The Words of Sun Myung Moon For 1990 |
Little Angels' performance charms the audience at the main Chamsil
Being here in Korea, especially at the University, has given me the chance to be with True Parents numerous times and each occasion has been the fulfillment of a dream. On April 28th, I was able to go to Kimpo Airport and welcome True Parents, who were coming back from the United States after their big victory in Moscow. On May 10th, I was invited to a special banquet given by True Parents for special guests and professors to celebrate True Father's victory in Moscow.
During that occasion, Dr. Bo Hi Pak publicly announced that the next Summit Council will be held in Pyongyang and sooner than we had expected. As you may already know, True Parents have been organizing rallies throughout the entire nation of Korea to clearly declare the Age of True Parentism. Last Monday, May 14th, I went to the rally in Seoul at the Chamsil Stadium where Father spoke to over 100,000 people, achieving an historical success. Everywhere there were banners bearing the sign of "True Parents" and after True Father's speech, Dr. Pak openly declared and proclaimed True Father as the Lord of the Second Advent. Before the end of the rally there was a sequence of three cheers of "Mansei" for God, the Korean nation and for True Parents, with all the people uniting in the exulting cheer.
But for me the climax of this historical period was reached when True Father and Hyo Jin Nim paid an unexpected visit to our university. Hyo Jin Nim had been close to True Parents since the rallies had started. True Parents had invited ten national leaders from all over the world to study Korean at Sung Hwa University. I, too, received directions to learn Korean quickly, so when I am not teaching, I also attend the Intensive Korean Course with the leaders.
Father invited us all to his apartment where he spoke about the importance of learning Korean and the enormous blessing we receive living in the land of our True Parents: breathing the same air, drinking the same water, eating the same food, and through this new perspective how we come to love our own nations even more. He shared with us the amazing success of his rallies and the many spiritual phenomena that are connected to True Father's recent activities. We could sit very close to him and feel an informal family intimacy that also made us closer to one another.
For the Westerners who live in Korea, trials and suffering are a common denominator in our daily life; yet days like today help us feel so grateful to be on this path of faith and to understand that only through persecution and pain can be major blessings be freely given by God.
This is a translation excerpted from an article that appeared in Korea in the Professors/Students Newspaper (Jonkyo-hak Shinmun).
of Father's speech distributed to the Korean audience.
Rev. Moon recently completed a nationwide speaking tour in Korea. The theme of each rally was a report on the great success of the recent conference held in Moscow from April 9 -- 13, 1990. The tour started in Chung Buk region on April 30 and ended at Kwang Ju City on May 22. The stated aim of the speaking tour was to build a national foundation for the unification of North and South Korea and to evoke confidence in all Korean citizens.
According to an official organizing the rally, the aim was to convey the meaning and effect of the recent talk between Rev. Moon and President Gorbachev on the unification of North and South Korea.
During the tour, Rev. Moon announced plans that the next World Media Conference be held in Pyongyang and that people should prepare themselves for the unification of North and South.
On April 11, President Gorbachev expressed his willingness to mediate reconciliation between North and South Korea and to support peace on the Korean peninsula. Rev. Moon asked for his cooperation with a media conference in Pyongyang and in dispatching an envoy to Kim Il Sung.
Rev. Moon is finding his way into North Korea, according to a speech by Dr. Pak at the Lotte Hotel on May 11 and at the Olympic Stadium on May 14. Furthermore, considering the worldwide foundation of the Unification Church and the process that brought about this victory in Moscow, the way to the North seems clear.
What is the worldwide foundation of Unification Church and the conditions of the Soviet Union which prompted Mikhail Gorbachev to request support from Rev. Moon? It seems the difficult situation of the USSR and the global projects of the Unification Church have found a common denominator so that the Unification Church can be gladly accepted by Soviet authorities.
The reason why Rev. Moon has been investing so much effort into the Soviet Union is for the realization of true love and one unified world. In order to do that, he has to convert the cold state of confrontation between the communist and free worlds.
According to Dr. San Hun Lee, the director of the Unification Thought Institute, unification of North and South is possible only through the cooperation' of America, Japan, China and the Soviet Union. The Unification Movement has been building an international foundation in these four countries, and recently asked the Soviet Union as a mediator, to propose to North Korea that the 12th World Media Conference be held in Pyongyang and a North and South general election be held in Korea.
The worldwide foundation of the Unification Movement has been influential in not only America but also communist countries. In his speech, Rev. Moon announced that: "I have placed Unification Church missionaries in several communist countries and have also raised a powerful anticommunism movement in the Soviet Union."
The Soviet Union must pursue the development of Siberia in order to succeed in the reform of the Soviet economy. Thus, the Soviet Union cannot help but be interested in the trans Siberia highway project sponsored by the Unification Movement. Due to the unfavorable climactic conditions in Siberia, a special construction method is necessary to prevent the loss of roadway during the thawing season. An international highway project will enormously influence the world because it will connect Japan, Seoul, Pyongyang, Siberia, and Moscow.
In summary, the Moscow rally could happen based upon this worldwide foundation of Unification Movement. In an interview with the Soviet Novosti news agency after the media conference, Rev. Moon commented:
The reason why the media conference continues to meet every year is to contribute to world peace through the media. The ideal world of peace can only come true by practicing Godism.
We can definitely help the Soviet Union to become a more prosperous and peaceful country than America if we can be in charge of the moral education of the Soviet people for seven years. We will also provide technological support. Right now in Germany and Japan we have the most advanced technology in the whole world. Such a colossal foundation has been prepared for the Soviet people because an ideal world of peace cannot be realized unless the Soviet Union participates.
The recent meeting between President Gorbachev and Rev. Moon signifies the fact that the worldwide foundation for unification of North and South has been set. If the 12th World Media Conference and the 4th Summit Council for World Peace can take place in Pyongyang, the unification of North and South is just a matter of time.