Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Speeches from 1999 |
Proclamation of Double -Ten Day (Ssang-ship Jeol)
Sun Myung Moon
October 10, 1999
On October 10, 1999, in Punta del Este, Uruguay, Rev. Moon proclaimed Ssang-ship Jeol (Literally "Double-ten Day"). This means the unification of number 10 in heaven and number 10 on earth, the day that heaven and earth can become completely one. Rev. Moon spoke about the realm of the fourth Adam, saying that parents in blessed families are now able to bestow the marriage blessing on their own children directly.
Beloved Father, today is October 10, 1999. It is the second Sabbath of this month. Please allow us to celebrate a victory and wish for the completion of heaven and earth on this Ssang-ship Jeol (Double-ten Day).
At this moment, members of the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace [IIFWP], members of the World University Federation and all responsible people of the press are gathered in Washington for a Hoon Dok Hae [Korean for "gathering to read’] seminar, so please bless them. Please allow all the people to unite as if sharing one common life through the first, second and third Hoon Dok Hae meetings. I truly wish You to allow us to select very important leaders in establishing Your sovereign power, which is based on Your love.
We wish to plan seven different gatherings by January next year, unite each representative of a country and its national messiahs and organize Hoon Dok Hae education for all of mankind. Please allow us to start such education. We truly wish You to allow all the people to accept your direct power of lineage based on the sovereign power of love which is your ideal of creation.
Please allow all the saints, ancestors and many sages in the spiritual world to get into the realm of blessing, and to then unite with their descendants on earth who are the blessed families. We truly wish and want You to allow them to have the victorious liberation of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and the Kingdom of God in heaven which will allow them to serve the Parents of Heaven and Earth and praise the country of love.
Please allow your blessings of love for the people of the Unification Church of the world, who, with all their hearts pray for this place where True Parent are. Please allow Your love to spread to all communities around them. Allow them to be good examples in front of the people who serve God. I truly wish You to allow us to show the path so that tribes, ethnic groups and whole countries can follow God.
I truly wish You to allow such people to become families of love and blessing that God has been searching and searching for. Please allow them to see the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and the Kingdom of God in Heaven.
I truly wish You to bless this event and be with us during this event. Please reach your hands of blessings out to the whole of South America and everything that is bound with this place. Please allow the members of the Unification Church to be able to emphasize and praise Your glory in a liberated faith. I truly wish You to allow South and North America to become like that.
The parent country wishes to get the Christian cultural sphere under its embrace. Please unite the parent country and the elder son country. Allow us to put our effort into the United States and fix the Christian cultural sphere that can represent the elder son. You wished us to become Your great supporters and reach the stage of victory that will allow You to travel around. Please allow all Your wishes to come true.pPlease allow the whole, the ancestors and all the dead believers of Christianity to unite. Allow the Roman Catholicism and Protestantism in the whole world to unite, starting in America. Please allow us to have Abel like progressive unification realm that can represent all religious sectors and bind them together. I truly wish and want You to allow such a unification realm to be connected with the liberation realm of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
I truly wish and ask You to lead and govern the whole event from the beginning to the end. I pray in the name of True Parent. Amen! [Amen!] Amen! [Amen!] Amen! [Amen]
We must have absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience in relation to our sexual organs. It means total indemnity: the misuse of the sexual organs has ruined our history.
What was the reason for that? People could not have absolute faith in God, could not absolutely love Him and could not absolutely obey Him. What do we have to do? Due to failures, we must make a decision with those [absolute faith, love and obedience] in mind. We came to Jardim and proclaimed absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience in order to reach the same level that God had created in the Garden of Eden. [Misuse of] the sexual organs ruined His Creation.
If you do not have the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, you cannot unite with God. That’s what it means. If God loves us, He might love the other parts of our bodies, but He utterly dislikes our sexual organs. The core of sin has to be cleansed.
Your absolute faith and absolute love are the center of love. You must also be able to have absolute obedience. Without uniting completely with God, we cannot earn His love.
Today is Ssang-ship Jeol. It means the unification of heaven’s number 10 and earth’s number 10. Thus, we pray in our own name, right? You pray in your own name, right? I told you about that on September 14, correct?
This means that we emerged from the realm of the fall. So, you must give the blessing to your own children. For that reason, we have given the blessing to 400 million couples up to this point.pAll blessed families are able to pray in their own names so they must give the blessing to their own children. The problem is the blessing of 400 million couples. We do not all have the standard of belief to reach the condition yet. When 400 million couples and blessed people give the blessing to their own children, the realm of the fourth Adam will have been reached.
Today is Ssang-ship Jeol, which indicates the complete unification of heaven and earth. With absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, we must resolve what God used to hate the utmost. What do we have to do after resolving it? The fallen families should be completely liberated, pass through the realms of the first, second and third Adams, and reach the realm of the fourth Adam. In order to reach to the realm of the fourth Adam, we must indemnify all the sins independently, and then we must be able to report to God frequently. Such an era has come.
Therefore, we should pray in our own names from now on. Couples who pray in their own names must give the blessing to their own children. We must be able to bring all three generations together like grandfathers, fathers and elder brothers. If you have your own children, you must give the blessing to your own children first. If your elder brother has children, you must give the blessing to them, and then give the blessing to your aunts’ children. The giving of the blessing should be done completely and involve all three generations.
When your clan is blessed in that way, it becomes the family of the realm of the fourth Adam and is then able to register to the Kingdom of Heaven. All blessed families in the world must set the indemnity condition of bringing unmarried young people for the blessing, rather than their own children, or they will not be able to progress to that level. This is like Cain's indemnity condition; after this, we must establish the direct indemnity condition.
After reaching the goal of giving the blessing to 400 million couples, the next goal is 800 million couples. The number 8 is an essential number. You should explain this to all other members. We hurried here to put all these related numbers together on Ssang-ship Jeol.
What are we doing here? Where did we proclaim "the Cosmic Expansion of the True Blessing and the Rooting Out of Satan’s Blood Lineage"? It was proclaimed here. Where did we proclaim the Sa-sa Jeol (4.4 Day)? It was proclaimed here. All these were done here so we must bring the complete unification of heaven and earth here. We came here to do that.
The third meeting of IIFWP is being held today and all other efforts at Hoon Dok Hae seminars are making good progress to date. All these have to remain on earth.
The blessed families in the world received the benefit of being able to give the blessing to their own children in the future. You must realize that this Ssang-ship Jeol is the starting point. For that reason, I ordered that a record of this information be kept.pIn 1969, about thirty years ago, I did everything in detail. This should be the basic principle. We must teach heavenly law starting from the kindergarten children with the main focus on the constitutional laws. Such an era will come. We don’t have a nation, but indemnity is needed so such an era is being delayed.
If the unification of South and North comes and we find a nation … The condition that the descendants must carry the burden of sins that their ancestors committed will be gone. Each individual’s mistake will be judged within her or his generation. Such an era will come. The era of direct reckoning will come. It is a fearful time.
Beloved Father, today is October 10, 1999. We have come to the Punta del Este cottage again. Here, this year, we proclaimed the Cosmic Expansion of the True Blessing and the Rooting Out of Satan’s Blood Lineage. In order to cleanse all the resentful elements of the spiritual world, the physical world and history, we standardized the blessing of the spiritual world and earth and the unification of the spiritual world and earth. On the occasion of Father’s 80th, birthday, a new millennium will begin with the year 2000.
We have been making the greatest effort day and night until now with such hope for the new millennium and the responsibility that we have to set in our minds a new historical turning point. We were able to make many proclamation due to Your cooperation, and then we were able to bring the liberation of heaven and earth. We are thankful for your blessings.
We have established Gu-gu Jeol (9.9 Day) and Ssang-ship Jeol (Double-ten Day); so we wish You to resolve the six thousand years’ of the history of indemnity. We wish to complete Your restoration work and usher in a new world, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven. Please allow us to discontinue the journey for the indemnification of the resentment accumulated during the eras of the first, second and third Adams and reach the realm of the fourth Adam. This place is like the pinnacle of a transition point; thus we have come here. I wish you to remember today.
The number 10 is the unified number of earth and heaven. On this Ssang-ship Jeol, with the number 20 in mind, we wish to totally repair and cleanse that which Adam caused to become separated because he could not fulfill all of his historical responsibilities. At the age of 20, his responsibility was to complete and unify everything and then bring the liberation of all the people, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven. By doing so, we wish to pass along and disconnect the failures of the eras of the first, second and third Adams, the failures of the Creation, the children and the parents. At this moment, we also wish to initiate a watershed whereby we can proclaim a new realm, that of the fourth Adam. Father, as a True Parent I am reporting all this to You.
In order to reach such a goal and to prepare the realm of the fourth Adam, the blessed family members have begun to pray in their own names instead of praying in the name of Jesus or those of True Parents. The era when the blessed couples will not fall like Adam did has arrived. They can give the blessing to their own children in the name of True Parents. Ssang-ship Jeol is a day of passing the final event that can bring us to the original realm of the fourth Adam and the liberation of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and the Kingdom of God in Heaven. We have established Ssang-ship Jeol with such a goal in mind and have come here to report to You, Father.
There are over 430 million couples who have received the blessing as previously married blessed couples and newly matched blessed couples and single [mainly elderly] people. Please allow them, from now, to sustain generations where one family can give the blessing to another family with the main emphasis being on the realm of the fourth Adam. I wish the same for the future 400 million couples comprising unmarried men and women. I truly wish for You to allow us the liberation of the realm of the fourth Adam, Father.
The Kingdom of Heaven in heaven and on earth have been blessed simultaneously. True Parents have established the perfected standard of the original Adam with the main focus on this Ssang-ship Jeol in heaven and on earth and the number 20. I have liberated everything that could establish the ideal governance of love--the power of all-transcendence, omnipresence and full authority. Please enable all the blessed families and Adam’s family not to fall.pPlease allow them to become leaders who move forward to our goal of blessing 400 million unmarried men and women. Please allow them to give the blessing to their children.
We truly wish You to allow us to resolve all Your bitter feelings, those of True Parents, of the earth, of all people and of the Creation and to liberate them. Please allow us to have a new world and nation within the liberated realm of the fourth Adam that we can proclaim as the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
In order to set apart and establish this day, we came here on Ssang-ship Jeol. We proclaimed this day with the hope of fulfilling the final event of the realm of the fourth Adam. Heaven and earth are united with You, and blessed families are united. I hope all Creation, the whole universe and the whole satanic realm agree with the establishment of this day, which was established in the name of the Parents of Heaven and Earth. I proclaim the liberation of the realm of the fourth Adam on Ssang-ship Jeol in the name of True Parents. Amen! [Amen!] Amen! [Amen!] Amen! [Amen!]
Last year, I proclaimed that the realm of the fourth Adam must come. It came on this day, Ssang-ship Jeol.
As such, October is a glorious month. I was released from Seodaemun Prison in Seoul on October 4. On October 14, I was liberated from the Heung Nam Special Labor Camp in North Korea. It is also the last day of Hoon Dok Hae seminars in which we brought together well-known figures, representatives of the Cain-type, fallen world. Originally, we were planning to expand the Hoon Dok Hae meetings internationally after this third series of meetings. During this period, I proclaimed 4.4 Day. I proclaimed 4.4 Day of families in Kodiak, Alaska in North America so 4.4 Day, which is also related to the four-position foundation, could be liberated. When God’s ideal of the four-position foundation connects, we can overcome Satan. When all the work that impels Satan to surrender is done, the era of realm of the fourth Adam and the era when indemnity is no longer needed will have arrived. It will not be an era of restoration through indemnity; it will be an era of natural restoration.pI foretold the coming of the realm of the fourth Adam era, didn’t I? From now on, that era is here, so each blessed couple must give the blessing to one person especially one from the three generations, which minus themselves, who have already received the blessing, would be their grandfather or father. Otherwise they should find someone from within their clan.
Now, over 430 million couples have been blessed, so each family should give the blessing to one person. Everybody has his or her own clan. If each blessed couple gives the blessing to one person, I think we can reach the goal of blessing 400 million unmarried men and 400 million women as couples. You must emphasize this goal. You must all go wherever necessary, such as to mission countries that have people who have received the preliminary blessing, and emphasize this.
Blessed families should pass this message to the families that received the blessing from them. When they tell this message to them and establish the condition that will allow the blessing of their relatives for three generations, they will enter into the blessed realm of the fourth Adam.
Blessed couples must give the blessing to their own children and their whole clan on behalf of True Parents. For that reason, it is time to pray in our own names. That is the right thing to do, isn’t it?
You may be facing problems. When your three generations, grandfathers, fathers and you are blessed and the era of the fourth Adam comes, what will happen? Originally, three faithful sons were needed. I emphasized it when we finished the blessings of 1800 couples, didn’t I? I emphasized it because it is part of the unified number. Grandfathers, fathers and elder sons are like archangels and are three faithful children. The unification of three generations means the unification of the family.
It is time for me to rest now. So, I entrust you with the rest of the work. I also instructed you to establish a committee for the matching of the 400 million couples to be blessed. Spiritually I have invested a lot so they will…. This time, the matching of couples was well done. From seventy or a hundred and twenty couples that were matched and I only rearranged the matching of two people. When we pray and set strong conditions, we will end up with such a great result.
All these show that I’ve completed what I said I would. I’ve completed everything. What is the Garden of Eden? The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden symbolize the bodies of Adam and Eve. The snake symbolizes the man’s sexual organ. The snake ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The snake symbolized the man’s sexual organ. Men try to entice women with that.
When we think about this, we will realize how horrible it is. It means men are like poisonous snakes. It means when a man sees a more beautiful women than his wife, his sexual organ will be influenced. A man’s sexual organ wants a woman’s sexual organ. It is the wholly responsible for the seduction that takes place.
God loves people, but He hates seduction more than anything else. It has ruined the universe, created hell, destroyed the ideal of creation and then created faults in front of God. It is the worst problem.
In order for the members of the Unification Church to return to the Garden of Eden and unite with God, we must have absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. These apply to relations within a couple. It means that God and man should unite in that fashion.
Even if men deny all the five sensory organs, they should not deny their reproductive organs. it is the center of sensuality. Even if men sacrifice all their five sensory organs, they should not sacrifice their sensuality. If they do, the history will disappear. The country and tradition will disappear.
According to the Bible, Adam and Eve were told not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, the fruit means the sexual organs. It was advice related to the man’s sexual organ. Now all the secrets of the Bible are revealed.
With the main focus on the realm of the fourth Adam, we should gather all the well-known figures in the world and hold Hoon Dok Hae meetings. They should have absolute obedience to the Word. We should lead meetings third times without any opposition. It is quite marvelous that well-known figures should come for three nights and four days of Hoon Dok Hae meetings, listen to what is read and follow it. They will follow it though they are dealing with unfamiliar content. That content is a record of what I have been practicing until now. It is a record of complete success, so nobody will oppose it.
They cannot deny the blessing of 360 million couples and the facts regarding the spiritual world. Dr. Sang Hun Lee, was the chairman of ICUS (International Conference for the Unity of the Sciences) which is divided into eight different fields. All the well-known philosophers in the world who used to debate and come out with all kinds of questions went to the spiritual world. They explained about their difficulties in the spiritual world. Nobody could deny those facts. There aren’t any Unification Church members who would not believe it.
None of this is just some story made up by Dr. Lee. It’s the reality of the spiritual world. When you look at volumes 11 and 12 of the Gathering for Reading and Learning series, everything about the spiritual world is revealed in them. All of this is part of the view of the history of the providence, but even Dr. Lee could not believe it.pAdam's family, Noah's family, Abraham's family, Moses' family and the era of Jesus make up the process of restoration through indemnity and the view of the history of the providence. Even if such facts existed, Dr. Lee did not know about the facts of the spiritual world. Since he went to the spiritual world, he has realized the truth of it all. He was called to the spiritual world for that reason.
Dr. Lee could not fully believe what I’d said. If I said that my right hand must hold the spiritual world and my left hand should hold the physical world and then put them in reverse order, could you believe it? When I said that heaven and earth are moving around me, he did not believe it, but later when he ended up in the spiritual world, he was very surprised.
Dr. Lee received a special order from God to sort out, within forty days, everything in the spiritual world and connect it to the earth. It was to benefit all the members of the Unification Church who have been bemoaning the fact that they could not have complete faith and would have ended up in the same situation as Dr. Lee.pHis second message was about the history behind Satan’s surrender, and his third message was the spiritual world and physical world … Before I gave him the instructions to do so, Dr. Lee had already reported about it and recorded it. That record will come out by today or tomorrow. When that comes out, everything, such as the reality of the corporeal and incorporeal worlds, the blessing of 360 million couples, Gu-gu (9.9) Jeol, Ssang-ship Jeol and the future will be revealed.
All this work was done personally, but nobody believes that heaven and earth are stuck, right? All the work related to the Cosmic Expansion of the True Blessing and the Rooting Out of Satan’s Blood Lineage, 4.4 Day and God's four-position foundation should be accomplished. We must remove everything that tainted Adam and Eve and caused lamentations in the spiritual world, physical world and throughout the Creation.
Today is the highest commemoration day for the liberation of the realm of the fourth Adam. When you have blessed all three generations in your family, it is time for you to give the blessing to children of your grandfathers and aunts. You might have to give the blessing by force.
When you do that, the blessing of 400 million couples will not present any problems. We have already blessed four hundred thirty million couples. Thus, I fulfilled my responsibility. Whether you and the other blessed members can fulfill your responsibility or not is something you must consider. When you ask your direct relatives if they have sons and the answer is yes, you should make all possible efforts to get their sons blessed. After that, you must give the blessing to your cousins in the same way as to elder brothers and the three generations. One family should give the blessing to four families.
Jesus with three disciples makes four families, right? He and his three disciples received the blessing, so he became a blessed family. His three disciples received the blessing in the same way. Three generations symbolize the Old, New and Complete Testament Ages. The grandfather represents the Old Testament Age. The father represents the New Testament Age and your represent the Complete Testament Age. All creation and material things had to be sacrificed in the Old Testament Age. Children had to bear the cross in the New Testament Age and parents should take up the cross in the Completed Testament Age. Parents should bear the cross in order to invite God to earth.
The fact that so much will be solved in accordance with the Principle is a miracle. All this is systemically organized; so who can deny that it’s true? The fact that everything fits the theory is frightening.
When you examine my life and teachings, you will be frightened. After learning the truth, you will realize that I have been fighting for an unimaginable scope of territory in real life and living to improve the surroundings. Nobody can deny this. Nobody can deny my historical achievements. We must reach beyond our goal of blessing 400 million couples with the condition of generating a thousand-times more respectable result.pThere are no conditions necessary for receiving the blessing now, but what should you have in mind? You must have True Parents in mind. If a cripple has children, the cripple’s children will be in a position to inherit from True Parents.
When I go to the spiritual world, the blessed families in the world should feel more sadness than when they are faced with the death of their own mothers, grandfathers, any of the three generations and their loved ones. You must think about this all the time.
When I go to the spiritual world, the families of the Unification Church in the world should express their sadness with the same tears and honor the Seunghwa ceremony. The members of the Unification Church in the world must have the deepest devotion and be sadder than anybody else and offer everything they have to offer at the Seunghwa ceremony.
What are absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience? They are to be applied in relation to the sexual organ. The human sexual organs could not become close to God. You must have absolute faith in them, though. They are the support of your families, your clans and your lineages throughout history.pYou must have absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. You must have absolute faith and absolute obedience based on love. All of us should become the traditional people who can obey God. We should not have selfish minds. Can you feel that? When you go to the bathroom every three hours each day, you should think about it.
I know all about that, so I cannot lead my life carelessly. Enemies should get married to each other. The blessing should be given to enemies. Of all things God said "Love your enemies." That does not mean just one person.pGod situation is such that He has become a God of sorrow. He created the universe. He has the power to remove the satanic world in a flash, but to do so, He would even have to destroy Adam and the universe. This is unthinkable! Thus, He wants us to love our enemies. By loving our enemies, we should make them surrender naturally.
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