The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 1987 |
The deepest tragedy for humanity is that we have been victims of the fall and we don't realize it. Furthermore, all the things of creation have suffered grievously because they have been forced to serve Satan instead of God. Who brought all this grief to the world? Man and woman -- pulled together by the power of immature, misdirected love.
God created men and women for the simple purpose of the consummation of true love. Can you think of any other purpose for the creation of men and women? If you deny that purpose, then you are actually denying your own being. Men's love is to come from women and women's love from men, centered around the vertical love from God.
Man and woman pull each other with such an intense power that they become completely joined and form a global entity. The action of love is manifested in many different ways, but it is always pulling everyone toward the center into one round global shape -- the ultimate form of love. But if that globe could roll anywhere freely, it would be disastrous because it could bump into other things all the time. Therefore, the horizontal love of men and women needs an axis of vertical love from God to control it.
The ultimate plus power, the love of God, and the ultimate minus power, the love of human beings, are continually being pulled together by the magnetic strength of the axis. Once that unity is formed, it becomes the source of universal power, universal embrace, universal dominion -- and true joy, because there the universe is united with you. When God shouts out joyfully in His universally powerful voice, men and women shout out the same thing in their smaller voices. This is universal harmony -- men and women and God moving together in the one expression of love. The earth, the solar system, even the tiny atoms are all turning on their axes, always centered upon the axis of love from God.
You have two ears with which to hear a sound and transmit information about that sound to the brain. The one sound is separated into two through the ears and then comes together again as one, creating the square shape of the four position foundation. Furthermore, the air you breathe comes in through your two nostrils, which join into one point at the top of your nose. All this illustrates the universal formula of dual systems uniting into one.
Why should men and women wait to achieve their unity in love? We must first grow into maturity, connecting to and through God, before we unite. Love was supposed to be consummated at the connecting point of the horizontal and vertical lines of love. Human beings have to grow to meet God at that center point. Therefore, a period of growth is essential in order to reach the necessary maturity. Maturity means that the focus of one's eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands, and body, as well as spirit, is the same -- the location of true love, not just another person.
The entire body of a teenager, for example, is pulled toward the direction of his or her beloved, even if he/she says, "No, I don't want to go in that direction." If they lose even this immature love, people may kill themselves, because the power of love is stronger than the power of life. But once you reach that unified focus of true love, all the universal elements are protected from destruction or restriction. The clash of love creates an explosion which pushes everything out, and the vacuum created pulls everybody together, united into one, to live happily forever. No power can separate you. When you shout out because of the power of that love, God isn't passive -- His response comes immediately and automatically.
Once you reach this point of absolute oneness, you find that the woman's mind is in the heart of the man, the man's mind is in the heart of the woman, and both are in the heart of God. You are always trying to get deeper and deeper into the heart of God, closer and closer together.
The fall occurred through the misuse of love. Love was supposed to be consummated at one particular point -- the juncture of the horizontal and vertical lines. This is the only love I am speaking about. Therefore, a lifestyle that does not include the unity of a male with a female goes against a universal principle. Love cannot be consummated by just one individual, nor can you create your own type of love.
No matter how proud you may be of yourself, you must realize that you are only half-formed. You have to find another half and come together, through the power of love, to become one perfected whole, one couple.
Everybody has a love antenna. You don't have to be taught to seek love. Your antenna is guiding you in that direction, like a homing device. Even if you asked an old grandmother, laying on her deathbed, "Where do you want to die?" she would answer, "I want to die in the arms of my beloved, my husband" That is the universal sentiment -- to live and die within the environment of love, surrounded by your loved ones.
What is God's most painful problem? Why has He been so grieved and sad? It is because even God with all His power cannot create or fulfill love all by Himself. Suppose I decided, "I don't need Mother or the children. I'll just fall in love with myself!" Could I consummate love that way? Some people say, "God is almighty. He doesn't need love!" Is that right or wrong? Love isn't something you can achieve all by yourself. The stimulation of love only comes from someone else.
to Father's August 20 speech are (left to right): Theresa Evola,
Larry Evola (who took care of Father in Danbury), and Jun Sook Nim.
God already possesses all the power, wealth, and knowledge in the universe, so He doesn't need another almighty, omniscient being as His object. Strong needs something weak; hard needs something soft. That creates balance. So God is not expecting you to become almighty; He knows you are a finite, limited being. If two infinite, almighty beings tried to push together into love, then love would run away from them. The way love prospers is when one is almighty and the other is weak and finite; one is hard, the other is soft.
If a soft, feminine woman has nothing to touch but another woman's hand, there is no excitement. A man would rather die than live if he only had another man's coarse, rough hands to touch. The soft, silky hands of a woman need to be caressed by the large, rough hands of a man. Men have to be masculine; women have to be feminine. God made you with that quality to achieve balance.
You women shouldn't guffaw loudly when you laugh; you should be feminine even in your laughter. You men should have a rough, deep, and loud laugh. Men should concentrate on working for the sake of society, thinking about the political situation, even striving to become President in order to right injustices. Women should be interested in their homes, their children, and all the things concerning the family. These two areas of interest can come together into a harmonious, balanced, beautiful couple.
You can think of God's relationship to human beings almost as two almighty parents who have a tiny baby. The baby is helpless, creating lots of dirty diapers and spitting up on his parents. But his mother and father love him unconditionally anyway. Compared to God, man is nothing, powerless, like a little baby. But God Almighty cannot help but come down to take care of him. You should think, "My almighty Father is here, changing my diapers, giving me my bath" Therefore, almighty God should never feel like a stranger. You should be able to say, "God is my love. I want to live with my love forever. He's my big Dad"
If the relationship between God and man depended upon the sharing of knowledge, we would never get very far. God has all knowledge and we have so little. However, when the relationship between God and man is one of love, then there is no limit to it. God isn't concerned to maintain a certain image or superior position. God will say, "Come on, get closer to me. Go ahead of me" The greatest happiness that men and women can attain is to be able to ask God to come and be with them, to do certain things for them. God will be at your command, saying, "All right, my dearest ones, I will do that for you."
God wants to hear the story of love from you, no matter how small or how trivial. Nothing else interests Him, someone who demands things from God for selfish purposes receives no notice from Him. But God relishes every word when His sons and daughters say, "Heavenly Father, I love You so much. I want to do everything for You." However, God cannot rejoice when people say they love Him but still engage in immoral and selfish acts.
Suppose a woman marries for the second time, yet she carries a picture of her first husband in every pocket and sets one up on the bureau in her bedroom and one on the table in the dining room. When the second husband comes home, she says, "Darling, I love you!" The man would say, "Whom do you really love?" There is no purity, no heart, in that kind of love.
In love, the most important and precious thing is unstained purity. Love is serious. But because of the fall, God has been desperately searching among the billions of people on earth for someone who has the purity of genuine love for God.
God has to find a new beachhead for His true love. Through that person, He will undertake the salvation of mankind and restore mankind to true love.
Satan is the archangel, nothing more than a servant of men and God, but this servant not only raped the daughter of God; he took away all the master's property as well. Satan is an imposter and a fornicator -- an adulterer. Our job is to expose and expel Satan from our planet. However, so far in human history, Satan has been trying to kick God out of the planet.
God cannot use force to take men out of Satan's bosom and onto His side because the relationship between men and Satan is a relationship of love. God cannot deny that relationship. The children born on earth have been worshiping Satan as their own parent, as a god, in a sense. God's job has not just been to restore property, but to restore love. The only hope for human salvation is our original mind, which is always longing for its home with God. In the tug-of-war between God and Satan, your body and limbs are bound by Satan, but the one hope is that your heart and mind are going in the direction of God.
You must constantly think of God. You must eat, sleep, and do everything for the sake of God 24 hours a day. You must make effort to cut the chains on your body so that you can separate from Satan.
Today is the second anniversary of the victory of Danbury. One of the reasons people are sent to prison, the dungeon of hell, is because society feels that certain people are so harmful they need to be isolated from others. There are two types of people who end up in jail. There are the genuine criminals -- those who violate society's laws for their selfish purpose. And there are the true people of God, falsely condemned and convicted, who are only trying to expel Satan from society.
A godly man always uses prison as an opportunity to cut the satanic net and create God's love net. If he can do that in prison, the greatest of all victories can be obtained. The satanic forces that put such a person in prison cannot handle or destroy him. Such a person is incredible.
If a government mistakenly sends a man of God to prison, and that man loves the other children more than he loves the children of God, what happens? Satan has to pay the indemnity if he tries to condemn that person. The archangel knew God created man for love. Satan knows that he has to surrender to the power of unconditional love. This is the very strategy of God. Oftentimes in history, God sent his beloved sons into the dungeons of hell, and sometimes He even allowed Satan to kill them. In eternity, the satanic world will have to pay the price for that. By that power, God counterattacks and conquers the world.
Jesus Christ was a great example of this. God allowed His only begotten son to be killed at the hands of Satan. But Jesus did not condemn any of his enemies. He loved the Roman soldiers, because he knew he was dying as a sacrifice and that eventually his love would conquer the Roman Empire. But God did not lose by Jesus' death. He created another realm beyond the crucifixion: the realm of resurrection.
After the crucifixion, Satan had no power to touch Jesus anymore. Then Jesus could come back and claim the children. Jesus' power was the power of love. Because of the condition that Jesus set, even though Satan destroyed Jesus' body, the disciples of Jesus marched toward Rome and conquered it. If they had known all the truth that you are being taught today, the Roman Empire would have collapsed overnight. But it took four centuries because they did not know as much as we know today.
Though I have received a record amount of persecution in my lifetime, my method for ending evil is not to fight other denominations. I'm just embracing and loving them, teaching them the truth and asking them to unite and together cast Satan out of the planet.
My imprisonment at Danbury was the work of Satan joined with all kinds of organizations: religious groups, communists, white supremacist groups. The American government and the establishment came together to try to destroy Rev. Moon and his movement once and for all. But I had a secret weapon. I entered prison with dignity and power and turned around and loved all Christianity, Judaism, all the other religions, the American government, and the establishment on an unprecedented scale. I did not fight them. I forgave them and loved them more than before.
Thus I set the condition so that all of America's religious communities and the government would change in due course. It is like the condition Jesus set with the cross. Within three years after the Danbury victory, I made the most incredible recovery. Resurrection actually took place. Since Danbury, I have been rising like a love sun, giving out love rays, so that for the first time the entire world is able to see the warmth and light of salvation and hope. Meanwhile, such powerful forces as the American government and the communist governments have become weak from within.
In Washington in 1976, I declared the end of the Soviet Union and announced a Moscow Rally. No one took me seriously. But now, after Danbury, everyone is taking me seriously. I also made a proclamation in Geneva in 1985 that the end of communism was near. After Danbury, I set the condition of hope not only for myself, but for all people. All the members of the Unification Church received power, clearance, and a visa to get out of the satanic realm. The standard of love I created in front of Satan and in front of God is your fortress; your bulwark. From now you can win everything. This is your dignity and your authority. My goal is to save America, not to destroy it. For that, I will become the people's champion.
Now the choice is very clear. Whoever follows heaven's principle and ideal will survive. Whoever goes the other way will decline. Nothing can stop the spread of communism, immorality, or drug use except the power of God, translated through the True Parents at this time.
On this day of anniversary celebration, the issue is whether you are going to inherit my victory, my tradition, and my pride and take my mission upon your shoulders.
Would you be willing to become the personification and instrument of true love? With that power of love, you can be a conqueror anywhere on the face of the earth. Satan has no power against true love, so you can go anywhere on the face of the earth and be welcomed.
After Danbury, my situation is like a love sun rising. There will be no more persecution against the Unification Church. All those groups that combined against me have now changed their minds 180 degrees. People who persecuted Rev. Moon in the past are now repenting. How did this happen? God and True Parents made these conditions of resurrection in Danbury.
Are you going to inherit Father's standard and condition? Today, every Moonie must remember and practice the love I manifested in Danbury. This is God's salvation. God has spent a very long time trying to get back to this one starting point, which we are now at. The fallen world is occupied by Satan's side, and as God's children, every Moonie, day and night, must be pushing out Satan's forces. The American Moonies' responsibility is to save this country. Otherwise, it will perish. Do you want to continue in Satan's realm or enter God's? During this commemoration time you have to make a determination to absolutely follow me.
Danbury is the place where I absolutely demonstrated my love for the United States, which has treated me as an enemy. Because of my determination to love and save this nation, after the Danbury victory things have to come around to my side. The Washington Times is another expression of my love for this nation. Without The Washington Times, the United States would be experiencing its darkest hour today. I created it at an enormous sacrifice for the sake of the salvation of this country.
Do you understand the one principle upon which I operate? God's secret is this: Knowing that Satan will attack you and try to destroy you, you must love the ungodly people more than you love your own godly people. Then Satan absolutely has to retreat and a revolution can occur in people's minds. It's like the love between men and women: When the true subject appears, the object of love is sucked into it, almost like a magnet is pulling on it. By applying this secret of the love of God, I have become like a magnet, attracting every piece of metal. This is the reason black, yellow, red, and white people are all drawn toward me.
It doesn't matter where you are -- whether it be a prison or some other dungeon of hell: As long as you become the central figure or the subject of the love of God, you will pull even the enemy toward you. Jesus proclaimed we must love our enemies. This is how we can conquer America; not by force or the atomic bomb. If my love for America surpasses the love of any godly man in history, the American people's hearts will come toward me.
All plants face toward the sun, their source of life. Similarly, all human beings try to move toward true love, the source of eternal life.
I will give you a condition now. Unless you truly love God and humanity, you have no right to follow me. God is cosmic and universal; that is also my ultimate realm. Therefore, do not just love your own country; love the world, love the cosmos, love the spirit world. You've got to aim to love humanity even more than Jesus did; more than Confucius did; more than Buddha did.
You should declare, "God, I love the world more than You do. My love will take care of the entire world. You don't have to worry about it. You just go on a vacation" Do you think God will get upset at you? No, God will laugh and say, "I fulfilled my love. Please go ahead! I will go on a permanent vacation!" Imagine that if a guard started persecuting me as I entered God's palace, God would say, "My son, don't bother with them. You belong to my heart. Come stay right here." This is the romance of eternity!
History will prove that from now, only the followers of Rev. Moon's ideal will prosper. I would like to telecast this throughout the world. Now the newspapers say, "Oh, Rev. Moon is trying to conquer the world!" But soon people will say, "So what! I love Rev. Moon!" They will follow me everywhere.
East Garden on the evening of August 20, Father sings while Mr. Osami
Kuboki and Rev. Kwak dance for the crowd.
In order for you to be able to hear this great message, God has sacrificed tremendously. God's son Jesus died and many saints in history perished in order to restore true love. Thus, for you to listen comfortably and try to take that love only by saying "Amen" is like highway robbery! Yet now you have the right to say, "I have True Parents. They are mine. Therefore, I am a true son or daughter. Our relationship is that of true love; thus, I can claim that true love anywhere"
You must have a burning and passionate desire for this priceless privilege of participating in and inheriting true love. First, you should want to participate in True Parents' love. Secondly, you should want to receive that love as a permanent inheritance. You must unconditionally dedicate yourself, burning with desire for true love. If you have that kind of strong, divine center of love, you are already walking in true love automatically. True love has that kind of power. You don't need any other kind of instruction but this: Learn how to make the right kind of condition. You can inherit all of God's cosmic property, but you have to make the right foundation. Don't just say, "I want to follow Father and go to heaven."
The victory of Danbury means the victory of resurrection. From this time on, there is nothing you cannot do, no mission you cannot fulfill. Even if you are kicked 100 times a day, it doesn't make any difference. The work of resurrection will continue and become your victory.
I suffered imprisonment in Japan because I knew I had to demonstrate my love for Japan so that Japan would surrender to true love. I suffered imprisonment in Korea so I could conquer those people with true love. I suffered through prison in the United States so that the United States and the world could come under true love. Danbury has one more great purpose. It has the power to liberate the communist world, because the conspiracy behind my imprisonment was a communist one. I knew that and I accepted it on those terms.
The secret is this: No matter what happens, no matter what the persecution no matter what the opposition, do not worry, do not complain. It is God's way of giving you a blessing. By allowing you to go through suffering, God is allowing you to gain a gigantic return in terms of the victory of love. This is the tactical strategy of God to separate you from Satan. Otherwise, you would have to fight on every level, winning your foundation eight times over. You yourself don't have that kind of power; persecution is what gives it to you. This is the kind of fighting that goes on between Satan and God. Who gave you this authority and power to gain victory this way? Not your ancestors; not your own suffering. God gave it to you out of His love. Through the True Parents, He is making this gift; a victorious foundation for True Parents' followers. How proud of this we should be!
The time of the ultimate consummation of our goal, our ultimate victory, is near. By the end of 1988, the nation's and the world's destiny will be determined. Today you are not just gathered together to rejoice over my victory. Today you have come together to recommit yourselves to take over my mission, to move ahead, to win your own Danbury victory; you do not have it yet.
In order to win such a victory, the first thing you have to do is to separate from Satan. You cannot cut off the lineage of Satan by yourself. You need repentance to clean up your past and present situation. The key is repentance -- from this point the Kingdom of Heaven on the earth can appear.
Sometimes you ask, "Why do we have to go the indemnity course?" You have to do it to fight against the satanic atmosphere. Satan is always suggesting things to you. Through repentance, indemnity, and a life of faith, you can automatically kick Satan out and clean up your environment. To open the gate of hell was True Parents' duty. You do not know how lonely that situation was. First you have to separate from Satan on an individual level; how else can you release your family, your tribe, your nation? You have not known how serious I have been, fighting to separate from Satan's realm on the individual, family, tribal, national, and world levels. You are only conditionally separated. After Danbury, now you can go through true love.
The meaning of today's celebration is that we will decide to make a new beginning and become new creatures starting now. As much as I was victorious in Danbury, it is required of each of you to win that same victory in your own Danbury. You can do it.
You have a little over 14 months to go until the end of 1988. A thousand different mundane things may be occupying your mind, but forget them. Right now, only one thing should be in your mind: the will of God and the victory of His true love on earth. Love humanity and love God. Set that condition. You shall become a supreme individual who will demonstrate such love. Can you do it? May God bless you.
The home church mission is done by people who take up the position of God as educators of mankind, teaching people how to love God and liberate mankind. If such people become champions of home church, the world will be restored automatically and the Kingdom of Heaven will be established. This is the basic spirit and principle of home church. We are going to teach the world about these two things: first, the liberation of God, and second, the love of mankind in the spirit of sacrifice. You must know clearly the logic of the ideology upon which we stand. Sacrifice yourself to educate the people and love them. If you do that, then without question God will dwell with you and will lead your home church, working day by day with you. You won't be able to part from God for even one moment.
Do you love me? How much? Just as you love me now, when you teach mankind and give them God's love, you will be loved by them in return. I want you to know that this has been the hope of God and the hope of mankind and that we are here today to fulfill their desire. We possess the greatest of all fortunes, and the method to fulfill that dream and goal is home church. In doing this mission, your Principle book will be used so much it will look like a rag.
I am asking you to be a teacher and one who loves. Truth and love are two key words. Why do you go to home church? First, to educate the people. But after education, what would you like them to gain? The purpose of education is to awaken them and bring them to the heavenly side. Education will give them birth. Once they see the vision they are no longer in darkness.
What should you do in your home church area? You have to supply the people with the essential elements for their particular stage of growth, just as though they were in their mother's womb. The person who is already born spiritually has to be given much love. You have to be exemplary in giving life to those who follow. Have confidence that if they follow you, one day they will go to the bosom of God's love. You have to be confident that you are doing as God does, supplying all the elements they need. I feel exactly the same toward you and your children.
In home church you will have to teach everything to the people. If someone opposes the Unification Church, don't go to his house to try to get even. Keep a record of the untruthful things he says, and teach him everything you know. If he is still opposed after hearing everything you have to teach, then go and challenge him. He will be weak internally by that time and will only need a little push. But afterwards, you must become friends with him. Otherwise there is no sense in fighting.
Even though we may need to challenge the communists, afterwards we have to tell them why communism is wrong so they can change their minds and have godly thinking. This is why we have Victory Over Communism theory. If other Christians are against us, we must show them why their assumptions are wrong; this is why we have the Principle. We have a complete explanation based on the Bible to show them how they are mistaken. If they don't repent, then we need to make more effort to win them over. God first teaches people and shows them an example, then He passes judgment. He always wants to teach still more, but He can't wait eternally if they won't listen.
We cannot build heaven all by ourselves; we must teach other people so that they will understand and participate. We must follow first, and then with our experience we must teach them well before we can expect them to follow us. You have to be a good teacher and not rush people. Don't expect them to respond right way if you are unable to teach them very much. A person must like you first; then he will listen to what you have to say. Then he has to like what you tell him. Teaching people is not just a matter of talking. After they like you personally and like what you say to them, they must come to like you for your deeds. You have to make them like you in these three ways, then they will copy everything you say and do. That is how the heavenly kingdom will expand. We have to teach them by our personality, our words, and our deeds.