Unification News for October 2000
Table of Contents
Chang Shik Yang addresses the Million Family March, October 16, 2000, Washington, DC.
Mike Jenkins, President of the Unification Church addresses the Million Family March, October 16, 2000, Washington, DC.
The Blessing at the Million Family March, October 16, 2000, Washington, DC.
Breaking Down Boundaries and World Peace Sun Myung Moon
Leaders Meeting Hyun Jin Moon
21 Days Sisters’ Workshop at Chung Pyung
40-day Jardim Seminar Testimony
Abstinence Message Is Taken to the High Schools by National Parents Day
Breaking Down Barriers
DP Video
Experiencing the Special Grace Blessing
Interreligious And International Federation For World Peace
International Public Service and a Culture of Peace
Labor Pains
Minister Louis Farrakhan's Speech at the Million Family March
National Parents Day Captures the Heart of High Desert
PEARL - In Search of Life’s Treasures
Racists, heretics or prophets? Rev. Moon and Minister Farrakhan
Reflections on the 2000 Autumn Classic
Testimonies from the IIFWP International Seminar
The Beginning and The Ending of a Perfect Day
The Scarlet Letter – a book come of age!
The Sunshine Farm Project
Toward World Peace and Unification: Students’ Symposium held at Chung Pyung
Visit by Prime Minister of Bangladesh to University of Bridgeport
Why I Choose to be a Unificationist!
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