Unification News for December 2001

True Mother 8 City North American Speaking Tour - Harlem, NYC

by Rev. Daryl M. Clarke

The Cosmic Spring has come to Harlem. On May 8th of this year our True Father spoke at the Canaan Baptist Church by personal invitation of its Pastor, the Rev. Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker. Father spoke to an overflow crowd inspiring all to take a stand in oneness and tear down the walls that divide us.

After a successful 8-City Tour in Korea and Japan our True Mother, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon launched her third, 8 City Tour in America. The New York Region was the seventh city were Heaven’s Blessings landed.

On Saturday, December 1st, Harlem received another great blessing in the person of True Mother. Speaking to an overflow crowd of more than two thousand, our True Mother gave a stirring and rousing speech at the Salem United Methodist Church. The Salem Church is a historical landmark that has served Harlem and the New York City communities for the past 98 years.

In conjunction with the International Leadership Conference, coordinated through the hard work and dedication of John and Nanette Doroski, the New York Family Federation for World Peace and Unification held it’s First Annual Awards Ceremony. 150 participants from the ILC who were anointed as "Ambassadors of Peace" joined 200 other clergy, community, and civic leaders for the awards banquet program.

While the participants dined on the delectable buffet prepared by Mrs. Debbie Grodner and company they enjoyed a variety of quiet classical pieces from the esteemed and talented composer and artist, Mr. Kevin Pickard. The Apostolic Revelation Society of Ghana’s choir led by Rev. Patrick Amedzekor and Rev. Segbefia Moses lifted the spirit with rhythmic African Gospel spiritual selections that had everyone clapping their hands a swaying in harmonious oneness.

The awardees were selected for their dedication in the service of others in the areas of family, community, nation and the world. Beautiful plaques were prepared by the events coordinator and regional vice-director, Rev. Andy Compton.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gerena were recognized for their commitment to the families of East (Spanish) Harlem through a food service program. The Honorable Una S.T. Clarke, the first Caribbean-born woman elected to the city’s legislature as Council Board member from Brooklyn; Mr. Lateef Islam the Director of Youth Services at the Family Partnership Center in Poughkeepsie and the Rev. Domingo Araujo, founder of the Interstate Federal Chaplains Corporation and the Worldwide Federal Chaplains Association were given awards for their service to the community, nation and the world.

A very special recognition was given to the Fireman and Policeman, the heroes and sheroes of Ground Zero at the World Trade Center.

Later in the evening each awardees and Ambassador of Peace received their awards and certificates directly from the hands of True Mother. As you can assume, there was magic in the air. Praise Be to Our Beloved True Parents!

After some brief remarks from Mr. Gerena and Mr. Islam everyone gathered upstairs in the sanctuary to help create the most exciting atmosphere to receive the keynote speaker for the evening. The FFWPU vice-president, Rev. Levy Daugherty started the program with a Litany Prayer for the healing of the nation and the world. As the prayer leader, Rev. Renee F. Washington co-pastor of the Memorial Baptist Church in Harlem, accompanied by a host of religious leaders of various faith traditions, heard the response of the congregation shouting in unison, "Lord, heal our land".

As the Japanese Missionary Choir ended a heartfelt rendition of "Standing in the Need of Prayer" the "Pope of Harlem," Rev. Dr. Charles Kenyatta, founder of the African Square Church, stepped up to the podium. As a respected elder of the religious community and ex-bodyguard to Malcolm X, Rev. Kenyatta gave a warm welcome to the congregation and challenged everyone to unite together and support the work of our True Parents.

In superb form the triple "A" (anointed, appointed and approved) Archbishop George Augustus Stallings gave the most powerful and inspiring testimony that I have ever heard in the history of John the Baptist figures. "I met a man and a woman who have changed my life for ever" this great orator proclaimed with joy and conviction. After claiming the victory of True Parents through receiving the Blessing, Archbishop Stallings continued to shock the highly inspired crowd by walking on the pews, touching those around him. People could not believe their eyes as they experienced in awe the Holy Spirit lifting "Air Bishop" up across the sanctuary like Jesus walked across the water.

After you thought you’ve see it all, FFWPU President, Rev. Michael Jenkins announced that the twin brother of Archbishop Stallings was coming forth to address the crowd. When the United Pentecostal preacher from Philadelphia jumped up to the podium and shouted, "Praise the Lord" with great enthusiasm, the crowd had another shock to see that it was our beloved brother, the Rev. Jesse Edwards. The church began to rock in amazement as they responded with a hearty "Amen". Like a twin brother, Rev. Edwards echoed in his own way a most amazing testimony of his experience with True Parents as a JB figure. Oh, what a night!

A hand of applause goes out to vice-president, Rev. Philip Schanker and Mr. Simon Kinney for creating a very informative and beautiful video presentation of the historical work of True Parents and an introduction into the life and heart of True Mother. The videotape was in high demand and on sale after the program.

True Mothers speech was so, so, heavenly. As Mother read past the middle of the speech, the reaction of the people caused her to respond from the heart with a warm smile and stopping the reading just to say, "thank you" to a single applause. Mother truly melted the people of the Greater New York Region. We could not have asked for a better evening. True Family was there up front to share the Blessing with us.

After Mother’s speech Rev. Jenkins and Rev. Daugherty guided the awardees of New York’s First Annual Awards Ceremony along with representatives from the Ambassadors of Peace recipients to receive their award and certificates directly from True Mother.

The highlight of Mother’s presentation was when she gave plaques of appreciation to the Fireman and Policeman from Ground Zero. What a sight to see, there was True Mother in middle of 10 tall firefighters in their gear stained with smoke, grease and dirt from a days work fighting fires and saving lives. The whole church was standing, shouting, whistling and showing so much gratitude and appreciation for both True Parents and the heroes and sheroes of Ground Zero.

Mother was presented with various plaques and proclamations. The most precious was when Minister Kevin Muhammad and his wife together with six sisters from Muhammad’s Mosque #7 in Harlem offered Mother a beautiful flower bouquet. The women embraced Mother with warmth, love and appreciation for her important and timely message.

As Mother departed from the sanctuary, Rev. Philip Thomas led the Japanese Missionary Choir on to the stage to close out the evening in a patriotic sharing of "God Bless America". Continental Director, Rev. Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Archbishop Stallings, Rev. Jesse Edwards and Rev. Levy Daugherty joined the choir showing unity and victory for the establishment of the Cosmic House of Unification.

The New York membership is very grateful and proud of the leadership of our Regional Director, Rev. Dong Woo Kim for guiding us to make True Parents seventh city a wonderful victory and great success.

Rev. Clarke is the Pastor of the Harlem Family Church.

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