The Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon From 1991 |
Sunday Sermon And Conference Memos - September 8, 1991
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
September 8, 1991
East Garden, New York
Translator - Col. Sang Kil Han
Now we are in the position to see that the tide of the world is not influenced by many people. It does not take many, many people to shape events; rather, one or two decide the trends and the tide. We can see very easily that the tide of history always has been influenced by a few people who represent many. Only a few represent the Soviet Union, America, or Asia. They are the ones who decide the direction of history.
The Soviet Union now is witnessing the fall of communism. The secular humanism which is the guiding philosophy of life in America and the free nations is failing. The fall of these previously held concepts as well as the religious thought undergirding them lets all know that their direction holds no guarantee of success. They have difficulty in keeping up with the times.
The Soviet Union and China are going down. The United States thinks it is leading but the reality of America indicates weakness. There are many problems in the family; everywhere there are difficulties. Nobody would have believed that America would become like this. What leader really knows how to lead his country in these times? Even the American president does not know. Here Reverend Moon looms up and people begin to pay attention, asking "who is he?"
We all know what has transpired. For years Father predicted the future of the communist countries and how communism would fall. Everyday in every year Father said what would happen in the Soviet Union, and now history has come to pass as Father predicted. Also Father juxtaposed all the problems existing in America and warned how America would become. Father also proved to be very accurate in predicting what America would be. So now many people in the world are beginning to pay attention to Father-what he says and how he leads. Look for example at the recent ICUS. Father gathered together scholars centering on the science conference, as well as religious leaders from around the world. At the same time Father brought together leaders of the world and showed them the clear way to peace in a unified world in the future. No-one else dared do that, but Father did, and everyone believed in Father because of what he has done in the past.
This fostered a lot of hope for the world and the future. Without one way, you cannot have one goal. Everyone says "We want peace. Peace." But we have to have one way to pursue the one goal which is peace. Father made that very clear. Now everybody saw for the first time how peace can be achieved. Father even told them what peace is. Father gave a very basic definition of peace, yet even this flabbergasted people. Father showed the clear way to achieve peace.
Now the Unification Church, centering upon Father, has literally come to the apex, the highest plateau of the world. Father has clearly shown where the world should go.
What everybody assembled there together needs is the pulling power, the locomotive, the engine. Someone has to pull them in that one direction of world peace, which Father laid out clearly, and that one locomotive or pulling power should be none other than you. All the Unification Church members must be that power.
Now the world already knows that we need a very powerful direction. America and the free world have a Christian background. With this Christian culture, based on the New Testament and Old Testament, America is in the position to reorganize itself based upon these newly revealed facts. America is also in the position to help the communist countries who have lost their ideals and help them reorganize. All of this is now apparent. Everybody around the world knows. But the ironic thing is that only the Unification Church members are in the dark. They still do not know clearly that this is happening.
Using our teaching, we have solved all the difficult points in the Bible. Therefore we are greatly empowered. The power is in our hands. We should be able to turn people from atheism to theism. We are armed with that degree of power. And in the future we should be able to lead the world. We should be full of power NOW. That's the fact.
You have the arms, the weapons, but are powerless and don't know how to apply it. You don't even know what you have. That's the problem. Maybe we will all be dragged out by Father, first this way and then that. We have been so-called obedient, and have followed Father. But we haven't had the slightest idea what all this is leading to, what this really is. Now, as we have witnessed, all Father's important dispensational moves have been accomplished. As far as Father's role is concerned, everything is complete. But we don't know the fact that Father has already done this. We don't even know what he has done! That's our situation. Maybe you thought you walked the horizontal way, but actually you have been climbing up, and even now you should climb up more, rather than walk on the horizontal plane. We should walk vertically!
Now when you are walking horizontally, you can see fairly well where to go. But when you climb vertically, it takes all your might, every ounce of energy to go forward. There is no time to look around at leisure. You have to climb at the cost of your life.
Now are you on the same plateau as Father? Do you have no need to climb anymore? No; we must continue to climb. We are aware of the Eight Stages Ceremony (Pal Chung Shik), but at which stage are you? Just like an elementary school course has a number of grades to pass through, in which grade are you now?
Restoration by indemnity means that we are to pay the price first and then we go one step up. Now do we really practice this way of life? To begin with, do you believe it? You say "Yes," but are you paying the price, indemnifying and then moving on?
Just as there are cycles, such as the time of the first coming and time of the second coming, you have to re-indemnify and elevate the level. We have to restore by indemnity. Does the rule apply to us also? Very much so. Then what grade are you? At what stage of the eight stages are you now? The individual level? Family level? Clan level? Then are you at the perfection level of the individual? You have to measure your own position with your own ruler. Have your mind and body achieved unity? If your mind and body are not achieving unity, can you still go up to heaven? Of course this is one of the fundamental teachings we already know, but then again, some people still do not really know it.
Can an individual whose mind and body did not yet come into oneness have his family come into unity? According to reason we must say "no". Have American and Japanese members come into oneness? Have we achieved unification between American and Japanese?
Thanks to Father, who has somehow, all alone created an overall harmony, somehow everybody has survived, and sometimes are even getting along very well. Think about it. It's really a mind-chilling phenomena. If Father was not offering himself, then you would not be connected to any center. When you are not connected, you become independent. You then have no base to achieve unification, not at any level. Not even at the individual level and certainly not at the family level, much less the true country level. That's something we have to consider. When Father removes himself from here, can you achieve the same results as today? Just think what it would be like if Father were not available.
Unfortunately we cannot simply go up to heaven. "Oh Father, you are in heaven; so am I". We cannot say that. Not everyone who goes to the same school graduates at the same time. There are all kinds of variety, centering on the teacher. Some really follow what the teacher teaches and practices, making effort day and night. Others goof off all the time. There is a spectrum including all kinds. Not everybody graduates at the same time. Some flunk and have to do it all over again. They may take how many years? God knows!
What is your own assessment? What do you think about yourself? Do you think, now Father can leave you all on your own and you will continue to foster and protect the ideal, and you will promote it? Will you teach it to other people and safeguard it without Father's help? Can you do that without Father being close to you? Can we do it by ourselves, just as Father has been doing it himself? That means, since the seed has been planted and now it is harvest time, can Father now harvest? Is that grain now ready to be sown again, so it can also bear fruit? That is the question. When you harvest grain, some seeds are healthy, and when planted they will bear fruit. But some grains, although having a perfect shape, have nothing inside, there is something missing. Some grains are decaying, they are rotting. Such grains cannot produce healthy crops. So there are all different types of grain even in the same harvest. Do you understand the analogy?
Father is harvesting at all the different levels-individual, family, nation and world levels. Father has established the International Religious Federation for World Peace centering on religious people, and he has also established the Federation for World Peace centering on political figures. The political figures are like the body and the religious people are like the mind, even though in the past this proper order always has been reversed. The people in the body position have been influencing badly the people in the mind position. In other words, the politicians have always been suppressing the true religious activities. So Father has corrected that this time. Father took the religious people and the political people and set them where they should be, making unification within each side and then between them. That is what Father did in Korea.
So now, what is the difference? The difference is great. The political groups have always influenced people away from the position of the mind, and this should not be so. Now that Father has set everything in the right position, great changes can occur. The religious people, who are in the mind's position, will take initiative and take a leading role over those who are in the body's position, that is the politicians. Who has done that before? Who in the religious sphere has done this? Without centering on Father, this cannot be done. Without becoming one with Father , no-one else can do it.
These newly unified religious people will exert more influence in their own countries over other religious people too, and then eventually exert God-centered influence over political activities. They have just made such a beginning. In America, for instance, centering on the President, all the different religious factions can come into one arena and unite. They can understand that something may be imperative for the country, and then respond. But until now there has been no real center. Who leads them, and to where? There is nothing that God wants more badly than the true center. That means, God really wants some person and group in the spirit mind's position to have subjectivity over the political people who are in the body's position. Heavenly Father wants to see that very much.
It is nothing short of amazing that people representing science, politics and religion all gathered together. You know what their relationship has been like until now. No one of them could follow or respect the other. They were all downright enemies. Religion and science have been enemies to a great extent. Politics and religion have also been enemies, and politics and true science also have been enemies to some extent. Now these three will get together and embrace and welcome Reverend Moon without criticizing each other. Naturally, and most importantly, none of them will criticize Reverend Moon. This is an amazing historical event.
In history nothing like this has happened. But to Father, this is not amazing at all. It is something that should be happening everyday in your own city, in your own village, in your own arena. Everywhere you go, you should reproduce that. What is odd is that we have not seen this happen in the past.
The practical question is, when you go back to your own hometown and find scientists, politicians and religious people, can you play the role which Father has been playing all his life? Can you harmonize them? Can you make them take you as their center?
There are a lot of trees in America and a lot in Korea. They are not different trees, but similar. For example, the poplar tree in America and Korea is the same. If you engraft American poplar into a Korean or Japanese poplar, it will become even stronger. By today's method of cloning, even an individual cell can be cloned. Father gave the poplar as an example. But what about a Reverend Moon tree? A Reverend Moon tree is big and strong and nice. Did we become its branch or clone so that everywhere we go we can be recognized as a small Reverend Moon tree? What is your answer? "Yes, I am a small Reverend Moon tree"?
What does a Reverend Moon tree look like? How can we define a Reverend Moon tree? First of all, he is a man God loves. That one man that God loves so dearly does not just sit down and receive love from God. In fact he tries to love God in ever greater degrees. He is that kind of tree. No matter how many times he finds himself on the verge of dying, he doesn't die. He lives again and always tries to do even more to fulfill God's will. What about you? If you experience a severe setback, do you just simply die, or do you never die, because you are a Reverend Moon tree? To achieve God's goal in this world, just as Father we must give up our lives, our wives, give up our children and even our nations to go after God's will. Are we ready to do this? Think about it deeply. Don't just say "Yes Father, Yes Father". It's not that easy. You know that. Think deeply, and then say "Yes Father." It's life and death. Will you still say yes when you go through greatest torture in prison? You can only imagine how painful it is if they use pliers to pull the nails off your fingers. Can you still say "Yes Father" then? Then they cut your finger and they do all kinds of terrible things to you. That's a very serious situation. What if you go through that? How many times are you prepared to die for the sake of the will of God?
Even Jesus had to ask God "why are you giving me up?". What about you? Are you going to be better than Jesus? He then said, "Not as I will but as You will." He acknowledged that there was God's will and Jesus' will and they were not necessarily the same. "I don't want to die. I want to achieve my will for God." That was Jesus' will. But to let him die was God's will. Jesus said, "Don't do as I will but do as You will." Are we going to repeat that? How many times?
All of us have lived "as I will," but now we have to die and be resurrected. We have to be born again. When the American government very unjustly indicted Father, Father didn't have to come back to this country. If Father hadn't come, that would have been the end. America would have been happy and nobody would have questioned Father. They could not have forced Father to come back so they could punish him since there was no treaty between Korea and America. So even if he had committed many crimes, there was no way they could have forced him back. Father decided on his own to come back. Why? He saw that it was God's will. He saw that there was a way that America could be saved as a result of Father going to prison. So Father said, "Gladly I will go God's way. So he came back to America and went straight to prison. That opened up an avenue, a way for America to repent. If Father didn't come back and go to prison then America would have no way to repent. But as it is Father came back and sacrificed himself, like dying on the cross. Now there is a way open for America to repent, and when God accepts their repentance then America will live again.
We have seen the grand rule. God sacrifices His own loving sons and daughters, putting them to death. As a result of that He saves a greater number of people. God has been doing that ever since history began and He did it to Father. This is God's formula. He does that to all his loving sons and daughters. Why? Because of the fall. Man inadvertently received Satan's lineage, his blood, his life, his love. Man has no choice. To be in God's lineage, man must give up all these things. He must go through and beyond the difficulty of giving them up. It is like dying. You must first die before God can lift you up. That means we must go beyond the realm of this world, of Satan's love and Satan's life. We must go over Satan's world and be free of these three powers-Satan's love, life and lineage. This is then the starting point for the heavenly site, a foundation on the earth.
If someone says, "Are you going to save your life or give up the connection to Satan?" you must be able to say, "I will give up my life and give up Satan's connection." You must even deny your life. All of us want to be saved, right? But what do you mean? You are already alive, are you not? You are breathing, walking, speaking, you are very healthy and alive, so why do you need to be saved? You are alive but dead. So that means that you have to go out of the realm in which you are and move into a new realm of God. We want to be saved in that way. In order to start love, life and to start everything godly, no matter how difficult it is, what we need is to live or die for it.
So the Bible says that unless you receive the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit, you cannot be saved, you cannot live. When you receive the Holy Ghost, when you receive Mother, then you will come to a new realm. Do you follow? The Holy Ghost is what kind of God? It is the feminine God. What about Jesus? What gender of God is he? He is the husband God, the world God. Since Jesus died without fulfilling all things that he was to accomplish, the relationship became vertical between husband and wife instead of horizontal. The husband and wife relationship should be horizontal, but in Jesus' case Jesus went to heaven and the Holy Spirit continued to work on earth. Satan became rampant in between. Now in true love, these two must come into unity. So we become as ones conceived in the Holy Spirit (in the Mother's position), conceived a new and thus "reborn." And Jesus' male element is also part of the process of my rebirth. We are not born by the mother alone. The father's part should be in the mother before I can be born. That means that the Holy Ghost, representing the mind side, and you, on the body side, become one and receive the father's seed. Then Jesus can come upon us and we can receive love from the father's side before conception takes place. That is the meaning of being born again.
Whether you are a man or a woman, the Holy Ghost will come in the mind's position to each of you in the body position. You must become one with the Holy Ghost, and then Jesus will come down and inject love so the new person can be born.
That is exactly how the fall took place between Eve and the Archangel. It is the same pattern, only this time it is God and Jesus coming down, not the Archangel. That is the meaning of being born again in Christianity. But that reversal is the spiritual reversal. Now in substance we have to be born again. That comes at the time of the Second Advent. Mind and body will become one for the first time and will receive the inheritance from our Father.
This has been demonstrated often, in the early days of our church and even now. Whether we are man or woman, it doesn't matter, we really miss Father so much, so much that we even cry-in complete oneness.
There should be a role to be played with the passion of an unmarried Adam-person going into the mother's womb to be born again. It is relatively simple to explain what takes place. But it can be very difficult to actually go through this rebirth process. We haven't taken this serious step have we? You may hear what Father is saying, but what is Father really saying?
Simply, we are born again spiritually through Jesus and the Holy Ghost. That gives us a very important condition-that we are reborn through Father's body. It is important that we have this horizontal connection centering upon the body, with Father. Otherwise we cannot complete the process of being born again, and we cannot fulfill the course of restoration. We know that we have to be restored, which means to be born again.
Those spirit men who have never been born again come down and connect with an actual physical body to experience this born-again process. Then they can be born again through the body. When that happens, then the spirit man is actually born again and his mind and body are both perfected, and salvation is now complete. If you really love Jesus, when Jesus feels pain, you will feel pain too because you are part of him. You have to be that close. We are part of him because we are his children. The same thing occurs with Father. When Father feels so much pain, we have to feel the same pain or else we are not one with Father.
In the same way as you imagine you are a fetus in the mother's womb, you are the result of father's sperm, so we should feel the father's pain also because we are connected. But are we like that? If we are not, it means we still have a distance to go before we are restored. We must close that gap now while we have a body. What happens if we die now? Let's say a person has this much of a gap, this gap could continue on for hundreds of thousands of years in the spirit world. How about a larger gap? It would continue on longer. Now while we have a body we must become one. Then we probably won't have to wait thousands of years.
As much as Father taught us, it somehow has been eluding us. We did not concretely learn all that he taught. We still tend to think, "Somehow I will go to heaven." We have to be more exact, correct? We have to really know what it takes. It's a science. You can discern the person who is very exacting from one who is not. How do you tell? Their mind and body do not fight each other so much. Such a person whose mind and body do not fight, we say, "he's one with Father".
When mind and body are born again through true love, the person is free. This is not rhetorical or abstract; this is reality. Here is a man who used to love drinking very much, but now his mind and body became one, through true love. So he's well connected to Father. Then all of a sudden he realizes he really hates to drink wine. That kind of phenomenon always happens. Cigarettes, homosexuality, all these lose their allure. For instance, what happens if our brother or sister who joined the Unification Church continued to have homosexual experiences on and on. They would go directly to hell; there is no way they would return to heaven. We must understand this clearly. Then how can he be saved? When he becomes moved by the Holy Spirit, then somehow he will not desire to do that anymore. Re-birth through true love occurs. No matter how much he liked smoking, drinking or even homosexual activities, the mind now says, "No this is no good." Then that's it. It's the end of the dispute. He simply doesn't like it. He hates it. You will become like that. You must become like that.
What if you tried and tried to make that happen? Then you have to try harder. You have to cry and cling to God to make it happen. This is up to you. You have to pray. You have to deny your body, even to extremes, and you have to ask God to make your mind and body become one. Prayer is essential. Don't underestimate the power of prayer. Pray. Ask God, ask God. Beg God. Forget other things. All you want to do is experience Parents' love, inherit Parents' love. That's all you should want to do. Forget everything else. Seek Parents' love, Parents' life, Parents' lineage.
Isn't it the Principle view that since we started at one point, then we need to return to that point, change course and then go on? So we need to continue to deny ourselves until we reach that zero point again. Then new life can begin. At that zero point a new world, new life, new being can begin. So we need spiritual parents and physical parents. Then we need to connect these two into one. How difficult is Father's mission-to connect and unify those two worlds and make a victorious atmosphere in the spiritual world. To become the owner of this physical world, most important is Mother.
The original point is the one point of Adam's couple. We went the fallen way but we now have to come back to that original point, losing all of Satan's world-everything: nation, tribe, parents, brothers and sisters, even the self. We have to lose all this and reconnect with Father's new seed in the mother's womb, and bear a new child. From there a new world will start. This is the fallen people's formula course-the way to go back to the original point. This is according to Principle. This is not just Father's idea!
When you think about it, when were you born again? Can you remember? Otherwise you cannot claim you have new life, a new world centering on true love.
To be reborn is not easy. It is not simple. Heaven knew and Satan knew, but no human being knew. But now many human beings know for the first time in history. Father pioneered to road of knowing and applying this. As a result of that we can accomplish this now. So the Satanic world must depart now. It must lose ground, step by step. The Satanic world began through a mother's womb didn't it? So the new, sinless, born-again world should begin in a mother's womb.
So here is a new Adam. We must become one with Adam and be born again out of this new Adam. Therefore it is an absolute rule that we must love Father more than anybody else. That's why Jesus said, "You must love me more than anybody else, otherwise you will not go to heaven-you will not be worthy of me".
This is not simply to be done on a joyous or comfortable occasion. Each must bear his own cross, paying his own indemnity to become like Father. We wish it would happen very simply, automatically, but it doesn't happen like that. We have to indemnify, we have to pay our indemnity to become like Father.
So this is very much a spiritual process, isn't it? To become completely one with Father and to love him and cry for him means we have to cry so much because we miss him so much. That is spiritual. Then after that we are born again, and we have to go through the horizontal path where we have to fight against the world, accomplishing restoration through indemnity. So we have two wars to fight: the spiritual and the horizontal. Who among you are working very hard towards accomplishing that goal now? Yes, each of you. We are all supposedly very busy doing that. Of course we cannot do it simply by ourselves. Only parents can give us rebirth.
Father is working very hard to make this process as easy as possible for us. He is chasing Satan far away, as far away as possible. Therefore we all don't have to fight Satan so much, because Father already has defeated him. Isn't this true? Isn't that what Father has done from the individual to the country and world level. At the country level, people do not oppose us so much because they understand what Reverend Moon did for America. Father has established a foundation at every level and Satan has retreated.
So both vertically and horizontally Satan is being pushed back and as a result of that, we now enjoy a very peaceful atmosphere. Now we have come into the time when Father can make the Federation for World Peace. If we have not done anything before, but now we take it very seriously and carry it out, then we can become completely one with Father and he can re-create us any way he wants us to be. We should not be plus in front of Father because Father is plus, and two plusses repel each other. So we have to be minus. If we deny ourselves, believe in Father and obey Father, then we become one with Father, and Father can do many, many things through us. He will say, "You go." And even though you know you will die if you go, don't say "Oh no, I'll die if I go." Can we say that? If we really think we will die there and we say, "Father, do you really want me to go?" and he says, "Yes!" then we still go. The chances are that you won't die if God is guiding us. But that's God's problem. We should be ready to die, correct? Now all of us here are special people, special brothers and sisters here, but what is our qualification? Satan would like to see that each individual would have passed the life and death border a long time ago. We should always be ready to die.
But why does Father always nag me and chase me into a very uncomfortable position? You are like a cup with dirty water in it. So what do you want to do? Father would like to throw that water away. Then Father would be free to refill you with real water and you will be a different person. Do you understand? You may not see yourself so clearly, thinking that water is alright since you had that water all your life. But inside, God cannot tolerate many of those dirty family elements. So Father wants to first throw that out so he can re-fill you. That is a correct analogy.
Now as you look back over your Unification Church life, maybe you joined fifteen years ago. You suffered so much. Father knows that. Father now says, "Let's suffer again, all over again". You respond, "Oh Father, should we do that all over again?" But we had best do that again. We want to empty ourselves once and for all and then Father can work much more easily with us after that.
Blessed couples may say, "Oh Father, you blessed us, so I'm not going to depart with some of these things. I'm going to hold onto them for ever and ever.' Are you going to say that, or if the task is big enough, you will go at any cost, forgetting your husband, your wife, your children. They may starve, you don't know, but if Father says "We must go," then we go. A lot of you went through that course. Once you have done that then we don't have to suffer in the Satanic world again, from that point on. Our heavenly life begins from there.
If Christianity and America had supported Father, Father would not have had to go through all this. Father's family took all this persecution for forty years. All you blessed couples are now the growth stage of this process remaining. You have to follow Father's path of the cross.
This is why Father is chasing the blessed couples away to the couple's home. Once Jesus was crucified there was no way for us to evade going that same course. We may not be crucified literally, but we have to be crucified symbolically. So if Father has gone the same course, there is no way for us to evade going that same course as Father. We must go. Even though it may be only a short time. When Father went through that difficult course it was under terrible persecution, much more difficult than now. Now there is no persecution, so it is much easier for us. But still we must go this way. There is no way we can avoid that. If you go now, there is always somebody who can take care of your children. But when Father started this course this was not so. Father had to fight every inch of the way, in every area. Now, nobody will persecute your children when you leave them behind.
Because of what Father did in Korea recently, the Korean members will suffer perhaps more than any other members, but the Principle stays the same. Separate from your wife and your children, and go. Now they are gone. What about the organization, HSA? It doesn't matter. One individual will go and recover the clan and then come back with the victory; that is tribal messiahship.
What we have done on the individual level and the family level, now we are doing on the clan level which is our perfection level. Formation, growth and perfection, that is our formula course. That is our organization, too. Wherever we go there is always three tiers, three levels of relationship. Now we are working at the clan messianic mission.
Now the time has come for each individual, by going through this course, ultimately to go back to the original home, back to a completely new world. There will be no persecution there. So Father has restored himself three great rights: elder sonship, parentship and kingship. By doing that he pushed back the Satanic realm. He did this from the original Adam's position, the position Jesus would have been in if he had fulfilled. That of course is the position of the second coming, the original Adam's position. The third Adam, the completed Adam, the Second Coming, all these are synonymous.
Adam was the elder son wasn't he? But he lost that position didn't he? Also, Adam was to be True Parents originally wasn't he? He was also king, right? But he is now none of these.
On the 28th of July we all got together and heard the pronouncement of the Royal Family of True Love. The royal family was formed. The course that is taken from now is that of true love. Father individually restored the individual, the family, the clan, nation and world, and when he returns there is no opposition. Peacefully he can return. When he returns, we all can follow him and return too. The original Adam's course is the vertical line. This time he is making the historical condition based on true love. This same straight line will connect all families, centering on true love. The individual portion is small compared to heaven's portion. The tribal portion is bigger than the individual, the national is bigger still, and world bigger still. But all will have one center of true love, one main direction. The world direction is connected with the individual direction by the true love line. This is the love direction. Satan cannot follow this way because we will be going in the direction opposite to Satan's way-180 degrees different to Satan's direction. From here, from Adam's family, a new age starts. From Adam's family starts a new tribe and this ultimately will connect to the world. The foundation of heaven's world is the way opposite to Satan's. Heaven's side will gradually collect all humankind through true love, by people understanding the true way.
So now all the communist world and the free world welcome Reverend Moon. They want to follow absolutely. So that means they have to cut from everything that is not God's ideology and concept. So if we multiply individual, family and clan restoration then the whole world will come to exist within God's world automatically. Adam was supposed to establish a nation. That's what his purpose was. He was not simply meant to remain on the family or clan level at all, but rather to establish a country. Now we, by accomplishing clan-level restoration, will automatically be able to make a country through the root. Ultimately this big tree with a big trunk will be connected by engrafting. The tribe forms the branches which is connected to the trunk and root.
You are in the original Adam's position, given to you by Father, and he has said "go." So you are to go back to your hometown to become a tribal messiah. By doing that you can resurrect your own physical father and mother, and they too can stand in the position of restored Adam and restored Eve. You are in the position of Jesus' family whereas Father is the True Parents' family and through them everyone is automatically connected to the same realm horizontally. By doing that you will eventually get rid of the position of fallen Adam and Eve. You will also rid yourself of the failed Jesus position. In other words, you will establish a successful position and be connected directly to Father's position. By doing that the restored world will automatically come to exist. The first, second and third Adam will horizontally come into one, come into unity. There is now no spiritual atmosphere that will work against this course. So we can recreate the new Adam position, the new Jesus or second Adam position, and completely connect them into one. The sons of the first Adam (fallen people), and the sons of the second Adam (the Christians, restored half way) all become one with the third Adam's children's position.
We can make this connection through the tribal messiah foundation.
You have your hometown. Why? Your parents take the fallen position and we take the restored position. Jesus made a nation and we can automatically connect with the world through the engrafting process.
What it amounts to is that all you have to do is connect that branch of yours into the main trunk. Then all of your clan will come alive. As a condition Father has already pieced all these together. So as soon as we connect ourselves then all things will come alive. That is the strategy that works. Father's tree has all the conditions within it. We connect with it, from the root, by simply doing what Father is asking now. It will work. So all parts of the world will be directly connected with our native land, which happens to be your hometown, your native land, which has nothing to do with the fall anymore.
Today, your hometown is still under Satan's dominion. But once you go there and achieve this, then your hometown will be a restored hometown. You don't have to do anything special because of what Father has already done. So by connecting through you, with the true root, this will be achieved.
The parents' concept consists of three parts: the fallen parents, the second or Jesus' position parents, and the perfected parents. We are at the perfection stage of the parents' concept now, so we can fulfill all three parts.
The second position or middle position is always important because it is the connecting point. As a result of that, Adam now resurrects, and Jesus can resurrect, and your original self can also resurrect. Do you follow? That is the sketch, the outline of why the tribal messiah is necessary and why it works.
What is the actual meaning of the tribal messiah? First it is to let your own physical parents stand in an unfallen position, a restored position. The first thing you do is to put them in that position. Some of them are in the spirit world, but still they are under Satanic dominion, right? Jesus' disciples who are up in the spirit world, and who are on earth, are still not exactly in the heavenly domain. They are under Satanic dominion to some extent. Perfected Adam is now working spiritually and physically. He has created the victorious foundation to connect both ways-spiritually and physically. So you too can connect with what Father has achieved-the restored Adam position. And so all can be connected with this. When that is realized then the full spirit world can come down and resurrect. So we must do the tribal messiah work so we can connect with the spirit world. We have a lot of ancestry in the spirit world. To connect these three in the course of formation, growth and perfection, you must carry out tribal messiahship. By doing that, each level will be connected to the true root. By doing this the whole resurrection of spirit men becomes reality. This is what Father has been looking to accomplish.
The second coming will be the perfected Adam, and the position of Jesus and the first Adam will be in it, so your tribal messiah work will directly connect all your ancestry to the perfected Adam position. Jesus is a branch, Adam is a branch, there is Father's own original branch-all these will be combined in one concept of perfected Adam. The environment and domain of Adam was small, Jesus' was a little larger, and so on, but each is still connected to the mission of Adam, and Jesus. The core of each centers on Adam's family, Jesus family and third Adam's family. The restorational value is connected with the numbers of people who center on each of these three. But ultimately all are connected. The end result is that we will have the same value as everything perfectly restored. Father wants all of us to reach this.
One thing is for sure, even though you don't understand exactly what Father is saying because of the problem of translation, you must restore the fallen clan. You must be the clan messiah. You understand that part don't you? Why? So that you can make your own native land, your hometown, a heavenly hometown. And so you can make your own parents not the enemies as they are now, but on your side so you have your own foundation to stand on too. Then your whole clan will be blessed. The hometown that they inhabit will become a heavenly hometown. The hometown where Father was originally born must be restored also, otherwise it cannot be Father's hometown. The same applies to him. Just as Father must have his own hometown, you also must your own hometown. This is your mission-to restore it. You must feel God's heart by returning to your hometown and working through it. Otherwise you cannot live in heaven.
We have to restore Canaan. Because there is no persecution, no opposition, Canaan can be directly connected through your own hometown. The providential time makes this possible. So going back to your hometown, all you have to do is enroll in the Israelites' position, as belonging to one of the tribes. A tribe's ultimate goal is to establish a nation. That is the tribe's whole purpose.
We must understand that when the Israelites went into Canaan, almost four thousand years ago, they were more like beggars. They had been out in the wilderness for forty years. Compared to the Canaanites, they were beggars. The Canaanite seven tribes were rich, they had cattle, homesteads, pretty daughters and good sons, everything. Now the Israelites were in the position to digest the Canaanites. But they were digested by the Canaanites and Jesus had to suffer so much as a consequence. We are to set a Godly tradition. We are not to go back to Satan's tradition.
There are the seven tribes of the Canaanites, but we are in the elder son's position. That is the difference. The Satanic world will automatically stand in the younger brother's position. If you use your good subjectivity, the good inner sovereignty of yours, then they will listen to you. Now the big difference between you and your brothers to be restored is that they are individualistic but you are holistic. So they are about to be digested by you. You bag is bigger than their bag.
I wrote down these directions in my memos and gave them to the Korean and Japanese members. Now I will give them to you, and it will be all over the world. Follow exactly what I tell you.
The Conference Memos and Direction given before Father left Korea the 29th of August, 1991.
The Return to Canaan, Restoration of Canaan, and its Dispensational Meaning.
Tribal Messiahship, which we must take very seriously, would not have been necessary if Christianity and America had received Father 46 years ago. Within seven years, what you are about to accomplish would have been accomplished-by 1950. It was extended, postponed forty years. The date has been pushed back to 1992 as the date by which this has to be accomplished, instead of 1950.
What was the purpose of the course in the wilderness? The purpose of the course in the wilderness was to separate from Satan, to separate Satan's world from God's world. To separate the two, it took Korean history 4000 years. We had to restore 4,300 years in 43 years.
Now that we have gone through the wilderness course, we have to return to our home town and restore our ancestry.
Restore Elder-Sonship.
Restore Parentship.
Restore Kingship.
Make three great victorious conditions: your grandfather, your father and your brothers should serve you. You are Abel and Cain must be subjugated.
Original Ideal Family
Heavenly Father King
Earthly King
That means three generations. The Heavenly King position is the heavenly position. The King on Earth position is the Father and Mother's position, and the prince is the children's position. These three positions represent different levels of kingship. The first represents the past (grandfather), the second represents the present and the third one, the prince, represents the future.
Husband and wife living in the True Love Palace.
Parents and Children in True Love.
Establishing a new tradition that is 180-degrees different from the satanic tradition.
Complete absorption and digestion of the Cain traditions, the Cain realm.
Establishing a nation: bringing everything into the heavenly position, the environment of heaven. In there our standard has to be very high. What standard? The standard of filial sons and daughters has to be very high, the standard of royal citizens toward the king has to be high, the standard of sainthood should be high (higher than the historical standard), and the standard of the holy man should be high. You see even the world has sons and daughters of filial piety. But our standard for filial sons and daughters should be higher, our standards of sainthood and holiness has to be higher.
Organization based on the Divine Principle view:
Neighborhood (tong-ban), precinct (li), town (myun)
Town, county, state
County, state, central government
State, central government, capital congress
Central government, congress, world
Congress, world, cosmos
King's Palace, God
This is the organizational plan based on the Divine Principle. Everything is comprised of three. The eye represents God, the nose, Adam and Eve, mouth, all things. The eyes have three parts-white, iris, and pupil. The ear also has three parts. Everything is created in three stages.
The Contents of the Organization.
If you so wish you can team up as four. Working alone is sometimes difficult. So four people can team up and form a group and work together, and have an advantage. A tribal messiah group can work together, and take turns. Do you know what Father means? Instead of doing everything individually, four people get together and you can take turns staying in this home town and then the next -four different home towns. Also, you can form a twelve-person group. That doesn't mean Father is saying work with twelve people. No, work alone; but, if you find it more advantageous, four people get together and work. If still you cannot do that then you can form a twelve person group. That is an alternative. If you are a really good organizer you can organize up to a 120-person group.
Tribal Messiahs accomplish 120 families and 360 families and if you multiply that by two, 720 families. Those are your goals. Once you get their agreement to be trained, you can do almost anything to teach them.
In the particular situation of Korea, many are from North Korea, so obviously they cannot go to their hometown right now. So in Korea Father allowed them to select a second hometown and establish that, which will immediately be connected to their original hometown when the north/south border is abolished. So Father is recognizing them as second son, and when the first son is restored, of course then you will have a first and second son. That pertains more to Korea, but in America also you can do the same thing. Even though you have your own original hometown you can select, just like in Korea, a second hometown. That means that when they pay enough attention to Unification Church and its teaching and its essence, its True Parentship, then that second town can follow just as easily as your hometown. Our main task is to teach them Divine Principle.
Educational training
Itinerary workers. IWs conduct the revival meetings and so forth. Over one hundred American members just went to the Soviet Union and did things similar to which Father is now describing there. We are about to do these things in our own hometown.
Unification comes not from the country but from the individual and family levels. It works its way up, not works its way down: from individual to family, clan, nation and world. Use public meeting places and churches as the training sites, teaching rooms. In America we have a lot of churches so we have lots of teaching areas. In Korea you can live in churches temporarily. Actually you can come and live there physically, but in America it's a little different situation. That means use the Christian churches like your brother's home. Maybe we can change the pattern, and people can stay overnight.
We will train and arm people with thought that is superior to the world's level. That means, in the world they have a value system which is pretty weak; but ours should be stronger. Our thought and organization should be stronger than our counterparts in the satanic world. By doing that we can win over the social situation (of course this is very much with the Korean situation in mind, but it applies almost equally to America). We organize an effective team and organization and teaching, centering on good people.
The Mission of the Tribal Messiah: Three Great Missions
Owner, or master
Father often uses these concepts, but also these are basic concepts for us to understand and use.
Owner = Kingship position;
Country level Teacher = School
Teacher position Parents = Family
The mission of the tribal messiah is our inevitable mission-our destiny. Messiahship is not something we can give up or leave half-done, it is something that we have to accomplish. Jesus came as a Messiah and if he didn't completely succeed he has to try again until he succeeds. So where is Jesus now? He is in Paradise, waiting to attain heaven. So once we undertake the tribal messiah mission we cannot quit as we wish; there is no quitting.
The Tradition of God and True Parents - To live for the sake of others
Invest and invest again and forget the fact that you invested, just like God and just like our Parents. Forget that you invested, don't remember it. Get it?
Pray for perfection and dedicate a lot of heart for the sake of perfection. These three points are self-explanatory. These are Father's, Parents', God's tradition.
Steps of Recreation.
Creation of the Environment
What did God create first in the beginning of the world? The environment. So we first have to create the environment because we are the Messiah himself-the representative of God. The Messiah represents God's creative power. So it is a formula. First we have to create the environment.
Subject and Object
When there is an environment, there is subject and object, otherwise there won't be any environment. The environment always has subject and objects. Even the mineral kingdom has plus and minus parts and the vegetable kingdom has stamen and pistil (same thing), and insect kingdom and man have male and female beings. Why do they exist in subject and object form? For the purpose of love, which is the whole purpose of God's creation, period-love! If you want find something mystical, the very fact that everything comes in these two beings, male and female, it's the most fantastic, it's mystical! How anybody could do that is mystifying. Centering on what? When you understand love, it's not mystifying at all. Your faces are telling me, what is so mystifying about it? But think about it-Love! Then it is a mystery!
All of us have really suffered wanting to know what is our purpose in life. Everyone said, what is man's purpose? No one ever said, "What is man's purpose and what is woman's purpose?" Father is the great discoverer of that. Father said, "Not just man but man and woman." Why did man and woman come into existence? Because God had love in mind, that is why mankind came into existence. So man and woman become one centering on love. More specifically, physically, centering on what? The sexual organs. True? These are love's essential organs. There the unification between man and woman becomes realized. There is nothing obscene about it. It is not the mouth-to-mouth kiss that is the ultimate purpose of man and woman, nor to have a strong handshake. No one can oppose and say "I was not born for the sake of love." No one can say that. They say, "Yes, I am."
So before man and woman came into being, the concept of love was already there. After that concept was established then God made man and woman; that is the reality. This is a very serious point. It's serious enough to divide the whole philosophical world into two opposing camps. So no one can deny, even though you are an ardent student, that man was born for the sake of love and woman was born for the sake of love. Why, then, do we have to marry? We get married so that we can become one centering on love. So becoming one is rather conceptual. Actually, becoming one through sexual organs, that kind of oneness, that is the real original palace of love, not only of love but of life and lineage too. So it is the most important area, the most valuable place in the human's life; no place is more valuable than that. The fall was the destruction of this great palace of these three things. What does the fall mean? It destroyed the three greatest palaces. This should have been established centering on God, but the fall established it centering on Satan. That is the difference.
When God created woman did He create her with just woman in mind, independent from man or anything else, just a woman? Before God started creating woman, He already had a clear idea what man was like. Then he started creating woman. So, what is the purpose of woman's life? Woman's purpose in life is never for her own sake, as many people may think now. Woman was created for the sake of man. The starting point is that woman was created for man. So "me" has no place in God's creation; "woman" has nothing to do with woman, but woman everything to do with man, and vice versa, "man" has nothing to do with man. So in God's wisdom He didn't give man's most precious thing to man. In other words, God gave it to woman: "You hold it for him." So the sexual organ that women have, does it belong to her, or is the original owner of that part someone else? Who? Her husband, right? And the sexual part that her husband has, who is the real owner? The husband? NO! That is the wife's, the woman's. So this is a very great point here. You are holding something very valuable for someone else. But you thought all this time that it was yours, so you misused it in many ways. That very satanic attitude came about, "Oh, this is mine, I can use it in any way I please." That is a very satanic tradition, whereas the Godly tradition is the other way around: "That is not mine, even though it belongs to me, it is not mine."
Why is there no peace today? Because everybody thinks that he exists for himself. If he knew that he exists for the sake of others he would never fight, and if man and woman, only knew that they came into being for the sake of love they would never fight. So whatever you have, centering on love, it is not yours, it is simply not yours. Centering on love, I am not the master of myself; my master is somewhere else: my husband or my wife. Isn't that true? What a striking concept this is. There is nothing over which either man or woman can claim, "It is mine." Nothing, not even my little finger. Not anything. It belongs to love.
Centering on love, everything you have belongs to your spouse. Women came into being for the sake of who? Man. And man's love didn't come into existence for the man. Man's love partner is woman. Can you say "My love partner is me"? Nothing belongs to man. So how can you make a mistake and look at a woman other than your wife, and go wrong with her? You cannot; even if they pay you millions of dollars you can't. Your organ is not yours; it is your partner's! True? If you misuse it you are like a thief. If you have someone else's bankbook and you spend their money, you are a thief. Taking another love owner's place and using it as if you were his wife, that is robbery. Don't do it! The precious part that the man has, the wife has to ask for it or you should never expose it, because it is too precious. You are not going to use it in any other way because it is simply not yours.
Corresponding relationships
Find material through which you can recreate (fundraise). Restore from the satanic world. You must add your blood, sweat and tears to it and offer it to heaven. Through this you can go up and inherit the elder son's position. You must win approval from Satan.
Father, too, just like God, invests so much but then forgets; he doesn't remember. If he remembers, Father says, he cannot continue. So he forgets, does it again, forgets, does it again, and it becomes bigger not on the same proportion but on a larger proportion. A lot of Korean people and the Korean government cannot figure Father out. Father makes so much money and puts everything into America and what does he get? They think, nothing. Is that so? Something is brewing, and that is, of course, what people don't understand immediately.
If you really had a genuine friend, and that genuine friend gave you a present of love valued at $100, you know that it cost $100. Then toward that genuine friend and genuine present of love do you say, next time I will give him an $80 present? Not even a bad man would think like that. You would want to return to him $150, because you know his true intention. Because you know his true intention you want to pay back more, not less. Even though man fell, man is born with a godly essence; even fallen man has that kind of good God's quality. So we who live on earth, we don't want to drain someone's resources and then go to spirit world. We want to give more than we receive and when we do that and go to spirit world then we receive that much more than we gave.
So we should have the habit to, invest-forget, invest-forget continually investing. We live for the sake of doing that. Among your friends, the one who always tries to do something for others, he become popular, doesn't he? He becomes the center of that group. That's Father's tradition, that's God's tradition. Why do you become the center? Because God is like that. Because you resemble God and God is the natural center, you are also natural center. So this is a formula: the more you do for the sake of others the more you will come to receive in the future. So that is the tradition of our Parents, and of God.
Look at Unification Church members for example. If there was this kind of person we would have a great list now today. "Oh I joined Unification Church, I dedicated all my junior effort and youth, ten years, fifteen years into the cause. What do I get? I'm so short-changed. I am not going to do anything more." Does this resemble God? Apparently not. If you genuinely invested yourself, then the universe would have come around and filled you up already, like air. If there is a vacuum, a low-pressure area, then the high pressure will gush in and a storm will form. The vacuum power is greater than the pushing power. Do you understand? So if that is not happening to you then maybe you didn't work so hard during all those years. The inexhaustible, unlimited, power of life should come in when you invest and invest and forget.
Connecting with True Love
Then we come to eternal life-the life that never stops, never ends, because it becomes greater. Our life, through true love, will continue and prosper more and more, eternally. It is easy to say eternal life, but where does it come from? There is nowhere it can come from except from in here. We don't have to think like that all the time, it is already on an unconscious level. Men, women all go after true love. Why? Because they gain something. That gain is eternal life. How grateful we are because it is the spouse, our partner, who helps me to gain eternal life. Without her, without him we cannot reach eternal life. Why should we get married? What's wrong with celibacy? It is wrong. True love has to be eternal. To be eternal you have to get married. Why do you get married? You have to have a specific purpose. For the sake of connecting to eternal life we marry. When you do that you become to eternal subject, who is God. Then you become eternal object to that eternal subject, God. And you become one with Him. That is the full purpose of marrying. By marrying and having an eternal life you occupy God, you pull God in, God cannot help but come to you.
True love always has ownership, so God occupies us through true love. So if you and your husband, you and your wife have true love, God immediately comes and claims ownership. Wife and husband each are half, combined making one, true love sphere. Completing that centering on true love, then automatically the Original Center comes, making a partnership on the opposite side. Opposite side, connecting there, making that connection to subject-object, connected centering on love make ideal couple connected with one, centering on true love. Centering on True Love, making unification and centering on True Love you can inherit everything. Participation everywhere, same place. God is mine, including God's property, everything is mine. That means whole universe, centering on true love, unites with God and the whole created world is my property. Do you understand? That is ownership. You want ownership at a high level, don't you? You are greedy. Why? Originally we had that kind of position. After the fall it was a miserable situation. In your original mind is like an electrical power, indicating north and south, moving that original fork. Your original mind has that characteristic, walking in that same direction, no matter how much your present fallen situation resists that. Your original mind is working to go back to that original point. That is my mind-working power. Do you understand?
So your mind clearly understands the high level it wants to reach. "I want all of the creation. Even the high level of God, I want to occupy fully." Greedy, aren't you? Same thing. Everyone wants to become a King. Everyone wants to be a high professor. Everyone wants to become the True Love Parents. These are the three main subject thoughts. Who is the main subject being of these three goals, or thoughts? God. God is the owner of all the created world; God is the great teacher, knowledge king; God is the True Love King. God is that kind of three owners. That is the subject one; we become the object ones. Object means the same level partner. So the mind that wants ownership is like God, also high teacher and high parents. Connecting into one. We have to have that kind of greed to lead us to that high level. Everyone's' greed can make the completion of the original purpose of creation of humankind. Do you understand?
After the fall we had a miserable situation-we lost everything-but your original mind understood that kind of direction. Why? Because Adam and Eve grew up almost sixteen years. Their mind grew up going in the correct direction, constantly moving forward to the terminal point. They were ambitious. Do you understand? Humankind's ambition to obtain these goals is an original natural characteristic. Do you follow me, do you understand?
Father wants that, no matter how difficult the situation. Do you know that I was creating the Washington Times during the court case? It was on tape that the American government wanted to kill me. They were my enemy-I understood that. But God until now, has been forgiving and loving His enemies, investing and forgetting that He invested in His enemies. I followed God's attitude-I forgave everything. Do you know how much the Washington Times spent? 830 million. How much money! Only one, The Washington Times , spent that much money. How much money was spent for all American activities? But Reverend Moon didn't take a loss. Why? I gave everything, centered on true love. So it expands everyday. So that I could affect the depth of American thinking, filling it full of true love water. Completely full, occupying everything.
You know that Inquisition book has appeared all over America. After people read that, they can change completely, 180 degrees. Until now the worst guy is Reverend Moon. "Reverend go back home." But now they understand, and say Reverend Moon don't go back home. If you go back home America has no hope. Now this miserable situation in America; who can save her? The American government, economic power, knowledge power, cannot save her. She is perishing. No hope. But, Reverend Moon leading her can resurrect another hopeful world. Do you know what I mean? I gave everything and then forgot, through true love. By doing so I didn't perish. I was making that atmosphere, and then went up and up more and more. Until now, when Reverend Moon appeared somewhere, the media world said, "UHHHHGG!" Isn't that true! Not taking me as a serious person. Now there is a welcoming atmosphere all over the country. So you have to follow behind God and True Parents. Don't take the road that leads to death, only prosperity. That kind of attitude will only bring you prosperity; you will not perish. Believe in Father and invest.
You have to know that recreation course and atmosphere. You have to make that recreation atmosphere. You have to make resources, that is fundraising work, going out and receiving persecution, meeting Satan on the frontline. They took our original front line power; they took the elder son's position, we were standing there in the youngest son's position. The youngest son cannot inherit ownership. Isn't that true? So then, we have to restore that ownership. Ownership refers that Cain and Abel concept. What is the Cain/Abel concept? That is subject-object. The vertical subject-object concept is that the parents are subject, and the children are object. The horizontal concept is husband and wife. Front and rear concept is brotherhood. That together is what we call Cain/Abel concept. At first Satan occupied that first son's position, so we stood in the youngest child position. We have to restore the original elders' position, that is mankind's original ideal of creation position. That was lost, we have to rediscover, go back. That is clearly the restoration purpose. You cannot deny that. So think about the recreation course formula way: how can we make the restored atmosphere? God first made the environment, that sets up that subject-object concept. This concept is the Cain and Abel concept.
So, if you count that as a chapter, Father has already given you a whole book about what to do when returning to Canaan-how to restore your hometown when you go back.
The Foundation of Victory and the Foundation of Cain and Abel.
That means that unless subject and object become one the realm of victory doesn't come to exist.
The Children's Foundation
The Family Foundation
Unless the family, centered on husband and wife, has good give and take the family foundation does not exist. A victorious family foundation becomes the Cain and Abel foundation. The foundation of victory only comes from the foundation of Cain and Abel. In other words, unless there is a good relationship between Cain and Abel, perfection does not result.
So realize that wherever you happen to work, you are not working there to receive the living expense. No. Let's say your value is $1,000, and you invest it in something and get only $50 or $500 back. Why would you do such a foolish thing? Then why do you work in a company? If you work in a company you must work as if you are the eternal partner of that company. Then nobody can take you away from it. So you work with the company. If you honestly put your genuine effort in there you will occupy the full thing, not in a negative way but in a positive way. You will be the center. If somebody tries to eliminate you, no, he will be eliminated. You don't evaluate your spouse as a condition to do something, no, you unconditionally receive him or her. Likewise in a company where you are working, you are part of it, you're the partner, no one can erase you out of there. You are not working for money. Like Father, too, he goes day and night and invests and forgets and invests again, whether it returns or not. No one else can come to the same ground and try to occupy that. It simply will not work. Someone can say, "Oh, I can do as well as Reverend Moon, maybe I can do better, so that's mine." No. It's never possible. Because Father is subject and invested everything in the object, no stranger can come in and intervene in that subject-object relationship.
Dr. Weinberg is such a razor sharp critical person and he will never easily respond to anybody's good will, even Father's. So he said in his confession that he watched and watched Father and the Unification Church and now he is very proud to say that there is no discrepancy between what the Unification Church claims it is and what it truly is. Everything that the Unification Church did was genuine, he said. Perhaps he watched how much Father invested in it and how much Father remembered, and maybe it passed his criteria, his test. He observed that Father invested and invested and has no trace of remembering it, and it moved Weinberg and he proclaimed "This is genuine; in seventeen years I found this out and now proclaim it." He was jubilant when he said that. Of course, even God is moved by Father. The fact that Weinberg is moved is really not that great. God follows Reverend Moon, how can Weinberg fail to recognize that, and not follow?
Father likes to boast and be proud too. If Father really expressed his pride in all the things that he has done, he could do it so much that maybe you would all run away. Father is treating you like Father's bosom friends, eternal friends, and Father shares with you all the essential things. If Father knew that you were not worthy of it, how miserable Father would be. But Father trusts you as bosom friends and shows you these things, knowing that one day you will live up to your standard. This is the way Father feels. Father's grandson and granddaughter, how loveable are they? So Father embraces them. But can Father speak anything to them? He cannot, they are only two or three years old. Maybe you are a little better than that? At least you understand what Father is talking about, at least you seem to understand. You respond! So you are better than Father's three-year-old granddaughter and grandson. Maybe that is why Father is doing this. So Father misses you. Father means that. When you have to go away, Father wishes you would stay a few minutes longer before you go. Maybe you feel that heart, so you feel the same thing toward Father. You don't want to leave Father immediately, you want to stay with Father even a few more minutes. Knowing we are unworthy, we still want to do that, and that is the give and take of love.
The Foundation of Tribe
The Foundation of the Nation (Adam and Eve and Jesus' Foundation)
If Adam and Eve hadn't fallen, God's country would automatically have come to exist. But since this didn't happen, we are about to restore it, and we have to do these things before we can restore it. If that foundation had been done in Jesus' time, Rome would have been absorbed and digested for the heavenly foundation.
The Foundation of the True Parents
The National Foundation.
Jesus was to fulfill the national foundation-we are now restoring Jesus' work-but Father's work is much more extensive than that. Father first has to make a national foundation, then make a world foundation, and then a cosmic foundation, and then he returns to God. Then, from the children's to the parental foundation, everything will have been accomplished. What is remaining now, which is absolutely the last step, is the Unification Federation for World Peace.
Unification federation means country-to-country. It means neighboring countries being on good terms, friendly countries. The whole world will be moving into the realm of salvation. We won't have to do tribal messiahship or anything like that. Whole countries will return to their original positions. Tribal messiahship is necessary to establish the national foundation. That is what we are doing now. The Unification Federation will be a vertical relationship. That will be really the end of Father's work. After that all Father has to do is enjoy and sleep. Centering on true love we can make the Federation for World Peace. That is the end, our terminal point. Isn't it? Then what will we see? The satanic world completely vanishing and only the heavenly world reigning forever and ever. This is the end of Father's notes.
What if a lot of the Egyptian people had followed the Israelites? Then the Israelites and the Canaanites would have established a subject-object relationship-an ideal situation. They would have realized a unified world right there. Subject and object relationship is the key-making subject and object into one and spreading that relationship all over the world. At that time they could have made a unified world. Do you understand? No fighting there. Egypt itself would have become the God-centered country. Compare this to the America situation. Reverend Moon and the Unification Church are subject to the American nation. The American government and the established churches have a reversed relationship. Making into one here could build up into the accomplishment stage.
America doesn't welcome me, so I go back to Korea. I will work to unify North and South Korea. I have been working on this for 13 years. Kim Il Sung wants to meet me. I always made conditions for North Korea, to unify the Korean peninsula centering on Father's work. Do you understand? Now they can take only one direction. Now the United Nations is admitting both North and South Korea. That means they are making the national foundation, on the same level as the entire Free World. Taking their visa, they can travel back and forth, no problem. Do you understand? The North and South Koreans were separated at the time of the Korean War. How can they stay separated? Even the American situation, the Western world or whatever country, if they hear about parents and children being separated, they immediately give residency to unite them. Same thing, both sides, automatically uniting relatives. How can anyone stop that? Making expansion of that relation to the national level. Automatically they are combined into one. North Korea understood that. All will be combined with Reverend Moon into one.
Reverend Moon has a worldwide foundation, all over the free world, and in South Korea too. Connect with Reverend Moon into one. South Korea has the same situation. How can they be unified with North Korea? North Korea's armament, their ideology, is communist; how can South Korea digest it? South Korea does not have that kind of knowledge; only Reverend Moon has it. Centering on Reverend Moon both sides can connect and digest each other, no problem. South Korea represents Christian world ideas, we have Divine Principle. North Korea is connecting to the communist regime. We have realized victory over communism, too. Both sides Father digested; centering on Father they will move 180 degrees different direction, no problem. They will be silent. Do you understand? They will say, "We want to follow you." That phenomenon will occur, based upon those conditions which Father made. Father's direction goes back to God's way. No one knows that direction, only Reverend Moon and the Unification Church. That is clear.
No-one know how to make a unification federation for world peace. In God is the power to be the king of knowledge, of sovereignty, of prosperity, of everything. That day is not far away from us, we can see that. It is within my vision. Do you know that? Now can you solve these things? I gave the contents, the explanations. Father just gave us the contents for reaching this goal, reaching our original world. Father would not mind to share more with you, but no more now.
So, God established the restoration of the elder sonship on the individual level when the Israelites came into being. They were standing on the right side and the satanic world was then pushed to the left hand side. Here is the very origin of rightwing and leftwing. God has no place to settle down on this earth, He has to move to and fro. The head is who? That is the perfected Adam. The perfection of Adam is the perfection of a nation. It is not an individual; Adam is not an individual, he is already a nation. So expanding, it will become nation automatically, it's not two different things. So centering on the Israelites God promised to send the Messiah. Who is the Messiah? He is the head, the perfected Adam.
So the Messiah came on this foundation. Here are the Israelites, the Jewish religion and country, and here are all the peripheral religions, and here is where the head, the Messiah, came. So if Jesus, who stood in that position, had been voted in, he could have unified the twelve tribes immediately with no problem. Then with that, he could have made the subject-object relationship with all the Oriental nations and with the later-to-become Muslim nations. If the Israelites and the Christian church combined into one at that time, immediately Moses' twelve tribes could have come to the Islamic world-the Middle East side. Do you understand? At that time the Jewish center, the twelve tribes would have been in the subject position. Automatically they wanted to meet the Messiah, unite into one immediately. The subject's area would have enlarged. At that time the Oriental world, the religious and cultural world of Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism automatically would have been object to Jesus in the subject and center position. Subject and object would have combined, no problem, immediately. That then would be subject, and with Rome as object, being immediately digested, a unified world would have been no problem-a federation for world peace at Jesus' time. Within his lifetime, achieving that purpose would have occurred. Jesus on the national base of subject and object, Jewish and original Christianity combined, then that center would have opened. It is like the head, the nation means the head. Mind-side is right side; body-side is left side. Standing left, king position is head position.
But the Israelites and Jewish religion combined with Rome and cut Jesus' neck. At that time there were the right thief and left thief named Barabbas. Three thieves at that time! Who is the thief who was spared at Jesus' time? Barabbas. Only Barabbas. At that time the thief on the right, protected Jesus, thief on the left attacked Jesus. The two fought. At that time the right thief and left thief died at the same time. If Jesus was not killed, automatically those thieves would have combined into one. Those two combined with Jesus as subject, would have digested the left thief with no problem. In his lifetime, the false world could have been digested. At that time, Barabbas could have turned around 180 degrees.
That means Jesus' mission would have been completed. Combining all the Middle Eastern world, and combined with that, the Eastern and Western world in the unification federation of world peace centering on God's love. At that time Jesus was killed when those two thieves died. Died means Satan connected to those positions, making a world-level foundation. After Jesus was killed Satan expanded his world foundation.. The resurrection of those positions is at the Second Advent, the Last Days. The left side and right sides have expanded, continuing to fight. The communist world was the devil's world. That means at Jesus' death, the realms of right and left expanded to the world level. The United States was centering on the right, the communist world centering on the left. Exactly the same as at Jesus' time. At this time, we are resurrecting that world foundation. At the time of the second advent Jesus again appears as the center, and then the free world can combine into one and communist world combine into one and Muslim world combine into one. That is the mission of the Second Advent. Do you understand?
The Unification Church, centering on Reverend Moon, came to America to connect that victorious foundation with the American government, the presidential level. The Christian world didn't take the subject position. Instead, the Unification Church inherited the Christian world, combining with it into one. Father is standing upon that combined subject-object foundation. Reagan became the president in 1980 through me. Think about it. Five years after the Vietnam War, a conservative, moral, rightwing Reagan could become the President of the United States. Who made that? Reverend Moon. During my time in Danbury jail, in 1984, I helped Reagan too. He was my enemy. Bush, too. I chose those great American leaders, centering on the Unification Church as subject, with the American government as object-connected into one. The Washington Times helped America overcome the communist world. The Washington Times completely serving the nation, eliminating the Soviet curse. That means that, centering on Father, the rightwing united into one and digested the leftwing. That is the resurrected Jesus' world foundation. Occupying those two thieves completely, and Barabbas' position. Islam is like Barabbas' position, that third one. God's religious side doesn't have that kind of concept. On Satan's side, the communist world represents the body and the Muslim world is the mind. Syria represented the center of Soviet terrorism. How can God digest that kind of situation? I chose the Syrian Grand Mufti, and brought him and his followers here for forty days education, digesting them here in America. After that they are completely following me. Three Muslim nations fulfilled this course, which is now finished. Reverend Moon combined with those three, turning them around completely 180 degrees. Now occupying them, with no accusation, no persecution. Making one direction.
The time is coming when the mind and body, which were separated after the fall, will be united into one. Who made that? Adam, the worst parents, separated into two parts. The True Parents are combining the religious (mind) and political (body) worlds into one. Everything is being turned around, and the free world, communist world, religious world and political world cannot come against me. The whole world is following that. Automatically this makes a peaceful world, one terminal point.
How can all those directions be unified? The scientific world, political world, secular world and religious world combine centering on Father. This is everything. Why is Reverend Moon the Second Coming of Christ? Because the communistic world, free world and secular world, Muslim world, religious world and political world are all being digested. That is the messianic mission at the Second Advent. Do you understand? This is true, you cannot deny it.
That is the terminal political point, historical point, ideal world peace point, with everything toward one goal, making unification. That is all there is, all is finished. I established every areas' conditions. Not only conditions, almost reality! It is more than seventy percent accomplished.
So, you have to clearly understand Father's mission, how he could make that completion level. You have to know that, to understand how to inherit Father's foundation. How can you expand your national foundation to cover the free world? This is the Unification Church's mission. Do you follow me? No matter how difficult your situation, you have to push over, going on to the hopeful future. That is it.
Now we understand what the Lord of the Second Coming is, what the Messiah is. He is coming with Godism and Headwing Thought, Godism is vertically connected to the spiritual world. From Godism to Headwing Thought, he accomplished everything. So the one who understands this much, already understands that first are Headwing and Godism, and number three is Reverend Moon-there is no one else that can be connected right here. And the Unification Church. They all know what we stand for. Is it as clear to you as it is to all the world leaders? This is the right way of interpreting history. For the first time, Father explained it exactly, how history is proceeding and why. Also Father is completely right about the law of restoration by indemnity. This is a law which Father introduced.
So, the conclusion for us, now, is that we must return to our native land, our hometown, and create the subject-object relationship ourselves we must establish the subject/object relationship. You being subject establish the realm of object.
Have you ever thought before this moment that you have to establish the subject-object relationship in creating an environment? You first have to realize your own environment, and you have to teach the Divine Principle with words, to recreate people. So the Divine Principle should be your main armament for you to educate people.
Without knowing Divine Principle, they will eternally remain ignorant of the godly way. Now that Father entrusted you as the subject and object in the Cain and Abel principle, he can leave you anywhere. If Father goes to Russia and asks for a room, he trusts that they will give him one of the best rooms in the Kremlin palace. We are in that mission. We are Abel. Gorbachev will say, "Yes, of course." But can Bush say "Yes" with equal confidence? Well, if they can't, they are the losers. The Soviets will be the winners. Now Father is trying to evade that mishap. He is trying even now, trying even harder, to bring Bush and Gorbachev into the right relationship. But it is not so easy.
Now, you all have been to Russia, have you not? Please raise your hands-many. What did you feel there? What are the possibilities there? Which youth will be easier to educate-the Soviet youth or the American youth? (Soviets) What an irony-they are much more qualified here, but they are not going to be of any value.
No matter what any leader's personal opinion is, no one can take Unification Thought out of their minds-it is already implanted. Gorbachev thought the KGB were difficult to deal with, so please educate them. Father is still thinking about that. And Gorbachev said, we have no one to trust in the Western world-how true-Gorbachov saw it right. And he asked Father to find some men in lieu of Western people and educate them. And the CIA says, "What are you doing?" But that is what Gorbachev wants, and he needs it too. He needs good, patriotic people.
So, what is your guess? Do you think Father is smart or not too smart? (Smart!) Smarter than we? (Yes) A few dimensions ahead of today, that is for sure. Father is several steps ahead of you, maybe that is why you don't understand.
But, have you ever really believed in Father? You did not understand what Father was up to. You thought he had Oriental concepts, different from American people. And you thought that Americans were somehow smarter than Father, even though you wouldn't say it. But now, anyway you slice it, Father's thinking is far more substantial than anything you ever think.
So, Father invested here, there and everywhere, and you didn't know. Your head was spinning and you didn't know what Father was up to. Now, when Father put together the pieces like a jigsaw puzzle, it fits and you begin to see the picture. Now you start nodding more approvingly. Father is a wonderful leader-we didn't know that.
So, we thank Father and wish Father the final success, and we should go to hometown and become tribal messiahs. Do you understand what Father is saying? If the Israelites had not gone into Canaan when God told them to do that through Moses, if they had stayed in the comfort of Egypt, they would have been eternal slaves, servants. Now, Father, as the subject of a victorious foundation, is allowing us to be in the realm of object, and the object will completely obey to the subject, becoming one no matter what, and go ahead and carry out Father's direction. We will be owners ourselves. Otherwise, we will be slaves, like the Israelites would have been if they had remained in Egypt, servants.
You don't have to worry about the country so much. Do it, and the country will come to exist-God will bring us the country. And the nation and world will follow, the cosmos will follow, no problem. We can win over hell, too, and Satan too.
So Father accomplished it and made a special ceremony to that effect, the first of July. What if Father, for today's celebration of five birthdays, had that broadcast on television, and four or five billion people could view it worldwide. "Reverend Moon is so famous worldwide. It is his children's birthday today." All over the world, people would want to participate in those birthdays! Many countries are becoming like that. One time, two times, stir up the world. We can do, no problem. I made that television studio center-big. That company can connect to every country's television stations, no problem. Many companies are moving into our studio complex. Father literally became a media center.
So, we made Father work all morning. How can we express our appreciation? Now, Father will go to Alaska, and will continue to study to make up all the deficits we are making now. He has to pay extra effort to make this happen.
So, Father reduced this church hierarchy to a minimum. Father told Mr. Kamiyama and all the old 777 couples to go back to Japan and start anew. Only the relatively new Japanese members will remain in America. You see, the times are changing. In Korea, for instance, there is only one person at HSA, and everyone else went to their hometowns. We must stay abreast-what about America, should we do the same?
We didn't come around Father to get a job and a living expense. We came here to be educated and to create a new country, a new nation-and we are the soldiers of independence forces. We are not dependent forces, but independent forces. You must inherit the American Founding Fathers' spirit-you will be the founding fathers, the pioneers of this country-one nation under God, and we'll make one world under God. You are the harbingers, the pioneers. We know the sacrifices of the Pilgrim Fathers, and should we sacrifice more or less than they, knowing everything we know today? Decide in your mind, make up your mind. But you are not desperate-your door is open ahead of you-a big road, instead of a small road. All you have to do is have absolute confidence. The Pilgrim Fathers just believed, hoped. You can do much better because you know-how can you not do so much better than they? You walked the way knowing where you were going. Is that true? You know well.
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