Unification News for November 2000 |
Providential Meaning of the Million Family March and Understanding Registration
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
November 5, 2000
This is excerpted from a speech given on Sunday, November 5, 2000, at the DC church.
There are two themes I'd like to share with you. I'd like to discuss the providential time we are living in and the direction in which God's providence is going. But first, I will share some impressions of the Million Family March in which we participated.
The Million Family March was held here in Washington and it had great significance in many ways. I reported in Korea to True Parents for about two hours on various aspects of the Million Family March. As you know, this march was held centering on the Honorable Minister Farrakhan on the fifth anniversary of the Million Man March in 1995. Actually to understand the significance of the Million Family March, you have to understand the background and significance of the Million Man March, how that came about, and how this was connected to our movement.
In the course of preparing for the Million Family March, I had several opportunities to meet with the Minister Farrakhan. I met almost on a daily basis with Minister Benjamin, who was actually directly in charge of organizing the march. I know very well about the background that caused the change in the character of the Million Family March.
Rev. Jenkins and Rev. Schanker and all our state and city leaders worked with the Nation of Islam as co-coordinators and co-sponsors of the event. On July 6, Father invited Minister Farrakhan to East Garden. Father said many things on that occasion, but concerning the March he said very clearly that this event should not be an event simply for either Minister Farrakhan or for Rev. Moon, but should be an event for God's will. He gave three pieces of advice. First, that it has to be a non-political event. Second, it has to be an interreligious event. Third, it has to be an interracial event. Then to take that one step forward, it has to be an international event.
That was quite different from the original concept of the Million Man March, which was a very political event. It was not interracial, but centered mostly on the African-American community. It was an event of Islam and Christianity, and so could not be said to be truly interreligious. At the time of the Million Man March, many mainline denominations opposed that event. Of course, it was not international either.
This time the March was quite different in character. This time both the national and local government were more supportive because the character of the event was broader in line with what Father had suggested. The main theme of the Million Man March was said to have been human rights. The main theme of the Million Family March was more centered on the family. Five years ago most of the event was about political issues. This time there was a great deal more about peace, harmony and family.
Externally the United States is a highly advanced country, but inside the United States is being eaten away by the decline of the family. True Parents said that, through this event, people in America and around the world should have a spiritual awakening as to the importance of the family and need to focus on the family. True Parents were not in America at the time, but at many public forums in Korea Father spoke about the Million Family March and people were continuously praying for this event.
During the days of the actual March event True Parents were invited to the Marshall Islands as state guests. The president of the Marshall Islands attended the 9th IIFWP Hoon Dok Hae conference in Washington, D.C., and all of his cabinet also attended. Representing their nation they invited True Parents and received them. The president greeted True Parents at the airport and took direct responsibility for their schedule, attending them personally throughout their visit. Yet even during that busy schedule, True Father called here on the 16th and 17th at 4 a.m. to check and see what progress was made for the Million Family March.
I think that the three principles that Father laid out were followed, that it be non-political, be interreligious, and interracial. In particular Father invited 400 VIP's from around the world to an IIFWP conference from October 14-17 in order to support the March. People came from more than 80 countries for this conference. They were former heads of state and government, heads of political parties, and professors. Of that group, 72 particularly important people were seated on the stage at the March. We also mobilized about 2,000 members of the American Clergy Leadership Conference for this event. In particular, a number of mainline denomination leaders were invited by us and attended the event.
In particular, you may know Billy McCormack, co-founder of the Christian Coalition, who was deeply moved by the event. He prayed at the time of the blessing there as a representative of Christianity. He is in daily contact with Pat Robertson, and working with us, working with events that we support to strengthen the family. Dr. Dan Perkins of Family and Faith, and Rev. Jesse Edwards of the United Pentecostal Church, also leading white ministers, were there to support the event as well. Representatives of the Catholic and Lutheran churches were there at our invitation.
I can't go too much into the background because of the lack of time, but from Minister Farrakhan's point of view, it was quite a risk for him to change the character of the event in this way. He was risking his own identity in doing so. Our two organizations were really merged for the purpose of this event. I was National Co-president and Rev. Jenkins was National Co-coordinator, and Rev. Schanker was Assistant Director of Media Operations. Some people in our movement were concerned about our wholehearted involvement, but the result was a great victory, just as Father had foreseen.
Many testimonies have come from that event, but I'd like to read what Mrs. Nora Spurgin said. "I believe God was happy. We have needed a John the Baptist figure not only to recognize True Parents, but to testify to True Parents before his own followers. Minister Farrakhan did this. I believe this is the first time that a person with a large following stood before the whole world and announced True Parents. So no matter what the problems may be, this fact alone stands as a providential victory. I was proud of Minister Farrakhan, I was proud of America. On the stage facing the Washington Monument, I had an experience where I felt as if this was actually spirit world and I was looking at countless people under God's light."
One sister of the Washington church said, "After the prayer breakfast, one of my minister friends received a vision of a poster showing the road to Damascus and Minister Farrakhan's change from Saul to Paul, and that on October 16th, some of Martin Luther King's dream would become a reality. The spirit of God was almost tangible. On that day it felt like being in God's womb. A huge spiritual light enveloped the entire Mall from the Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial. It felt like Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius, and all the sages of heaven were gathered to participate. It was truly a blessing for heaven and earth."
It was not only black, white and yellow, but many Hispanic brothers and sisters attended. The media work was one of the important reasons for the success of this event. Two weeks before the march there were no posters, no articles, and no one knew, even on the street in Washington, exactly when and where it would take place. Within just a few days, through the hard work and contacts of the media team, the march was in the newspapers every day and on television every night, locally at first, then nationally. More importantly, the coverage nationwide both before and afterwards truly portrayed the family-centered, interracial and international character of the event, as God had envisioned. True Parents involvement and support was well documented, as Minister Benjamin and the march's leaders were always open and praiseworthy about it. Even the Washington Post was amazingly positive and respectful about the march and Father's involvement, with no less than 25 articles!
The Nation of Islam, as you know, has been considerably isolated, even within the African-American community to some degree. As a result of our involvement and recruiting white ministers from ACLC, and connecting them with media, the image of Minister Farrakhan in the mainline community changed considerably. In particular Minister Farrakhan is perceived as being anti-Jewish and anti-white. In New York there are about 500,000 Jews, but in particular 300,000 of them belong to the very conservative Hassidic community. Two or three weeks before the March a Hassidic Jewish organization declared its public support of this event, and participated. We were involved in the background of that, and we brought other rabbis to press conferences and the march itself.
In his remarks at the event, Minister Farrakhan embraced other races and religions. The Nation of Islam is a religious community that began in the 1930s. Elijah Mohammed was actually the second head of that community but he built it up. He led the Nation of Islam from 1935 to 1975, but also prophesied that in the last days a wise man would come from the East and teach them, and in the last days would work for a universal government.
Minister Farrakhan said that he understands now that this wise man from the East that Elijah Mohammed prophesied is in fact Rev. Moon. He told me personally that even as he considers Elijah Mohammed to be his teacher, that he also feels that Rev. Moon is his teacher. On Oct. 23rd, a week after the March, Minister Farrakhan held a press conference in Chicago. At that time he made very clear that without the help of Rev. and Mrs. Moon this event would have been very difficult to organize. He explained, item by item, exactly how much our organization and Rev. Moon had helped him. He talked about one million holy candies, about the program, the stage design, providing 50,000 Family Federation flags and 50,000 Million Family March flags, about the choir, about the international guests. He also said very forthrightly that the blessing was Rev. Moon's idea. So he explained these things in detail to the press at that time.
In my work, I have met many religious leaders in Korea and America, but it's not easy to find someone who has the honesty and forthrightness and courage of Minister Farrakhan. There were three themes to this March - atonement, reconciliation, and responsibility. Actually reconciliation was the most important of those. The reconciliation of religion and of races would cure two of God's most difficult headaches. Through this event we can see the possibility of curing those headaches for God.
I believe it was September 23rd when True Parents said that this March has to be a turning point for racial reconciliation in America. Reconciliation is the highest goal that True Parents have pursued in their lives. That is, reconciliation between God and Satan. Satan has been tearing everything apart. As a result of the fall, our hearts were torn apart, husbands and wives were torn apart, and the world has fallen into conflict. A most serious conflict in this world is the conflict between races. This is particularly the case here in America today.
God prepared America to be the model country for the world. All religions are here, but all the problems are also here in America. If we can solve the problems that exist in America today then that will be the way to accomplish God's vision for the world.
In particular, racial reconciliation is not something that can be easily understood or spoken about from the white community. It has to be spoken about by the communities that have been the victims of racial conflict. When I met Minister Farrakhan about Father's guidance and brought up this issue, he immediately expressed all the pain that was in his heart. The history of pain from the past cannot just be swept under the rug and ignored. Historical fact has to be accepted as fact, and there has to be a decision how you're going to deal with those facts and reconcile on the basis of those facts.
You may know that when Korea was liberated from Japan in 1945, after 40 years of Japanese rule, the leaders of the liberated Korea were the same people who had led Korea under the Japanese during the occupation. This was a problem. The people who had risked their lives in the liberation movement were all isolated from the mainline in the new Korea. Also, Christianity was divided into two in Korea at that time. During the occupation the Japanese had compelled all Christian ministers to bow at Shinto shrines. Some ministers went along, and others were imprisoned for refusing to do so. After liberation there was a conflict between the two groups. The ministers who were prepared to be martyrs in order to protect their faith were actually the people on Heaven's side.
I bring this up because only True Parents can bring about a solution to this issue of racial reconciliation. In particular the 300 years of slavery, the most shameful part of American history, must be brought out and cleared away in order for reconciliation to take place. According to historical records, about 1.5 million people were brought from Africa and sold into slavery, while 3 or 4 million died on the trip to America. In 1863 when President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, about 4 million people were emancipated. Certainly the history of slavery that began in the 15th century is the most shameful part of human history.
The history of slavery and the slaughter of the Indians are two issues in American history that go directly against God's will. These can be seen as a conflict among siblings. America became independent from Britain in 1776, but for almost 100 years after that there was still the problem of slavery. America wasn't liberated from that for a long time afterward. Even after the Civil War and emancipation there was still great inequality politically, economically, and institutionally. When I met Minister Farrakhan he shed tears as he testified to me about that history.
There is one Caucasian minister whom we all know very well. Father specifically said that this person should come to the March in the spirit of forgiveness. That minister's father was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
Unconditional forgiveness is not easy. It is not enough that the person who has been a victim just forgives unconditionally. There has to be repentance on the part of the person who has been on the other side. That is why one of the three themes of the Million Family March was atonement, as opposed to repentance. Plain repentance is not enough. There has to be some kind of indemnity that is paid in atonement.
We have gone past the 20th century now so we have to be able to resolve all the problems of the past. Did you hear the three-minute speech I made at the March? I said that when scientists look at people from a biological point of view, the difference in color accounts for 0.04 percent. In other words, white people and black people are 99.96 percent the same. There is no meaning to the difference in color. When we get old, everyone becomes gray. We have the same color blood.
Who is going to resolve this fight among brothers, this sibling conflict? The parents. That's why God is a genius, that He decided True Parents would be from the yellow race, which could bring reconciliation between white and black people. During my time in America I have felt many things about the race issue, not only from whites but from blacks. I have come to understand that this is a very important issue that we have to overcome.
True Parents have said that they will have their grandchildren marry interracially. In the future people will take pride in how many different races they have among the spouses of their descendants. I think that will come first in True Parents' family.
The Million Family March was an important event leading to racial reconciliation in this world. Rev. Jenkins, as a representative of our Family Federation, and as a white person, repented from the stage during his speech. That was a very important historical condition. Of course the people who should have worked with True Parents when they first arrived in America were the descendants of the Puritans. When the descendants of the Puritans were not able to fulfill their responsibility, it was the second providence that God called many members of the black clergy and members of the Islamic faith in America. Actually, over the years, True Parents have expressed a great deal of concern toward Islam around the world. Together with communism, it appeared to present a very serious threat to world peace. Now the Islamic community around the world is helping True Parents very much
After Danbury, black clergy were the people who really worked for True Parents and contributed to the providence. In a way Africa is receiving a blessing. If you look at the number of blessed couples in the world today, including established couples, Africa has the highest number.
Now all the races of the world are coming together centering on True Parents. Concepts like equality, justice, and freedom are being realized in our world today. We should create a world so that the term reconciliation doesn't even come up in the future because it is all resolved at this time. Equality, justice and freedom are actually three basic principles of the Nation of Islam, and by working with us for this event they were able to open up and express love toward the white community, centering on True Parents' heart.
Now I want to address what is actually the most important topic today. It's strange to see so many men here and so few women. Where are your wives? From Washington there are 80 people in Chung Pyung right now, and there are close to 1,000 people from around America. The most important providence of our age is going on in Chung Pyung right now.
The Last Days has two important meanings. It is the time to pass judgment on evil and to establish good. True Parents are here as the savior of humanity. They are the saviors for those who are prepared and who accept them. For those who do not accept them, they are the judge. In particular among the 280 million people in America, you here today are those who first accepted True Parents and entered into God's realm. Some of you have been in this movement for 20 or 30 years and have grown old. Our children are growing up now.
We need to reflect very carefully on the path that we have come this far in order to know exactly what direction we must take in the future. If we have dedicated our lives to this path, when True Parents call us to a certain direction then we must be able to hear that call and go in that direction
True Parents have two clear missions. The first is the history of the providence of restoration through indemnity, and the second is to bring about the Kingdom of God in heaven and on earth. The first is to resolve all the problems and issues throughout history, and the second is to establish God's kingdom. In particular we are now living in the age of registering in God's family. It's very important to understand what this registration means. It is the crystallization of our faith.
We are now in the autumn time when we are to pick the fruit off the tree. If you want to have a tree with fruit, you have to plant the seeds, and then during the summer months you make sure it isn't killed by flood or storms. Then in the fall the fruit grows, but until you actually harvest the fruit, it doesn't yet belong to the farmer, or master. Sometimes the birds will come just before harvest and eat the fruit and it is lost.
There is wheat and chaff, and in the end these two are separated. Also there are many references in the Bible to this registration. If you look at the Book of Revelation, chapters 13, 17 and 20, there is a lot of content regarding registration, particularly regarding the Book of Life.
Father began speaking about registration in 1959. He said that in 1971, on the third God's Day, that True Parents' family was registered in the book of life. To be registered means to be recognized as a member, or citizen, of God's kingdom. When a baby is born, its birth is registered. Where do you register? In the hospital. Heaven's registration doesn't take place quite as easily. If Adam and Eve had not fallen, then the word "registration" wouldn't even be necessary.
Even True Parents could not be registered until 1971, three years after they restored God's Day. Since then, they have continually spoken about how we must be registered in God's kingdom. We have to know first what registration means. What's the difference between blessing and registration? Blessing means to cut off the lineage of Satan, to turn and become God's citizen. The husband and wife go through a different course of faith, and then at the time of the blessing they cut off Satan's lineage and become one. Then they continue to grow into God's direct dominion.
To receive the blessing means we receive the passport of a citizen of the kingdom of God. But to go to another country you need a visa also. For foreigners, a visa is almost like Satan. The Japanese sisters can only stay three months in a foreign country, or else they are illegal. I myself have almost been arrested at airports over visa problems; if officials feel a little bit strange, they just hold my green card for three or four hours. Anybody can get a passport, but a visa is not simple, particularly to come to America. We cannot easily invite people from other countries to America.
Once we join our church and receive the blessing, it means we are issued a passport, but to be registered means we receive a visa. If you come to America as a foreigner, you apply for a green card, and after five years you can apply for citizenship. Then you must pass an exam. Even if someone marries an American citizen, he or she cannot become a citizen until they have passed this test.
To receive the blessing means that we are grafted onto True Parents' lineage in the position of an adopted child. To take that a step further and be registered means we are changed to be among True Parents' direct lineage. Many years ago Father said the blessing comes in three stages - church level, national level, and world level. This registration blessing going on now is the national level blessing. Actually God's kingdom should exist first and then we should be registered into that kingdom. We should be citizens of God's country and then be registered from that position. But Father has established many conditions to take care of that situation.
One of those conditions is the providence taking place centering on the United Nations. The UN is a kind of world government. On August 18th Father and Mother sat on the dais in the main conference room in the UN building and spoke there. This was an important historical event. At that time the theme was "Renewing the United Nations to Build a Lasting Peace." Father spoke on the theme of breaking down national barriers.
In UN history there has never been a situation where a husband and wife sat together side by side on the dais. Senator Robert Dole, President Arias from Costa Rica, President Kaunda were among those on the stage with True Parents. That established the condition for having established God's country in the world, and on that condition Father is permitting us to receive the blessing of registration.
The second thing you must know is who is qualified to be registered. Actually it is the people who have accomplished their missions as tribal messiah. The next condition is that you pass through the workshop that True Parents provide. The blessed wives are receiving a 21-day workshop in Chung Pyung as a small condition to resolve all the things that have taken place in the past.
Originally True Parents didn't think the workshop would be a 21-day period. Actually if we had accomplished 160 families and gone to Jardim, we could have been registered right there in Jardim. Jardim is called the Ideal Family Training Center. Chung Pyung actually takes the place of Jardim.
Why do the wives have to go to Chung Pyung? As you know, the fall was first committed as a spiritual relationship involving Eve, so the woman has to take the central position in restoring her husband and child. This registration is a registration of the four-position foundation, so it's not something an individual can do. Actually it's not something a husband and wife can do either. It has to be a four-position foundation. It is a four-position foundation registration blessing ceremony. The full translation is, "A three ages transition four-position foundation registration unification blessing."
This is a tremendous blessing that is given to us to bring an end to the old millennium. Think about the path that we have traveled up to the year 2000. In the seven year Completed Testament Age, heaven has many activities involved in this course. In particular, this year was the 80th birthday of our True Father and the 40th anniversary of True Parents' holy blessing. This is the year in which all things are accomplished. The providential 6,000-year history is all accomplished in this year. The pattern will finally be accomplished in this year, and the remainder involves having the rest of humankind follow this pattern as well.
In military terms, we members of the Unification movement are like the soldiers trained to be the model division for the rest of the army. Actually registration is something that people can do only if you have not committed any mistakes after your blessing. You receive a passport and then live an ideal life of faith during the years, and then you can be registered. When a person wants to come to America, first he has to get a passport from his country, and then the American authorities will examine that person's life to see if he has a criminal record, whether there is anything legally wrong with that person's life.
I got into a fight one time in the early 1980s with people at the American embassy in Korea over this problem of a visa. That became like an original sin for me, and so for seven or eight years after that they automatically rejected all my applications for a visa. They wrote in my record that this guy was an anti-American. Finally I was able to meet a first secretary at the embassy and explain the situation to him. He understood then that actually I had done many things in the interest of America in Korea by working with anti-American university students and guiding them in the proper direction. That first secretary went out and got me a visa in five minutes.
True Parents have given us permission to have this holy wine ceremony at the second level, in order to completely forgive everything that may have gone wrong between husband and wife, or with the children, or even grandchildren. This three-day workshop of special grace is an opportunity for us to be forgiven of all the things we may have done. Just go through the workshop and then no one will ask any questions about what may have taken place in the past.
According to Daemonim, many of the blessed couples that she sees in the training center now have committed mistakes. Nothing makes Heaven as sad as the crime against the lineage. The greatest sin is to defile the blood lineage, because all sin originated in that act. No other sin is as great as the original sin; that is a sin for which the individual cannot receive forgiveness. Only the Messiah can do that. His mission is to purify the defiled blood lineage. He has complete authority to do that. Even God cannot resolve that sin because in order to purify a defiled lineage, there has to be someone through whom you can be reborn.
Especially members of second generation have to understand this. If you have a defiled lineage and then are blessed with another second generation, your children will inherit the defiled lineage, so it will be passed down, generation to generation. In America there are not yet many members of the third generation, but this workshop is for members of first, second, and third generation. All things are forgiven and no questions about the past.
The registration is registration into God's book of life. Spirit world and physical world do this together. Heung-jin nim takes responsibility in the spirit world, and in the physical world True Parents are leading this. The blessing ceremony is conducted with the spirit world and physical world together. In doing the registration there are four items that we pledge. We pledged four items when we received the blessing, didn't we? Also there are four items in the registration pledge. The first is that we will protect the pure lineage. Father announced this officially, saying that all sins prior to registration can be forgiven. He said that after registration there will be no way to forgive sins against the lineage.
In Korea the issue involving second generation members is very difficult. Once they fall, they cannot join the blessing. There are second generation who are 35 years old who have not been able to be blessed. The responsibility for the fall of the second generation lies primarily with the parents, and secondarily with the social environment. When there is not an environment of absolute faith within the family, you cannot expect the children to follow absolutely.
Many members of the 36 and 72-couple blessings are having a difficult time now, suffering much in their heart because of problems with the second generation. We are all parents and we are all concerned about the environment in which our children are living. We can't follow them around 24 hours a day. But the most important thing is the education that the parents give the children in the family environment. The church cannot take complete responsibility. School cannot be completely responsible. Parents are primarily responsible.
Until now there was no way for these fallen second generation to be saved. Some other second generation received the blessing, but then separated from their spouses afterwards. I've had many instances in which I've gone to Father and asked him to re-bless second generation who separated but want to come back together now. Father has scolded me very often because of my suggestion to him on this. From the Principle point of view, it can't be done. But this time everything is being forgiven, so this is complete liberation.
There can't be any greater blessing or grace than this. All problems will be resolved with the full authority of True Parents. Everyone, then, has to take the holy wine again. The holy wine that we had at our blessing was the foundation stage holy wine. But the holy wine of the registration blessing is completely, qualitatively different holy wine. It's a different stage. All the second generation and even third generation have to have this holy wine.
In Principle we should go to Korea with all our children, grandchildren, everybody, but that is difficult, so True Parents have given special permission that only the husband and wife have to go to Korea with the pictures of the children, and then later on Daemonim will come to America so that the children will be able to drink the holy wine at that time.
I will finish by telling you the eight things that registered families must keep. Of course first of all we must all go to this registration workshop according to our turn. I know there are many couples having problems with each other, but somehow you need to convince each other so the wife can go to Korea for this workshop. District and community leaders need to help in this, and Rev. Lee will assist, so all the women who have received the blessing can go to Korea at this time and participate in the workshop.
Even if you are legally divorced by secular law, Heaven's law is greater than that, so this provides you an opportunity to re-establish that marriage. After being registered, you must absolutely keep the pure lineage.
Next, you must maintain a complete unity of heart with God. Third is to pass on the tradition of true love to your children. Next is breaking down all barriers between husband and wife, between religions, between races, breaking down all the barriers around you.
Fifth is to work with dedication to establish God's kingdom. That is why the wives are being mobilized for a four-year period, which will end at True Parents' birthday in 2004. When True Parents were registered in the book of life in 1971, this was done on the condition of the blessed wives being mobilized for a three-year period prior to that. At that time Father had said already that at some time in the future the blessed wives would have to go out again like this so we could establish God's kingdom. Now is that time. The husbands and children have to cooperate so that the mother can be mobilized to go out and work.
All the people who participated in the first four workshops were mobilized for Korea. From the fifth workshop, those people who are in Chung Pyung now, wives will be mobilized in their own countries for six months, and then after that they will be mobilized for 40 days for Korea.
The next thing that registered couples must keep is to establish the condition of a cosmic noon. In other words, noon is the time when the sun is directly overhead and there is no shadow. This means having a perfect perpendicular line with heaven. We shouldn't have any shadow between God and earth.
Seventh is to become the second creator. By participating in the registration blessing, we inherit the authority to give the blessing to others. Not immediately, but people who participate in the registration blessing now will some time in the future be given the authority to give the blessing to their children and grandchildren.
Our prayer will also change. We are praying in our own name now, aren't we: "In the name of blessed couple so and so?" This will be announced in more detail later, but it will be simpler than what we are doing now.
Eighth, we must put into practice the family pledge. The family pledge is our eternal credo. In the Old Testament the creed was the 10 Commandments of Moses. In the New Testament, the Acts of the Apostles was the standard of faith. Now in the Completed Testament Age we have the Family Pledge, which takes the 10 Commandments and the acts of the apostles, puts them together, and brings them to completion. That is our eternal creed.
Finally, let us all be grateful that we are living in this age of such great grace and blessing. It is the heart of gratitude that we must have in this age. Let's look on all these things in a positive way. Let's work actively to contribute to Heaven's providence. Let's be proud that we are children of God. Let's be proud that we stand in the position that we represent True Parents. We need to be able to lead the world and the community around us with our lives.
People of the Nation of Islam were grateful to us in many ways. Within the Unification Church we have interracial, international, and interreligious. We are the model. Now we have to enlarge this to encompass the whole world.
The Blessing in 2001 will be held in New York, January 27th. All blessing and grace is coming to America. America must go to the world. When the elder son accomplishes his responsibility, the family is peaceful. When the elder son does his role properly, then the parents can rest. Especially, Washington DC is the core, the heart of the elder son nation. Please understand that each one of you represents that. Please don't think that you are not worthy. Please be proud.
Let's work with courage and with pride and confidence in order to accomplish the work that we are doing. No matter how great the difficulties we may have, those pale in comparison to the great blessing that we have received. Let's love each other, let's forgive each other, let's help each other, support each other in order to create a beautiful community.
Always two-thirds of True Parents heart and concern is here in America. Two-thirds of that is in Washington. Two-thirds of that is with you individually. Let's inherit that spirit from True Parents. Thank you, and God bless you.
Now True Parents are staying in Hawaii, a very beautiful week with couples of three sons- Hyo Jin Nim's couple, Hyun Jin Nim's couple, and Kook Jin Nim's couple. This is the first time in their whole life. Only True Parents and True Children. They will share a deep experience with their children. True Parents will come back next week, and they may visit Washington.
Some of you may know Father bought one building for USA headquarters and United Federation of Churches headquarters. The building is several blocks north of this church and some brothers are fixing it up now. Please visit and pray at that building. It can be an incredible historic national headquarters.
The next blessing will be January 27th in New York, but this time True Parents will directly bless only a few hundred couples. Three couples from each of 190 nations will be recommended, and they will wear their country's traditional wedding clothes. That will be broadcast worldwide. All other couples will be blessed by satellite in their own nations. For this we are working especially. Later there will be announcements about the preparations for this.