Unification News for October, 2001

America is on the Cross!

Chang Shik Yang

This is from an address to the NYC leader's meeting on 9/18/2001

We have to understand that whenever something happens, we must open our spiritual eye and sense and find out what is behind, what is the real reason behind the situation. What is True Parents' providential point of view? Based upon that, we as Unification Church brothers and sisters, should take action. For last seven days, evil power and evil spirit dominated the situation. But from now on, from this moment, with the heavenly side and heavenly authority, we will take responsibility and take this tragedy. If not, these 5000 victims’ lives will be in vain. We have to really unite as we represent the world members of FFWPU. This World Trade Center is the official way. Forty different nations were there. World Trade Center became World Tragic Center.

Now, this World Tragic Center should be transferred to the world to build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. World Trade Center was externally a symbol of whole world of all races, including 1200 Arabs, and black and yellow and white and all religious backgrounds were there. These forty nations represented true representative of whole world. We must have authority based upon responsibility. Even though we are small in number in this world as true children, we know history has developed and claimed by minority, those who possess the mainline and authority. Where did this evil come from? Since Coronation of God, the king of Satan surrendered. But, still Father emphasized and focused on the 400 million blessing in order to get rid of Satan's realm. One thing Father mentioned is that America is on the cross, like Jesus 2000 years ago. That means all those who have Abel figure's heart, ministers, or pastor, or clergy, in particular Unification Church members, we also should have our body and our mind on the cross.

First, let's feel responsibility as true Abel figure. If Abel makes a mistake or cannot fulfill his mission, all God's heavenly fortune and history and destroy Cain's foundation, indemnity goes to Cain's work. First, we must understand the suffering of God and True Parents. Father and Mother are True Parents of humankind. Just do Hoon Dok Hae and keep silent. America is on the cross. Who sent Jesus to the cross? All humankind and Cain and Abel did. The origin of the Jewish and Arab conflict is Isaac and Ishmael descendants. Root is religious, not political. From where did this hate come from? That we must figure out.

America, as Abel and elder-son nation, God blessed this nation for 200 years with incredible economic wealth, so it can support poorer nations, starving people. World Trade Center should center to distribute all humankind. It is to contribute and support all humankind. Military power is to protect peace from evil. All great leaders are very focused on that. We cannot pretend to have peace. To establish a peaceful world, we must attack Evil, with God's strategy. We have to stand in oneness for this situation with our ministers, our brothers and sisters.

We as religious leaders, know the providence of God, those who prepare the 12,000 blessing. But in this situation, we as representatives of America, let's truly repent for God and True Parents and truly be the owner by taking responsibility spiritually and physically. I ask that we give our heart and love and prayer to the victims and families, more than 5000 people. Each church and county has been effected. This must be connected to the providence to finish the entire evil of the past, eliminate the entire Cain and Abel conflict. The two buildings disappear. By their pure sacrifice, all humankind divided into two and must unite, and build one strong building through one strong value, family and nation and world. Let's keep the blessing in our hand and focus how to give our heart and love to those families. We must support those innocent spirits. Everyone was shocked and went to their church. President Bush announced Nation Day of Prayer. Father said everyone, everywhere must pray. Through prayer, first we should understand God's point of view.

Second, we have to comfort and be with the victims. And third, we should re-determine what to do. This is teaching us to stand in oneness, not two, but completely one of family, faith and peace. We must re-build the family, restore the community, even the nation and world. In prayer, we become humble, love each other, not judge or criticize and return to our original heart. America has many great leaders, but providential point of view, since God chose this nation as the elder-son nation, based on Christianity, Christianity should embrace other religions as Abel figure: Islam, Judaism, Buddhists, all other world-wide religions. This is ACLC's holy mission right now and stand in the right position.

This ground zero, this is correct that we call ground zero, we have to rebuild the ideal of God. All religious leaders should unite what is behind the providence of God. The ministers should really repent. We couldn't take care. They must recognize and re-determine again. Based on repentance, to save the nation and then the world through the unity of all religions. Those 5000 spirits cannot go to spirit world, so they are still hanging around there. We have to initiate, to protect and liberate them. This will impact the spirit world, and family, nation and world. Hating each other cannot solve this problem. Father is definitely saying America is on the cross. We must be humble and love each other and trust each other. Let's pray and ask God for clear answer. This is to sincerely pray for the future of this nation, the future of this world.

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