Unification News for October, 2001 |
Hyun Jin Moon’s Tour of Korea
Akiko Ikeno
October, 2001
The 2001 Service for Peace Tour has come to a victorious conclusion in our homeland of Korea. With the participation of 15,000 young Koreans, more than 90,000 youths have now witnessed World CARP President Hyun Jin Moon’s passionate appeal to live for the sake of others through the rallies, as well as many others on the internet and through video.
The Korean tour also included an extensive public speaking and visitation schedule, and this writer was assigned to keep a journal.
The day after his arrival in Korea, before starting any of his rallies and public speeches, Hyun Jin Nim went to visit the Suh Dae Moon prison site, where his father Rev. Sun Myung Moon had been imprisoned in his youth. In the long years of Japanese occupation, many such prison sites were used to imprison, torture and kill Korean patriots fighting for the liberation of their Fatherland. Ironically the Suh Dae Moon site is the only one that remains.
We saw historical videos and exhibitions, depicting the incredible sacrifice the Koreans endured to establish the condition to be the people to receive the Messiah. Great patriots such as 16-year old Yoo Kwang Soon, were tortured and killed here for the sake of their nation and its liberation. We also saw the cell rumored to have held Rev. Moon during his imprisonment, awaiting his day of liberation while carrying the pain of Heavenly Father.
Hyun Jin Nim, a keen historian, maintained a solemn composure throughout the visit, understanding the sacrifice the Korean people went through to become the chosen nation, yet also knowing that the failure of the people to accept the Second Advent forced True Father to walk the path of suffering and imprisonment. Still, we recognized the power of a people to move the nation by their conviction, their dedication, and their willingness to sacrifice. This is the legacy of the freedom fighters in Korea, and a hope that we must rekindle among the Korean people.
Visiting Churches and CARP Centers
After visiting the prison, we went on to the local church. The room was packed with members, attentive elders to families with young Blessed Children. The excited church looked to Hyun Jin Nim as the leader in the age of the Second Generation, as he poured out his love and desire to be one with the members. To the many elders, he emphasized the original desire of God to see a family, to be a grandfather and enjoy his grandchildren. It is only within the family that all loves are fulfilled, and all generations are connected representing the continuum of humanity. He testified deeply about his father, and his desire to have us be close to him with a natural unreserved relationship.
Later we visited the Shin Chon CARP Center. Shin Chon is Korea’s central college area, in the middle of several universities including the historical Ewha Women's’ University and Yonsei University, one of Korea’s top schools. The first rally in Korea would be held here with the goal of focusing on college students as a force of young people dedicated to Service for Peace, and revolutionizing youth culture by centering on the creation of God-centered families and the concept of living for the sake of others.
Our Identity Comes from Our Relationships
To the crowd of young faces, Hyun Jin Nim again expressed his desire to be close as family with us, conveying his heart as an elder brother to younger brothers and sisters, an elder wanting nothing but the best and wanting his younger siblings succeed. "Our identity does not come from ourselves," he said "but through relationships with people. Furthermore, that identity is not one we can choose. We do not choose our brothers and sisters, our parents, nor whether we are born male or female. We are born with a destiny, especially the second generation youth who have inherited the Blessing given to our mothers and fathers by God and True Parents."
He also spoke of the need to rid ourselves of the concept of receiving things for free. Instead we need to take responsibility and develop ourselves, our abilities and skills. The CARP motto calls for all of us to become Number One. Rather than creating an elitist organization, becoming Number One means each individual taking on the daily challenge of personal excellence. It is a challenge for everyone to try and keep trying to strive for that goal, but this is how we can become owners of God’s providence and leaders embodying confidence through living for the sake of others.
Chung Nam Rally
Perhaps because this was 100% a student rally, the energy was extremely high and the students very ready for a revolution. Hyun Jin Nim’s keynote speech rang with a clear warning. We must change the direction the youth are heading toward today in our self-centered, individualistic, humanistic, and secularly materialistic culture. Selfishness has contaminated society and we are walking a dangerous path toward self-destruction of the family, society, nation, and eventually the world. This is why we must plant a new paradigm among the youth: living for the sake of others through Service for Peace.
The foundation for this new way of life is through the creation of God-centered ideal families, the first school of love where one learns the lessons of living for the sake of others. On that foundation we open the path to the creation of a peaceful family, a peaceful community, a peaceful society, nation, world, and ultimately liberating God.
"If we work together with a common vision, there’s nothing we cannot do! Do you believe it?" Hyun Jin Nim declared, "I wish all of Korea could see this Chung Nam Rally and see the conviction and the fire of these young people. They will truly will that there is nothing that we cannot accomplish"
A Visit to Sun Moon University
Sun Moon University was established by Rev. Sun Myung Moon with the goal of revolutionizing academia. It has pioneered new research institutes including the Purity Department and a Martial Arts Department. Sun Moon trains many of the future leaders of the movement, and is a crucial link in our youth movement.
The University began in 1985 as a theological seminary. It soon expanded into the Sung Hwa University, opening the first three colleges in 1991. It was renamed Sun Moon University in 1994. The university is divided into two campuses: the Asan campus which houses the academic colleges of Sun Moon University, and the Chonan campus of the theological school and the Korean Language Institute.
Asan CARP Center was the first CARP center of Sun Moon University. At the time it was built, the center was considered to be quite large. However, CARP has now outgrown the center with potential for even more development in the near future. When Hyun Jin Nim visited the Asan center, he firmly encouraged the expansion of the building and told SMU CARP "You will be the driving force for Service for Peace here in Korea!"
After being greeted by the president of the school, Dr. Kyung June Lee, and receiving reports on projects and upcoming programs, Hyun Jin Nim wanted to see student life. He visited the invention incubators, the student center, the many construction sites. Throughout his time on Asan campus he encouraged CARP members, emphasizing the need for Sun Moon University, as Rev. Moon’s school, to be at the forefront of not only training our future leaders, bringing more and more young people into the movement, but for leading the nation in service.
Academic learning is very important, of course, but student life, especially through involvement with student activities is essential in providing students with experienced-based learning to nurture the heart. Unity in power among teachers, administrators, and students is key in making this campus powerful. Currently Sun Moon University is ranked 3rd in Korea in two areas: most international students and most service-oriented
He asked the students, "Can you become believable people? You need to become people Heaven can trust. You need to become people God, True Parents, and True Family can trust. You need to become owners. The path toward achieving this is the path of living for the sake of others. It is a difficult course, often lonely. However, when you walk this path you are never alone because God, True Parents, and True Family are always there with you. This world is Satan’s world, he is its owner, he is its Lord. Therefore, God is in the opposite situation, in the lowest position. To find God we must go the difficult course."
At the World Student Garden
Rev. Sun Myung Moon has often stressed the importance of understanding the language and culture of Korea. He has always encouraged us to inherit the vertical standard and culture of heart directly through studying in the Fatherland. Hyun Jin Nim is reminding us of the fundamental importance of this message.
Every year exchange students come here from all over the world to study Korean language and Korean culture. While they are here, they stay the World Student Garden for Brothers and Sisters dormitory in Seoul. The curriculum is divided into both a Japanese program and a Western program. Residents include first year students studying at the Institute of Korean Studies for Foreign Students, and middle and high school students who are attending a variety of local schools including the Sun Hwa Arts School, which houses the world famous youth cultural performance troupe, the Little Angels.
Not only are they immersed in the Korean society, they are also surrounded by Blessed Children in a dormitory that upholds standards and nurtures the Second Generation as they seek their identity and find their relationship with God, True Parents, and True Family.
The World Student Garden is the only program designed for Blessed Children seeking to study the language and culture of Korea. After hearing reports about the program, Hyun Jin Nim’s first question was about expansion and making the program available to more Blessed Children. He looked over texts and listened to ideas being discussed about possible avenues of expansion.
Hyun Jin Nim discussed not only the identity of Blessed Children but also emphasized the role and responsibilities that come with being born as Blessed Children. The identity of a Blessed Child is connected to the Blessing and with Blessing comes responsibility. It is an inescapable fate.
"God originally wanted an ideal family, not the fragmented world we see today. God wanted to create one family under God. You as Second Generation stand in the position of Abel in relation to the outside world. Abel’s responsibility is directly connected to Cain. The course of Second Generation is living for the sake of others, whether you know it or not. Abel received the Blessing to save Cain, but because he did not understand this both of them failed."
"God invested 100%, 200% in the Second Generation, Hyun Jin Nim said, "We need to walk the same path as our True Parents. Individualism is the path of destruction. We must invest everything and live for the sake of others. If we live this way, God can work through us. Heartistically we will be different. Let us walk together the course of living for the sake of others. Then we will at last accomplish the course of God, and establish the eternal Kingdom of Heaven."
Suwon Rally
Over 12,000 youth and families packed Suwon Gymnasium for the final rally. The program opened with a video, followed by a series of speakers. When Hyun Jin Nim entered, the previously reserved crowd burst into cheers and waved flags and banners enthusiastically.
Through the speech the energy level increased as Hyun Jin Nim explained that the original ideal God had when establishing the blueprint for the first family is now within reach for all of us today, if we will but embrace it.
"Today’s youth are walking on a dangerous path towards destruction," he said, "If they continue their self-centered individualistic, humanistic, and secularly materialistic lifestyles, they will only plant the seeds for individual destruction which only leads to the destruction of their family, community, society, nation and the world.
We will recover the lost and confused youth, heal broken and families and create an eternal peace through establishing a world of God-centered families. Centered on God, it is our destiny to we rise beyond nations, beyond race, and beyond ethnic and religious differences to create one human family, one universal brotherhood."
With the successful conclusion of Service for Peace 2001, attention turns to the 2003 tour which will include more nations and more people than ever before. Let’s work with Hyun Jin Nim to make a tremendous success!
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