Unification News for December 2001 |
True Mother 8 City North American Speaking Tour - New Jersey
by Rev. Michael Jenkins
The New Jersey event was a great inspiration. Many of the clergy and guests stayed for an hour afterwards just to share in the inspiration and the joy. True Parents’ foundation is really blossoming now. Rev. John McReynolds , Mrs. McReynolds and Rev. Mays were there from the fishing club and long time supporters of our True Parents’ work.
Rev. Albert Rowe of Calvary Baptist Church gave the Invocation. LaLeh, an Persian America, opened with song. WFWP Chairwoman Mrs. Alexa Ward led a beautiful ceremony with the Bridge of Peace. Muslim leaders, Jewish and Christian, black and white crossed the Bridge of Peace, symbolically reconciling a sad history of conflict and strife. "Let There Be Peace On Earth" played as they crossed the bridge—it was quite moving.
Our ACLC evangelist gave a powerful message. As he gave his sermon the audience was captivated—you could feel the Holy Spirit descend. He declared that Father Moon's message was absolutely true. To have a good marriage the Bible makes it clear that there can be no adultery. As Father Moon puts it, we cannot have a spare key for others to use! With great passion he spoke of the walls coming down. He said we are here tonight to tear down the walls. You are about to hear a truly great message. A message of True Peace. We are bringing Muslim and Christian and Jewish people, people of all faiths together as one.
Rev. Phillip Thomas brought the house down with the Japanese Missionary Choir which he started, conducted and trained. They stunned the audience with their rendition of the gospel, "Its me Oh Lord, standing in the need of Prayer."
Again, as before, the video presentation of Mother's life brought tears. Mother was magnificent. One pastor reflected that she was so graceful and charming, yet she had a powerful and complete command of the stage. The audience really melted.
When she came to the podium, the audience kept on cheering. She kindly asked them with a smile, "Thank you, thank you. please be seated. " With grace and the authority of the True Parents of Heaven and Earth, she gave God's message.
The applause and affirmations of Amen came like bouquets of flowers blossoming throughout the audience.
At the end, Pastor Alston and his wife gave flowers. Rev. Bowden of the 800 clergy Black Clergy Council gave a beautiful plaque. It read, "We recognize Father and Mother Moon, for their continuous efforts to express and demonstrate love for all people. We honor them for striving to strengthen our society by Blessing marriages which is the foundation of True Families and a new paradigm for World Peace."
Then Imam Salahudin Muhammad, of the Islamic center of Passaic and Patterson, came forth and gave a most beautiful trophy from the Muslim community. It read, "Those who believe in the Quran, those who follow the Scriptures and the Christians and any who believe in Allah and the Last Day and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. In gratitude to Rev. and Mrs. Moon."
Then the heroes from ground zero, the Newark Police and Fire departments and the Emergency medical teams, as well as the police from Nutley, came of the stage in full uniform giving Mother great respect. Mother gave each department a plaque commemorating their sacrifices at ground zero.
The finale was when Mother gave the Ambassadors for Peace certificates. Dr. Roderick McLean and Gloria of the United Methodist church, Mrs. Frederika Bey of the Women in Support of the Million Family March, Imam Salahuddin, Professor Win Win Kyi of Yale and Dr. Kabah of Sierre Leone were made Ambassadors as heaven's representatives.
This tour is a great affirmation of the yearning in America for a message of true peace and love.
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