The Words of Sun Myung Moon For 1990 |
heads of state and members of the Summit Council present True Parents
with a 16th Century painting of Martin Luther.
Respected guests from overseas and distinguished leaders of Korean society:
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for taking time from your busy public and private schedules to attend this banquet in celebration of my seventieth birthday. Your presence makes this a truly festive occasion.
The mere fact a man lives to be seventy does not make him successful. Age by itself is not a goal worth striving for.
Never during my life did I even dream that someday when I lived to be seventy, there would be such a large banquet and so many distinguished guests would gather to congratulate me.
I was 16 when I first met God. Ever since, I have just done my best to hold on to God as tightly as I could and stay close to Him. As a result of that, I find myself standing here this evening.
God alone has made this evening possible. It is a miracle that He has brought about, and for that reason I must offer to Him, my most humble gratitude. The encouragement you have given Mrs. Moon and myself and the praises that you make of my work -- expressed through messages of congratulations, medals, academic degrees and all other forms -- are rightfully offered back up to God. The glory does not belong to me but to God, and so I offer all of these to Heaven.
greets H.E. Mario Echandi, former president of Costa Rica.
Looking back, my life of seventy years has been an indescribably thorny path. It has been a path of constant struggle and adversity.
I understood the strategy of Heaven, whereby Heaven allows itself to be struck and then uses this condition to take that which rightfully belongs to Heaven. The truth of the universe is that God prospers by being struck, and that Evil creates its own downfall by striking at Good. For example, in both the First and Second World Wars, the side that struck first finally lost the war. We may consider the confrontation with communism to be the Third World War; and here, too, it is aggressive communism that is now collapsing. Knowing this truth, I found the energy to persevere even in the most difficult situations.
After meeting the living God my Father, I have not had so much as one minute, or even one second, for extraneous thoughts. I have lived my entire life with the singular determination to accomplish the Will of my Father in Heaven; that is, to bring salvation to the world and to establish true peace among all men.
God has been burning with the desire to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth so that all people of this world can live in happiness. The essence of God has been true love and His relationship to humanity has been that of a father to his children. Through history, however, mankind has not only been ignorant of God but has repeatedly pierced His heart with the nails of betrayal. I discovered that God in Heaven, the Father of all humanity, lives with a deep resentment caused by the heart-wrenching sorrow of a Parent who has lost His children.
My goal in life has been to resolve this resentment of God. My purpose for living has been to liberate the God of sorrow from His sorrow, loneliness and anguish. This has been the fundamental motivation for all that I have done through these seventy years, whether it be related to religious activity, the media, business and finance or politics. Out of the sole desire to liberate God from His sorrow and suffering, I have shed blood, sweat and tears in an attempt to bring about the true peace of mankind. I have taught: "As God lives for us and the world, so should we live for the world and God."
I am well known around the world as a leader in the anticommunist and victory-over-communism movements. The purpose I conduct a movement for victory over communism is not to kill communists but to liberate them with truth and true love so that they may live. This is the reason I am working to help the communist world today and rescue it from its current distress. For that reason, I have been welcomed even in the Soviet Union and China. Even Kim Il Sung in North Korea cannot be my enemy.
receives the Mexican Order rat Law, Culture and Peace.
Recently, a distinguished group of Soviet journalists visited Korea for the first time at my invitation. On their return trip, I asked them to visit North Korea. They were at first reluctant, but finally they accepted my earnest request to go to Pyongyang and relay my message to Kim II Sung.
This message contained the following three points:
"First, I am not your enemy. Second, you must give up your wild ambition to communize South Korea. Third, stop trying to swim against the tide of world events. Throw out that which is false, and return to the truth. When you open your doors and reach out, you and I will become brothers, and we will be able to live together in prosperity and happiness."
Kim Il Sung will have no choice but to respond to my proposal. Failure to do so will only precipitate his own downfall.
We have made an initial investment in the project to build industrial city in China. The purpose of this investment is not so that I can establish a foothold in China as a way of making a fortune for myself. It is my principle that not so much as a penny of the profits from the China project will be taken out of China. These profits will be reinvested in China to construct the International Highway of Peace and to bring China up to international standards in other areas of high technology. Thus, the motivation of the investment is to help the 1.3 billion Chinese people achieve a satisfactory standard of living.
and Mother with the former heads of state and prime ministers at the
Farewell Luncheon.
I have reached an agreement with the government of the Soviet Union to hold the World Media Conference and the International Summit for World Peace in Moscow this April. At these conferences, I will an ounce a draft proposal on how the 270 million citizens of the Soviet Union can achieve a satisfactory standard of living.
I am determined now that I will do my best to improve the economic situation and well-being not only of the Chinese but of the Soviet people as well.
Ten years from now, we will reach the year 2000. The task I have before me now is to see whether I can achieve world peace before that time. When we gather in the year 2000 in the same way we are gathered here tonight, it should be for the purpose of holding a banquet to celebrate the establishment of world peace.
We are all brothers and sisters before the one Creator, God. As we live together through the next decade, let us transcend racial and national boundaries, break down the walls between religions and denominations, and climb over the barriers of culture and language. Let those of us who have plenty help those who have less, so that we may be the laborers to build a peace that will be remembered in history.
If the world leaders who are gathered here tonight will combine your strengths together, we will be more than equal to this task. During the next decade, we will see the fulfillment of mankind's earnest desires for a true reconciliation between East and West and for an economic reconciliation between the richer and poorer nations of the world. Also, our long-cherished desire to see the unification of North and South Korea will be realized.
Let me end my message at this holy banquet that we offer to God by inviting you all to do away with selfishness, practice a life of living for others and be leaders in the vanguard for building a new century of world peace.
Thank you very much.
Father warmly greets the banquet guests.
In early December, we began preparations for the Second Summit Council for World Peace and the Eighth International Conference of AULA, to be held in Korea, February 2 -- 4, 1990. The conference themes were, "The Reunification of Korea and East-West Dialogue" and "A New Look into Latin American-East Asian Relations." This event coincided with the 70th birthday of Father, our Founder and Sponsor, and the birthday of Mother.
We arrived in Korea January 28th and the next morning briefed True Father at Hannam-doing on the series of events that would be developed by AULA and the Summit Council. The final roster of participants had been compiled: 12 former heads of state and prime ministers, and 56 dignitaries including ambassadors, legislators, royalty and nobility from 20 nations. The fact that so many distinguished people from all corners of the globe had come to this unique occasion brought tremendous joy and satisfaction to True Parents' hearts.
At this time, we had the special opportunity to offer two leather-bound tribute books honoring Father on his 70th birthday published by the Summit Council and AULA. These magnificent volumes describing Father's work in Latin America and the Summit Council, completed in less than one month, were the result of an enormous effort and hard work by Pier Angelo Beltrami, Jim Gavin and the staff of the Summit Council and AULA working together with Global Images. The gold embossed cover, bound in rich African goat leather, reads, "A? Tribute to Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon upon Reverend Moon's 70th birthday." Father signed the copies and had the books stored in the family archive.
"Congratulations on your 70th birthday Rev. Sun Myung Moon," wrote Amb. Jose M. Chaves, president of the Summit Council and AULA in his eloquent testimony introducing the books, of which the following is an excerpt:
The joyous celebration of the 70th birthday of Rev. Sun Myung Moon is an event which crowns a life dedicated in its entirety to God's service and to the creation of a better world for all mankind.
Reverend Moon has repeatedly proclaimed that the Kingdom of Heaven is on this earth. This fundamental teaching of the Unification Church is the key to the many projects, activities and programs which Reverend Moon has established and continues to support. In doing what he considers to be his God-appointed mission, he has received world recognition but also the enmity of forces antagonistic to his ideals and purposes. But no amount of persecution or opposition, not even prison and torture, have made him deviate from his task, diminished the ardor of his preaching or discouraged his generosity. A man of great humility and extraordinary ability and capacities, his vision and influence encompass all fields and invigorates all areas of human endeavor everywhere in the world.
After that most heart-warming meeting with Father, we returned to the Lotte Hotel to prepare to receive the delegations and attend to the logistics, a gigantic challenge, but with the help of God and thanks to Mr. No Hi Pak, the staff of the Korean Cultural Foundation, Steve Smith, General Manager of Go World Travel, and Seil Travel of Korea, every area was covered in a professional and most efficient manner.
receives an honorary Doctorate of Letters and Humanities.
More than 8,000 guests and friends, including former heads of state and government, ambassadors, royalty and nobility, scholars from PWPA and representatives of Unification Church members worldwide assembled in the Chamshil Fencing Stadium to salute True Parents and enjoy an exciting celebration.
Dr. Bo Hi Pak, master of ceremonies, introduced the guest speakers, including former U.S. Senator Paul Laxalt who gave an eloquent testimony of Rev. Moon's work in America, and the Honorable Don Mario Echandi Jimendez, former president of Costa Rica who passionately praised Father and his singular work:
It is not a common thing to find today a citizen of the world who gives himself passionately in the service of his fellowmen. It is not a common thing to find someone who tirelessly sacrifices his time and gives of himself without any limit. But this is exactly what Reverend Moon has done.
I propose that we lift up our spirits on this singular occasion to wish for his eternal happiness, in union with his distinguished wife, Hak Ja Han, who has been his inseparable companion in his great work. May God bless them.
There was the traditional cake-cutting ceremony and the singing of Happy Birthday True Parents by the entire audience. It was a memorable celebration.
A most spectacular extravaganza was prepared at the Sejong Cultural Center with entertainment coming from all over the world to give tribute to Father. The gala included Samba dancers from Brazil, the New City Orchestra of Tokyo and a dancing troupe directed by Akira Naito, The Little Angels of Korea, a new multi-vision presentation on "the Heart of God," the New Hope Singers International led by Brian Saunders, the Washington, DC Performing Arts Department, and dance troupes from Australia, Thailand and the Philippines. The grand spectacle concluded with everyone singing Happy Birthday, led by Kevin Pickard.
The high-peak of the celebration, the banquet for 2,000 VIPs at the Seoul Hilton Hotel, included a head table for more than 80 distinguished guests representing all of the main organizations of the Unification Church Movement, Summit Council, PWPA, Washington Times, and so on.
The highlights of the evening were (1) the conferral of an honorary doctorate of letters and humanities to Mother by the president and vice-president of Bloomfield College, New Jersey, and (2) a presentation to Father of the Mexican Order of Law, Culture and Peace, conferred by the Mexican Academy of International Law, an institution founded in 1810 by one of the forefathers of that Republic. The presentation was done by Academy representatives Amb. Medhat el Masri and the former governor of the state of Vera Cruz, Amb. Mario Antonio Munoz. Ambassador El Masri said:
The Mexican Academy of International Law, taking into consideration your generous contributions to the cause of peace, the depth of your philosophical and ideological teachings, your extraordinary efforts in promoting education at all levels, and your many other high merits, requested and obtained permission to confer upon you the Mexican Order of Law, Culture and Peace in the grade of Dignitary.
In my capacity of vice-president in charge of the Council for Foreign Affairs, I have the honor to present you with this.
After graciously thanking the Academy for the honor, Father, wearing the Grand Collar and the gowns of Grand Chancellor of the university, addressed the audience.
The audience responded to the Founder's words with warmth, respect and openness. Afterwards, four Kirov ballet dancers had the opportunity to present a framed poster signed by all the members of that world famous dance troupe in Moscow. The evening closed with several selections by the world renowned "Diva del bel canto" opera singer Renata Scotto.
At 10:30 a.m. on February 2, the Plenary Session convened the Second Summit Council for World Peace and the Eighth International AULA Conference with more than 500 guests, including representatives of the diplomatic corps, Korean dignitaries, journalists, National Church Leaders and Elders, and a contingent of former senators and congressmen.
Father gave the Founder's Address in English [see "The Reunification of Korea and Cooperation between East and West," p. 12] Among the conference speakers were representatives from Latin America, Asia, United States and Europe. Former heads of state included H.E. Abadelrahman Sware El Dahaab, former president of Sudan, H.E. Son Sann, prime minister of the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea, H.E. Luis A. Sides Salinas, former president of Bolivia, and H.E. Francisco Morales Bermudez, former president of Peru.
Former U.S. Senator Paul Laxalt noted in his keynote address that a few years ago, discussion of Korean unification would have been considered only an academic exercise. However, in light of the recent dramatic events in Eastern Europe, credible people are exploring this subject more seriously. He said: "In 1985, just as Gorbachev came to power, Rev. Moon sponsored a conference in Geneva on the Fall of the Soviet Empire. To sponsor such a conference in 1985 demonstrates to me that Rev. Moon, the founder of this organization, is truly a visionary."
On the evening of the third, we travelled again to the Sejong Cultural Center to see Julia Hoon Sook Moon of the Universal Ballet perform "Giselle" with members of the Leningrad Kirov Ballet in their first appearance in Seoul. To say it was heavenly is not an overstatement. Hoon Sook Nim danced like a butterfly, enchanting the audience with a vision that bridged the real and unreal world of "Giselle". Everyone was enthralled by the grace and beauty of the dancers and the principled storyline.
Sook Nim performs with the Kirov Ballet Company.
The Second Summit Council and the Eighth International AULA Conference came to an end. Mother and Father offered a farewell banquet in honor of the participants. In his final remarks, Father said:
First, I propose that we dedicate these final ten years of the twentieth century to dreaming the highest, greatest dream which has ever entered the mind of man. This is the dream of true peace for all mankind. If I am right, God is also dreaming that same dream, and He will give all of His power and energy to help us to achieve it.
My second proposal is that these two august organizations work together with other academics and journalists to create a delegation in the near future to go to North Korea to give a message to Kim Il Sung. He should not remain in isolation while North Korea collapses. He does not have to see a tragic end to his life. He now has a chance to open the door to reconciliation. We want to bring all the cooperation he needs, so that North Korea can be as prosperous as the South. I would be happy to sponsor such a trip.
It was a time for gift giving. True Parents gave presents to the guests. Former heads of state and members of the Summit Council presented to Mother and Father, on behalf of the future Sun Myung Moon University, a 16th Century painting of Martin Luther, the German Protestant reformer, from the Lucas Cranach School, circa 1570.
The events that marked the 70th birthday of Father left a very lasting, memorable impression on everyone. I am sure that each person who attended will cherish that memory for many years to come. As for the staff and I, we are indebted to God and our True Parents to have been given the opportunity to participate and contribute in such a magnum event. It was the fulfillment of a long-awaited dream. The former heads of state and prime ministers, time and time again, commented on the need to study Father's ideas and his Movement. Rev. James Bevel of the United States spoke strongly about this to several sessions of the Summit Council, saying that in order to change the world, it is necessary to start with the individual and family levels -- that is where the problems are. He was enthusiastically supported by participants.
Father was praised for his efforts to bring unity, reconciliation and progress to Latin America, a continent torn by many problems, including drugs, terrorism, nationalism, and poverty. Many of the participants see him as the one who can rally the necessary support, energy and resources to drastically change Latin America. Likewise for the guests of the Summit Council, they are astonished by the Divine Principle's global vision and perspective. They see Father as the reincarnation of the "universal man," or the "renaissance man." Beyond homo sapiens, they see Father as the embodiment of homo amoris (man of true love) -- the one who can deal singularly with the world's ideological conflicts.
There are many problems in the world, but as I travelled the long flight home to Washington, I could only feel that Heavenly Father must be so happy to see things are finally going His way. There is great hope in the world because of the providential victory of the forces of goodness, the triumph of true love as expressed externally in Father's 70 years to unify, harmonize and bring peace to the family of man. To achieve this, the Summit Council for World Peace is the pinnacle of Father's external mission.
Our next step is Moscow! Father gave us the blessing to organize the 3rd Summit Council and the 9th AULA International Conference in Moscow simultaneously with the 11th World Media Association program from April 9 -- 14, 1990.
As with previous victories, we need your prayers and spiritual support. To be continued after Moscow.