoration, what kind of standard have you established when you come to me? On the national level, if Japan is in the position of Eve nation toward the Adam nation, you should resolve not to give me any moment of doubt, worry or pain.
God's will must be done in the future, even if it cannot be done right now. I can guarantee this logically. When you think about this, which would you prefer: to prolong the restoration providence and fulfill it later, or to fulfill it in this generation together with me? You cannot exchange the value of other people who believe in religion with the value of your rebirth. You must be grateful for the blessing of being able to do God's will and the opportunity to be educated directly by me.
Since then I knew that, I appointed missionaries to every corner of the world in 1975. If I had sent out only one missionary to each country, nobody would have become interested. Those who meet a Japanese missionary become interested in just the orient; if the missionary is American, they are interested in the west. Therefore I sent one oriental, one German representing Europe and one American representing North and South America.
If I left you alone, you would fight each other. The Japanese claim that they should be blessed first and that they are Abel. From the cultural viewpoint the Americans assert that they are number one, because they are the leading democracy. The Germans would say, "No kidding! Germanic people are very smart, well-organized, analytical and logical." If you become one with each other, God will help you and you will prosper.
The final barrier is the court case. On March 23, the oral arguments for the appeal were presented to the three judges. Already some positive direction was decided, with good victorious fortune. I want to link this fortune with Korea. Also, I brought the main leaders from Europe and Japan here to tour Korea and listen to me.
I am finishing my responsibility as a parent to my children. Whether or not you follow this way is up to you. I have mobilized you for a new start.
You know we have to unite everybody on the racial and religious levels and between east and west; we begin by uniting members from the key nations. According to the principle of restoration through indemnity, we need a central figure, a conditional object, and a time period. The time period is the 40 years ending 1985, and the conditional objects to respond are the Eve nation (Japan), the Cain nation (Germany), and the Abel nation (United States), representing the world.
As a mother, Japan has to take care of the children, educating them, comforting them. God blessed Japan for 30 to 40 years on the worldwide level for such a reason. This blessing was not given to you for your own sake, but for the sake of the world.
We are now in the final period. I have made a strong enough foundation in America, one that cannot be destroyed.
We have always made sacrifices for the enemy which opposes us, because through that sacrifice, we can make a condition to enable God to work with us.
So far, we have sacrificed what God loves. Yet, the time has come when we need to offer the things which the enemy, Satan, loves most, because the kingdom of heaven has to start from the bosom of Satan. In order to be sacrificed, however, they must be sanctified and purified, according to the principle of restoration through indemnity. In this sense, we have to be attacked by Satan, all the time maintaining a loving heart. In this way, we can let them pay enough indemnity until God can take the offering. If we can do this successfully, God can accept their offering. This is the natural way to subjugate Satan.
Then the mission of religions will be ended. In the era of religion, offerings have to be made through a central figure or a central group. The purpose of religions is to separate fallen people from Satan, so if we pass through that period of separation, we no longer need religion, and people can make an offering to God on the horizontal level.
If we do the right thing but Satan attacks us, then Satan has to pay indemnity. This is how we can restore everything. Furthermore, we should not reluctantly allow ourselves to be hit, but welcome the attacks willingly. This is the time for harvesting the fruits of good and evil. Satan's harvest is separation, deadlock, disruption, confusion and individualism. Evil fruits have to be harvested and taken to the "evil storage barn," and good fruits to the "good storage barn." Satan's world is breaking down and becoming more individualistic, and God's world is building up from the individual level to the family, clan, national, worldwide levels, towards true unity.
For instance, it is a miracle for Japanese to marry Koreans or black people. Even in my dreams, I never imagined marriage between Japanese and Koreans or Japanese and blacks. Now they can accept this naturally, without being afraid, in the name of God. This means everything is coming into unity. People who historically hated each other become one through the messiah. But in order for that to happen, indemnity has to be paid. So far, I have been paying indemnity from the individual level to the worldwide level, on behalf of all people; if each of you can help pay that indemnity, you will be the real subject and mainstream, not only in the Unification Church but also in the world.
We still have three years left of the wilderness era. As you know, before the Israelites headed for Canaan, they fulfilled a three-day preparation period, the "providence for the start." Likewise, here in Korea, we are making a providence for the start, equivalent to those three days before the Exodus. Do you want to be like the Israelites who fell prey to Satan in the wilderness? If not, you really have to make up your mind to penetrate during these coming three years. Your spirit should not be defeated. These three years are a period of discipline. You should be able to love the fatherland, God's one nation. With that patriotic passion, you should be able to overcome any difficulty or obstacle. The Israelites had to defeat the seven Canaanite tribes; you have to be real heavenly soldiers, wearing Heavenly Father's heart as your armor. The heavenly nation is a nation liberated from racial prejudice, transcending nationalism, and the differences between eastern and western cultures.
You are the third Israel, going through a difficult course. Though you have your nation, it is not really your nation. Though you have your family, it is not really your family. The only thing we have to do is listen to God's voice and follow it. With absolute obedience to God, let us offer our lives to God.
In this three-year period, do your best. Do not hesitate. Even though you may become worn out, the heart of loving God's will should never perish. Never be a loser; be a winner.
After finishing all indemnity conditions from the individual to the worldwide levels, I Want to let you inherit the victory. That is why I gave you home church work. In other words, home church is a compact condition for restoring the world, and the victory of home church means the restoration of Canaan, which is the restoration of this planet earth. Even in communist countries, there are members secretly doing home church.
Without the fall, people would have been qualified to have dominion over the universe. The victory of home church is the condition to regain this qualification. Thus, God, parents, and all things are included in home church. Unless you complete and win in the mission of home church, how can you go to the kingdom of heaven? The victory of home church is the real meaning of the liberation of God. Home church is the way of connecting all vertical historical indemnity to this earth.
Yet there are so many brothers and sisters who have never once visited home church. Unless you restore the Cain clan (home church) you cannot restore your Abel clan (your relatives).
People have wondered why God did not annihilate Satan, if he is so evil. Why did God allow evil to prosper, if He is righteous? Is God not enough?
The reason is that God needs to uphold the standard of the eternal ideal. Satan asked God, "Do you want me to be the archangel You loved temporally [for a limited time] or eternally?"
This is a difficult question for God, because if He replies, "temporally," then He is a temporal God. So God must set the standard that He loves eternally, even in front of Satan, no matter how vicious or nasty Satan is to Him.
Eventually, Satan will confess, "Even though I became a fallen angel and an evil being, Your standard of goodness never changed." He will be unable to help admiring God. Finally, Satan will say, "You are the God of Gods, I must surrender." Unless Satan confesses to God and admits that He is God, God cannot use His almighty power.
So the messiah is the one who can subjugate Satan by love. In order for you to become children of God, you have to inherit the messiah's victory and also set up the standard of loving Satan. No matter how difficult the persecution you may go through, unless you set up the condition in which you really love, you cannot be the victor as a child of God.
This content is simple, but its practice, of course, is very difficult.
I was persecuted very much by the Japanese, yet I loved Japan. Because of this, Japanese people come to me as fruits of this sacrifice and indemnity. The Japanese family is sending many members to the United States, which used to be an enemy nation of Japan. Japanese members need to work three times as much as Americans, three times as hard as before.
America is so important for the world. That is why I especially called blessed members from all over Europe to work for the salvation of America. I want to restore America, even if it means leaving no members in Japan. I left Korea alone for ten years, as I focused on restoring America.
If I can set up this standard of loving America the most, this is a good condition of indemnity, to show how much God loves America. Eventually, the fruits of this indemnity will come.
This is truly the final battle. Therefore I gathered leaders representing Korea, Japan, America and Europe. The providence for the start should begin with the word of God.
Therefore, I gave you this significant message about the entire dispensation, or "whole indemnity." The purpose of whole indemnity is to complete the entire restoration. If we can restore four nations -- Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel -- at the same time, this is the restoration of the world. Korea is a nation of spirit and thought, Japan a nation of beauty, America a nation of resources and power, and Germany a nation of technology.
You have to open your mouth and spread the word of God, from north to south, from east to west. Think about setting up a broadcasting system and how to utilize it effectively in Japan. You have to make an effort to spread my message for three years. Otherwise, spirit world will accuse the responsible leaders. If you can do it, you can mobilize your ancestors from 70 or even 120 generations and liberate all of them. I am planning to broadcast my message, centering on America, to the world by means of satellite television. Then even people who live in the countryside can hear me speak.
You are the fruits of history. If Eve had considered herself the representative of history, she would not have failed. However, Eve thought the temptation was her problem, never realizing it would be transmitted to successive generations. Before Adam and Eve's appearance on earth, all the environment was prepared for them. Likewise, when the third Adam emerged, the environment should have been prepared. Instead, everyone was eating, dancing, and enjoying themselves, as in the time of Noah.
Now is the time to mobilize yourselves -- even your wife and children -- for the cause. This is the greatest condition to silence Satan's accusation. If you can get permission and a document of approval signed by Satan, then you can return to your home and love your own children, family, relatives, race, nation and world. Without loving my own family, I loved my enemy. By getting Satan's approval, now I can love my children. This exactly follows the Principle of Restoration.
I abandoned my children; I didn't love them or even educate them. You 36 couples are supposed to educate my children, but in reality, such a foundation was not laid. You cannot love your children and your people until you love my family and my children. If my children give you permission, then you can love your own children.
Because the 36 couples have not reached this standard, my son Hyo Jin Nim became as he is. The messiah's family has had to pay indemnity. Yet, I could not hit or scold or punish my son, for if I did, I would have to punish the 36 couples and cut them off. The only thing I can do is embrace the situation with love, leave him alone, and wait until the time is right.
Eventually, heavenly law will be the constitution of the secular world. This age is coming. Before I left America, I asked a famous legal scholar to prepare a universal constitution.